The Illearth War - Chapters 15 and 16


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Post by Earthfriend »

Chapter 15: Revelwood

After six days travel, The High Lord Elena's Company arrives at Revelwood, the tree city of the Loresraat. We are introduced to the lowlands of Trothgard (kind of the 'wheat belt' of the Land) and to the mighty Tree itself, described as the New Lords' greatest achievement:
It was an immense and expansive banyan. Invoked and strengthened by the knowledge of the Second Ward and by the Staff of Law, it...spread out in the valley until the central core of the first tree was surrounded by six others, all intergrown, part of each other, the fruit of one seed. (p.263)
It is to the tree-city of Revelwood that seekers of knowledge come, a 'thriving city' (p.263) where students of the Sword and Staff, Gravelingases and Hirebrands, Lords and villagers, all congregate to share learning.

Most of this chapter is told from Hile Troy's POV, and his love of Revelwood and its inhabitants is clear.
In Revelwood he had learnt to see (p.267)
Before reaching the tree, however, the mystery surrounding Trell Gravelingas is deepened by the High Lord's deferrence to Trell, displayed by her asking him to open the ford of the Llurallin river, which Trell accomplishes using his lore.
Troy was impressed. Remembering Trell's attack on Covenant, he thought the unbeliever was lucky to be alive. And he began to feel that he would be well advised to solve the riddle of Trell before he left Trothgard. (p.265)
Perhaps the most surprising event of the chapter occurs when Covenant gives his white gold ring to Corimini, the Eldest of the Loresraat, during the Company's welcome to Revelwood. Corimini, and all the lorewardens, are struck by the guesture;
'Ur-lord Covenant' he said, with a pronounced quaver, 'you exceed us...Command us, so that we may serve you.' (p.266)
But Covenant doesn't want service - he is still searching for an 'out', still dodging responsibilty;
'I don't need service', Covenant replied bluntly, 'i need an alternative. Find some way to save the Land without me' (p.266)
This desire is beyond Corimini's ability to comprehend - or fullfill - and he returns the ring to Covenant, greeting the Company and inviting them into Revelwood.

Troy is pleased to be back 'home', even finding the grace to offer a distraught Covenant a word of encouragement, ('You don't understand...i'm afraid of heights' :p.267:), and a welcoming banquet is held high within the Tree's branches.

Troy relaxes, spending the night within the home of his 'mentor', Drinishok the Sword Elder, before being summoned the next morning to a gathering of the Loresraat within the viacome, an area of woven, net-like branches that is the meeting place for Revelwood's community.

At this meeting we learn that the Loresraat have succeeded in creating three communication rods out of lomillialor - a major boost to Troy's battle plans. And Troy discovers the invisible Amok who has been secretly travelling with the Company, perhaps debating what it is he should do now that white gold has returned to the Land.
Amok replied, 'Lord, the white gold surpasses my purpose. I felt the sign of readiness when the krill of Loric came to life. I went to Revelstone. There i learned that the krill was not awakened by the Lords of Kevin's Lore. I feared that i had erred. But now i have travelled the Land, and seen the peril. And i have learned of the white gold, which awakened Loric's krill...Though the conditions of my life are not met, i see the need, and i appear."(p. 276)
After extensive questioning by the Lords, Amok reveals that he is the Seventh ward of Kevin's Lore, and that he can guide the Lords to the location of some hidden knowledge or power, should white gold permit it
'Don't ask me for permission', Covenant said quickly.' (p.280)
Troy feels an immenant sense of foreboding upon hearing this news, and as the meeting breaks up, he can find no peace of mind as the certainty that he is going to lose Elena grows within him. For surely, she will seek out this power...? In a bid to find some answer to his doubts, he goes to the grave of his summoner, Atiaran, only to find Trell already there. When Troy attempts to question an obviously distraught Trell, the bloodguard Ruel intervenes, further deepening the mystery surrounding Gravelingas...

The following day, the Company prepares to ride on to meet the Warward, and as Troy feared, High Lord Elena announces to the Company that she shall travel into the Westron mountains in search of this hidden 'power', guided by Amok, and accompanied by...(Troy is thinking; pick me! pick me!)...Covenant, if he will agree?
He stared into the expanse of her eyes for a moment. Then, abrupty, he looked away and shrugged. 'Yes. I'll come.' (p.286)
Meanwhile, Troy and Lord Mhoram must continue on to join the Warward's march, leaving Lord Amatin to aid Revelwood's defense. Shocked and distraught, Troy rounds on Trell, seeking answers to questions he can sense, but not understand. Trell breaks down under this pressure from Troy, unable to explain his grief, unable to find surcease from his pain. It is left to Lord Mhoram to explain...Trell is Atiaran's husband. They are the parent's of the woman Covenant raped during his first visit to the Land, Lena.

