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Post No Bills

Posted: Thu May 20, 2021 4:20 pm
by sgt.null
Post No Bills
(Police Take Notice)

cardiac hazard of opening song.
easing like late February air into
your lungs. intricately constructed.
fast paced, southbound train of a
ghost story. relentless. nightmare
version of an August campfire song.

razor sharp whiplash, white-knuckle.
but a simple engine drives this beast.

erupting from the mundane. dark, taut.
unfolds at a gripping (if grim) runaway
pace. underneath a high fade-blue sky.

then all hell breaks loose. turbo-charged.

waste pile of deadfall and autumnal leaves.
brilliant beams, sharp-edged and stabbing
at your eyes. sunshine flutters along the
edges of gathering clouds. distant thunder.

dropping acid with the chess club. muted
barking dogs, all tangled in the razor wire.

against the gnashing of your own teeth,
a castle - fortified, apart, presents an unreal
effigy. you have returned to the mountains,
only to discover that outliving is not victory.

I did speak with the black dog.
I did poison the crows.
I did drive women mad.