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Neverness: Zindell is to Sci-Fi as SRD is to Fantasy

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 12:00 am
by danlo
I LOVE SRD! In fact I have met him twice and live pretty close to him, his writing has altered my life profoundly, and more than once! In the Sci-fi genre (and I have read tons upon tons) no one has either changed my life or congealed so succinctly my life-philosphy more than David Zindell. Neverness and it's following three books (also refered to as A Requiem for Homo Sapiens: The Broken God, The Wild & War in Heaven) are astonishing--full of high character developement that some compare to Dune, emotion, universe crafting, mathematics, a multitute of philosophies and opposing philosophies, love, hate and friendships that will last forever. At the old Kevin's Watch discussions I even postulated that Zindell was perhaps Donaldson in disguise :P --in anycase I truly believe Donaldson fans will identify with and eat Zindell's writings up! And if you are a Donaldson fan with no taste for Sci-Fi (at all) I just found out that Zindell has just come out with the first book to his inaugural Fantasy series called: The Lightstone and it is getting FANTASTIC reviews. Discuss Zindell by clicking my www.

A tottaly way out there website

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 12:00 am
by danlo
Anders Sandberg, who did the beautiful graphic "Night of the Broken Dolls" (based on Hanuman's Doll chapter in The Broken God) which may be viewed in the gallery in the above link has a totaly wild website that's worth checking out:

I concede ...

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 12:00 am
by Skyweir
it is a very engaging book .. I actually started 'Neverness' .. book one .. during my time away from the Watch .. and it really is good and very well written .. already I feel pulled into the story ..

I am really enjoying it .. and its very early days for me .. so it seems you were indeed right .. my mentor and friend .. good call!!


Posted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 12:00 am
by danlo
The man-swarm from the Vild give you thunderous, moon-shattering applause!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 8O

Your Lord ...

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 12:00 am
by Skyweir
bows graciously and humbly ... thankyou .. your acknowledgement honours me ..


hey danlo

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 12:00 am
by scotty
AAAHHH danlo,I can't believe you live near SRD and have met him!!!I read MD when I was 16 and had NEVER got so into a book as I did that one-and probably never have since in the same way.I even wrote SRD a letter to tell him so but didn't know where to send it(before E-mail and the net you understand!)so I didn't-so if you see him say HI for me!!!!!
many thanks!!!love scotti

Just testing

Posted: Fri May 31, 2002 3:31 pm
by danlo
yes you can post in the other forums--just happens that I was the first to do so--all looks great xcept for the width

Re: Just testing

Posted: Wed Jul 24, 2002 12:51 am
by Lord Mhoram
Has anyone read Timothy Zahn? Hes my favorite Sci/Fi writer.

Posted: Sat Aug 17, 2002 5:33 pm
by danlo
I have not read Zahn, but have been tempted. Thanks for the good word--I'll add him to the Dromond sized reading list! 8)

Posted: Sat Aug 17, 2002 7:07 pm
by Lord Mhoram
Thats a good one, Danlo :D. Zahn has written some of the famous star wars novels, he actually won the hugo award for them. They were also NYT Best Sellers.

Posted: Sat Aug 17, 2002 7:41 pm
by danlo
Hmmm, cool--my fav old Star Wars book was A Splinter of the Mind's Eye by Alan Dean Foster.

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2002 12:30 am
by Lord Mhoram
I used to love the Star Wars novels. Splinter of the Minds Eye was made in the 70's and in 1991 Lucas authorized Zahn to write the first SW novel made after the films were made. I found Zahn's to be the best, not only story-wise(yu know what I mean :wink:)and the way it was written.

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2002 8:49 am
by pitchwife
I'm taking your'e recommendation seriously.. :wink: Neverness is waiting to be opened on my nightstand. :)


Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2002 8:55 am
by Vain
I wouldn't go clicking on that transhuman link, it's gone risque ;)

I too shall read Zindell - after I finish the Gap and Mirror of her Dreams

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2002 11:57 pm
by Hile Troy
Thanks Danlo for the recommendation! I will be investing in the Neverness books and since you have such an high regard for his works I am eagerly going to purchase the first novel of his fantasy trilogy too. As it stands right now, Dan Simmons wrote my favorite sci-fi books... Hyperion and the rest. ;)

Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2002 12:45 am
by danlo
I love Simmons too and have been thinking about starting a forum on him on my website--do check out Ahira's Hangar--we are the only Zindell website out there!

Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2002 12:59 am
by Hile Troy
Thanks again Danlo! I am a step of ahead of you, have it bookmarked already. Not only that but the Gap of Rohan forum too which I understand belongs to another member here. Just have been lurking but soon will post especially after reading Zindell!

Cheers! :D

Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2002 10:01 pm
by Lady Genni
Ok Danlo, I'm following your lead.

I have been stuck for something to read, because I don't want to read too far ahead with the TCTC dissection, and I don't want to start reading MN again. (With the threat of a group read for that in the air.) So I ordered the Neverness books on

I got the first two books today and I'm looking forward to the read. Just wanted to let you know that I'm starting them. Maybe I'll join you at Ahira board for discussion. (I've been avoiding it because I didn't want to read any spoilers)

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2002 12:08 am
by danlo
We now do have a Dan Simmons forum @ the Hangar called: Hyperion, far from the WorldWeb: Simmons. Moderated by the Watch's very own Duchess of Malfi! Yes every1 please do read and join Ahira's Hangar!

Take the Neverness Quiz!

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2002 4:48 pm
by danlo
Think you know anything about the Neverness series by David Zindell? Think again!