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Somebody please talk me into finishing this series!(Spoilers

Posted: Mon May 08, 2006 10:44 pm
by Luke The Unbeliever
Okay, I've read AGOT and loved then I went and got ACOK and ASOS...I've read ACOK and honestly...I was so damn depressed after that book I couldn't bring myself to start on ASOS...

I just wanna know...are the bad-guys(Lannisters) ever NOT going to get their way..?.Man, with Eddard gone I've been struggling to find someone to latch onto, and Jon Snow becomes a traitor to The Night's Watch, and that leaves who ? I love Tyrion Lannister...and if he dies soon then I'll be crushed...maybe I'm overreacting, but I don't see Sansa or Arya living much longer much less Robb....

Please, someone tell me it gets better....all the doom and gloom is keeping me from finishing this series...

Posted: Mon May 08, 2006 10:57 pm
by duchess of malfi
As of the end of AFFC Tyrion is still alive and well. :) But we will not get more of his story until ADWD. :(

Tywin will get a suitable punishment in ASOS. :twisted:

Jaime will undergo quite an interesting character evolution. :)

Good ol' Sissy-Poo will begin to get hers in AFFC.
Hope this helps, without being too majorly spoilery. :)

Re: Somebody please talk me into finishing this series!(Spoi

Posted: Mon May 08, 2006 11:36 pm
by Revan
Luke The Unbeliever wrote:Okay, I've read AGOT and loved then I went and got ACOK and ASOS...I've read ACOK and honestly...I was so damn depressed after that book I couldn't bring myself to start on ASOS...

I just wanna know...are the bad-guys(Lannisters) ever NOT going to get their way..?.Man, with Eddard gone I've been struggling to find someone to latch onto, and Jon Snow becomes a traitor to The Night's Watch, and that leaves who ? I love Tyrion Lannister...and if he dies soon then I'll be crushed...maybe I'm overreacting, but I don't see Sansa or Arya living much longer much less Robb....

Please, someone tell me it gets better....all the doom and gloom is keeping me from finishing this series...
Read it! It is an amazing series. The greyest characters in fantasy that I know of. :D

Posted: Tue May 09, 2006 2:39 pm
by Zahir
The Lannisters do not get everything their own way. Not at all. In fact, one can say they are well and truly screwed as of the end of AFFC.

Wonderful, interesting things await Jon Snow.

Several characters are going to die. This will deeply upset you. Others will die and you'll begin giggling (three in particular make the world a cleaner place by their deaths).

Very, very bad things happen. Many are unexpected. Surprisingly great things happen as well. Someone who seems evil begins to grow something like a soul. Unlikely friendships bloom. Someone weak and foolish begins to become strong and wise. Love develops for someone who deserves it. Secrets (many) are revealed, including some very intriguing prophecies (one is about Cersei and is a hum-dinger!).

Posted: Tue May 09, 2006 5:23 pm
by Warmark
Good Post, makes me want to re-read them!

Posted: Wed May 10, 2006 9:21 pm
by Luke The Unbeliever
Wow, thanks!
After so many pages I was beginning to wonder if the only bright spots were gonna be few and far between...I'm terrible LOL, I try my best to avoid spoilers, but I love vague's about the only thing that still makes me feel like a 5 year old on Christmas Morning :)

Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2006 4:02 pm
by BT Shire
Best. Series. Ever.

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2006 8:56 am
by Baradakas
Ditt. O.

Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2006 1:34 am
by Luke The Unbeliever
Well, I'm about 100 pages or so from the end of ASOS...thanks for urging me to finish this series...

I was definitely surprised by more than a few events in this book. I'll try not to post spoilers, but Jaime has really become interesting, and Jon Snow is exciting as ever that's for sure...

I never cared much for Sansa...she peeved me off in AGOT for selling Eddard out...but I gotta say, she's getting a raw deal...I can't help but shake my head and frown at the Stark sisters...poor Arya can't get anywhere without being taken prisoner of some sort...and Sansa, she might become more like Queen Tyrell than she wants to...everyone wants her right to Winterfell...

I know it's a false hope, but I just wish Jon and Sansa and Bran and Rickon could get Winterfell going again...perhaps Ser Jorah could be a help...or Barristan maybe ?

LOL, there's too many people that I'm dying to know what happens to them...I could make posts forever about them.

I can't see where this is all heading, except for more blood and lies, but I'm officially hooked no matter the outcome.

Thanks a lot for re-sparking my interest !