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Who are you??? Who, Who

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2003 6:47 pm
by Brinn
No this isn't a "Who" tribute thread that managed to escape from the "Vespers" forum. It's a thread for anyone who would like to voluntarily divulge their name, occupation/student status and any other real world info. Of course I'll start:

My first name is actually Erin (I'm male and I'll blame my parents for the name!) and I'm a banker. A commercial lender more specifically. Sounds kind of conservative and boring huh. It's actually a great job! As I stated in another thread I'm 33 and live in Massachusetts USA. And I'm very glad to have found the Kevin's Watch community!

OK who's next?... :D

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2003 8:01 pm
by Worm of Despite
My entire, LEGAL name is Phillip David Williams, although I prefer David, which, much to my chagrin, is why a friend calls me "Phil".

I live in Rome, Georgia, on the outskirts of the Alabama State line. It's very scary, living so close to enemy territory like that. Anyway, my house--well, not my house technically--is large. Not to say it's rich. My grandfather built it in 1971, fresh out of Vietnam. Got a huge yard, two stories, a basement, some bedrooms we never use, and one junk-room! :lol: My grandmother's a pack rat!

Anyway, currently I am unemployed and on spring break! 8) I am an eighteen-year-old student at Pepperell High School--a senior, C/O 2003. Brown eyes, black hair, Caucasian...if you see this man, he is heavily armed and dangerous. :twisted:

Well So far so good--life, that is. I'm going to major in English Lit, pretty sure of that. Well more than “pretty”, but that word is safer than "absolutely". I'm no seer! But, if my books don't work out, I'm sure I'll go into journalism or some other crackpot job where writing talents go to waste.

Also, I go to the church of, and the God of my idolatry is SpellCheck.

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2003 8:56 pm
by [Syl]
The details of my life are quite inconsequential.... very well, where do i begin? My father was a relentlessly self-improving boulangerie owner from Belgium with low grade narcolepsy and a penchant for buggery. My mother was a fifteen year old French prostitute named Chloe with webbed feet. My father would womanize, he would drink. He would make outrageous claims like he invented the question mark. Sometimes he would accuse chestnuts of being lazy. The sort of general malaise that only the genius possess and the insane lament. My childhood was typical. Summers in Rangoon, luge lessons. In the spring we'd make meat helmets. When I was insolent I was placed in a burlap bag and beaten with reeds- pretty standard really.

Those who know me have no need for my name, though I go by Jack. I'll be 26 in May. I'm an Electronics Technician Third Class in the US Navy (E-4, technically an NCO, non-comissioned officer). I've been back in the service for a little over a year. Previously, I was a linguist for four years. Did two years of civilian life in between where I did everything from selling stereos at Circuit City, cataloging books for, and working in the reprographic department for the City of Reno. I'm happily married and have a four month old son, Dante. I'm currently in the process of moving to Norfolk, VA.

I'm a left-brained, introspective type. 147 verbal IQ (standardized and certified, composite IQ of 136... the last SAT I took was 590 math, 740 verbal). I have a very dry sense of humor, and I have the tendency to be kind of "out there" at times. Most of my views are rather liberal, but when it comes to military matters or the mid-east, I am somewhat conservative/hawkish. I loathe partisan politics, and I voted for Nader.

I'm 5'10" but have a huge torso. Long (by navy standards) brown hair, green eyes, medium complected. 200 pounds, but most of it frame and muscle, though I have a bit of a paunch. Like I've said, I'm built like a stonedowner.

I'm a geek at heart (in high school I did academic team, drama club, and yearbook). I watch a lot of sci-fi, used to read a lot of fantasy til I began to tire of the worn out plot lines and cliches of most stuff out there these days. I used to do some D&D type roll playing and was seriously into Magic the Gathering up until about '99. I play a lot of video games on my PS2, though not nearly as much as when I was younger. Love movies, but don't go as often now that I'm a family man. I'm not into sports, except the rare pick-up game with friends or volleyball on the beach and such. Used to rollerblade a lot (though I've never been into trick-skating), but haven't in a while since I lost my blades a few years ago.

I drive a purple '97 Chrysler Concorde, but only because that's what I got approved for (my credit sucked, so I took what I could get). I'm planning on trading it in soon for a new S-10 or a blazer. I've never been good with cars (not driving, I'm an excellent driver) or money, considering I never had much of either growing up (single mom, my little brother, and I... welfare life), though I'm starting to learn. For instance, I've replaced all the break pads and rotors on my car myself, including putting on new emergency brakes.

My friends are the most important thing to me besides my family, though I've lived a kind of isolated life this last year. I've lost touch with a lot of 'em, but not from lack of effort on my part.

Music keeps me going, though I'm beginning to feel old and not caring much for most of the stuff coming out these days. I'd like to think that has more to do with the state of media, but who knows.

Heh, suppose that's enough info?