And yet, the High Lord chose him, Covenant, a coward and a rapist, to travel with. She chose Covenant, not Troy...
'Covenant! You bastard!', Troy howled. 'What have you done?' (p.289)
Filled with anger and rage and despair, Troy rides away from Revelwood, without saying farewell to his friends at the Loresraat. He rides to join his Warward, and the coming war, followed by Mhoram and the bloodguard.
He was looking forward to his war. He wanted to get to it in a hurry.

Here endth the chapter :) Pheww!! :wink:
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Post by Earthfriend »

Chapter 16 later tonight...when ive given my fingers a rest :D

Sorry if the above summary was too long; brevity is not one of my strong suits :oops:
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Post by Fist and Faith »

Most people here will tell you that I hate brevity! Well, maybe I don't hate it so much as I'm incapable of it. :) Anyway, WELL DONE!! In fact, I can't believe some of the things I forgot about in this chapter!!! Gotta read it again tomorrow!

And then there's Amok. One of my favorite creations of all literature.
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Post by Damelon »

Good job! I had forgotten about Covenant letting Cormini examine the ring. Troy, also with Amok arriving, finds that his carefully prepared plans start to unravel. Elena, and the Staff of Law, won't be with him when the army marches on.

Post by Guest »

Thanks guys! :D Anyway, on to...
Chapter 16: Forced March

As Hile Troy, Lord Mhoram, and the Bloodguard ride across the Centre Plains to join the Warward, Troy eventually comes to accept Elena's decsion to take Covenant with her. As Mhoram explains...
'The way of her duty is narrow, and beset with perils. She must seek out the Seventh ward. And she must take ur-Lord Covenant with her - because of the white gold. With the Staff of Law, she must ensure that the ring does not fall into Lord Foul's hands. And if he turns against the Land, she must be near him - to fight him'. (p.292)
We are also given a glimpse into the hidden depths, and the boundless humanity, of Lord Mhoram. For, when Troy questions him about Covenant:
'Mhoram, don't you resent him? After what he's done?'
Evenly and openly, Lord Mhoram said, 'I have no special virtue to make me resent him. One must have strength in order to judge the weakness of others. I am not so mighty.' (p.292)
As their journey across the Plains continues, Troy comes to a new acceptance of who he is, and a new confidence in what he plans to do.
So he was not just surprised when he and Mhoram caught up with the struggling march of the warriors...He was shocked. The Warward was almost half a day's march behind schedule.' (p.295)
Troy is livid, barking at First Haft Amorine (who had earlier been placed in charge of the march), desperate to speed up the pace of the Warward. He rounds on his soldiers, exhorting and compelling them to greater efforts;
When he found one Eoward lagging slightly, he shouted into the young drummer's face, 'By God! I'm not going to lose this war because of you!' He clapped his beat by the shamed Warhaft's ear until the drummer copied it exactly.' (p.295)
It is only later, when his anger and dismay subsides, that he takes note of the ragged condition of his army. Nine days of forced marching has not been kind...
That night he calls his officers to his tent, and makes plans to bring the Warward back on schedule. The next morning, forgoing his Ranyhyn, he joins his army on foot, marching with them, encouraging them by his presence and his desire to share their burden. After 4 days of this, Troy is on the verge of physical collapse, but he is satisfied that his army's condition has 'stabilised' (p.299). His own bleeding feet and exhaustion seem small prices to pay...
Until he wakes on the fifth morning to find his army has been attacked by kresh during the night, and that over 20 soldiers lie dead.
Hearing this, Troy became livid. Brandishing his fists in anger and frustration, he demanded, 'Why didn't you wake me?'
Without meeting his gaze, the First Haft said, 'I spoke to you, shook you, shouted in your ear. But i could not rouse you. The need was urgent, so i went to meet it.'
After that, Troy did no more marching.
The kresh attack both the following nights, but a rejuvenated Troy easily fights off both attacks, and no more soldiers are lost. As the march continues, the army passes through the fringes of an unnatural storm, which Troy deduces is aimed at Hiltmark Quaan's command, somewhere to the east of the Warward. Concern for Quaan, and a lack of intel about the forces he is rushing to face, begins to gnaw at Troy. The need for speed is ever paramount in his mind. The Warward must reach Doom's retreat before Quaan, if Troy's plan is to have any chance for success...

