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The Illearth War: Chapters 7 & 8

Posted: Thu May 08, 2003 5:18 am
by danlo

I have done my reading and some research but I still feel rather daunted by the task at hand. Truly, all day at work on "Haven Farm" (the small ranch I run, close 2 SRD's home...) I have been looking at the Sandia Mts and seeing Revelstone and when I look at Blackie and Super, and the white markings on their foreheads, I see Ranyhyn...Literally I have been lost in the Land. Hopefully, I haven't consumed so much springwine tonight to want to grow a beard, feel my impotence and rot inwardly...

Korik's Mission and "Lord Kevin's Lament" are pivotal chapters in The Illearth War. In a way, they recap alot of pertinent information from Lord Foul's Bane (especially the Giant's situation) and fill in many gaps of what has happened in the fourty years that Covenant has been absent from the Land. These chapters begin to set the stage of differing missions about to unfold and, in a way, begin 2 branch out into a number of differing points of view, some alternate to Covenant's, that will capture the magnitude of the sweeping epic about to unfold.

Elena has replaced the deceased Osendrea as High Lord, and remember that, aside from Mhoram, many of the Lords we met in LFB have either passed on or returned home. High Lord Prothall, being so upset about his old friend Birinair dying in his place in Mt. Thunder elects to spend the rest of his days at his original home in the Northron Climbs. Now we are introduced 2 a whole slew of new Lords: Shethra, Verement, Trevor, Loerya, Amatin, Callindrill and, oh yeah, Hyrim son of Hoole.

The self-effacing, jovial and corpulent Hyrim comes to Covenant, in secret, to ask him to join Lord Shethra and himself on a mission to Seareach to determine the fate of the Giants. During the past fourty years Saltheart Foamfollower, who survived the calling of the Fire-Lions by running to Andelian, and other Giants have come and gone to Revelstone to share knowledge and aid in the preparations of the Gildelode keels and rudders that can help them find Home. But now that Loric's prophesy is almost fufilled contact with the Giants has been cut off.
"Now for three years a silence has lain over Seareach. No Giant has come to Revelstone--no Giant has set foot on the Upper Land."..."Oh we have not been idle, For a year we did nothing--Seareach is near fourhundred leages distant, and a silence of a year is not unusual. But after a year, we became concerned. Then for a year we sent messengers. None ever returned. During the spring, we sent an entire Eoman. Twenty warriors and their Warhaft did not return."

"Therefore the Council decided to risk no more warriors. In the summer, Lord Callindrill and Lord Amatin rode eastward with their Bloodguard, seeking passage. They were thrown back by a dark and nameless power in Sarangrave Flat. Sister Amatin would have died when her horse fell, but the Ranyhyn of Callindrill bore them both to safety. Thus a shadow has come between us and our ancient Rockbrothers, and the fate of the Giants is unknown."
During Covenant's summoning Mhoram was suddenly called away by a vision in which he saw the death of the Giants coming towards them. He could not determine the source of that death but told the Council that if aid wasn't given it could occur within month, if not weeks. Hyrim doubts himself on this mission but feels that Covenant and the white-gold could turn the tide and gain the aid of the Giants in the approaching war. Shethra's determined, straight forward attitude inspires hope but it is Korik's, Council appointed, mission to have the Bloodguard gain Seareach whether the Lords persevere or perish...

A lover and afficiando of Giants Hyrim's naivete believes in Covenant and the power of the White Gold. His clandestine approach to him is against the wishes of Mhoram, who understands Covenant's limitations, and Elena who either has other plans for Covenant in the war or is too obessed with him and her own personal dillema to let him leave. Eventually Covenant denies Hyrim's reguest for a plethora of reasons including impotence, non-belief and guilt regarding the Giants.

So the Ranyhyn are called at dawn and the mission sets fourth. At this point the mission's POV was to have been take over by Korik, senior of the Haruchai, who lead the army befriended by High Lord Kevin centuries ago when the Bloodguard's Vow was initially taken...

