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The Tolkien Scrapbook (book)

Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2020 2:28 pm
by High Lord Tolkien
I "discovered" this long lost book on the bottom shelf of my bookcase.
(not really lost but I hadn't looked through it for many years)

My mother bought it for me when I was 11.
She signed it: "Happy Birthday David, love Mom" so it's one of my most prized possessions. :D

It's a good book with lots of Tolkien information presented in a fun way also with some silly but forgivable fan fiction as well.

The drawings are amazing!
Tim Kirk did the color drawings (including the cover) and Michael Green did the black and white.
They were the ones that influenced my "vision" of Middle Earth the most.

There is also a map of Middle Earth that includes all of Arda and Numenor that is very well done.
It's a flat earth view that spans all the Ages in one map.
It even makes a guess and places the two Lamps and Cuivienen in the far East!
I tried looking for a pic of the map online but I had no luck.

Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2020 5:21 pm
by wayfriend
Interesting. I hadn't seen that before.

Probably not a coincidence that it came out the same year as the movie.