Low Carb...at Menolly's request

Learn how to make Spring Wine and aliantha cookies.

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Post by Menolly »

SD's birthday was on Monday. Since his favorite dessert is tiramisu, I made this low carb version for him.

Here's an autopsy shot.

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Post by Skyweir »

:lol: autopsy shot ๐Ÿ˜‚
keep smiling ๐Ÿ˜Š :D ๐Ÿ˜Š

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Post by Menolly »

I do believe I found what I want as my birthday cake next month.
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Post by Menolly »

Dinner for New Year's Day was reverse seared standing rib roast, au jus made from the roast drippings and cabernet sauvignon, low carb Yorkshire pudding, steamed broccoli, low carb Arby's copycat Horsey sauce, and UF Kr-shna lunch almond salad dressing as a sauce for the broccoli.

Dessert was low carb chocolate fudge brownie ice cream with sliced strawberries and sugar free whipped cream.

A good start to the year.
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Post by Menolly »

Bringing forward the discussion on my surgery from Gen Dis, since this is more food focused...

Was allowed solid food last night, so went 48 hours between full fasting, IV fluids, and a liquid diet. Keto-wise, I would say I went a little overboard for dinner. I had mushroom bisque, a side garden salad of field greens, cherry tomatoes, and a broccoli florets with blue cheese dressing, a small grilled rockfish filet, steamed green beans, and sauteed spinach. Unsweetened iced tea to drink.

The mushroom bisque was the highest carbs at 11 total, but I really wanted to start my meal with it.

Then I blew it by having no sugar added chocolate pudding. The hospital menu says that alone had 15 total grams. But again, I really wanted it, after having not eaten.

For a snack later, I had one of the coconut flour blueberry muffins I baked this weekend to bring to the hospital.

Breakfast I did much better. Usually I IF from 10:00 to 1:00, but decided since I'm healing not to worry about that. I had three over easy eggs, two strips of bacon, and about 5 oz of cottage cheese.

Followed that with a couple of the mini frosted chocolate almond flour doughnettes I made this weekend for the hospital stay with coffee.
Terrible brewed coffee, but welcome after going two days without.

Currently nicely satiated, but OT is expected soon to teach me how to get up out of bed and walking the halls and some stairs, since I'm not allowed to use my arms or stomach to get up for the next month. I suspect after two and a half days in bed, I'll work up an appetite for lunch.

If all goes well, I'll be moved from ICU to a regular room later today, and if all goes really well, may even be discharged tomorrow.
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Post by Menolly »

The holiday of Purim is starting Wednesday night. Traditionally, hamantaschen are made, little three cornered cookies with poppy seed or prune filling.

I found a receipt for low carb hamentaschen I'm going to try tomorrow. I'll make some with the listed poppy seed filling, but I'm going to experiment and make a batch of each of the following and fill some with these as well.

Raspberry Chia Jam
Low Carb Almond Cheese Danish (I'm only making the filling, and maybe the frosting, from these)
Keto Nutella Hazelnut Spread

Hopefully, they'll turn out decent.
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I'm pleased.

It took me six hours to get the four different kinds made. But, I'm happy with how they turned out.

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Post by Menolly »

I made gnom-gnom's ultimate keto chocolate cake for Game Night.

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Post by Skyweir »

Wow looks amazing but you cant post fabulous pics of a delightful chockie cake and NOT post the recipe.

I want to eat this great beast of a cake. Are they blackberries?
keep smiling ๐Ÿ˜Š :D ๐Ÿ˜Š

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Post by Menolly »

My apologies, sky. After I posted the photos, I went back to edit in some comments and kept getting the bad symbol error, even after I ran it through the website. Frustrated, I walked away.

You can find the recipe at:
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Post by Menolly »

I'll try to post my commentary here.

1. I used two 7"x3" pans, one solid and one push pan. I buttered the bottom and sides of the pan, and then lined with parchment rounds. After buttering the parchment rounds, I dusted the pans with cocoa. I used Hershey's Special Dark cocoa, rather than the Valharona Paola suggests.

I had to allow the first two layers to cool, before removing from the cake pans and baking the third layer. Since there is no gluten, the layers do not really rise. The recipe calls for 8" pans, but I wanted slightly taller layers, so I went with 7" pans and added slightly more time.

2. Paola says cakes made with Xylitol are very fragile, so she suggests wrapping well and refrigerating overnight before frosting. I first wrapped in wax paper, and then in foil.

3./4./5. I uploaded the order of photos slightly wrong. 4. is the first layer with the filling piped on, using a snipped zipper bag. Paola says piping on the filling ensures the most even coverage, and runs less risk of tearing up the layers. 3. is the second layer on top of the first, after the filling was piped on. And 5. is the filling piped on to the second layer.