To Korik, Hyrim says:
"It is in my heart that you can measure the dangers ahead better than any Lord. You should speak of them, so that we may prepare. It may be that we should not risk Grimmerhorde or the Sarangrave, but should rather ride north and around, despite the added lenght of days."
Gilden-Fire was ommitted from The Illearth War at this point because SRD and his publisher felt that Korik's POV and the ancient history of the Haruchai would distort the establishment of the reality, or non-reality, of the Land. Hile Troy's existence already begins to question this and Korik's mission, though it does go through Grimmerhorde, is not recounted until later on in Tull's Tale...

I am starting to get to wordy and am beginning to take up too much space. So I need to come back tomorrow to talk about "Lord Kevin's Lament". As a teaser: this chapter questions Kevin's actions via the Ritual of Desecration, the role of the Bloodguard in present circumstances, highlights despair and Foul's deception all which lead to the Oath of Peace. Introduces Amok, questions Covenant's belief in the Land via Hile Troy and sets up a horrible confontation with Trell Atiaran-mate. In "Lord Kevin's Lament" we see, through Amok, references to people, creatures and lands that take place, much later on, in the second Chronicles.

Well before I begin to spoil I'll just say this: "Lord Kevin's Lament" has long been a source of some of the greatest quotes uttered by Servants of the Land on Kevin's Watch, such as: Bannor's wife being dead for 2000 years and Amok's famous line, "Those who know me have no need for my name." One of my favorite passages in this chapter is Covenant speaking to Troy,
"That is, assuming you exist at all. I've got an ideal about you. I must have made you up subconsciously so that I would have someone to argue with, Someone tell me I'm wrong."
Here Covenant is going to any lenghts to deny the reality of the Land, however Troy comes back with a beautiful retort, as to whether Covenant is imagining things or dreaming,
"Wait a minute! You can't deny this. You're responsible for your dreams, Covenant, Just like anybody else."
There are tons more factors to be considered, and I will be back to argue them vehemently :D I just hope some of this made sense--cause it's a helluva lot of info 2 digest...


Posted: Thu May 08, 2003 1:31 pm
by fightingmyinstincts
Very well worded danlo! Interesting about Prothall too. I had never noticed or forgotten that part...I always thought he died. That's very interesting that he should make his home in the Northron there a village there, a stonedown or something? Or does he live alone, Unfettered/hermit style? How did I miss that...some new dimension for Prothall....

Posted: Thu May 08, 2003 7:27 pm
by caamora
Well done, danlo. I know how you feel. These chapters have so much info in them that the compulsion to write pages about them is hard to fight! :?

I love Lord Hyrim! Every time I find myself needing to go on a diet, I remind myself of Hyrim's attitude of life. At one point, he mentions something about his abundant flesh being hard won and how he is not looking forward to the idea of losing any of it! But, Hyrim's overall look at life I think is wonderrful. Yes, he is concerned with the Land but he is so jovial by nature that he is a pleasure to be around. I want to party with that dude! :wink:

Posted: Thu May 08, 2003 7:35 pm
by Reisheiruhime
Yes, Hyrim is very cool. I share his outlook on life as well... lol! :) :wink:

Posted: Thu May 08, 2003 8:14 pm
by Ryzel
Hyrim is one of the real good characters. In fact in all the beauty of the Land he is one of the few people that are not dead serious.

Posted: Fri May 09, 2003 7:36 pm
by Dag son of Dag
Hyrim is clearly a fan of the Giants, he is quite like them with his good humours etc. Perhaps he`s been eating so much because he hoped it would make him grow to a Giant-like heigth? :)

I haven`t got the books with me right now..but Prothall`s name was Prothall son of Dwillian, right? That must mean that he never married, so he could certainly live as an ermit in the Northron Climbs. Probably it was just his birthplace. Maybe his people are a bit Haruchai-like, Prothall is a stern, serious and ascetic man. Mountain people are seemingly almost tough guys!

It`s great when we`re introduced to the new generation of lords. With nine Lords in the Council, and the Staff of Law, I got the impression that they really had a chance in the upcoming war. Unfortunately they divided the Lords too much, I think. Just imagine how powerful nine Lords working together would have been!

