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Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2019 5:47 pm
by Zarathustra
Lately I have enjoyed working my way through this list from

50 Weirdest Objects in the Cosmos

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2019 8:28 pm
by Zarathustra
Thanks. I considered starting a new thread on it, which we can still do, if enough people are interested in going through them one-by-one. I get random articles from this list through my Facebook feed, so I haven't been going in order. I just now started at the beginning, if others want to join in.

The article about a dark matter galaxy in orbit around our own Milky Way was astonishing. A companion galaxy with more dark matter to "light" matter than any other we've discovered.

Lately I've been trying to wrap my head around the scale of our galaxy cluster, and our super cluster, Laniakea. It seems that 100 million light years is about as far out as we can see in useful detail with present technology, and yet our own super cluster is about 500 million light years across. So our own "local" part of the universe is too big to see details. It's not even gravitationally bound; Laniakea will eventually drift apart. But the Virgo super cluster (one of many within Laniakea) is gravitationally bound, and will forever be our neighborhood, even after all the rest of the universe is beyond detection.

Most of the objects on this list are within the Virgo super cluster, i.e. within 100 million light years. That's within 1% of the visible universe, since we can see beyond 10 billion light years (though not in detail). We are just scratching the surface of reality, even as we gaze out into the past a million times longer than a human lifespan.

I am really starting to crave virtual reality, if for no other reason than to immerse myself within a 3-d model of our super cluster, to see this shape with my own eyes, to fly through it faster than the speed of light, and fully acquaint myself with its scale.

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2019 4:49 am
by Zarathustra
Peter, I am on my phone so it is difficult to post. But look up he Great Attracter and you will find your answer to how they designate our Super cluster beyond a gravitationally bound system. It is not arbitrary. Closely related to this is Dark Flow. Check that out and have your mind blown!

Astronomy's 50 Weirdest Objects

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2019 8:31 pm
by Zarathustra
Alright, it's official! This gets its own thread. Vraith, can you merge in the relevant posts in the latest news thread? (Or not, we haven't said that much yet.)

The link we've been discussing is

Sam speculated about Fermi bubbles (1st on the list) as being "captured" by a black hole, but I think it's more likely produced by our galaxy's supermassive black hole. The problem is, as the article says, our galaxy's black hole is quiet at the moment, and yet these gamma ray bubbles have as much energy as 100,000 supernovae.

Whatever they are, they are now viewed as an entirely new structure within the universe. We have no idea what they are.

A few articles from now, you'll read about anti-matter jets spewing from the center of our galaxy, equally mysterious in their origin. I don't think it's coincidence that all this mysterious energy is centered on our galactic center (and the supermassive black hole), but we still have no idea how it's produced.

Maybe it's evidence that black holes are gateways to another universe? The gamma rays and antimatter are coming from somewhere else? And they just seem to originate here because this is the gateway?

I know, pure speculation. If Findail was here, he'd mock my ignorance and say I've been watching too much Star Trek. But it's fun guessing, nonetheless.

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2019 8:33 pm
by Zarathustra
Wait until you guys get to the Hoag's Object. Holy crap what a coincidence!!!! Wheels within wheels . . .

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2019 9:05 pm
by samrw3
So just as a matter of structure...are we are going to try discuss in order #1 and then you/or someone suggests move onto number #2 and so forth. [Yes, yes I know even in that structure someone could read something in #1 a week later and things can get shifted back to #1 for awhile]

Or we just randomly picking something on list that seems interesting and discussing that for awhile.

It doesn't really matter to me ..but I don't want to read too far ahead on list if it is better to discuss later.

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2019 10:49 pm
by Zarathustra
It doesn't matter to me. We don't even have to discuss every one, just whatever interests you and others.

But seriously, you gotta read about the Hoag's Object! It won't hit you until the very end, then I promise you will go back up and look at the picture in awe.

Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2019 9:42 am
by samrw3
Hoags Object #7. Your right this us fascinating phenomenon. I have two wild theories.

#1 I wonder how long they have observed this object. Let's call the larger Hoag's Object. Hoag's Object Major and the smaller one Hoag's Object Minor. First wild theory. Is it possible Minor is rotating inside of Major and that is disrupting the normal structure of the Major portion of galaxy?.
That seems unlikely so unto wild theory 2.

#2. In the article one theory is a minor galaxy passing through Major but that theory is discounted since no eligible candidates in region. But hold on...wait if Minor is the other smaller galaxy that collided but instead of passing through got stuck in Major's region?

In any case fascinating stuff.

Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2019 6:42 pm
by Zarathustra
What's amazing about Hoag is that it seems to be a "one-of-a-kind" object that defies not only explanation, but the process by which every other galaxy forms.

Ok, fine, it's mysterious and extremely rare.

But wait! Seen within its own inexplicable gap is another ring galaxy far, far in the distance! So not only do we see two of these extremely rare galaxies, but we see them from our perspective lined up so that one appears through the other! As the article says, this is a cosmic alignment happening within a portion of the sky as small as the apparent size of Mercury (from our view).

