The Wounded Land, Chapter 24: ***The Search***


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Fist and Faith
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The Wounded Land, Chapter 24: ***The Search***

Post by Fist and Faith »

OK, Sunder’s got some cracked ribs, but he’ll live. Linden wraps his chest, and they get on their way. The next day, Sunder is grabbed by a coil as thick as Covenant’s thigh from out of the water. Yeah, it sucks to be Sunder.

A most amazing thing happens to Covenant. Time seems to slow, and he sees everything in all detail. (Reminds me of Mallory Ringess :)):
All the celerity of the Haruchai seemed insignificant to Covenant. He saw Stell release his sack, crouch, start a long dive forward, as if each piece of the action were discrete, time-consuming. Ceer carried no sack; he was one fraction of a heartbeat ahead of Stell. Hollian’s mouth stretched toward a scream. Every one of the reeds was distinct and terrible. The water had the texture of filthy wool. Covenant saw it all: wet scales; could knotted to kill; Ceer and Stell in the first reach of their dives; Hollian’s mouth-
Then the wild magic explodes. He fries the coil, freeing Sunder for the Haruchai to grab.

They continue on, and the green children are back, following them. But there’s another problem. Something is up ahead. The can see silhouettes. Big silhouettes. Brinn goes to investigate, while the rest of the party hunkers down, nice and still. Of course, Covenant has to be restrained; Hergrom is forced to hold him in place. They hear blows up ahead, and suddenly the Haruchai let everyone up. (Gotta love that telepathy! :)) Then we get to see what Brinn found.


*fighting back tears*

we see…

(Dear God…)

A Giant!
There aren’t too many moments in literature to compare to this.


Let me tell you a little something about the Haruchai. They are a very solitary people. And there’s good reason for this. It’s not arrogance. It’s not shyness. The question is: Who do they have to relate to? A bunch of weakling Land dwellers? Not! OK, in all fairness, as humans go, the Woodhelvennin and Stonedowners from the Land’s past were great people. And some individuals, like Mhoram – and we’ve begun to learn Sunder is another - can match the Haruchai will and faith. But as a people? Not even close. Nobody is. The Haruchai are alone. Even lonely.

But it wasn’t always so. Their storytellers remind them of a glorious race. A race who, though so different in outward behavior, acted from the same extravagant emotions, and acted with honor, courage, and fealty. A race that could resist possession by Ravers with little or no effort. A race that they gave their friendship to fiercely.

And now, after millennia of yearning, with nothing but stories and a communal memory of companionship with a long-dead race, the Haruchai are reunited with Giants!! Let’s look again at Brinn:
He stood with his fists on his hips. Nacre reflected out of his flat eyes like joy.
The scream of joy from the Haruchai fairly deafened Covenant, Linden, Sunder, and Hollian. They stood in dumb amazement as they watched the six Haruchai jump several feet into the air in their joy, come together into a group hug, fall en-masse, and lie on the ground, crying like little girls.
Oh, the Haruchai are happy!!!! :D :D :D :D :D

Only the briefest of introductions – not nearly proper even from human standards, let alone Giant! - is possible, because of the danger of the green children. (The Giants, through as yet mysterious means, have gained the ability to understand lots of languages, and know these creatures to be called skest.) When Honninscrave reminds them of this, Brinn speaks:
“Grimmand Honninscrave.” Brinn spoke as if Sunder were not present. “The tale of which the ur-Lord speaks is known among us also. I am Brinn of the Haruchai. Of my people, here also are Cail, Stell, Harn, Ceer, and Hergrom. I give you our names in the name of a proud memory.” He met Honninscrave’s gaze. “Giant,” he concluded softly, “you are not alone.”
In the next book, we will again hear Brinn speak softly, the only way he can contain his emotion. But what I want to point out is the nature of what Brinn just said. For all intents and purposes, this is another Vow. Basically, “You are not alone. If we are unable to help you live, we will die with you.” They don’t need to actually make an official Vow out of it, but I’d like to hear from anyone who believes the Haruchai will abandon these Giants for any reason.

Covenant reacts as I would if I was in his shoes. All of his memories of Foamfollower come pouring in at once, all his knowledge of the Unhomed, and it’s too much for a normal human to withstand.
Covenant wept for them, for the loss of so much love and fealty. He wept for Foamfollower, whose death had been gallant beyond any hope of emulation.
Ah, my heart!!

But no, when asked, the Giants don’t know Covenant.

