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LOTR on Stage?????

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2005 12:51 am
by Furls Fire
Look at this link everyone. Seems that someone has turned LOTR into a musical and is producing it on the Canadian stage...

Not sure what to think about this, but hey, I was wrong about the movies too. :wink:

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2005 3:25 am
by Alynna Lis Eachann

On the one hand, it sounds really exciting... LOTR on stage!

On the other hand... LOTR the Musical? Will they at least use all of Tolkien's songs along with the new ones? Because if they leave off the lament for Boromir in TTT, I will be very, very upset. Very upset. Upsetupset. Yeah.

*shakes head* I just can't imagine Aragorn singing as he leads the Fellowship away from Moria, say... his little ditty in the last movie was bad enough.

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2005 9:31 pm
by kevinswatch
Frodo: "IIIIIIIIIII will taaaaaaaaaaaake the Riiiiiiiiiiiing to Mount Dooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooom!"

Sauron: "I am just an eye, but I want the Ring, yes I do! Oh what is an eye to do???"

(Frodo and the Eye of Sauron dance for an hour)


Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2005 3:26 am
by Alynna Lis Eachann

Good thing this is being presented in Canada... great as the temptation is, I'd have to sell my soul (which is not worth nearly as much as Avalest's respect) to go see it.

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2005 6:45 am
by Variol Farseer
I'm deeply dubious about this whole project. For one thing, I know Tolkien himself had very little use for attempts to present fantasy in live theatre. He was always bitter about the cheap fairy-tale elements stuck into Macbeth and other Shaksperian plays. And one time when he went to see a stage adaptation of a fairy tale — Puss-in-Boots, I think it was — he said: 'Disbelief had not so much to be suspended as hung, drawn and quartered.' ('On Fairy-Stories'.)

Besides, this thing seems to be a Saul Zaentz production, and Zaentz is not exactly on the list of my favourite people. Nor anybody's list, it would seem, except Saul Zaentz's. John Fogerty's song 'Vanz Kant Danz' (originally written as 'Zanz Kant Danz') seems to sum up the popular attitude towards the man.

Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2006 1:04 pm
by Usivius
Well, I sent my eldest daughter to see it last week (my wife and I have tickets I won through work). My cousin has a good friend who is in the cast, and after hearing their reviews I am very excited.

Note #1. This is not a book, it is a musical (or more accurately, an opera based on the books as it is all sung).

The sets and costumes are supposedly mind blowing. SOme of the critisism has been regarding some choices actors have made in key roles, one being the role of Gandalf. Brent Carver (an amazing actor) is apparently not giving Gandalf a sense of being a father figure as he is portrayed in the book and film. That he is too aloof.

Highlights from what I have heard:
-the bridge of kazak-dum (sp)
-Battle of Helm's Deep

I will give a full review once I have seen it on May 5th...


Posted: Mon May 15, 2006 1:29 pm
by Usivius
Just saw it! OK, here's my review. The short: thumbs up with a 7.5 out of 10.

The longer:

Firstly let me preface this again by saying that this is a stage play/musical based upon the books. It should not be viewed as BEING the book (nor the movie). Taken as a separate peice of entertainment, it is quite extraordinary.
BUT, there are parts that do need work before it is to go to LA and London.

The bad:
- the biggest disappointment is the scene when the ring is finally destroyed. In a play that boasts drama, this is one of the weaniest (is that a word?) moments. It is like a limp noodle. Where you need drama and large-scale noise/visuals, etc... you get a wimper. badbadbad.
-along these same lines, the scene where (whathername -- daughter of Rohan king) slays the Nagul King ... it is also lacking any drama. It just kinda happens.... I didn't even realize that the Rohan King had been struck down just before that!
- Frodo. A capable actor, but really didn't instill the torture this character needed.

The great!:
- As I mentioned in an earlier post here, I had heard there were some highlights, and they were! The Balrog moment was really impressive. The way they began to stage it I thought it was going to be pathetic, but then this huge 'thing' bathed in a nasty red light with smoke and rumbling noise rose from the stage to dominate it all! .... WOW! that was good. As a minor nit-pick... the staging of Gandalf and the Balrog falling was a little slow and lost some of the dramatics the moment needed.
- The battle of Helm's Deep was most impressive. How do you stage a huge battle scene with limited actors on a stage. The first thought would be: you don't. Do what Shakespear did: keep it off-stage. Nope, not here!
Using the magnificent hydrolic stage, it moves and shifts to portray different areas of combat, all happening in one fluid act. Amazingly done and choreographed! And then the entrance of Galdalf the white! Amazing!
- the portrayal of Gandalf has got many negative critics here, but I admire the choice Brent Carver did with Gandalf. He is not portrayed as the all-knowing powerful wizard, but, just what he is, a wandering wizard who befriends hobbits! He is an accentric man with a quiet way about him. But when he needs to exert strength and power! .. wow, does it happen. I liked it alot (not as much as Ian McKellen... but still very good)
- these are a few songs that are really really catchy! All the hobbit numbers are really fun. And the song by Geladriel, after she passes the test and sings about the elves receding in to the west is wonderful and moving.

Despite what I had heard, it is not a sung opera, but a play with musical numbers. And on the whole, it is done very well. There are still holes left from the editing of the original 5 hour length (now 3 and a half) that need to be worked out and some timing and dramatic issues, but I am sure that will be worked out as the play travels in 2007.

Anyone who loves LotR or plays in general should go see this!

Posted: Mon May 15, 2006 2:06 pm
by wayfriend
Thanks, U. I had heard some early lavish praise followed by some mixed reviews; it's nice to get a "real" opinion. If it ever comes to Beantown, I may give it a shot.

Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2006 5:25 am
by matrixman's an update in case anybody still cares about this thing:

It would seem the Canadian production ended its run on September 3rd. The producers announced that closing date back in June. Yes, it's over, just like that. The producers apparently blame LOTR's early demise on all the negative reviews the show got from North American critics. However, the show will re-open in London after some major and minor tweaking. The producers believe it will receive a warmer welcome from European critics.

Some archived articles:

'Rings' takes early bow
Rings musical to close

Personally, I was indifferent about this musical. Peter Jackson's film version is enough for me, thanks. :P

But at least you enjoyed yourself, Usivius. :)