Then the Warward reaches the Black River.
The water which the Warward had to cross was reddish-black, as if it were thick with a strange silt. In all the history of the Land, the Black River between the Last Hills and the Mithil had never tolerated a bridge or ford; it simply washed away every effort to make a way across it. The warriors had no choice but to swim.
Upon reaching the far shore, the army is physically exhausted and psychicly drained by the dark waters. Realising that the Warward is on the verge of collapse, Troy convinces Mhoram to use their precious store of hurtloam and rillinlure to rebolster the troops. He also decides that he must leave his army and climb Kevin's Watch, where his amazing 'sight' will allow him to gather the knowledge he so desperately seeks about the enemy's movements. Lord Mhoram, he reasons, must accompany him as the Lord alone can use the communication rod which will allow Troy to keep in contact with his forces, or so he believes...

After a stirring speech to his troops, and instructions to the First Haft as to what she must do, he and Mhoram set off towards Mithil Stonedown, located at the foot of the Watch, accompanied by their bloodguard.

On the second night of their journey, Mhoram is gripped by a vision that makes him scream incoherently, firing blasts of energy from his Staff towards the sky.
A madness gripped him. He did not stop until Terrel caught his arms, shouted into his face, 'Lord! Corruption will see you!'
With an immense effort, Mhoram mastered himself, silenced his power.
Despite Troy's questioning, Mhoram will not, or cannot, discuss his vision, and the companions continue their journey on the third day in slence. That evening they reach the Stonedown, and are greeted by the the elders of the community, led by a man named Triock.

Over a shared meal at the home of Terass Slen-mate, Triock learns that Covenant and Elena travel together, 'alone', and storms from the house in disgust. Here, Troy learns of Triock's love for Lena, and the damaged state of Lena's mind.
Troy barely restrained an ejaculation. He wanted to curse Covenant; there seemed to be no end to the damage Covenant had done.
After the meal, Troy will not stay the night in the home of Terass, but demands to ascend the Watch that night, despite his night-blindness. And so he and Mhoram (and their bloodguard) climb the Watch in the dark, reaching the top before midnght and settling in to wait for the dawn. Troy passes the time in heartfelt conversation with Mhoram, dimly aware of how tired and withdrawn the Lord seems to be...

As dawn rises, Troy accidently discovers that High Lord Elena does not possess one of the communication rods.
'No, Warmark', Mhoram answered. 'The High Lord does not bear with her any of the lomillialor rods.'
'No?' The news dismayed Troy. Until this moment, he had not realised how much trust he had put in Mhoram's power to contact Elena. He wanted to know she was safe. And as a last resort, he had counted on being able to summon her.
Troy's ignorance (his lack of sight) about this matter galls him greatly, leading him to question what else has occured without his knowledge. What else does he not know?
That dream Mhoram had had last night - what did it mean? What did the Lord know that made him so unlike his usual self? Troy felt a sudden foretaste of dread. 'Mhoram', he began, 'Mhoram - '
'Peace Warmark', the Lord breathed. 'Someone comes.' (p.318)
The chapter ends with Troy's vision still darkened, and with the arrival of Tull, a blood guard who shared the mission of Korik to the Giants of Seareach.

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Post by danlo »

:D We couldn't have asked 4 a better job guest, er Earthfriend! Very, Very well done...(amazing that we're actually discussing the Chrons again @ KW! Serious wake up call!!! 8O 8) )
Last edited by danlo on Tue Jun 03, 2003 2:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Earthfriend »

Note to self - log in before posting! :evil:

Not after - BEFORE!

(Well, there's 3 WGD's i'll never claim... :lol: )
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Post by Earthfriend »

danlo wrote::D (amazing that we're actually discusing the Chrons again @ KW! 8O 8) )
Well danlo, thats why i'm here!!!
:D :D :D :D :D
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Post by danlo »

there I just gave u 3! U deserve it and more! FMI where r u? 8)
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Post by Earthfriend »

O.K., i hate admitting to ignorance and all, but.. ahh... whats FMI? :oops:

P.S> cheers for the WGD's :D every little bit helps...And a big thank you to Infelice, who taught me to accept gifts with grace! (not one of my strong suits! :D )
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Post by danlo »

fightingmyinstincts--the member who was supposed 2 do the previous chapters...hush now! :D
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Post by Infelice »

Great job Earthfriend. :) As I read the chapter Revelwood, I couldn't help but draw comparisons to Lothlorien from LOTR - I kept expecting to see Galadriel and Celeborn pop out from behind one of the banyan - although Lothlorien had a more ethereal feel to it. This is one of the instances along with the Rock Gardens of the Maerl, where you get to glimpse the successes of the Lords and evidence of the knowledge of the Second Ward gained by the Lords. It was encouraging to see that there had been some progress in that regard. I was left feeling slightly hopeful. I kinda wished that there could have been more.