And how do the Giants react to these strangers who know so much about Giants? With a couple of my favorite lines ever!! :D :D In the first, Brinn says, “The old tellers spoke truly. I am gladdened.” To which Honninscrave replies:
“Then you have knowledge which I lack.” His voice rumbled like stones in a subterranean vault. “You and your companions.” He glanced over the company. “And your gladness” – he touched the side of his jaw with one hand – “is a weighty matter.”
:LOLS: :haha: :LOLS: :haha: What a scream!! :D Can you imagine?? Here’s this tiny little guy coming at a Giant! A Giant in his prime. Huge! Strong!


“What the hell was that??”

Damn I love it! :D :D

And the second line is when Covenant tells the Giants to flee, because it’s him the skest are after. The answer?
“It appears,” Pitchwife chuckled, “that Thomas Covenant’s knowledge of Giants is not so great as he believes.”
:haha: And again :haha: I can’t take it!! :D *wipes tears of laughter from eyes* Pitchwife tells us everything about Giants in one sentence. He tells us of their faithfulness to companions, and of their laughter. What else do we need to know about Giants?

As the skest are closing in on the company, the First draws her sword, and says, “Stone and Sea!”
And Covenant, who had known Giants, responded:

“Stone and Sea are deep in life,
two unalterable symbols of the world.”

He forced the words through his anoxia and vertigo as he had learned them from Foamfollower.

“Permanence at rest, and permanence in motion;
participants in the Power that remains.”
Yes, this gets the attention of the First. She promptly names Covenant “Giantfriend.” Which, because that was the name the Unhomed gave to Damelon, who foretold their destruction, Covenant isn’t happy about. (Personally, I’d be so thrilled I wouldn’t be able to speak for a day or two.)

Now they have a couple of fights. First they have to break out of the skest, who have them surrounded. Then the lurker attacks again. And it’s after Linden. Trying to get her away from it, the Haruchai accidentally shatter her ankle, not realizing her foot is caught in the fork of a root.

Covenant’s trying to go help her, but Brinn and Hergrom hold him back. Just as well, since the lurker is beating up Cail, Ceer, and Honninscrave pretty good. Covenant doesn’t stand a chance. Unless, of course…
Instantly, he was livid with fury. A flush of venom pounded through him. Wild magic burned.

His power hurled the Haruchai away as if they had been kicked aside by an explosion.
Heh. It’s always kinda fun to see the Haruchai get tossed around. Doesn’t happen often, but when it does, you know something big is happening! Remember Foamfollower tossing a couple in LFB? :)

Then, Linden’s foot still caught, the lurker yanks on her hair, “excruciating her bones.” Man oh man this is nasty!! (I’m glad I don’t have to recount the setting of the bones in the next chapter! 8O)

But Covenant has Loric’s krill. When he stabbs its arm, the lurker lets go of Linden. But it grabs him, and drags him under. Way under. He severs its arm, freeing himself. But he's deeeeeeeep under by then, and has no chance of saving himself.
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Post by matrixman »

Lively review there, F&F! Had some diamondraught before you tackled the chapter? :wink:

This line from early in the chapter kinda stuck out in my mind: "The two women were still asleep--Linden lay like a battered wife with her hair sticking damply to her face..."

8O battered wife? SRD's imagery is getting a little personal...

Interesting to note that the company feels bad about losing Vain in the quagmire, even though they all distrusted him. Covenant felt "irrationally shamed" at Vain's loss--at the loss of any companion, even one who was "not alive." Another indication of Covenant's basic decency.

The situation with Sarangrave Flat is one more sad reminder of the decay and corruption of the Land. The soothtell told us that "the perversity of Sarangrave Flat had been reduced" by generations of work by the Councils that followed High Lord Mhoram. But they obviously never vanquished the "spirit" of the Sarangrave: the lurker. And all their work became undone once the Sunbane showed up. When you look at the map, you see that the Sarangrave has actually expanded, even overtaking a good chunk of the land that Giant Woods once occupied.

The appearance of the Giants of the Search is quite something! I had figured that Dead Foamfollower in Andelain would be the only Giant I would see in the story. The Search suddenly changes everything: we've got GIANTS again in the Chronicles! The First and Pitchwife are just an awesome pair.

