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Post by peter »

The ineptitude of the whole bloody thing in the UK simply beggars belief. At a time when the Government are attempting to use the daily infection rates to gauge where and how local lockdowns should be applied the euphemistically named 'Track and Trace system ["world beating" if my memory serves me correctly] manage to 'loose' the test results of tens of thousands of potential Covid sufferers, and having somehow managed to find them again, simply dump them onto the system giving an artificial spike of magnitude enough to have Dr Chris Whittey wetting his epidemiological knickers.

"All ok. Just a blip in the system. Nothing to get worried about", the Government assured us - well I beg to differ! half the country is in fucking lockdown, forbidden from seeing their families, businesses are going to the dogs by the thousands and the economy and social fabric of the country is in tatters on the back of them. These figures have got to be accurate! Either that or they have to be abandoned as a measure of where we are on the Covid curve forthwith [and there are good arguments for this outside of this weekend's fuck-up.

Compare a situation my wife heard told of [on the radio] in Germany where recently at a football stadium, someone tested positive on the way in [or something] and before the end of the match enough tests had gotten to the stadium to test every individual on exit, and all were informed of the result within 24 hours.

But then, I've been reading an account of the evacuation of children and other groupings at the beginning of the second world war as carried out in the UK, and the situations are eerily similar. The whole thing was a shambolic chaos that fell apart within a few short weeks of it's being instigated. people lost faith in it and began to bring their children home to the point where the Government [a National one at the time] had to instigate a program of propaganda [frightening pictures of Hitler whispering into the ears of groups of women] in order to stem the tide.

It seems that little has changed in the intervening years. Somehow, against all odds we managed to win that particular war. Alas I have my doubts whether the result will be the same with this one.
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Post by Zarathustra »

ur-Nanothnir wrote:If you re-read Wayfriend's post carefully, he wasn't actually condoning riots. He was giving you a motivation as to why they may occur.

And even if he did, he doesn't speak for every Democrat or every liberal.
You said, "Literally no one . . . " WF is someone. You really think he's the only one?

He wasn't merely giving us blacks' motivation. We know their motivation. He was excusing their rioting as an understandable response to not having power. Not only was he saying it was okay, he was saying we're racist to condemn it.

By allowing the riots to continue, Democratic leaders of these cities are giving their tacit approval. It's their responsibility to shut it down. They don't, because they know these people are on their side.

Not stopping it, when you have the power and responsibility to do so, it condoning it.


Back to the thread topic:

Looks like Trump pulled through his Covid infection no problem. Just like his last "October Surprise."

Next controversy . . . ?
Joe Biden … putting the Dem in dementia since (at least) 2020.
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Post by Fist and Faith »

sgt.null wrote:
ur-Nanothnir wrote:Tsk Tsk...

Opposing the establishment of a Trump dictatorship in America is not the same as being a "Democrat grifter."
What rights have you lost in the last four-years?
That's an excellent question. I was just wondering that the other day, although about what a Trump supported said. Something about being forced to wear masks was just the beginning. Pretty soon they'd take our guns away. I heard people yelling about their guns being taken away for eight years under Obama. I don't know of anyone who had their gun taken away. And now, after four years of Trump in the Whitehouse, he's still worried about it. (That's just the example that came to my head when you said that, because it was so recent. Not meaning to imply only Trump supporters yell about losing rights that aren't being lost.)

sgt.null wrote:Ur - again. Grow a set of balls and actually call me a nazi. Your passive aggressive cowardice just ain't distracting me. So try answering; what rights have you lost under Trump?
I really don't take it that way. It seems to me what he's saying is more like Trump is a Hitler wannabe. Not everyone who supports him necessarily thinks he's that bad. And you'll certainly all stop him from going that far if you see him trying. Don't mean to put words in anyone's mouth, that's just the way I took it.
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Post by Hashi Lebwohl »

For my scary Halloween costume this year I am just going to wear flannel pajama pants, an old t-shirt, my houseshoes, and my flannel robe--which does not match the pants, by the way--and not wash my hair that day. I will eat something spicy to make my eyes and nose water, then hang a sign around my neck saying "tested positive".

If lockdowns work so well then why is California, which locked down earlier than Texas, locked down more strictly, and has been locked down longer, faring worse than we are? Oh, that's right--California is actually a nasty place.

