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Was Lebbick insane?

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2004 1:58 pm
by Revan
By the end of his life? It's kind of a hard question to answer... He was partly mad... that I do not doubt... but was he completely mad? hmmm... heh. I'll try to refrain to making more topics... because I have many questions I want to ask... but I'll stop until my other ones are answered. :)

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2004 5:53 pm
by danlo
At least look for an appropriate thread before making brand new ones-I appreciate your help but we don't need too many new topics here all at once--it is my goal that everyone create topics here not just one of two people.

I agree that Lebbick is half mad-what happened to him and his wife in Alend and the pressures Joyse has put him under. I'd REALLY like to know your indepth opinion Darth...why do you feel this way and what quotes can you cite to back this up?

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2004 11:38 pm
by Torrent
I don't like the word 'mad'. I don't personally like Lebbick very much, but he has been traumatized and, in a way, broken. All he has now is his loyalty to king Joyse, and when he feels betrayed by him and his suffering is ridiculed by Saddith and Eremis...well, I don't know what I had done.

He's incredibly choleric and brutal. But his problem is rather an emotional one, I think. He IS able to see that Terisa is telling the truth, although it takes him some time. So you can't say that he's insane, I think.

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2004 9:53 am
by Revan
danlo wrote:I agree that Lebbick is half mad-what happened to him and his wife in Alend and the pressures Joyse has put him under. I'd REALLY like to know your indepth opinion Darth...why do you feel this way and what quotes can you cite to back this up?
heh, Quotes will take too much time... Therefore I will not give any...however, I will respect the rest of your request...

I agree that he was half insane... Indeed... I think he was still nothing more than an angry guy when his wife died... but he was sane... however... Thanks to Joyse screwing up big time, and hurting the only thing he had left to live for, which was his loyalty, Lebbick really did go partly mad. I still think that he was able to keep some sanity however... Otherwise he would be like Havelock... but he was still able to function without making a complete prat of himself like the Adept...

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2004 2:44 pm
by danlo
Yes Lebbick had tons of undirected anger--this prob made him a darn good drill sargent w/his troops. But that anger, the bulk of it caused by what happened in Alend, coupled with Joyse's machinations, siege conditions, overcrowding, Emeris' "grease speak", the strange phenomenon of Terisa's existence, the clandestine actions of the Lord and Congery (not to mention a severe inner sexual frustration) and "Image" creatures running lose was enough to make him snap at any given moment. Saddith just happened to be the catalyst.

The scene in Alend reminds me of the scene in Braveheart where that one young Scotsman's bethrothed was conscripted by the English for their "breeding program" and was murdered right in front of his eyes. The slimy old man in that scene reminds of Vagel... :?

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2004 7:18 pm
by duchess of malfi
I don't know that you could call Lebbick crazy so much as you could call him a walking powder keg of negative emotions, ready to explode at any minute. He is clearly still able to think logically, and he does restrain the worst of his violent impulses when it comes to Terisa...he is much more emotionally deranged than mentally so...

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2004 10:15 am
by Revan
Your right... Emotionally... he was a screw up... but is able to function mentally... so I think your very right Duchess.

Posted: Sat Nov 23, 2013 7:35 am
by Cord Hurn
Lebbick's a severe emotional mess, all right, but still able to mentally function as a commander, somehow (I assume loyalty to Joyse is responsible for both those things).