Covenant's and Linden's struggle (her foot! OUCH!) with the lurker is pretty intense. Covenant's use of the krill against the lurker is way cool; but SRD is also reiterating his theme of the double-edged nature of power, how it can come back to haunt its wielder. Covenant saves Linden from the lurker, but his burst of power could easily have seriously burned the Haruchai who were protecting him. And his earlier display of power, though it saved Sunder's life, had alerted the skest to the company's whereabouts. Finally, the use of the Coursers, though they eased the journey, ultimately betrayed the company's presence to the lurker in the last chapter, because the lurker sensed the power of the Coursers--Sunbane power.
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Post by Seafoam Understone »

Leave it to Fist to accurately describe in (layman's terms) the joy of the Haruchai upon meeting the Giants....
The scream of joy from the Haruchai fairly deafened Covenant, Linden, Sunder, and Hollian. They stood in dumb amazement as they watched the six Haruchai jump several feet into the air in their joy, come together into a group hug, fall en-masse, and lie on the ground, crying like little girls.
Oh, the Haruchai are happy!!!! :D :D :D :D :D
As am I!! Because Foamfollower became one of my top ten favorite literary characters of all time... a few others from SRD's imagination are amongst those top ten as well.

The Haruchai bouyant over meeting giants still manage to adhere to their oath to Covenant and Linden (and Sunder and Hollian) to protect. Their enthusiasm to do so nearly rips Linden's foot off. What is also remarkable that the Giants having just met the company are willing to put themselves in harms way. Fist was right on with :
And again I can’t take it!! *wipes tears of laughter from eyes* Pitchwife tells us everything about Giants in one sentence. He tells us of their faithfulness to companions, and of their laughter. What else do we need to know about Giants?

A lot in the forthcoming chapters. But that is for someone else.
Perhaps it was Covenant's recital of the Giant's Stone and Sea litany that caused them to bond so immediately to the group, or it was simply in their nature.
Brinn was lucky that Honniscrave didn't smack his head clean off when he punched the giant in the jaw. Yeah it does present an amusing image that this short guy literally had to jump up high enough to land a blow accurately. I can imagine the thought going through his head when he realized who/what he hit: Probably akin to "Holee crap! I'm gonna die!"

I re-read these particular chapters every now again because of the simple joy and heart that I feel from them.
Yes I can imagine Covenant being literally heart-broken with joy and grief at even seeing a (living) Giant again, and much more so when the First named him Giantfriend. And like Fist, I'd be so happy that I'd follow her around like a widdle puppy.

Rare are such noble characters are found in literature. Giants are traditionally known as bad guys in fairy tales and other sources but SRD turns them into beloved noble and ironically human beings. (Yes Fist Haruchai are also within this catagory...I've some thoughts upon them as well to be added on a later dissection :wink:)
remember the Oath Of Peace!
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Post by Durris »

Let me tell you a little something about the Haruchai. They are a very solitary people. And there’s good reason for this. It’s not arrogance. It’s not shyness. The question is: Who do they have to relate to? A bunch of weakling Land dwellers? Not! OK, in all fairness, as humans go, the Woodhelvennin and Stonedowners from the Land’s past were great people. And some individuals, like Mhoram – and we’ve begun to learn Sunder is another - can match the Haruchai will and faith. But as a people? Not even close. Nobody is. The Haruchai are alone. Even lonely.
Durris blinks several times and slowly lowers his head, the line of his shoulders taking on a concentrated stillness.


Fist, that's at least the third time on this board you've reduced me to hot tears of recognition! Cut it out--NOT!!!

The loneliness comes through even more poignantly later in the second series, when
Cail is shunned by his people (did this entail telepathic silence, and what a purgatory it must have been if so!) and is briefly at another time, if I remember correctly, the only Haruchai still with the company.

The scream of joy from the Haruchai fairly deafened Covenant, Linden, Sunder, and Hollian. They stood in dumb amazement as they watched the six Haruchai jump several feet into the air in their joy, come together into a group hug, fall en-masse, and lie on the ground, crying like little girls.
yikes...the eucatastrophe of it all! When first I read this chapter, I was somewhat fooled by the minimalism of Donaldson's descriptions--Covenant's tears affected me more than the Haruchai response, precisely because I didn't yet know how to translate that response.

