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How long do Giants live?

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2005 12:52 pm
by ur-monkey
Wondered what your views on this would be. This is what I reckon...

Saltheart Foamfollower said he was born on one of the Giantships during the generations when the Unhomed were refugees from the land after the Ritual of Desecration. As we know, the RoD was about 1,000 years before TC first entered the land.

We don't really know how long the Giants were sailing around for, but say it took as much as 500 yrs for the land to become hospitable again. That would make Foamfollower's age anywhere between 500 and 1,000. From his description I always imagined him to be the 'Giantish' equivalent of 40-ish. That could mean a Giantish lifespan of at least 1,000 - possibly 2,000 - years.

Also, does anyone have an idea about the normal Haruchai lifespan? Is it the same as human or a bit longer because of all that strength & health & exercise?

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2005 5:13 pm
by Thaale
Foamfollower says that his great-grandparents were among the first wanderers (apparently meaning those who were Lost), and that that was over 3,000 years ago.

If Giants live ~2,000 years (or more), and the average generational span is ~1,000, then the Giant:human life ratio might be estimated at somewhere between 20:1 and 50:1. Of course, the ratios can be different for differing life events.

Pitchwife implies (conversationally rather than mathematically) a 10:1 ratio. That may partially be an order-of-magnitude approximation (we have the convenient word "decade," but no corresponding word for a 20 year period, etc.) And of course some humans in the Land's World do live several centuries rather than one.

The voyage on which Foamfollower was born was described as a brief one. Even to a Giant, 500 years would not be brief. The Land as a whole took centuries to fully recover from the Desecration, but Seareach is at the extreme northeastern margin. People survived in the Northron Climbs all along. It seems that Kevin only had to get the Giants to put to sea long enough to avoid the actual Desecration.

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2005 7:06 pm
by Warmark
I foung the other thread to accompany this one if you are wanting to read that its the 'How old is Foamfollwer?' thread.