Lord Mhoram's Victory and the Colossus


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Lord Mhoram
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Lord Mhoram's Victory and the Colossus

Post by Lord Mhoram »

:oops: RL got in the way, and I neglected my duty as a dissector! But I hope to redeem it with an extra long post. :wink:

Lord Mhoram's Victory
He was a Raver, insatiable for blood despite the mortal limits of the Giantish body he occupied.
Scary, a Giant-Raver. 8O Also, I think that samadhi is wearing out this body. :( Might this have affected the outcome of this chapter? Perhaps.

The Raver and his army have sieged Revelstone. Mhoram, his fellow lords, and the people of Revelstone are holed up, supplies are low. The tower has been taken; yet samadhi cannot break the inner walls to enter the actual Keep.

However, the people of Revelstone appear doomed! Samadhi brings hordes of the Despiser. A near-infinite supply of soldiers! How can Lord Mhoram and the other lords hope to defeat such a force?

Samadhi-Satansfist shows to the Lords that he has such a force that he can simply throw his more expendable soldiers against the mighty walls of Revelstone.

Samadhi then brings more formidable Cavewights and ur-viles to attack. They scale the walls, find holes in them. Even these demented creatures, however, are no match for war-hardened Quann and his defenses. Lorewise citizens and plainspeople alike in Revelstone also help in the defense.

Quaan attempts to speak with Mhoram, who has removed the krill. It is here where Mhoram speaks with his fellow Lords, and explains to them, mentally, the Oath's flaw. The end of a era? Perhaps. There is hope! Mhoram explains. "We-and ur-Lord Covenant-must find the wisdom to attain both Peace and power." He explains that future Lords must find new Lords, but they do not have time. They must 'not betray the Land.'

Mhoram and the other Lords must rest before battle, but Loerya reponds that she will go to the place where she is needed most. Mhoram says he must help Trell endure the pain of the knowledge of what he did. He [Mhoram] appears to blame himself for what Trell did. "I am who I am-both human and mortal. I have-much to learn," Mhoram explains. :D A great line.

Mhoram eats with fellow lords. Amatin doubts Covenant. Mhoram remains firm in his belief that Covenant will aid the Land. In regards to the Creator, he says "We need not worry ourselves with the burdens of Gods." Again, very profound.

The assault of samadhi does not stop, even at night. An endless onslaught from an endless army. However, I think samadhi lacks tactical skills, preferring to just use a huge army to overwhelm the opponent. The Warward is helped by citizens of the Keep. I would not say the battle was going well, but it it's not hopeless.

The Lords also help the Warward. Mhoram is troubled by thoughts of the Stone coming into play. He's having visions ago, imo. The Lords meet. They discuss the question of using Desecration. Amatin, at least, knows its dangers. Quaan tells Mhoram that they have 40 days left of supplies, at the most. 8O Basically, he says, they're screwed. No! Mhoram says. There is hope. Covenant is in the Land. Fear not. Mhoram sees Trell, and is horrified. "Covenant will make resitution...He must." Mhoram says bluntly.

The siege is going well...for samadhi-Raver. The ur-viles are starting to penetrate; only the Lords hold them from entering the Keep. The attackers are attempting to kill the defenders themselves. The Lords put an end to this with some Forbidding spells, and samadhi resumes his old tactics. :roll:

The Lords are exhuasted from all their work. Mhoram yearns for TC. "Covenant, Covenant," he says. At last, the siege stops, for now. Samadhi approaches the Keep. Alone. Samadhi says obviously and intentionally false words about his Master's despair of the pain of the Lords, blah, blah, blah...Mhoram tells him he believes him not. Samadhi drones on about the Lords possibly joining him in Foul's service and Mhoram says...
Samadhi Sheol! You mock us, but we are not mocked. We are not blind- we see the atrocity which underlies your persuasion. Begone! Foul-chattel! Take this army of torment and despication-return to your master. He has made your suffering-let him take joy in it while he can. Even as we stand here, the days of his might are numbered. When his end comes upon him, be certain he will do nothing to preserve your miserable being. Begone, Raver! I have no interest in your cheap taunts.
Yeah! That's right! Up yours, Raver! Cough. Excuse me.

Without delay, samadhi continues the assault. Mhoram goes to Glimmermere to bathe. There, he realizes he must kill samadhi. So,he calls Drinny. Good ol' Drinny The Ranhyn comes to his call, even in this hour of despair for all beings of the Land. He returns to Revelstone in style. Everyone knows retaliation is at hand. The krill has gone out, but Mhoram is not yet ready to give up. Far from it. Amatin falters, and tells Mhoram that "you beg yourself to become a Desecrator."