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2003 9:46 pm
by Worm of Despite
Yeah, I myself have a dry sense of humor, but only when I'm around people I don't like. For instance, this group of kids who graduated before me came to my house on some "church mission" to recruit. :roll: They were the type that wouldn't give you the time of the day otherwise. Even though, one of them managed to say, as I was leaving, "I enjoyed your company, David!" I was thinking, Right.... I’m just a slip somebody put in a hat and you happened to pick it out...

When I'm around my "inner-circle" of friends, though, let's just say that all bloody hellfire breaks loose humor-wise.

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2003 2:23 am
by Foamfollower1013
I'm Sarah. :wave: I'm 16 and a junior in high school. I hate school with a passion, particularly math. I'm not around here as much as I'd like because I have a lot going on at the moment...SATs, ACTs, AP exams, etc. Gotta love the end of 11th grade... :roll: But I do come here whenever I can.

Let's see...I'm anti-war, and I can't stand Bush. I'm a liberal among conservatives, an Orthodox Jew in name, but with decidedly unorthodox ideas. I disagree with pretty much everyone in my school. My mission is to open my classmates' minds to new ideas, since most of them only get the conservative viewpoint both at school and at home. I have a reputation in my school: pacifist, feminist, anti-death penalty...and lately, they've started calling me an Arab-lover (with the implication that supporting Arabs is tantamount to supporting terrorism :roll: ). Not that I care. I actually rather enjoy having a reputation. :P

I'm a geek. Primarily, a LOTR geek and an X-Phile. I revel in my geekiness. I'm different and I love being different. :D

Anything else? :)


Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2003 4:00 am
by duchess of malfi
My name is Kay and I'm in my thirties. I have two wonderful sons who are the most important people in the world to me. I live in a little town in Michigan, and have a house out in the country.
For over 15 years now I've worked at a veteran's hospital. I've seen firsthand on a daily basis the horrid effects of war on people's bodies, minds, and souls, so if I seem to be anti-war this is a huge chunk of the reason.
I love to watch movies, read books, and take long walks whenever I get the chance. I spend a lot of my time going to my kids' sporting events, and keep up with the Red Wings as time allows.
I'm very shy around people I don't know, but can be somewhat wild and crazy with people I feel comfortable with.

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2003 9:45 am
by Vain
I'm never really good at trying to describe myself but here goes :) My name is Peter (and the surname is a bit too convoluted to explain in detail)

I'm now 35, edging on 36 in July 8O Have a 3 year old daughter and a 7 year old son. Not bad considering we were planning on being childless initially :) Then we were planning on only having one....and that turned out to be two...and that reminds me !! I need to arrange a visit to the doc 8O :wink:

I currently live in Auckland, New Zealand - having been born in Zimbabwe and then lived in South Africa for more years than I can remember :) I would eventually like to retire in the USA - and preferably New York (despite everything) Of course, I will need to be a whole heap wealthier to manage that ;)

I studied Electronics Engineering for 5 years, graduated - completed all the important bits and pieces of a BCom degree, and now I specialise in Business Process stuff :)

I am considered to be fairly laid back - and it's incredibly difficult to get me all riled up :x ;)

Can't think of anything else right now.


Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2003 8:34 pm
by fightingmyinstincts
I live in Arkansas and it sucks pretty bad.
I'm a senior in high school, class of '03, what what! *sorry*
I live in a pretty rural area, lots of mud and fourwheelers and dogs n' stuff...just kinda layin' around.
I am probably the only Chrons fan around...the only sci-fi/fan patron of my entire frickin' school! My family isn't into it dad, the chrons are his fave books or were way back when, but he doesn't live here so he don't count...
Other than my insane obsession for these books, I LOVE DDR. anyone know what that is? It's a game...for some it's a sport...I train, eat and drink calcium and potassium supplemented EVERYTHING, think breathe and sleep DDR...Pretty psyched that there's an DDR Extreme machine in J-bo, so close to me...haven't got to try it though...heard it's a bi-atch
I love video games, rpg like FF8 and adventure games like Zelda...
Love music...Linkin' Park concert in april in memphis, I'd love to go but my only ride will probably still be on house arrest...also an Evanescence gig at Juanita's soon, I can get in free, yay!
Love dogs, love to talk dog stuff w/my friends...
And the internet is just the shizzie for me....I love this thing...such funny stuff out here!
And I like archaic weapons like swords and crossbows, somewhat of a collector, as much as my limited budget allows...
That's all for now I guess....That is me, away from the Watch *giggles* Yeah, I revel in my geekiness too..

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2003 12:38 am
by Reisheiruhime
My name is Rachel Lee Shirley and I live in Crossville, TN. Or Hickville, whichever. I am an A honor roll student. I'm 12 and in 5th grade which is good seeing since everyone else is 13 and 14.

