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E-mail from Stephen R. Donaldson - Questions Answered

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2003 11:03 pm
by kevinswatch
Hey all. I'm really quite excited. But today when I opened up my e-mail, I had a letter waiting from Stephen R. Donaldson himself. In it he had some answers to the questions that Mouseglove asked him at the Conference. So, anyway, here for your enjoyment, are some words directly from SRD.

--The E-mail--

At this year's International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts, I
was handed a list of questions from Since I think well
of the man who handed them to me, I agreed to answer a few of them. I
seldom do this, mostly because I don't enjoy writing letters. But here

1) eta on "The Last Chronicles of Thomas Covenant? The story is
underway, but progress is slow, primarily because what I'm trying to do
is so large and difficult. I have roughly 3/4 of the first book (out of
a projected total of four) on paper, and I'm pushing myself to finish
the first draft in the next four months. After which, of course, comes
publisher hunting, editing, etc. I don't see how the book could be
published before late 2004.

Incidentally, things don't look good for Kevin's Watch itself. <grin>

2) how reliable is TC as a narrator? Well, of course, he isn't actually
the narrator at all: he's the primary viewpoint character--a very
different thing. My goal in working this way is to preserve the
integrity of what the viewpoint character thinks, feels, perceives, and
does while allowing--even encouraging--the reader to make up his/her own
mind about the accuracy or "rightness" of those

3) are there any races or characters that I would like to write about
outside the "Chronicles"? In a word, no. My mind doesn't work that
way. I think in stories, not in races or characters (or in themes or

4) do I keep aspects of my characters secret or hidden to create the
sense that they have added dimensions? Not consciously. That would
violate my primary intention as a story-teller, which is to communicate
as fully and vividly as I can the experience of being a participant in
that story. However, see 2): a natural part of the experience is
confusion/uncertainty about the nature and motivations of the
characters. (Which, as it happens, is more significant in "Mordant's
Need" and the GAP books than in "Covenant.") To some extent, that
entails secrets, hidden dimensions.

5) the relationship between Covenant and Joan pre-leprosy? "The Last
Chronicles" may shed a little light on this. As is so often true in
young relationships, they loved each other without knowing each other
very well. The stories are not about Joan, so I don't spend much time
telling her personal story. But anyone who sneers at her for divorcing
Covenant as she did is probably not the parent of a small child. The
protective instincts of parents are intense and compulsory.

6) the importance of contradiction? the nature of evil? I can't answer
such questions--by which I mean that I can't think of anything to say
that would be more clear than what is already in my books. But on the
subject of contradiction, consider this: every human being is by
his/her very nature a contradiction between material flesh and
unquantifiable consciousness. That's hard to think about.
Understanding ourselves isn't easy. Personally, I don't know any other
way to process the dilemma of being a walking, talking contradiction
except through story-telling. Certainly the fundamental postulate of
traditional Western religions--dualism--doesn't do it for me. As for
evil, all I can say is: consider what Lord Foul, Kasreyn of the Gyre,
Master Eremis, Nick Succorso, and Holt Fasner have in common.

Be well! And good luck with

--Stephen R. Donaldson

--End of E-mail--

Wow, pretty cool. I'm very impressed. Anyway, thanks again, Mouseglove, for getting SRD to answer some of our questions. I really appreciate it. Very cool.-jay

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2003 11:26 pm
by Worm of Despite
8O Awesome!!! :hairs: :Hail: Hail, Mouseglove! :Hail:

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2003 11:40 pm
by Lord Mhoram
Sweeet! 8O 8O

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2003 11:44 pm
by Worm of Despite
Incidentally, things don't look good for Kevin's Watch itself. <grin>
Sly Donaldson, you! What-oh-what does that mean?!