The scene where Verement and Shetra part is very moving. "Nothing is well for me until you return, my husband." "For me also, wife." And then they exchange staffs to have a memory of each other. Beautiful, beautiful. IMHO, anyway. :) Apart from Mhoram, I think these two are my favorites. They`re so very devoted, serious, but competent.

Posted: Sat May 10, 2003 5:47 am
by duchess of malfi
Caamora said:
Hyrim's overall look at life I think is wonderrful. Yes, he is concerned with the Land but he is so jovial by nature that he is a pleasure to be around. I want to party with that dude!
So would I!! :oops: :wink:
He's always been my favorite Lord after Mhoram. :)

Posted: Sat May 10, 2003 6:30 pm
by danlo
Well, Here is Part 2, finally...U kno when I said that these chapters r daunting--what I really meant was that "Lord Kevin's Lament" is the 1 that's really daunting. This chapter is a real lynch-pin chapter, in that nothing really stops or starts but it contains many hints of the future and rips through the past so intently that u really want 2 cry 4 Kevin, the old Lords and the Bloodguard. This is a funny term: but "Kevin's Lament" is sorta a "reality check" for the Land. Indeed, it is a very emotional and semi-dark chapter--in which this Amok character is a very welcome fresh of breath air :D. Again these 2 chapters r so chocked full of info I should have assigned 1 per week, or started my reread much, much sooner...

"Lord Kevin's Lament" part 1: Covenant

When I wrote:
Hopefully, I haven't consumed so much springwine tonight to want to grow a beard, feel my impotence and rot inwardly...
'course I'm talking about Covenant who is by now highly disturbed re: Troy's existence in the Land and worse the dimension-bridging "summation" that he, apparently, has the "power" to inseminate and impregnate a being of this "so-called" fantasy land. And there Elena stands before him, or does she? Tho summoned to the Land at a time immanent need--as soon as Koric's mission departs--a preparation period begins in which nothing really seems to be happening at Revelstone. Troy still has to wait for word from his scouts as to any stirring of Foul's armies and the paths they may be taking. Elena if off doing her own thing, whatever that is...and Mhoram has not been seen in awhile. So Covenant, either imposing his own exile or being avoided like the plague, is left in his rooms.

Earthpower is now back inside him and the Leper's Paradox as well: Belief in this place is suicide it can't be real. Period. So he consumes too much spingwine and rots, impotently. He thinks about burning his clothes or casting his penknive away but finally decides on growing a beard to deny the reality of the Land. His thinks that when he returns to our world clean-shaven "ah that will prove it..." He is also very upset about the Giant's plight and feels he has betrayed Foamfollower.
And as for himself-he, Thomas Covenant, was as incapable of power as if such a thing did not exist. For him it could not. If he pretended otherwise, the the whole Land would become just another leper in Lord Foul's hands.
Perplexed by this reality he needs logical means to disprove it. He brings Bannor into his chambers and reviews the history of the Bloodguard: The Haruchai mountianous-warlike nature, Koric leading the army to Revelstone and their incredible amazement at the wonders of the Land and High Lord Kevin's friendship. The taking of the Vow, Earthpower, the service of the Bloodguard and their quilt, dismayal and betrayal after Kevin peforms the Ritual of Desecration with Lord Foul. Bloodguard who mind-meld with each other, never sleep, leave their wives and families outliving them by thousands of years.

In questioning Bannor, Covenant thinks he may find an anomily or somekind of discrepancy to disprove his vision, but he can't. It is here that he makes his decision to grow his beard and can feel the tingling of his newly forming stubble cleary though his finger tips...

Coming next: Amok

Posted: Sat May 10, 2003 10:21 pm
by Infelice
Gee Danlo, your passion for these books is apparent in the enthusiasm of your words. I love reading your postings almost as much as the actual book itself. :)

I love any reference to the old Lords and to Kevin - I wish there was more detail to that side of the story.

It makes me think of how spectacular and wonderous the Land would have been in the hands of the old Lords, with their knowledge of Earthpower and ability to utilise it.

Posted: Sun May 11, 2003 1:48 am
by Fist and Faith
Indeed, Infelice! The glimpses we get here and there are GREAT!!!