Mhoram rests, getting ready for his assault. Loerya takes the tower back. For now anyways. Drinny, at this point, is rejuvinated. Ready for battle. Amatin shows Mhoram the gem of Loric's krill. There is hints of emerald.

Mhoram, showing great bravery, takes the krill with him to attack the Raver and his army. "I do not forget-I am the High Lord. The path of faith is clear," he says.

Suddenly, before Mhoram attacks, the Warawrd gets a huge break. A small band of Waynhim attack samadhi's weakest side, so he calls back his army attacking Revelstone to see to the attack. We ride, Mhoram says. And battle is made.

Mhoram sees first-hand the bravery of this band of Waynhim. SO, he decides to aid them. Samadhi does not see Mhoram and his 2,000 or so men rushing at him until it is almost too late. Mhoram rushes forward through the Raver's personal force. Mhoram is encircled by ur-viles, and fights them. Mhoram kicks ur-vile ass by using his newfound mastery of Kevins Lore.

He emerges from the wedge without the Warward close by, but samadhi is. Before Mhoram can reach him, the remaining ur-viles attack him again, but Mhoram simply blasts them away. "...a man born to fight for the Land," Donaldson says about Mhoram in this chapter. I would say so! He gets through many creatures on the field to get to samadhi. Scores and scores come down upon him, but he destroys all challengers. God! I had forgotten how awesome this scene is. Borillar teams up with the Waynhim to attack Mhoram's attackers.

Getting on Drinny, Mhoram gallops 50 yards to samadhi. houting the Words of Power and blasting him with Lords-fire, Mhoram charges at his nemesis. Samadhi's returning emerald blast destroys intead Mhoram's pursuers. The High Lord decides to use pure brawn, and simply hits the Raver in the head with the staff.

Before samadhi kills Mhoram, the howling wind of Lord Foul ceases. Mhoram uses the krill to stab samadhi; the two use their respective powers, krill and Stone, to battle each other.

Lo! The Stone explodes, killing Sheol and burning Lord Mhoram. Quaan rushes to his High Lord's aid, taking him back to the Keep.

Guys--gimme some time for the Colossus! :roll: :wink:
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Post by duchess of malfi »

Very well done, Mhoram! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
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Post by Furls Fire »

Great summary Mhoram!! This was one of my favorite chapters in the book. I remember literally freaking out at this part...
Without a word, she raised her hands to the High Lord. In them she held the krill of Loric.

He accepted it without dropping his gaze from her face. "Ah, sister Amatin," he breathed gently, "you should rest. You have earned--"

But a spasm of misery around her eyes cut him off. He looked down, made himself look at the krill.

Deep in its gem, he saw faint glimmerings of emerald.

Without a word, Amatin turned and left him alone with the knowledge that Covenant's ring had fallen into the power of the Despiser.
I was dumbstruck. But then...
But now Mhoram felt the fire which burned against his flesh under his robe. In a rush of exaltation, he understood it, grasped its meaning intuitively. As the Stone reached its heights over his head, he tore open his robe and grasped Loric's krill.

Its gem blazed like a hot white brazier in his hands. It was charged to overflowing with echoes of wild magic; he could feel its keeness as he gripped its hilt.

It was a weapon strong enough to bear any might.
This was so awesome, I remember cheering...YES! I was in class at the time, a senior in high school, and the teacher took my book away because I was reading it during his lecture. :)
And I believe in you
altho you never asked me too
I will remember you
and what life put you thru.

~fly fly little wing, fly where only angels sing~

~this world was never meant for one as beautiful as you~

...for then I could fly away and be at rest. Sweet rest, Mom. We all love and miss you.

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Post by Fist and Faith »


I did my best to not quote the whole few pages. You can all just go read it, after all, right? :) But here's a slightly abridged version.
Putting grimly aside all his former scruples, he turned to the only possible source of help - the only aid whose faithfulness matched his need. He raised one cold hand to his lips and whistled shrilly three times.


he stood erect with the wind snapping in his ears so that his stance would be becoming to the Ranyhyn that was answering his call.


Mhoram groaned at the sight. ... The long ordeal of the mountain trek had exacted a severe price from the great stallion. His flesh hung slack over gaunt ribs, he stumbled painfully on swollen joints, and his coat had a look of ragged misery. Still Mhoram recognized the Rayhyn, and greeted him with all the respect his voice could carry:

"Hail, Drinny, proud Ranyhyn! Oh, bravely done! Worthy son of a worthy mother. Tail of the Sky, Mane of the World, I am" - a clench of emotion caught his throat, and he could only whisper - "I am honored."