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2003 12:37 am
by Foamfollower1013
:hairs: :hairs:

Oh my gosh, Jay, that is so incredibly cool! I can't believe you got a personal email back! :Hail: And with confirmation of the Third Chronicles! Whee! :S
Incidentally, things don't look good for Kevin's Watch itself. <grin>
What does that mean? :? Something to ponder while we wait for the Third Chronicles... :D


Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2003 1:06 am
by robo

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2003 1:08 am
by robo
Incidentally, things don't look good for Kevin's Watch itself. <grin>
Is he referring to this web site?

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2003 1:13 am
by Worm of Despite
I doubt it highly! He said, and I quote, "for Kevin's Watch itself". That statement most likely coincides with an earlier report that Donaldson had planned on destroying the Land.

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2003 1:25 am
by Mouseglove
*Mouseglove allows his inner fanboy to post just this once*

SRD said that he... about me... that...

I'm so flattered... I... I...


Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2003 1:36 am
by Worm of Despite
Hey! Maybe he'll rename it the First Chronicles of Mouseglove if you get in really good with him!

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2003 2:03 am
by Fist and Faith
stephen r donaldson wrote:every human being is by his/her very nature a contradiction between material flesh and unquantifiable consciousness.
Very well said, Stephen. How something like a chemical storage system can be a necessary building block of consciousness, while, at the same time, storing impressions and thoughts of that very same consciousness, has always fascinated me. (As I'm sure it does everyone else here. LOL )
stephen r donaldson wrote:Incidentally, things don't look good for Kevin's Watch itself. <grin>
This was inevitable. I told Kevin a hundred times he shoulda gone with a Rolex!

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2003 2:10 am
by Mouseglove
Lord Foul wrote:Hey! Maybe he'll rename it the First Chronicles of Mouseglove if you get in really good with him!
Oh good heavens, no! I really don't want to be in them, I just want to read them like everyone else. :) Besides, my name doesn't really fit with the feel and texture of the Land, I'd stick out like a sore thumb.


Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2003 2:16 am
by Worm of Despite
Sort of like Covenant being accidentally warped into Martin's Seven Kingdoms... There would be many hellfire-s. I doubt he'd survive Westeros. What if TC had to travel with the Hound and Arya? Jesus! Somehow, it'd end with Hot Pie standing over TC's bloody corpse.

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2003 3:19 am
by Damelon
Wow! 8O

Remember to thank him, from us. :)

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2003 3:27 am
by Brinn
8O In a word..."UNBELIEVABLE"!

What a homerun for the Watch. Thanks to Mouseglove for his work! Now if we can get him to logon....

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2003 3:27 am
by Brinn
8O In a word..."UNBELIEVABLE"!

What a homerun for the Watch. Thanks to Mouseglove for his work! Now if we can get him to logon....

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2003 3:31 am
by duchess of malfi
one word: WOW!!! 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O


Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2003 4:03 am
by nawyard
I can't wait for the Last Chronicles..... but I'll have to!

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2003 4:58 am
by danlo
cool byond measures, pleasures, Braitharian treasures, alien vistas, Sonoran siEstas!!! 8O (btw way F&F I hate that quote 2...)

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2003 5:15 am
by Skyweir
WOWZA!! MAGNIFICENT!! totally heart stopping!!

to read his words .. his descriptions of the human enigma ..
Stephen Reeder Donaldson wrote:every human being is by his/her very nature a contradiction between material flesh and unquantifiable consciousness.
I 100%agree Fist and Faith .. really fascinating insightfulness .. you can just drink in his words ..

the most envigorating enlivening read .. to have him respond to the Watch .. you gotta love his wickedly funny sense of humour ..
Stephen R Donaldson wrote:Incidentally, things don't look good for Kevin's Watch itself. <grin>
I am overwrought with zealousy excitement!! and I totally would be wiped out by such a commendation like that he gave Mouseglove!!

wow .. we are indeed in your debt Mouseglove .. you have introduced the existence of this site and this community to SRD .. and enabled the realisation of a dream come true ..

many many thanks mouseglove ..

was there a return addy on the email jay?? if so .. perhaps we can create a reply thread .. which can be copied and pasted into a reply mail to the man!