There are two conspiracy theories about Trump I have seen so far: 1) he had coronoa and knew it then went to the debate to infect Biden on purpose and 2) he was not sick at all, the positive result was faked so he could have a "miraculous" recovery. The problem here is that you cannot believe both conspiracy theories at the same time--if one of them is true then the other is false.
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Post by sgt.null »

Ur - who was he near? What is it like pissing yourself in fear anytime orange 🍊 man does something?
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Post by peter »

Covid-19 will end. Like the 1917 Spanish flu pandemic and all other viral pandemics before it, this one will ultimately fizzle out, whether we develop a vaccine or not, whether we get better at treating it or otherwise. It's just the nature of how these things work.

two questions arise from this that interest me; firstly, what will be the 'landing zone' that we eventually arrive at - in other words, what will actually be left when the virus does eventually retreat, and secondly would our Governments actually let things return to 'normal' even if they could?

I'll give you an example of what I'm thinking.

As some of you might be aware I like to travel. Not too often [anymore], but every couple of years I've enjoyed getting on a plane and heading off to some [in some cases] pretty remote places. At present this is pretty much impossible. In the grip of the pandemic, it would be unreasonable to expect things to be otherwise - but as with any business, the global tourist industry is dependent upon its income stream and it is impossible to visualise that it can, in a year or two's time, simply shrug off the effects of no trading for this extended period and that things will return, overnight, to the point at which they were at when the pandemic hit [as an aside the industry was fragile in the extreme even before Covid with big companies going under on an almost weekly basis - what hope that many could emerge from this unscathed even if they had been in the most robust of health?]

So the likely scenario for a traveller is that post-Covid the situation will return to pretty much where it was in the 1960's before the 'package holiday' industry developed, with only a wealthy elite being able to scoop up such international travel as is left, either in package form or by self-booking and organisation rather like the aristocratic elite of old. But saying sufficient numbers of companies do survive, the planes are still available - would our Governments allow the situation to gradually return to normal. Or would the temptation to decide upon a new landing-ground, one in which there was no return to the mass travel abroad of the past [with a concomitant increase in domestic recreational travel] be simply too great.

The same situation [but granted, more in respect of what will be left] may be considered across multiple areas of our societies. Theatre, sports, cinema - anything where grouping of peoples together is part of the deal. And in the face of this, what will our Governments do; will they allow things to organically redevelop, or will they use proven techniques of social engineering to 'sculpt' the landing-zone of where the post-Covid 'normal is to be? And if so, do you trust them to do this in your best interest?
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Post by Fist and Faith »

sgt.null wrote:Ur - who was he near? What is it like pissing yourself in fear anytime orange 🍊 man does something?
That was my thought, too. I'm sure everyone who has it takes off their mask when they're a safe distance from others.
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Post by wayfriend »

Fist and Faith wrote:
sgt.null wrote:Ur - who was he near? What is it like pissing yourself in fear anytime orange 🍊 man does something?
That was my thought, too. I'm sure everyone who has it takes off their mask when they're a safe distance from others.
Why do you think something done for symbolic reasons has no symbolic meaning?

He took off his mask to demonstrate he's the big man who doesn't care about covid-19. See what a big man he is?

And he's demonstrating that all his underlings had best deal with it, because he's the big man.

So no one cares about Trump posing for a picture with no one next to him. They care about ten seconds later, when Trump turns and gets back to "work" in the White House with no mask, and all the staff having to cope with that. Because that's what he just signaled would happen.

And if that's not enough, he told you in as many words: Don't be afraid of Covid.

The White House staff already has more Covid infections than all of New Zealand due to unconcern. [link]

(Of course, we need to remember that these guys have access to medicine that us regular citizens can't get. e.g. Regeneron.)

This is basically a form of the cherry-picking argument. You know: George Burns smoked cigars every day and lived to be 100, so smoking can't be bad. Trump survived Covid 19 without many negative effects, so it can't be bad.

This is why Trump is consistently rated as the #1 source of misinformation related to corona virus. [link] Our President. Best president ever.

Keep supporting him.
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Post by Gaius Octavius »

I personally hope he spreads it to every GOP senator and anyone in the White House.

Everyone that gets sick is bad optics. Then God forbid someone dies...even worse for him.

It would be an object lesson why he's dangerous to re-elect if he ends up killing a senator or two.

Of course if he kills a few high-ranking individuals, you would still vote for him.

