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Richard Slade
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Post by Richard Slade »

Richard half smiles at the waitress, and allows Paula to respond on behalf of both of them.

It would be good to see how the casino is run, and get a feel for the security within. "I'd be happy to go in with you and Bela if you like. Seeing how easily you demolished everyone at cards on the journey here, I'd say you have a talent for gambling." Richard's gentle attempt at humour sounded a little awkward to him, but no matter. He also noted how visibly she seemed to brighten at the sight of the casino.

He had other talents in a setting such as a casino - there'd be many opportunities to relieve people of their possessions... but it wouldn't be wise to get him or his companions into any unnecessary trouble before the main job had even begun. Richard resolves to observe the running of the casino, as well as Paula's level of skill. It would be good to see her in action.

"Bela shouldn't be far away - it's been over half an hour now."
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Bela Gin
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Post by Bela Gin »

*coming back down the stairs*

"You're still here! Thanks for waiting. What have you two planned for us?"
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Richard Slade
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Post by Richard Slade »

"We're going to check out the casino" Richard points to the sign down the road. "I hear gambling is huge here."
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Bela Gin
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Post by Bela Gin »

"That sounds like an excellent idea! I would love to see how a gambling operation works."
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Paula Ridgeway
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Post by Paula Ridgeway »

Paula checked the small purse tied around her waist to make sure she had some extra coins. She was a prudent person and not given to extravagance such as gambling but she did have a knack for cards and enjoyed playing often but not with money she did not have.

Finding enough to play a few rounds, she said, "Let's be off then. But, first, I think it would be good form to find a shrine to Jove to ask for her blessing. When I was travelling with the troupe, we did this as a habit in every city and found that we were better received by the public.

"If you don't mind. There should be one around here somewhere."
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I'm Murrin
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Post by I'm Murrin »

[You all come from a world that doesn't really truck with gods, given its history with the original God, who is dead. The peoples who came to the Heartland and founded cities there were unusual, seen as fanatics by the outside world.]

There is a small shrine in the entryway to the inn, opposite the door to the main street. In an alcove sits a statue of the Lady, with a small offering bowl at her feet.
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Paula Ridgeway
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Post by Paula Ridgeway »

Paula stopped at the shrine, made a small offering of coin and asked for Jove's blessing.
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Bela Gin
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Post by Bela Gin »

"You religious people drive me up the wall."

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Richard Slade
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Post by Richard Slade »

Richard glances around to see whether anyone has taken notice of Paula's actions. One or two patrons seem to register. It could help with the *blending in* of their group. Richard does find Bela's jest faintly amusing - he has a level of charisma that Richard could never match. *I wonder if his meditation was some sort of excuse to talk to his god, Croup or whatever he said it was called.* None of this overly concerns Richard, it is just totally foreign to him - his mentor and only friend back in Pentam was very anti-religious, and warned Richard of the dangers of worshipping a "fictional being", as he put it.

They walk outside together, and soak up the warmth, and pleasant atmosphere. The street is a picture of beauty with sketches of autumn leaves peering out through the trees, the clop clop sound of horses hooves on the cobblestones, and the general bustle of business and pleasure. They follow the sign to the casino and gaze upon this impressive building for the first time. The bustle increases as they move closer to the casino, as do the number of guards with the same uniform as at the entrance to the city.

Turning to the others: "Gambling certainly appears to be THE major pastime in this city. I believe there are many of these around the place."
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I'm Murrin
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Post by I'm Murrin »

This casino is small, but gives off every impression of wealth that you would expect from such a place, decorated in gold. The sign on the front says "Luck Be Our Lady". A bouncer in Guild livery stands at the entrance, but doesn't stop you from entering.

You enter into the main room of the casino, where there are a few game tables - you see some dice games, a few card tables, and a roulette wheel - and a small bar. There are a number of patrons about, and ity seems like most of them are merchants and travellers from outside the city, rather than Jovian natives.
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Paula Ridgeway
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Post by Paula Ridgeway »

Paula looked around the casino, noting that the clientele were outsiders. It probably meant that they would lose money to the casino in the long run. Even more important to be prudent with my money, she thought to herself. Cities typically would not want to bankrupt its own citizens but foreign merchants would usually have a more steady flow of money.

"Keep your ears open, gentlemen," Paula said to Slade and Bela. "You never know what you might hear." She pointed to toward the card tables. "I'll be over there."

Stepping through crowd, Paula made her way to the card tables. She picked a table where two men and a woman sat. The woman was shuffling the cards - the dealer, Paula assumed, judging by the woman's garb which appeared to be similar in color and style to the Jovian guards.

"May I join the game?" Paula asks. The woman smiles and nods without breaking stride of her shuffling and without much interest in Paula.

"Ante in, please," the dealer announced as she began to deal the cards.

Paula put in a coin with the men, just a penny to match what they had.

She settled in the play cards.
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Bela Gin
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Post by Bela Gin »

"I'll see you two around. I'm going to find the second most beautiful woman here," *wink at Paula* "and watch her play."

I'll only be doing what the establishment would expect of a guy my age. Oogling a beautiful woman. They won't be paying attention to me, leaving me free to watch everybody as she plays.

First I grab a drink at the bar. Something shaken.