6. A side view of all three layers.

7. Crumb coat.

8. I am not a baker in anyway, and have no piping tips. This was done with a flat spatula and a snipped off zipper bag.

9. Yes, those are fresh blackberries, added for a little color. Damsel suggests I try making the keto raspberry chia jam I used for some of the hamentaschen above as filling, so I can get a black forest flavor going. I'll try that next time.

If I do make the cake for Passover, it will probably be only for the three of us. I'll make two layers instead of three, I think. The recipe above is for a single layer; adjust the serving size at the top of the recipe card from 6 to 12 servings for 2 layers, and from 6 to 18 servings for 3 layers.

10. Autopsy shot to show the crumb of the cake. Follow Paola's advice, and regrind the golden flax seed meal. It makes a huge difference.

11. Not a very clean slice, but it sure was tasty.
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Post by Skyweir »

Cheers Menolly thats awesome.

It looks surprisingly moist for a cake without gluten. I think Ill sub some regular flour probably for the flax seed meal.

Looks yummy ... looking forward to trying it.
keep smiling ๐Ÿ˜Š :D ๐Ÿ˜Š

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Post by Menolly »

Last night of Passover, so I'm making the same chocolate cake in celebration. However, since it's not for a pot luck, I'm only making two layers, and I'm going to experiment with using raspberry keto jam as the filling.

I had to leave the batter sit for awhile, as I ran out of an ingredient. I don't know if that affected anything, but I don't think these layers came out as thick. I may be wrong, though.
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Post by Cord Hurn »

That chocolate cake looks oh-so-GOOD, Menolly!!! :letsparty:
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Post by Menolly »

The layers definitely didn't rise as much, and are much denser. I think SD figured out the reason though. I used my kosher for Passover baking powder, which, although never opened, I had bought two years ago. Because it wasn't opened, it didn't even occur to me to check if it was still active.

Apparently, it wasn't.

Ah, well. The cake is still tasty, just more reminiscent of the Passover cakes I grew up with, rather than the lighter one I wanted to duplicate.

Lesson learned.

I found a recipe for making keto baking powder, which is definitely k4p. It uses inulin for the bulking starch. I need to find out if baking inulin is the same as Metamucil Clear and Natural. If the Metamucil is 100% inulin, with nothing added, I'm good with using it for such a purpose.
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Post by Menolly »

Today and tomorrow are the Jewish holy day of Shavuos. It is traditional to have at least one dairy oriented meal on the holiday. I decided to try using the Crepini egg thins with cauliflower from Costco to make cheese blintzes. I was skeptical if the cauliflower flavor would come through, but for me, it wasn't noticeable once doctored with toppings.

I used The Spruce Eats recipe for filling, subbing erythritol for the sugar. The filling lacked texture for me; next time I'll use small curd Daisy cottage cheese, which I'll drain through a tea towel while bringing to room temperature.

I served with sour cream and fruit preserves. I should have used keto chia seed preserves, but I didn't plan enough ahead to have any ready, so a small cheat occurred, using Bonne Maman preserves. The photo I have is of a couple of damsel's, who is not doing keto. She topped hers with peanut butter on one, and sour cream with Bonne Maman preserves on the other.
https://www.thespruceeats.com/jewish-ch ... pe-1136318

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Post by Menolly »

Decided to try on some clothes off the clearance racks at Macy's Seattle, to see what size new off the rack I'm fitting in to. I really don't have the budget to spend on new clothes, but I bet Dam-et, who is in to AirSoft, would really appreciate this get up.

Shirt is a little large at an XL, but off the rack new stiff jeans are a 14, and fit comfortably without being snug!

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Post by Menolly »

In the keto support groups I frequent, a popular dessert is a brand of "ice cream" called Rebel. I've been unable to find it here in the Pacific Northwet, so have been making due with Halo Top and Enlightened brands.

Today, Enlightened announced pints aimed specifically at those doing keto/low carb. If it is as tasty as the regular Enlightened, the days of sitting and eating an entire pint may be back...

https://eatenlightened.com/collections/ ... am-flavors
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Post by Savor Dam »

Dam-sel and I will push back on any attempt to bogart the Enlightened pints. Share, you will.:luke:

In other news, we may have seen Rebel in the frozen section of the new Kirkland Urban QFC, but we were not familiar with the brand and did not look closer.
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Post by Menolly »

Savor Dam wrote:Dam-sel and I will push back on any attempt to bogart theEnlightened pints. Share, you will.:luke:
I don't know if I could eat a whole pint at once anymore anyway. But, if y'all are out sometime, and I buy it myself, it could be dinner...
Savor Dam wrote:In other news, we may have seen Rebel in the frozen section of the new Kirkland Urban QFC, but we were not familiar with the brand and did not look closer.

Oh, from what I have heard, Rebel is way better in flavor than either Halo Top or Enlightened. I have seen a local company which is putting out pints which simply say "Keto," but that is not Rebel. When I go check the Urban QFC, I'll look for it.
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