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'Betrayal' by Aaron Allston Pt 1 Legacy of the Force

Posted: Sun May 28, 2006 4:50 pm
by Ainulindale
I read this a couple of weeks ago, and this book kicks all kinds of ass. This is the first book in a forthcoming multi-author sequence (I think it comes out like tomorow).

Trust me Starwars fans, a rare quality read in the setting here, really looking forward to the next book (Bloodlines by Karen traviss)

Posted: Mon May 29, 2006 10:54 am
by Avatar
Thanks for the heads up Ainulindale. Will keep an eye out for it for sure.

If you recommend it... ;) :lol:


Posted: Mon May 29, 2006 11:19 am
by dlbpharmd
What is the setting of this book?

Posted: Mon May 29, 2006 1:17 pm
by Ainulindale
What is the setting of this book?
Do you mean timeline or physical?

Physically in a couple of places, Correlia (sp), and sme moment in Coruscant - as well as a previously uncharted (to my knowledge Sith stronghold.

Here is my cut/paste when asked a similar question at FBS:
n the text (I can't remember exactly where) that events most are familair with took place 30 years ago (As a character recollects). Luke and Mara (his wife - the former hand of the Emperor) are upper 40's lower 50's, their son, Ben is 13, and is the padawaned to Jacen Solo (Semi-officially), the son of Han and Leah (who also have a daughter and another son was killed during a previous war). I'm not sure how we can take the ages, because I think Wedge Antilles was descrbed as being in his 70's.
Thanks for the heads up Ainulindale. Will keep an eye out for it for sure.

If you recommend it... Wink Laughing
I have to admit, I'm not always kind (understatement) to Star Wars books, but I really dug this book. :D

Posted: Mon May 29, 2006 3:03 pm
by dlbpharmd
I meant timeline, and you answered my question - Thanks!

Posted: Tue May 30, 2006 5:29 am
by Avatar
Ainulindale wrote:
If you recommend it...
I have to admit, I'm not always kind (understatement) to Star Wars books, but I really dug this book. :D
:D I just meant that you tend to be a severe critic in general.