The chances of there being more than one of these is astronomical (literally), but the chances that a 2nd one just happens to lie behind the 1st one is mind-blowing.

Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2019 7:54 pm
by samrw3
Oops I missed that the other galaxy was lined up behind the other galaxy. (Somehow I read that one galaxy was inside of the other galaxy - my misunderstanding)

That does make it even more fascinating and mind blowing!

One thing that it makes me wonder has anyone tried to perform a timeline of galaxy formation (if that is even remotely possible?) Just curious if during different formation stages a galaxy looks different and here we may be seeing one stage of galaxy formation.

But I suspect that it just uniquely structured and nothing to do with the timeline.

Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2019 7:13 am
by Avatar
Merged. (Vraith was having issues. :) )


Posted: Fri Sep 06, 2019 10:12 pm
by Vraith
Avatar wrote:Merged. (Vraith was having issues. :) )

Everyone has issues...but thanks for fixing this part of my current one.
Hell, I fucking WISH all my issues [and everyones] could be solved by typing "AV! HELP! EVERYTHING IS KERFLUCKITY!" and clicking "submit" button

Anyway...these things are cool as all shit.

I don't think Hoag's is particularly special on the specific point of How weird another is right behind it!
Cuz we can't forget the stats, the implications of the beginning of infinity---no matter WHERE you are, even if the universe is holistically "flat" [in multiple metaphorical senses, not just shape] every precise location will "see" large numbers of nearly-zero likelihood things.
BUT...that, of course, doesn't answer the question " Why is there even ONE?"

I'm still most fascinated by dark matter and dark energy...
If we could directly play with them, we'd solve a lot of things that seem intractable right now.
That seems like the short path to me...
Otherwise, we have to solve everything ELSE first, and then tediously climb the ladder.
Too often it's accepted that advancement works by climbing ladders...but that's not really true.
The real things happen cuz some dude/babe with mutant legs leaps to the roof...and then anyone who gives a fuck starts building the ladder.
Deutsche seems to get that right, even as he goes all judgy/ideological in full.

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2019 2:34 pm
by samrw3
I am going to jump around and discuss items at random depending on when they may strike my interest.

I am no scientist or anyone with great science knowledge but these types of things fascinate me. So I hope my enthusiasm is a good counterbalance for my ignorance.

#8 Milky Way Anitmatter fountain
Interesting quote "But let an antimatter object touch anything made of conventional matter, and both would vanish in a violent flash" ---wow!

Another quote "Every version of the Big Bang theory says that equal amounts of matter and antimatter should have been created 13.7 billion years ago. Yet somehow we find ourselves in a matter-dominated universe. What happened to all the potential anti-planets, anti-oceans, and antipasto? {sam's note haha about the antipasto} Currently, the best explanation is that - contrary to long-held theory stating nature shows no preference for one thing over another - we've observed a tiny bias in particle-antiparticle events, and matter appears slightly favored."

Quote " A universe with a lot of antimatter would be a dangerous place. no explosion is more powerful than when matter and antimatter meet. Its a 100 percent E=mc2 conversion of the masses of both objects." .... Yipes!!

Quote "Ounce for ounce, antimatter is 143 times more energy-potent than the Sun's fusion furnace or an exploding H-bomb." ----interesting!!

Quote "....Compton Gamma Ray Observatory discovered positron geysers right here in our galaxy. This frenzied energy from the Milky way's center extends for 3,500 light years, and matter-antimatter collisions definitely caused the violent gamma ray emissions."

Quote "Whatever it is, it's doing an efficient job because 10 million trillion trillion trillion positrons encounter matter and are being converted to energy each second." ---incredible!

Quote " to explain what's hurling 15 billion tons of positrons per second like water spray thousands of light-years above the galactic plane. The most intriguing idea concocted by theorists (some would say it's more like wishful hope) is that dark matter, whose nature is still mysterious, might generate the antimatter through some as-yet-unknown interaction" ---dark matter lurks its head again!!

Fascinating stuff!

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2019 4:31 pm
by Zarathustra
Sam, I thought that one was cool, too. Something catastrophic is clearly happening at our galactic core, from Fermi Bubbles to antimatter fountains. Surely it's all linked? I can't wait until we unravel the mysteries of dark energy and dark matter. I think these are the final links in our mastery over physical reality. When we understand these, we'll be able to work "miracles."

Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2019 2:03 pm
by samrw3
Object #3 Hexagon on Saturn.

I knew I was going to be suckered into reading this one and left feeling suckered. Oh well it was still pretty interesting.

Why do I feel suckered? The tagline for this one "Proof of extraterrestrial intelligence?" When you read the details, any "proof" of extraterrestrial intelligence is barely tissue paper thin. It is presented more of fanciful wishful thinking and wooshed off the stage within the next paragraph. Think of the so called "Face on Mars",which is presented as example of people desperate to believe anything is extraterrestrial life within the article.