I look for a pretty good crowd. Something that says there's a lot of money going around. The second gathering has a very beautiful woman throwing dice. I start out by staring at her more than is polite, with my mouth open a little. After she's noticed me, I look away with a shy look on my face. I pretend to pay attention to the game, often sneaking peaks back at her. When anybody watching knows me to be nothing but a stupid kid with a hard-on, I really start to pay attention to the game. Still sneaking shy looks at her, just for show. I want to see what the woman, the house, and the other players are doing. Anything other than an honest game of chance here? Anything that looks important
other than dice?
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Richard Slade
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Post by Richard Slade »

Richard follows Paula to the card table initially, and then deviates to the bar once she settles into the game. He grabs a pint of ale to carry with him around the building. The place has a mixture of people - some appear to be letting their hair down in a standard way, while others seem more watchful and reserved. In a crowd like this, Richard doesn't have any trouble blending in and not being noticed. He casually strolls between tables, smiling at no-one, shifting position, sipping his drink, with the aim of appearing to be returning to a table, or heading to the bar, or pretty much *going* somewhere. No-one pays the least attention to him.

In this way, he is able to observe the movements of others. There is a mixture of clientele, to be sure. There is certainly some wealth being distributed in this establishment, and some people are being loose and careless with their money. The Guild must be making a killing from this casino.

Richard passes Bela at a dice table, and glances in to observe the game. This table has attracted a bit of attention due to the woman throwing the dice. She seems to be enjoying the attention. After a little while, Richard moves to the next table, and then continues around the building, noting the position of the various bouncers around the periphery. Eventually, he returns back at the table Paula is sitting at. She seems to be doing well.
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I'm Murrin
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Post by I'm Murrin »

Paula: [Roll: 2 [+1 Wit] = 3] 8O

The dealer deals out your first hand of cards, and you almost sigh out loud. It's about the worst hand you could imagine being dealt. The dealer wins that hand. Bad luck, you figure, and go in on another. The next hand looks a little better, and you play it the best you can, but the cards do not seem to be on your side today. The dealer wins again. Third time's the charm, perhaps - but no. This time one of the other two gentlemen wins, a portly middle-aged fellow dressed in fine silk. The third player, a younger, distinguished looking gentleman, drops out and moves off toward the bar.

Bela: [Roll: 5 [+1 Wit, +2 Perceptive] = 8]
[Bela Gin gains +1 xp]

As far as you see, the dice game is straightforward and honest. The young woman is doing fairly well and seems pretty excited by her wins, and also seems a little flattered by the attention you're paying her. There are four others at the dice table, all men, and judging by their outfits you'd say they were merchants like most of the people in here. One of them stands out in particular, an elderly gentleman who has adorned himself in a large amount of jewelry, gold dangling from his ears, hanging around his neck, and rings on every finger. He's the only one who doesn't look delighted by the young woman's luck.

After you've watched the game for a while, the young man who you had previously seen playing cards with Ms. Ridgeway walks over from the bar, drink in hand, and puts his free arm around the young woman, who turns and gives him a smile. He's tall, handsome, wearing a stiff-looking shirt and jacket, and you notice he has a small pin in the shape of golden scales on his collar. You realise he's looking right at you, with a look that says he's noticed you eyeing his partner.

Richard: [Roll: 5 [+1 Wit] = 6]

You purchase your pint and begin to circulate around the room, observing the people as you occasionally sip at the ale. There's certainly a lot of wealth on display here. You take another drink as you observe the game at Bela's dice table. Hmm, wasn't this glass fuller before? You slip away again, back toward Paula and the cards. You're beginning to realise the drink was a lot stronger than you thought.
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Bela Gin
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Post by Bela Gin »

Uh oh. Time to beat a hasty retreat.

*sheepish, apologetic grin to the young man with the pin*

Let's see how it's going with Paula and Richard.

"How's it going over here?" *looking quizically at Richard, glancing at his ale* "How many of those have you had?"
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Paula Ridgeway
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Post by Paula Ridgeway »

Paula decided to leave the table after tipping the dealer.


Perhaps this just wasn't her day. But, she certainly wasn't going to waste any more money here. She wasn't a rich woman.

She sees Slade approach, drink in hand.

"Well, I didn't do well. How about you?"
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Richard Slade
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Post by Richard Slade »

"Jusht one" he slurrs. *Something's wrong*. "We should go".

Richard never drinks much - he usually orders a pint as a way to blend in if the situation calls for it. Something is wrong. The room is not entirely focused. "We should go" he repeats.
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Bela Gin
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Post by Bela Gin »

I have a bad feeling about this.

*looking around casually, to see if anyone is watching*

Quietly. "Let's get out of here. Paula, I hope you don't have to be extra charming, but I guess you'd better be ready, just in case."

*taking Richard's arm to help him walk, shaking my head with a look of Really? Again? on my face* Louder. "When are you going to learn when to quit?"
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Paula Ridgeway
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Post by Paula Ridgeway »

Paula puts an arm through Slade's and helps to guide him out of the casino with Bela, feeling their urgency.
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Post by I'm Murrin »

[I don't mean to get in the way of what you're doing but I'm wondering if I was misinterpreted. Richard failed his roll for observing what was going on in the casino and I decided it's because his drink was a little stronger than he realised and he got a little tipsy. If you want to continue with your quick exit you can, just checking if I was too ambiguous.]
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