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Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2004 4:35 pm
by Zahir
Last night I rented and watched Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. More, I watched the "Special Features" which included an interview with R.K.Rowling.

Now here's the interesting bit. She was praising the filmmakers (quite rightly, imo). In the midst of same, she said that they had--by sheer intuition evidently--foreshadowed in the film events that will happen in the last two books! 8O

She evidently had also let drop that Hogwarts' graveyard will feature in some event or events as well (that was the reason a certain scene could not take place there).

Any speculations on what this foreshadowing might be? Hmmmmm? 8)

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2004 12:00 am
by Alynna Lis Eachann
I was thoroughly disgusted with the storytelling aspect of the last movie - I felt lost half the time even though I've read POA twice. The cinematography was brilliant, and the tone was perfect, but as a whole, I just didn't like this movie. I had an issue with the way the werewolf was portrayed - and cast, for that matter, and the fact thhat Ron's "plot point" - excuse me, rat - was animatronic, which is a shame, because I know quite well how easy it is to handle rats. Scabbers was an actual rat in the first movie, anyway.

I'd have to see the movie again to look for foreshadowing... although, now you've mentioned the graveyard, I will take a stab at this and say that it might have something to do with Snape... like maybe dead family that he felt the need to avenge, etc. Or maybe Harry's folks are buried in the Hogwarts graveyard...

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2004 8:00 am
by Iryssa
I didn't like the movie the first time I saw it...but I liked it better the second time. I plan on buying the movie soon...

No idea what the foreshadowing might be....

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2004 4:39 pm
by Fire Daughter
I'm with you, Alynna. This movie was gorgeous as far as imagery (The dementors were "bloody brilliant"), but too much of the story was left out. I missed alot concerning the Marauders, Crookshanks, Harry having visions of his mother dying in the presence of the dementors, the Firebolt was done all wrong...and where was Pig at the end??? The Shrieking Shack scene was way too rushed, nothing was really explained. And I was disappointed that we didn't get to see Snape coming unglued over Sirius's escape. I loved that part in the book!

I"m not sure about the foreshadowing either. There wasn't much interaction in this movie with the other students, just Malfoy really. They left out the scene where Sirius tries to get Scabbers (Peter) in Gryffindor Tower, that was AFTER he slashed the Fat Lady btw. Neville losing the passwords was completely left out (except in deleted scenes). So, I don't see any foreshadowing that would have to do with any of the other students, particularly Neville, who I believe will be VERY important in the last two books.

There is something about Harry having Lily's eyes tho. Not quite sure what it is yet, but it's been emphasised more and more in each book. And both Sirius and Remus comment on him having his mother's eyes in the movie. So, maybe that's a small foreshadow right there.

Also, Hermoine says that the Dementors are going to suck out Sirius's soul. In book 5, the Dementors have left Azkaban and have return to ole Voldie. Soul sucking demons could prove to be very useful for a dark wizard rising once again to power...

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2004 5:40 pm
by Zahir
How odd. Because I saw plenty of foreshadowing. Here's a list. I'm not claiming all of these will pan out, but I'd be willing to bet some of them will:

--Buckbeak and Harry. They clearly have a strong bond, and with Sirius gone after OOP, methinks a certain Hippogriff will be making an appearance. I frankly wonder about Buckbeak snatching a bat out of the air as a snack. Vampires, I'd bet, would make good allies/servants of Voldemort...
--Ron and Hermione. Okay, no surprise there, but still.
--Hermione doesn't like to fly. I just think that's a clue to something.
--Hermione's reaction to Professor Lupin as a werewolf was to try and talk to him. I suspect there's something about Hermione and animals that will feature in the next books.
--Malfoy insisting he'll get Hermione back for punching him.
--Didn't anyone notice Malfoy had a new minion?
--Seamus wanting to ride the Firebolt.
--The Headless Hunt storming through the castle.
--Harry seeing something in the crystal ball. Keep in mind after OOP he now has two teachers in Divination and has continued to take the class.
--Dumbedore's speech about dreams in the Great Hall.
--All those ravens all over the place. And we are beginning to learn more about the other Houses. I myself suspect I'd've ended up in Ravenclaw. Hmmmmm...
--I dunno why, but Ron's dream about spiders making him tapdance sticks out in my mind.

At least half of the above is utter rot, as likely as not. But I'd bet money there was a hint of something in there...
-- 8)

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2004 6:17 pm
by ChoChiyo
I don't remember if it was in the movie or not, but I remember from reading the book that the Wizarding community had knowledge that the person who was destined to do in Voldemort was born at a certain time--and it was either Harry Potter or Neville Longbottom. Instantly, I thought, "Wouldn't it be interesting if it turns out to be chubby, clueless, clumsy NEVILLE who ultimately does in He Who Must Not Be Named" Voldemort would be spending all his time and energy focusing on Harry, while Neville just goes round the end and kicks him in the shorts. Bwa ha ha!

That is what I would do, if I was writing the story!

Just to be perverse.


Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2004 5:00 pm
by Alynna Lis Eachann
ChoChiyo wrote:I don't remember if it was in the movie or not, but I remember from reading the book that the Wizarding community had knowledge that the person who was destined to do in Voldemort was born at a certain time--and it was either Harry Potter or Neville Longbottom...
If you read Order of the Phoenix, this gets fleshed out a whole lot, and we learn why Voldemort's potential conqueror is one person versus another. I don't think there's much guessing left to do on that particular point, but there's certianly the potential for a lot of side action.
Zahir wrote:Didn't anyone notice Malfoy had a new minion?
I think this was just a new actor. I think there is certainly potential for Malfoy getting another minion, though. Just not sure who it could be. I mean, Harry got Luna, right? And Neville, in a way. Maybe Blaise Zabini will play a bigger role in the future. Then again, it did take five books to establish that he was, in fact, a he. At least, I think it's finally been established.