Drinny made a valiant effort to trot up to Mhoram, but when he reached the High Lord he rested his head trembling on Mhoram's shoulder as if he needed the support in order to keep his feet. Mhoram hugged his neck, whispered words of praise and encouragement in his ear, stroked his ice-clogged coat. They stood together as if in their differing weaknesses they were making promises to each other. Then Mhoram answered the nudging of Drinny's unquenchable pride by springing onto the Ranyhyn's back.


People left their work and hastened to the main passage of the tunnel to see him. They lined his way, muttered in wonder or pain at the sight of the Ranyhyn, whispered intently to each other about the look of focused danger which shone in his eyes. Down into the Keep he rode as if he were borne on a low current of astonishment and hope.

After he had ridden a few hundred yards along the main ways of Revelstone, he saw ahead of him the other leaders of the city - the Lords Trevor, Amatin, and Loerya, Warmark Quann, the two Hearthralls, Tohrm and Borillar. They awaited him as if they had come out together to do him honor. When the Ranyhyn stopped before them, they saluted the High Lord and his mount mutely, lacking words for what they felt.
There's never been a character who got so little air-time who made such a huge impact on me. As close to death as a walking thing can be, he, basically, says, "I am a Ranyhyn. I will carry you. None can do what I can do! I'll tell you when I'm unable to do so. Which will not be until three years after I'm dead! Get on!" ("Or I'm takin' names!")

OK, maybe more like this. ;) :) "I have come. We are all needed in this. Your power must fight this foe. But you need to reach him. I will carry you. Don't worry about my condition. I am Ranyhyn, and I will carry you."

8) :Hail: 8) :Hail: 8) :Hail: 8) :Hail:

And the chapter's not even about Drinny!!!!
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Post by Fist and Faith »

Then there's that Mhoram guy. I think he's in this chapter too.

Just a quick post now, then off to sleep.
As he grasped the utterness of his plight, he turned inward, retreated into himself as if he were fleeing. There he looked the end of all his hopes and all his Landservice in the face, and found that its scarred, terrible visage no longer appalled him. He was a fighter, a man born to fight for the Land. As long as something for which he could fight remained, he was impervious to terror. And something did remain; while he lived, at least one flame of love for the Land still burned. He could fight for that.
And we have come full-circle. Mhoram is thinking exactly what Foamfollower told us waaaaaaay back in LFB:
"All right. So you're right. Tell me, just where the hell do you get hope?"

Slowly, the Giant rose to his feet. He towered over Covenant until his head nearly touched the ceiling. "From faith."

"You've been dealing with humans too long - you're getting hasty. 'Faith' is too short a word. What do you mean?"

Foamfollower began picking his way among the flowers. "I mean the Lords. Consider, Covenant. Faith is a way of living. They have dedicated themselves wholly to the services of the Land. And they have sworn the Oath of Peace - committed themselves to serve the great goal of their lives in only certain ways, to choose death rather than submit to the destruction of passion which blinded High Lord Kevin and brought the Desecration. Come - can you believe that Lord Mhoram will ever despair? That is the essence of the Oath of Peace. He will never despair, nor ever do what despair commands - murder, desecrate, destroy. And he will never falter, because his Lordship, his service to the Land, will sustain him. Service enables service."
Foamfollower's last two sentences are exactly the same as Mhoram's last two. Circular logic is bad. Perpetual machines are impossible. But HERE, circular ideas are the meaning of life. What I do makes me able to do what I do.

And, as Leonard on Northern Exposure pointed out to me, I John 4:18 says:
There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts our fear.
Mhoram's love for the Land, even if it is the only thing left, makes him impervious to terror.

(Now let's see somebody else tie together TCTC, Northern Exposure, and the Bible!!! :) )
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Post by Furls Fire »

Mhoram is the man!
"Because I am mortal, weak. The way is only clear--not sure. In my time, I have been a seer and oracle. Now I--I desire a sign. I require to see."

He spoke simply, but almost at once his mortality, his weakness became too much for him. Tears blurred his vision. The burden was not one that he could bear alone. He opened his arms and was swept into the embrace of the Lords.
An amazing character, Mhoram :)

Oh and Fist?? I can honestly say that I have NEVER seen TCTC, