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Richard Slade
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Post by Richard Slade »

"Wait a bit." *The beer can't be that strong??* Richard isn't a small man. "Can you get a big glass of water? I'll be right soon". With an effort, Richard stands up straight and moves out of the way a little. The room is starting to swim back into focus. Perhaps he sipped faster than he realised...

"Best to wait a bit."
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Bela Gin
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Post by Bela Gin »

Lol. Ok. I thought he had been drugged.
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Paula Ridgeway
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Post by Paula Ridgeway »

(I thought he had been drugged, too.)

"Alright, then," Paula began. "Just sit down right here and I will get you some water."

Paula finds an empty table to sit Slade at and goes to the bar to get a glass of water. While she waits for the bartender, she listens to the conversations around her and watches the people around the casino.
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Post by I'm Murrin »

[Sorry for the ambiguity, then.]

Everything carries on as normal, people not really paying much mind to the three of you. The bartender, a young woman, returns with the glass of water, then with a nod in Richard's direction she says, "Happens a lot. We serve the strong stuff here." She leans a little closer and says more quietly, "Between you and me, the management likes to, ah, loosen people up a little. Keeps the coin flowing, y'know?"
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Richard Slade
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Post by Richard Slade »

"Thanks for the water. I'll be right, I'll just sit here for a while. I'll catch up with you later if you want to continue what you were doing."
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Richard Slade
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Post by Richard Slade »

In reality, Richard was not ok. He would not be drunk after one beer, however strong. A bit tipsy maybe, but not like this. The water helped a little, and he hoped it distracted his companions while he tried to think. Staying as still as he could, he tried to retrace his steps. The beers were lined up at the bar - he must have picked up one intended for someone else.

He was drugged, no doubt about it. But it was meant for someone else. It wasn't a dangerous narcotic - just enough to impair his judgement, increase the effect of alcohol. He assumed it was intended for some gambler or other, to ensure loss of their money. Some sort of benzo or similar, Richard assumed. It will be a couple of hours before it wears off.

Richard hopes the others go back to exploring the casino for a while to help him clear his head. To help whatever it was he accidentally ingested move through his system.

*So careless, so stupid. So arrogant. You need to be more diligent if you are going to last the distance Richard.*

Quietly, he tries to bring his senses back to normal.
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Paula Ridgeway
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Post by Paula Ridgeway »

Responding to Slade, Paula said, "The waitress admitted that they make the drinks here strong so that people don't pay attention to their money. But, looking at you, I'm not so sure. I will wait here with you until you feel comfortable.

"Another water? Perhaps something to eat? Maybe some salt and water to bring up what you drank?"
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Richard Slade
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Post by Richard Slade »

"Thanks. Another water will help." Richard slowly moves his head around - his eyes are a little bit slow to react, but there has been some improvement from sitting here. He lowers his eyes again so that he doesn't have to focus on anything.

*A bit more time. Then I should be able to walk out of here unaided with a bit of concentration.*

"Thank you" he says again to Paula.
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Richard Slade
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Post by Richard Slade »

After some time, Richard feels able to concentrate sufficiently to walk out of the casino. Carefully, he stands and checks his balance and focus. Good enough. (Richard leaves. Not sure if his companions accompany him or not).
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Paula Ridgeway
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Post by Paula Ridgeway »

Paula followed Slade out of the casino. Not worth getting into any trouble the same day they arrived in town.

"Shall we take a stroll up the street? Perhaps we can look at the temple and the Bank of Jove."
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I'm Murrin
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Post by I'm Murrin »

You emerge back out into the afternoon light. You were in the casino for less than half an hour, and not much has changed.

Bela: You see Richard leave, and Paula following behind him. You also notice the man with the Guild pin still staring daggers at you from across the room.
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Bela Gin
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Post by Bela Gin »

Following Paula and Richard out the door and catching up, "Where to now? I want to get away from that guy. Don't know what authority he has in the Guild, but he's not happy I was looking at his girl. I didn't notice anything suspicious at her game, though. Any chance the casino doesn't cheat?"
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Richard Slade
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Post by Richard Slade »

Responding to Paula, "Yes, let's take a walk." Richard feels like he's on the verge of *turning the corner* - from groggy to lucid. He's not there yet, but the open air is helping. To Bela he says "Paula suggested having a look at the temple and the Bank of Jove. The fresh air will do me good.

"As far as that casino - I didn't really notice anything too suspicious going on" lowering his voice "that's until I realised I was fucking drugged..." his anger starts to rise at the thought but he pushes it away again. He pauses and adds, "excuse the language... I think I picked up the wrong beer. You saw how many there were lined up at the bar. Someone was doing something dodgy. But anyway, let's get out of here and go for a stroll. Hopefully you didn't offend that Guild guy enough for him to follow us."

Still a little shakily, Richard starts walking with his companions up the busy street.
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Post by I'm Murrin »

You all set off along the street, heading north. You can actually see the temple in the distance, its golden dome peeking up above the rooftops and catching the sunlight. As you carry on in that direction, the streets get a little busier, and more of the buildings around you are stores, banks, and money lenders. You pass a couple more casinos, too, these ones larger and even more opulent than the one you visited.

