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Regarding the Timetable of the Last Chronicles Completion

Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2004 8:31 pm
by Mr. Land
Has anyone else noticed SRD's comments in the Gradual Interview portion of the official website where he says he has perhaps nine more years of work to do on the Last Chronicles?

Now I'm not about to complain since I'm as excited as the next person about Runes coming out in the fall but I was a bit surprised at the length of time Donaldson mentioned. In the past books in the Chronicles have come out approximately one year or so apart. Using SRD's nine years as a template about 3 years would separate each Last Chronicle book and The Last Dark would not be done until perhaps 2013! Just musing here, would that be because what he is trying to do is so much more complicated?

An aside: Is the Official Website hosted permanently by Kevin's Watch or will it eventually be moved to its own domain and URL? Are the website creators looking for feedback from us?

Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2004 9:39 pm
by Romeo
I'm sure that his comment was more "tongue in cheek" than an actual timeline. I believe that when Runes hits the shelves, it will be about three years from when he first put pen to paper. But I think that his pace will pick up as time goes on. A lot of the past three years has undoubtedly been spent becoming reacquainted with the Land - he hasn't been there in 20 years! And as he gets closer to the end of the story, there will be fewer decisions to be made about events along the way. He has a full book's worth of momentum now - I'm hoping to see the next books spaced closer to two years than to three.

There's a Webmaster Feedback link on the Links page of the official site. If you have any suggestions for the site, try it out. :-)

Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2004 10:48 pm
by danlo
The site is permanetly hosted by fans of SRD and has it's own domain and URL--Kevin's Watch just happens to be it's discussion board...Yes he said that in response to my question and I tend to agree with Romeo about the timeline. SRD indicated, at Bubonicon last August, that the enormity of the return and getting it right and closure would take a good deal of time. It might take some time between the 1st and 2nd, but I speculate that the 3rd will follow shortly...the final book is supposed to be longer and wrapping up as many loose ends as possible seems like hard work, at least to me... :?

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2004 4:34 pm
by dlbpharmd
Romeo wrote:I'm sure that his comment was more "tongue in cheek" than an actual timeline. I believe that when Runes hits the shelves, it will be about three years from when he first put pen to paper. But I think that his pace will pick up as time goes on. A lot of the past three years has undoubtedly been spent becoming reacquainted with the Land - he hasn't been there in 20 years! And as he gets closer to the end of the story, there will be fewer decisions to be made about events along the way. He has a full book's worth of momentum now - I'm hoping to see the next books spaced closer to two years than to three.

There's a Webmaster Feedback link on the Links page of the official site. If you have any suggestions for the site, try it out. :-)
Unfortunately, it's not a "tongue in cheek" comment. See SRD's latest comment in the gradual interview of his website for more details.

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2004 4:48 pm
by danlo
Oh well we must learn patience "Weedhopper"...

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2004 5:54 pm
by Durris
Grimmand Honninscrave said:
Patience, sluggards! Are you Giants, that a little patience eludes you? Let stories await their turn...

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2004 6:26 pm
by amanibhavam
No prob, if the worst comes TCTC X. will be read aloud to me by my grandchildren :-D

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2004 7:13 pm
by aTOMiC
If SRD is willing to take the time to create the Last Chrons I am willing to cheerfully wait however long it takes him to complete it. :D

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2004 7:42 pm
by matrixman
Right on, TOM C. As readers, we can become a little like spoiled children. Someone like SRD will spend years crafting a wonderful story, only to have the final product gobbled up by folks in a mere week or so (a few days for the speed readers among us). Then we rattle our cribs impatiently, already demanding the next book.

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2004 10:50 pm
by Skyweir
amanibhavam wrote:No prob, if the worst comes TCTC X. will be read aloud to me by my grandchildren :-D
ROFLMAO!! LOL .. *picks self off floor* .. mmm .. yes if it comes to that .. so be it :) ;) LOL ROFLMAO ...

and why jolly well not?? LOL

Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2004 12:11 am
I for one am content to wait for the quality rather than pine for the quantity. :Help: ... he said bawling his eyes out because he's going to have to wait so long.

Seriously, if he could put them out one every month, it would not be fast enough - it does not take much work (or time) to read them. It must take a BUNCH of work and effort to think up a story, flesh it out, write it, then seek out a publisher, then jump through their hoops, then re-write, then cry because you have to like cut out half of the cool stuff you know that your fans are going to seek blood for excluding, then submitting a final draft, then listening to some pimply-faced kid tell you that certain parts aren't readable, then finally publishing it as is because you were able to hide the pimply-faced kid's body without anyone seeing you, then getting a bunch of static from your fans because you're not putting it out fast enough. I assume that somewhere in there you gotta like have a life, enjoy your earnings (less than they should be), then find the time in between all the book signings and public appearances to write the next one. Oh yeah, then having to suffer all the critics' brainless drivel.

Hmmmm, I'm sorta glad that I chose to become an engineer!

Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2004 1:37 am
by Sylak
i am so happy im still going to be compareativly young when the lst book comes out.

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2004 5:19 am
by Guest
I say we do a reverse summonings and send SRD off to The Land where times flows more quickly.

That way he can take all the time he wants to write the books and they can be published years sooner than they would be otherwise.