In any regard since I read the are some interesting quotes:

"There, sitting precisely atop Saturn's north pole, was another enormous hexagon. At its exact center was...another hexagon."

"Saturn's thick atmosphere, where circularly shaped waves and connective cells dominate, is perhaps the last place you'd expect to see such a six-sided geometric figure, yet there it is."

"The hexagon rotates every 10 hours and 39 minutes"

"Nearly four earths could fit inside it" -----Wow!

Some theories [paraphrases or partial quotes from article]
- High speed winds
- "Standing wave, like the quasi-permanent lenticular clouds seen hovering over some earthly mountains"
- "...Somehow sculpted by the planets magnetic field and by electrical forces"
- "...hexagon rotates in perfect sync with Saturn's radio emissions, perhaps that part of the energy spectrum is visually manifesting itself."

Now comes the extraterrestrial crowd:
- "The belief of "UFO-ologists" is that an alien civilization (or perhaps even God) put this hexagon where humans couldn't see it until the age of space exploration. Analogous to the Monolith planted near the lunar crater Tycho in Arthur C. Clark;s 2001: A Space Odyssey, this hexagon lies permanently out of sight of even Earth's best telescopes......Only when we sent a spacecraft to peer down from above was it visible." because some science fiction author had a story of something remotely similar and we can't explain it makes it up for discussion for possible extraterrestrial life? Desperate much??

Ok I shouldn't be so snippy - just bothers me some when some really stretch to incredible lengths to indicate extraterrestrial life.

Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2019 1:42 pm
by samrw3
Ok now for number 5 - Galaxy Segue 1

Most of this article discusses the common composition of galaxies.

Some interesting quotes:

"Everyone has a guess what dark matter may be. The only thing we know for sure is that it exerts a gravitational attraction while neither emitting nor absorbing any light."

"...astronomers recently found a nearby dwarf galaxy whose ratio is so incredibly high - an unbelievable 1:1,000 - that it's essentially a dark matter galaxy."...."Segue 1 is a billion times fainter than our galaxy".

"Here is a galaxy that is essentially made of dark matter alone, with just several hundred stars thrown into the mix."----a huge dark matter galaxy! Just think of what we could discover if we could send a spacecraft to discover this galaxy!!

"...Seque 1 weighs around 600,000 Suns."!

"...galaxy with a mass of more than a half-million Suns, but emitting the light of just 300 Suns. It has no significant hydrogen gas, no dust blocking anything, no central black hole. Where is all its weight and gravity from?.....Segue 1 is the first dark matter galaxy in the universe"

To me this is really fascinating...we know so little about dark matter yet here sits a dark matter universe!

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2019 3:12 pm
by samrw3
I have always been interested in magnets and magnetic properties. So I chose 11 IBEX Ribbon as my next read.

"....IBEX- created the first all-sky map of energetic neutral atoms beyond the solar system's fringe, only to find it dominated by a strange, enormous, arc-like feature soon dubbed "the ribbon.""

"But no one was prepared for the huge ribbon of fast-moving ENAs {Sam --energetic neutral atoms} it detected - three to six times denser than anyone expected, and coming towards us!"

" wind encountering our galaxy's magnetic field....Along the way the protons pick up stray electrons to create neutral high-speed atoms that continue inward. In other words, the ribbon is an echo - an echo of our Sun."..."...for the first time, provide information about the galaxy's local magnetic field."

"...created by particles captured and exchanged at the boundaries between the two gaseous blobs. This means the ribbon reveals the edge of the boundary between these nebulous areas."

Other quotes:
"..our world is now poised to enter a million-degree cloud of interstellar gas..."
but not to worry because....
"....Earth and Sun have moved in and out of such hot nebulae in the past."
Sam--- wow I didn't know that!

Thanks Zarathustra for creating this link...I am learning all sorts of interesting things!!

Posted: Tue Oct 15, 2019 8:31 pm
by samrw3
I have decided to jump back to the beginning and discuss in numerical order. There has already been a discussion about #1. So here is some quotes about #2 - Our Accelerating Universe

This article had a lot of information in it and I had a difficult time determining how to summarize.

Basically (this contains quotes or partial quotes from article - but it will be presented in my own summary fashion)

Big Bang theory - everything raced outward from everything else.

Gravitational attraction of every galaxy on every other kept tugging at the expansion, slowing it down.

The universe slowed its expansion during the first half of its life - then stopped slowing.

Some 6-7 billion years ago galaxies everywhere started speeding up their expansion. Now all galaxies fly away from each other in an frenzy.

Scientists think that space must have an anti-gravity, repulsive property called dark energy. [Sam = dark energy lurks again!!]

When galaxies grew far enough apart dark energy gained the upper hand. Now, it pushes harder and harder, and everything will explosively fly apart forever.