I'd love to see Kevin and Foul doing the Ritual!!! Kinda like Sauron and Felagund.

Posted: Sun May 11, 2003 2:46 am
by Infelice
Fist and Faith wrote:Indeed, Infelice! The glimpses we get here and there are GREAT!!!

I'd love to see Kevin and Foul doing the Ritual!!! Kinda like Sauron and Felagund.
Ah now you're talking my language F&F :)

Posted: Sun May 11, 2003 3:06 am
by Fist and Faith
I don't know it remotely as well as you, but I remember that incredible part.

Posted: Sun May 11, 2003 3:20 pm
by Damelon
Hyrim's study of the Giants clearly left its mark on him. He's one of the most likeable characters in the chronicles. It's an interesting pairing of him and the very serious Shetra.

Posted: Sun May 11, 2003 3:31 pm
by duchess of malfi
Hyrim is a fun guy, but he has some real depth in him, too -- which really comes out in Gildenfire. I really love his character! :D The story of Shetra and Verement has always broken my heart. Two people who obviously love another, but somehow just can't connect with each other. :cry:
And, yes, I would agree that Danlo is doing a magnificent job with these chapters! :D :D

Posted: Sun May 11, 2003 3:58 pm
by Damelon
duchess of malfi wrote:The story of Shetra and Verement has always broken my heart. Two people who obviously love another, but somehow just can't connect with each other.
The Ranyhyn definately left a wedge in their relationship. The inferiority complex that gnaws at Verement is rather sad, for he is a capable man.

Posted: Sun May 11, 2003 6:29 pm
by danlo
Didn't Hyrim say something about drinking every1 under the table when he returns?
Kinda reminds me of a certian Giant we meet in the 2nd Chrons... :D
More detail! 8O EGAD! 8O ...well, Infelice just requested more detail, as if there isn't enough detail in this chapter! 8O So let's make a list: 8 new Lords, Ranyhyn, Giants, Haruchai-Bloodguard, ALL the old Lords, hearthalls, the common-folk of Revelstone and Revelstone itself! In fact Revelstone has a resident that no one seems to know about...

"Lord Kevin's Lament": part 2: Amok

To avoid going stir-crazy TC goes out among the "smallfolk" of Revelstone to grab a bite to eat and there Bannor informs him that his presence is requested at the Close. A stranger has entered Lord's Keep and it's not another Waynhim or another stranger to the Land, Thank god! :D Once seated at the Council he meets, in full, the rest of the new Lords, including Callindrill Faer-mate and a brand new Lord, Amatin, of Sarangrave fame. Our old friend Mhoram arrives late looking feeble, fragile and ancient from struggling for days, and nights, with the mysteries of the krill of Loric. Someone just appeared at the gates. POOF! He's just there...the Bloodguard's eyes never wavered...there was not any approach...
He was slim, simply clad in a cream colored robe, and his movements were light, buoyant. Though he was nearly as tall as Covenant, he seemed hardly old enough to have his full growth. There was a sense of boyish laughter in the way his curly hair bounced as he came down the steps, as if he was amused by the precautions taken against him, But Covenant was not amused. With the new dimension of his sight, he could see why Crowl had said that the boy was "not as other men." Within his young, fresh flesh were bones that seemed to radiate oldness--not age--they were not weak or infirm--but rather antiquity. His skeleton carried this oldness, this aura of time, as if he was merely a vessel for it. He existed for it father than in spite of it. The sight baffled Covenant's perceptions, made his eyes ache with conflicting impressions of dread and glory as he strained to comprehend.
In an effort to find out why this person is now at Revelstone, his lineage and purpose...Amok continually baffles the Lords and the deadly cynical Verement. He doesn't have any parents and he hails from Revelstone itself! He is simply there at need. In his talk his antiquity is apparent... Indeed, the young and talented Amatin feels there is real meaning to why Amok, who is simply Amok, is there. She gains sensitivity to his role as she prods him futher:
"Lord I have been away. I have feasted with the Elohim, and ridden Sandgorgons. I have danced with the Dancers of the Sea, and have teased brave Kelenbhrabanal in his grave, and traded apothegms with the Gray Desert."
Despite his youthful appearence Amok was been everywhere, even outside the Land, and has comingled with alien races and the spirit of the Father of the Ranyhyn. SRD may be teasing us here but Amok really is a brand new breath of fresh air as he raises the potential of far-flung stories to come and jacks up the Chronicles to a new level of characters and possibilities.