I keep wondering if Linden saw through their reserve, all through the story, much more than they (and perhaps she) would have preferred; though she wasn't a telepath (
except in a brief flash in WGW--"she sent out a mental cry that brought Cail and Nom running"
) health-sense includes preternatural empathy. All that minimalist body language wouldn't have kept her from seeing the intensity it concealed. She seems to have had the lowest threshold for tears among the characters, and I wouldn't be surprised if sometimes she had been actually crying for seven.
In the next book, we will again hear Brinn speak softly, the only way he can contain his emotion.
If I remember right, Brinn also spoke softly (and said "You are not alone") when he and Covenant are alone beside Glimmermere during the night after the soothtell, when Brinn has just wrapped up the krill that has reappeared, and Covenant is feeling the shock of blood-loss and accepting Brinn's help with interior reluctance, knowing that it puts both of them in a position of more mutual commitment than seems morally safe, but that he's in no condition to do without such help.
For all intents and purposes, this is another Vow. Basically, “You are not alone. If we are unable to help you live, we will die with you.” They don’t need to actually make an official Vow out of it, but I’d like to hear from anyone who believes the Haruchai will abandon these Giants for any reason.
This is in some ways a reversal of and a reparation for Korik's mission that reached Coercri too late. It, too, traveled through the Sarangrave. From an expected doom not averted to a most unexpected reunion that succeeds in dealing with a new peril.
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Post by Furls Fire »


This was yet another chapter in which my shout of joy in class caused the theft of my book by my teacher. :x

Tears came to my eyes...
Suddenly, Covenant's eyes were full of tears. They blinded him; he could not blink away visions of Saltheart Foamfollower- Foamfollower, whose laughter and pure heart had done more to defeat Lord Foul and heal the Land than any other power, despite the fact that his people had been butchered to the last child by a Giant-Raver wielding a fragment of the Illearth Stone, thus fulfilling the unconscious prophecy of their home in Seareach, which they had named Coercri, The Grieve.

All killed, all the Unhomed. They sprang from a sea-faring race, and in their wandering they had lost their way back to their people. Therefore they had made a new place for themselves in Seareach where they had lived for centuries, until three of their proud sons had been made into Giant-Ravers, servants of the Despiser. Then they had let themselves be slain, rather than perpetuate a people who could become the thing they hated.

Covenant wept for them, for the loss of so much love and fealty. He wept for Foamfollower, whose death had been gallant beyond any hope of emulation. He wept because the Giant standing before him now could not be one of the Unhomed, not one of the people he had learned to treasure.

And because, in spite of everything, there were still Giants in the world.

He did not know that he had cried aloud until Hollian touched him. "Ur-Lord. What pains you?"

"Giant!" he cried. "Don't you know me?" Stumbling, he went past Linden to the towering figure. "I'm Thomas Covenant."
As Fist said...."Ah, my heart"...
And I believe in you
altho you never asked me too
I will remember you
and what life put you thru.

~fly fly little wing, fly where only angels sing~

~this world was never meant for one as beautiful as you~

...for then I could fly away and be at rest. Sweet rest, Mom. We all love and miss you.

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Post by dlbpharmd »

Beautifully rendered, Fist! Thanks!

The memory that the Haruchai and TC have of Giants is not shared by the Search, and so the Giants we read about here have no idea who these small people are. But the First is quickly realizes that these people have known Giants almost intimately. TC's rendition of Stone and Sea is to me one of the most moving moments in his relationship with Giants.

But the appearance of a deformed Giant was at first disturbing, wasn't it?
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Post by duchess of malfi »

And because, in spite of everything, there were still Giants in the world.
Moments like this one make this book bearable for me...this book is one of the most painful I have ever read...I fell deeply in love with the Land and its peoples in the First Chronicles -- and in the Second, it is given back, broken. Yet how can there not be hope when there are Giants still in the world, and back in the Land? :)
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Post by Fist and Faith »

Matrixman wrote:Lively review there, F&F! Had some diamondraught before you tackled the chapter? :wink:
:D Ah, my friend, how could one tell such a tale otherwise?
Matrixman wrote: 8O battered wife? SRD's imagery is getting a little personal...
Yeah, that really is something! I wonder if the Sunbane stricken Land is supposed to be the husband...
Matrixman wrote:Interesting to note that the company feels bad about losing Vain in the quagmire, even though they all distrusted him.
He surely didn't go to great lengths to endear himself to them.
Matrixman wrote:Covenant felt "irrationally shamed" at Vain's loss--at the loss of any companion, even one who was "not alive." Another indication of Covenant's basic decency.
The fact that he was a gift from Foamfollower probably helped too.
Matrixman wrote:The First and Pitchwife are just an awesome pair.
Perhaps my favorite romantic couple ever! :D

