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The Land of Broken Promises

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2020 6:14 am
by peter
Coming back to this forum makes my toes curl in embarrassment. I'm such a shallow prick with absolutely no staying power when it comes to reading (nine out of ten books I start I toss aside within a couple of days) that I rarely ever finish a book. I have to be hooked almost from page 1 to bother to continue with it.

Last night I started one by Andrew Marr (the interviewer from the BBC); he should have stuck to interviewing! I might give it one more night - but I might not.

Looking down the list of threads here I see countless ones where I have started this book, that book - made promises to post on how I'm getting on, and then never returned to them. How can I ever expect to be taken seriously if I exhibit all of the staying power of a house-fly on speed. I'm a frikkin'expert on first chapters and that's about it!

Forget 'Mr Reliable' - Mr Unreliable, that's me! Don't ever agree to meet me under a lamppost outside Liberty's on Regent Street; I won't show up. Or even worse - I might!


Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2020 11:48 am
by Avatar
I have the opposite problem...I feel compelled to read it even if I'm not enjoying it.

Very few books get abandoned, even when I really should.


Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2020 5:19 am
by peter
On a positive note the Andrew Marr book has morphed into a reasonable read. It's hooked me in, and is short enough, such that I will probably just about see it through. With a need to finish books that possibly don't deserve to be finished Av, your speed reading skills are going to be a real plus for you!