Finally we find that, assuming we can assume this much ( :D ), Amok is sort of a Faery, a tool, a device that High Lord Kevin put in his father's krill and awoke when TC's white-gold caused the krill to come to life. Like his mysterious "Wards", Kevin is full of suprizes. (...after all he was around for centuries; discovering things, hiding things, letting Foul infiltrate the Council...). He came at the appointed time of need but the new Lords admit they don't know enough of the Lore to understand him and utilize him. So Amok simply says, "Oh well, my bad, later..." and disappears.

A terribly interesting, funny and mysterious interlude that raises many more questions that it answers. Like Infelice, this part makes me really want to go back to Kevin's time to see his motives and prophecies that led 2 the creation of the Lore, the Wards and the creation of Amok. First we have the Land itself trying to communicate w/TC and Mhoram in Morrinmoss and now we have HL Kevin almost attemping to address the Council in person centuries after the Ritual of Desecration--wild stuff. It is also interesting to note that Mhoram could not foresee Amok, just as he couldn't see the cause of the Giant's approaching death. Perhaps (don't spoil...) the Lore and (no don't!) the Illearth Stone (bad danlo!!!) have ways of occulding his vision...but then again if Amok comes from the past and Mhoram merely has prophesy...

:x AAAA shuddap danlo! Everyone else who just read this is just as messed up in the don't have to make it any harder than it already is... :D :D :D

Coming next: Troy

Posted: Sun May 11, 2003 8:06 pm
by Fist and Faith
Oh! How I love Amok!!! One of my top few favorite characters in TCTC, or anywhere else! So much shouldn't, I suppose, be said about him in this installment, so I'll just keep quiet.

But wouldn't it be SO awesome to see him hanging with a Forestal or the Elohim?!?! In no time, they'd be trying to kill him out of frustration. Throwing blasts at him, trying to hold him in various traps. And him laughing the whole time, "Your embrace, fair Infelice, seems less inviting than one would hope! hee hee hee" ak-Haru Kenaustin Ardenol himself would be grinning at the sight!


Posted: Sun May 11, 2003 8:32 pm
by fightingmyinstincts
Ah, yes, I'd forgotten how cool those two chapters are...I love Shetra and Verement, they deserve their own book in my opinion, but I'm a sucker for tortured romances...Hyrim is just an all-around cool guy, and Amok is too...kinda like to see those two hang out, they would enjoy it....
Now, Did anyone guess what Amok was/represented beforehand, in any sense? What were your speculations about him and the seventh ward?[/spoiler]

Re: re

Posted: Sun May 11, 2003 9:14 pm
by Infelice
fightingmyinstincts wrote:Ah, yes, I'd forgotten how cool those two chapters are...I love Shetra and Verement, they deserve their own book in my opinion, but I'm a sucker for tortured romances...Hyrim is just an all-around cool guy, and Amok is too...kinda like to see those two hang out, they would enjoy it....
Now, Did anyone guess what Amok was/represented beforehand, in any sense? What were your speculations about him and the seventh ward?[/spoiler]
Ah Amok was one mysteriously, slippery dude.. I had absolutely no idea what he purpose was... I was as dumbstruck as the lords. His references to the Elohim and Sandgorgons and stuff really made me aware that there was more to SRD's world than just The really piqued my curiosity.

As for an encounter between Amok and the Elohim, F&F, I'm sure a few well-directed blasts of my Elohmic wrath aimed strategically would put an end to his jaunty swagger and wipe the smirk off his face :crazy: .
There are few beings in the world that hath suffered mine Elohmic wrath and lived to tell the tale.


Posted: Sun May 11, 2003 11:22 pm
by Fist and Faith
I don't know about that! :) After all, he said he feasted with the Elohim. And we know he cannot hang out with anyone without annoying them to death. The fact that he's still in existence must mean that they could not destroy him.