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Debatus Joyous

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2005 5:37 am
by The Laughing Man
  • I long to pace the ancient floor

    worn smooth face to ponder upon

    echos answer forbidden forebodings

    stares bely the presumptuous patterings

    arms raised about in earnest

    eyes set upon yearning

    heart crying in vain

    but yet for one glimmer

    a true spark of conscious intensity

    opposed to my path

    but not to my journey

    to set upon me the challenge of measure

    to weigh my words on the balance of merit

    to assign me my dues and award me my struggles


    who were these ancient audients

    who gathered amongst themselves

    to precipitate the persona individuala

    in amiable animation and art of word

    to discover a point

    in the air before them

    that none had seen

    and could never have found

    without the other one

    each one pointing

    in their own direction