Seafoam Understone wrote:Leave it to Fist to accurately describe in (layman's terms) the joy of the Haruchai upon meeting the Giants....
Why, thank you! :D
Seafoam Understone wrote:As am I!! Because Foamfollower became one of my top ten favorite literary characters of all time... a few others from SRD's imagination are amongst those top ten as well.
Oh yeah!!
Seafoam Understone wrote:
Fist and Faith wrote:And again I can’t take it!! *wipes tears of laughter from eyes* Pitchwife tells us everything about Giants in one sentence. He tells us of their faithfulness to companions, and of their laughter. What else do we need to know about Giants?
A lot in the forthcoming chapters. But that is for someone else.
Yeah, they have a lot of wisdom to share, as well as some tricks up their rather large sleeves.
Seafoam Understone wrote:Perhaps it was Covenant's recital of the Giant's Stone and Sea litany that caused them to bond so immediately to the group, or it was simply in their nature.
Their nature certainly is to form friendships. But they also gained an immediate respect for the Haruchai. I wish we could have heard Honninscrave getting teased by Pitchwife for getting punched by Brinn. :lol: And the Giants must have been affected by the love that was literally pouring off of Covenant and the Haruchai. The trick would have been for them to NOT bond so quickly.
Seafoam Understone wrote:Brinn was lucky that Honniscrave didn't smack his head clean off when he punched the giant in the jaw. Yeah it does present an amusing image that this short guy literally had to jump up high enough to land a blow accurately. I can imagine the thought going through his head when he realized who/what he hit: Probably akin to "Holee crap! I'm gonna die!"
:haha: Well, the Haruchai don't ever - ever - consider the possibility of losing. (I'll get more into this in TOT.) But yeah, Honninscrave could have damaged him pretty badly. But I wonder if the "violent expulsion of breath" was Honninscrave getting punched in the stomach, lowering his head enough for Brinn to womp it.
Seafoam Understone wrote:Rare are such noble characters are found in literature. Giants are traditionally known as bad guys in fairy tales and other sources but SRD turns them into beloved noble and ironically human beings. (Yes Fist Haruchai are also within this catagory...I've some thoughts upon them as well to be added on a later dissection :wink:)
Preachin' to the choir! The Vow was the most wonderfully human act ever!! Passionate! Stupid! Noble! A glorious achievement! A spectacular regret!

Durris wrote:Durris blinks several times and slowly lowers his head, the line of his shoulders taking on a concentrated stillness.


Fist, that's at least the third time on this board you've reduced me to hot tears of recognition! Cut it out--NOT!!!
Among the greatest compliments I've ever gotten. Thank you. *bows*
Durris wrote:The loneliness comes through even more poignantly later in the second series, when
Cail is shunned by his people (did this entail telepathic silence, and what a purgatory it must have been if so!) and is briefly at another time, if I remember correctly, the only Haruchai still with the company.
A pretty decent amount of time, actually. And that's why he's my favorite Haruchai of all.
Durris wrote:yikes...the eucatastrophe of it all! When first I read this chapter, I was somewhat fooled by the minimalism of Donaldson's descriptions--Covenant's tears affected me more than the Haruchai response, precisely because I didn't yet know how to translate that response.
I love when he does this! That's why I made that "Haruchai showing emotion" thread.
Durris wrote:I keep wondering if Linden saw through their reserve, all through the story, much more than they (and perhaps she) would have preferred; though she wasn't a telepath, health-sense includes preternatural empathy. All that minimalist body language wouldn't have kept her from seeing the intensity it concealed. She seems to have had the lowest threshold for tears among the characters, and I wouldn't be surprised if sometimes she had been actually crying for seven.
Fascinating thought!!!!! 8O 8O
Durris wrote:If I remember right, Brinn also spoke softly (and said "You are not alone") when he and Covenant are alone beside Glimmermere during the night after the soothtell, when Brinn has just wrapped up the krill that has reappeared, and Covenant is feeling the shock of blood-loss and accepting Brinn's help with interior reluctance, knowing that it puts both of them in a position of more mutual commitment than seems morally safe, but that he's in no condition to do without such help.
Though he didn't say those words, yes, he spoke quietly. Hmmm, Brinn seems to be the sensitive one of his people. :)
Durris wrote:
Fist and Faith wrote:For all intents and purposes, this is another Vow. Basically, “You are not alone. If we are unable to help you live, we will die with you.” They don’t need to actually make an official Vow out of it, but I’d like to hear from anyone who believes the Haruchai will abandon these Giants for any reason.
This is in some ways a reversal of and a reparation for Korik's mission that reached Coercri too late. It, too, traveled through the Sarangrave. From an expected doom not averted to a most unexpected reunion that succeeds in dealing with a new peril.
Wow!! Another great thought!! Nice job putting those things together!!!
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Post by Durris »

Fist and Faith wrote:
Matrixman wrote:
battered wife? SRD's imagery is getting a little personal...
Yeah, that really is something! I wonder if the Sunbane stricken Land is supposed to be the husband...
I think this image might be referring to the ballad earlier in TWL about Diassomer Mininderain, the Creator's wife, who is exiled to the Land and punished with the Sunbane for allegedly having an affair with a-Jeroth. Yet another of the corrupted myths by which the Clave rationalize the Sunbane and teach their unfortunate people to believe they deserve it.