Forced March was a physically draining chapter for me. The fatigue of the soldiers was palpable, not just the physical fatigue but mental and emotional as well. This coupled with the kresh attack left me wondering how in the world was this army of battered soldiers ever going to battle Foul's army in such a debilitated state.

The depression really increased for me when I read that Troy was oblivious to the fact that Elena did not have in her possession one of the lomillialor - can nothing go right for this man? And then Tull shows up, reporting back from the Mission To Seareach - after hearing what Runnik had to say in the previous chapters, I just knew that the news was gonna be bad. :(
Last edited by Infelice on Wed Jun 04, 2003 9:59 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Fist and Faith »

Earthfriend wrote:(Well, there's 3 WGD's i'll never claim... )
That's ok, you got them with that post. :)
Infelice wrote:Great job Earthfriend. :) As I read the chapter Revelwood, I couldn't help but draw comparisons to Lothlorien from LOTR - I kept expecting to see Galadriel and Celeborn pop out from behind one of the banyan - although Lothlorien had a more ethereal feel to it.
Yeah, that's well-put.
Infelice wrote:Forced March was a physically draining chapter for me. The fatigue of the soldiers was palpable, not just the physical fatigue but mental and emotional as well. This coupled with the kresh attack left me wondering how in the world was this army of battered soldiers ever going to battle Foul's army in such a debilitated state.
Simply, they aren't. Oh man, I don't like to think about what's coming!!
Infelice wrote:The depression really increased for me when I read that Troy was oblivious to the fact that Elena did not have in her possession one of the lomillialor - can nothing go right for this man?
Although Mhoram is soon to demonstrate that lomillialor isn't completely necessary, eh? :)
Infelice wrote:And then Tull shows up, reporting back from the Mission To Seareach - after hearing what Runnik had to say in the previous chapters, I just new that the news was gonna be bad. :(
*groan* :cry: :cry:
The Giants and the Warward in one book!!!
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Post by Infelice »

I feel your pain F&F. When I first read TCTC, I almost put the book down at this point. But I kept on going and
it only got worse

BTW, interesting new there a meaning behind it?
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Post by Fist and Faith »

Infelice wrote:BTW, interesting new there a meaning behind it?
Just that we all need to make sure we have our priorities straight. "Yeah, I'm looking for a firstmate for my ship. Yeah, it would be nice to find someone who knows about sailing, life at sea, and handling a crew of sailors. But damn that girl can sing!!!" It's from the incredible Bruce Springsteen.
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Post by Ryzel »

Certainly it seems as if HT gets the short end of the stick here. But most of the military matters should have been considered before, and they should not have come as total surprises to him.
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Post by duchess of malfi »

Again, I believe that its a lack of practical experience for Troy. I think most people would have expected at least some things to go wrong as a matter of course...not just in a military campaign, but in ANYTHING...but he is continually surprised by them, poor man. I always wonder if he lived a very sheltered life here in our world?

The bit where TC hands his ring to the Revelwood Lore leaders has always been one of my favorite bits of this book. What would he have done if they had studied it for a day or so and found a way for him to use it, I have always wondered?
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Post by Earthfriend »

If the Loresraat had unlocked the power of the white gold, i think Covenant would have said, 'great, wonderful - off you go and fight Foul now. I'll just pop on back to my own world...' :?

He seemed to give the ring to Corimini on the condition that the Lorewardens find a way to save the Land without him. He wants no part of it. It's almost as if he can forsee the damage his continued presence in the Land will cause... :(
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Post by Fist and Faith »

Earthfriend wrote:He seemed to give the ring to Corimini on the condition that the Lorewardens find a way to save the Land without him. He wants no part of it. It's almost as if he can forsee the damage his continued presence in the Land will cause... :(
That's about it, isn't it. He sees himself as he and Amok (and unfortunately not Elena) saw the EarthBlood; You can't know what is going to go wrong as a result, but you know that something will.
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Post by Dag son of Dag »

And TC seeks to get rid of responsibility..not knowing how to use the white gold is a tremendous relief for him, because then he can`t be blamed when the Land is destroyed. "I can`t use this damn thing, so it`s not my fault," that`s the way he thinks. And if Corimini had accepted the ring, he would have gotten rid of it all together, and wouldn`t have had to think about it at all.
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