Trump could literally cut someone's head off on live TV, and you would still vote for him. You would let him rape your daughters.

There is literally no amount of depravity that you wouldn't allow.
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Post by sgt.null »

Ur - now you are wishing for death on elected officials? I haven't wished death on anyone but I'm the problem?

What the hell is wrong with you? You need help.
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Post by Gaius Octavius »

I haven't wished death on anyone.
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Post by sgt.null »

ur-Nanothnir wrote:I haven't wished death on anyone.
Are you so deranged you can't read two posts above you?

I feel pity for you. Hating Trump so much thst it has unhinged you.
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Post by TheFallen »

ur-Nanothnir wrote:I haven't wished death on anyone.
True, but barely. This is what you wished for:-
ur-Nanothnir wrote:I personally hope he spreads it to every GOP senator and anyone in the White House.
I have to say that expressing such a wish is hardly any sign of a balanced mind.

And sadly, it's not a one-off. The following quote also very definitely spirals off into swivel-eyed lunatic territory:-
ur-Nanothnir wrote:Trump could literally cut someone's head off on live TV, and you would still vote for him. You would let him rape your daughters.

There is literally no amount of depravity that you wouldn't allow.
Nano... take a second to re-read that. Is that seriously and honest to God what you believe?

If so, although I have absolutely no issue with someone deciding to support Biden and the Dems given the binary choice being presented, I would suggest that you've very obviously succumbed to the all too pervasive and utterly polarised farcical hyperbole that this 2020 presidential election is absolutely riddled with.
Newsflash: the word "irony" doesn't mean "a bit like iron" :roll:

Shockingly, some people have claimed that I'm egocentric... but hey, enough about them

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Post by sgt.null »

ur - someone needs to 25th you and take your internet away.
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Post by Fist and Faith »

I think everybody needs to take personal responsibility, wf. If my boss tested positive, and told me to come into his office, I'd say No, even if he had a mask on. And I'd go all kinds of public about it if I got in trouble for it. And people working in the Oval Office stand a better chance of being heard if they speak out against Trump under these circumstances than I ever would. But regardless of how the future might play out, if you stay, you risk having any future at all. Those who stay only stay because they worship him and will risk death in such a stupid way to stay in his good graces, and I won't waste my time worrying about their safety.

I take his "Don't be afraid of Covid" as a "Don't let fear of death stop you from living" kind of thing.

Me support him? :lol: I think he is a buffoon. I think he is an embarrassment to the country. The world is laughing at us. His only thought, every moment, in every situation, is driven by his own ego. He doesn't think "How can I spin things to make myself look great." There's just a constant stream of self-delusion going through his mind that twists everything to his own greatness. He's not even aware it's happening. There is no possibility of him having a thought that is NOT of his own greatness, and that greatness is supported by the motion of every subatomic particle in the universe. Indeed, the purpose of the motion of every subatomic particle in the universe is to support and increase his greatness.

However, I sometimes point out when I think either side is incorrect. And I am sometimes wrong about what is incorrect.

And before anyone assumes too much, I think Hillary probably would have been worse. I think she is probably evil, but better at hiding what she does.

But I'm not going to argue over any of it. I'm just trying to keep to facts about the specific situations.
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Post by Gaius Octavius »

"Don't be afraid of Covid"

"...But be afraid of Cultural Marxists, Democrat coup, Illegals, China, Mail-in ballots, LGBT, etc. etc. etc."
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Post by Gaius Octavius »

US four-star General Mark Milley has gone into quarantine after a military aide close to Trump tested positive for Covid. A military valet for Trump has also tested positive over the weekend.
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Post by wayfriend »

Fist and Faith wrote:I take his "Don't be afraid of Covid" as a "Don't let fear of death stop you from living" kind of thing.
This may be what he meant ... except he then took his mask off. He was very, very, very clear that what he meant was, "Don't let fear of Covid cause you to wear a mask."

And, in the context of being a Covid-19 spreader, he was very, very, very clear that what he meant was, "Don't let fear of Covid cause you to social distance."

JUST TODAY he was on Twitter saying that the seasonal flu is more dangerous than coronavirus.

He got dinged by Twitter for spreading misinformation. So he threatened Twitter with legislation they would not like. Twitter relented and restored his post.

(That's a whole other sub-topic right there - Trump abusing the power of his office to exact financial and legal retribution against those who go against him for the slightest thing. Greatest. President. Ever.)

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