So the Land is a battered wife, and Linden, through her health-sense, is a microcosm of the Land.
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Post by Fist and Faith »

That sounds good. I wasn't thinking of that myth at all.
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Post by danlo »

Beautifully said Durris I realized that too, but had forgotten-as I haven't reread this chapter yet for the dissection. (Don't smack me Fist, I will! :D )

This is such a great reread, anyway, Gaints! Sanity restored! Outstanding job as usual Fist!
Last edited by danlo on Wed Feb 11, 2004 3:00 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by matrixman »

Thanks for the explanation, Durris. I always felt "battered wife" was an odd image to apply to Linden, but it never occurred to me that it was an allusion to the Diassomer Mininderain myth! It all makes sense. Geez, I need to pay more attention. I'll accept the dunce award now, thanks...
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Post by Seafoam Understone »

Hey Matrixman, is that a singular award or can it be shared? Is there another dunce-cap laying around or is the one you got can be worn by two.

Funny how through dissections we can see what others miss.

SRD does have issues along these lines and weaves them through his stories within stories. A brilliant writer no doubt.

Evil does try to rationalize itself so it can exist justifiably among us (and folks in the Land). Using the Mythology created by the Clave they have little or no resistance from the people and it's gone on so long that for many it's a (sad) way of life. Foul and his boys (Ravers) thrive on Dispair and what better way to do it than to have folks shedding the blood of their love ones inspite of the fact that "it'll do them good" as the Clave preaches.

Sunder is an example of being wrapped deeply into the mythology so much that he actually prefers the Fertile Sun over the others because it gives food and life. He's ignorant of the pain of the earth and the abnormal growth of the plant life. But then Foul with his cunning takes it away and drives him and his people back into despair with the other "crappy suns."

Donaldson doesn't leave US in dispair for too long and mercifully gives us GIANTS to revel in. Still there is dispair there as well with
Seadreamer's Earthsight ... and how sad to be the only Giant not able to laugh truly at the joy that is around him. :cry:
Love it love it love it...
Stone and Sea!
remember the Oath Of Peace!
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Post by matrixman »

Uh, sure, Seafoam. I'm more than happy to spread my ignorance. Have some--free of charge! :mrgreen:

A stray thought: isn't it curious that in all the (known) history of the Land, the only ship-bourne visitors to its shores have been Giants? In the thousands and thousands of years between the original Seareach Giants and the Search, how come no other race out there has sailed the seas and bumped into the Land? It's a big hunk of earth to miss! Are the Giants the only adventurous souls of that world? Is this an indication of some special status of the Land?
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Post by Seafoam Understone »

Matrixman wrote:A stray thought: isn't it curious that in all the (known) history of the Land, the only ship-bourne visitors to its shores have been Giants? In the thousands and thousands of years between the original Seareach Giants and the Search, how come no other race out there has sailed the seas and bumped into the Land? It's a big hunk of earth to miss! Are the Giants the only adventurous souls of that world? Is this an indication of some special status of the Land?
Interesting concept. Considering that there were other sea-going races/peoples around
The One Tree speaks of the ships of Biranthir <sic> harbor and the trade they had with others.
Something to look deeper into for the next book ;)
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Post by kaseryn »

I absolutely love this appraisal.. not only is it possibly my favourite part of the book, but so spot on with the reviewing.. permanently bookmarked lol :)
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Post by Haruchai »

Fist said:
The scream of joy from the Haruchai fairly deafened Covenant, Linden, Sunder, and Hollian. They stood in dumb amazement as they watched the six Haruchai jump several feet into the air in their joy, come together into a group hug, fall en-masse, and lie on the ground, crying like little girls.
Oh, the Haruchai are happy!!!!

8) 8) 8) 8)
LOL! I love it!!
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Post by Fist and Faith »

:D I just call em' like I see em'.
All lies and jest
Still a man hears what he wants to hear
And disregards the rest
-Paul Simon
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