Close to the city's main square, you notice the number of guard patrols increasing - they're not everywhere, and they're not being imposing or getting in people's way, but it's clear this part of the city is more secure. You recall that the Blessed Guard's main headquarters is next to the Guild Hall, just off the square.

Finally, you enter the main square itself. Directly ahead of you is the Temple of Jove, the tallest structure in Jovian, its massive golden dome even more impressive up close. Between you and the temple stands a statue of the Goddess, also gold. To your right is the Great Bank, seeming short and squat beside the temple, but equally impressive, with marbled columns and gold decorating the facade.

Finally, to the left, is the Guild Hall. Though the Temple stands high above the other buildings, the Guild Hall is larger, a broad three-storey building, its stone walls painted blue with bright white columns lining the front, and of course the requisite golden decoration.

[I'm having trouble describing this adequately, so imagine the guild hall looking something like this.]

The side of the square you entered from seems to be lined with other official buildings, though to the far right towards the bank there appears to be a couple of cafes or restaurants lining the square.

There are people everywhere, walking through the square, moving in and out of the main entrances of the three buildings, many of them finely dressed in bright colours. It's a stark contrast to the poverty you all saw outside the walls just a couple of hours earlier.
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Paula Ridgeway
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Post by Paula Ridgeway »

Paula was happy to browse the shops along the street, being her friendly self, naturally drawing people into pleasant conversations with her. Even the reticent and shy warmed to her and soon smiled at her bright personality.

She bought nothing and felt a bit out of place in her plainer clothes - a stark contrast to the finely dressed citizens.

Paula kept an eye on Slade who seemed to be feeling better. Bela kept a sharp eye, concerned about being followed by a Guild member. Other than being rude, Bela had done nothing illegal but she knew that Hestor had wanted to keep a low profile and the Guild member's interest in Bela was certainly not the best sign.

"Let's go into the temple and look around."
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Bela Gin
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Post by Bela Gin »

"Sure! What a beautiful building! I want to see it all!"

I am on the lookout for unusual things. Areas of walls or the floor that are scratched, or smooth, for no obvious reason. Drafts seemingly out of nowhere. Anything that might indicate a secret about the temple.
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Richard Slade
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Post by Richard Slade »

To say there's a lot of money in this city is a gross understatement. Richard notices the increased guard presence amongst the crowds. Without thinking too much about it, his foggy head seems to be lifting toward clarity. It is being replaced with a pain behind his eyes, but at least he is thinking more clearly now.

Richard is happy to keep company with the others without interacting with the public. Paula is doing that job just fine. He takes note of the various entrances to the square, as well as the main buildings. At this time of day, the entrances are open but well watched. Richard is keen to see what Hester has in mind.

They all head toward the temple and go inside.
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Post by I'm Murrin »

Close up, you can see that the walls of the temple are entirely covered in carved images - pictures of wealth and abundance, from bountiful crops to priceless treasures, often shown being handed down by the goddess herself to her worshippers. The broad steps up to the temple's entrance are a glittering marble, and the doors stand open, admitting all. Passing betwen these doors, you see they too are carved with images of Jove, the dark wood inset with touches of silver.

You enter into the main hall of the temple, a cavernous open space with high arched ceilings surrounding the massive hollow of the dome at the center. Ahead of you the main aisle extends between rows of pews towards another large statue of Jove standing at the far end of the hall, gleaming gold in a shaft of sunlight slanting down from somewhere in the tall ceiling. Compared to the outside, the interior of the temple is surprisingly simple, with plain white walls and columns, golden lanterns hanging on the walls, and the great golden dome above.

There doesn't appear to be any ceremony taking place at the moment, but there are several people around inside, some sitting at the pews, others lining up before small altars to the left and right of where you're standing. Each petitioner in turn steps up to these altars to place a coin in the offering bowl, perhaps seeking some boon of the goddess.
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Bela Gin
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Post by Bela Gin »

I get in line at an alter, waiting my turn. When I see what coin is most commonly offered, I get one out of my bag and drop it in, saying, "I hope you are friends with Kruppe, my Lady."
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Richard Slade
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Post by Richard Slade »

Richard is dazzled by this wondrous building, and at the same time amazed and confused by its purpose. Are these people really so deluded to think that a mythical being is worth this level of lavishness, worship, praise?? It seems like an incredible array of talent, blood, passion and planning has gone into this spectacular place - all to worship a fantastical idol? The statue alone loos like it would have taken a few lifetimes to erect, and a few thousand people's lifetime savings.

Richard cannot comprehend the wonder and disgust he is feeling right now. He strolls slowly near the edge to look at a few of the carvings and other homages to this goddess Jove. He has never seen this level of adulation carved in the walls, in the statue, on the marble stairs, everywhere. No doubt Paula and Bela have seen something like this - they have traveled, but Richard hasn't experienced much past a rich person's dwelling back home. And looking at this, "rich" is obviously a relative term.

It has been a worthwhile visit to discover just how much this city worships their idol. *I want to see the bank now, and the hall*

As far as "ambitious" goes, Hester has chosen well. We could steal a lifetime of gold here, and no-one would blink an eye (if we weren't caught of course). He suspects though that Hester has more than a lifetime's wealth in mind...and is starting to obtain a sense of the potential scale of this job.
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