I'm the only one in my school who's ever heard of the Chrons. I like fantasy and Sci-fi. I have dark hair and blue eyes. I'm short and freakishly strong.

I too am a geek. I'm a little bit crazy and I like pie very much. Any pie. Give me pie. Er... anyway. I have two dogs and eight cats. I live with my mom and she's crazy.

I like Celtic music and several other types of strange music. Well, that's about all for me, I suppose.

~Turiya the Crazy Raver~

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2003 1:55 am
by duchess of malfi
Fighting My Instincts, I am wondering if you might live near my dad, who retired to northern Arkansas about ten years ago. I saw you mentioned Jonesboro, which is the nearest city. He lives out in the country, about ten miles from the nearest towns, which would be Ash Flat and Salem? Do you know where those are?

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2003 2:32 am
by MsMary
My name is Judie, and I'm a nurse and lactation consultant in the mother-baby unit of a local hospital. I won't tell you my age, but Foamy is my daughter :P and I also have a son in the 9th grade.

In addition to being an RN, I also have a master's degree in botany (now that's a useful subject :P).

Spent 4 years of my life living in Israel, but currently live in south Florida.

My favorite sparetime activity, besides curling up with a good book, is folkdancing, especially Israeli folkdancing. (Acutally, I love any kind of dancing - I use to tap dance, as well.)

I love spending time on the internet, chatting with friends, and visiting my favorite forums, but working 40hrs/wk has really cramped my style. :( :wink:

I love using smilies. :D :D :D


Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2003 2:54 am
by Bannor
I'm Jerome (pronounced Jeremy). I teach fourth grade students, and I have 3 children: Autumn, Arwen, and Dell. My last name is the same as the President's, and we both come from Texas (Pleased to meet you! Hope you guessed my name!). We could be related: My great grandfather was a doctor and married seven times. So, who knows? :D

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2003 2:59 am
by Worm of Despite
Love the names! I've heard of Arwen--LOTR-inspired, I suppose. But Dell is--? Hope not Dell Computers! *Grinds teeth* Blasted . . .Dell . . .INTERNS! :x

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2003 3:10 am
by Fist and Faith
Turiya Foul wrote:I like pie very much. Any pie. Give me pie.
Have you seen Michael, the John Travolta movie?

(hmmmm... Freakishly strong, and loves pie. Coincidence? I think not!)

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2003 3:57 am
by The Leper Fairy

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2003 9:56 am
by birdandbear
like I think it would be really awseome to wrap a cow in tin foil and ride it down main street...

My name's Annie Burnaman, I'll be 27 on April 24, I live in Hurst, Texas, 15 min from Fort Worth. My husband does computer stuff, I'm a stay-at-home mom. My son is 7, and my daughter is 16 months. We have 5 cats, 14 fish, and lots of friends. I'm the costumer for a small Fort Worth theater called The Box, and my husband and I take turns acting in shows because of the kids. When I disappear for a week or two at a time, it's because my director doesn't realize that making costumes actually takes some time, and gives me half a dozen things to make a week before open. Well, I work best under pressure. :?

I love horses, (although, believe it or not, I could count the number of times I've actually touched one on two hands, and the times I've ridden on one.) reading, (Donaldson, Tolkien, Stephen King, Katherine Kurtz, Neil Stephenson, among lots of others) woods and mountains, the sea, theater, music, and beauty.

I hate intolerance, persecution, and cruelty.

Did I mention I'm a romantic, or is it idealist?

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2003 12:18 pm
by Bannor
Yes, Foul, Arwen was named after Tolkien's Arwen (but 21 years ago, before it became fashionable). Dell was named after my best friend. Don't have a Dell computer. Are they considered bad?

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2003 2:26 pm
by Worm of Despite
The Dell Interns are considered bad. :lol:

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2003 3:20 pm
by Guest
Thanks and noted for future reference! I'm using a HP these days, and it seems to work well. :D

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2003 6:06 pm
by Nav
Wow, looks like I'm the first Brit to post in this thread. My name's Ken, but I'm more commonly know as Nash to my friends. There's a short, simple explanation of how I got the nickname, but it's not nearly funny or interesting enough to bother posting here.

I'm 22 and was born in Cape Town before emigrating to England and then on to New Zealand (popular location on these boards, it seems). I lived just outside Auckland in a small town called Te Atatu, if anyone knows of it. I'm told that Auckland has now engulfed it.

In 1990 we moved back to England. I grew up in Leicestershire (pro. Less-terr-shur) and after finishing school I tried my hand at Lifeguarding, yachting and even had a brief spell in HM Coastguard. More recently, I decided that I needed a change of direction (catalysed by disciplinary action from the Royal Yachting Association, but the less said about that the better) and started studying Biomedical Sciences at Sheffield Hallam University. I'm currently on a placement year (like an internship) in London, which is about to come to an end, and after that I have only one more year of study before I enter the big, bad world of full-time employment.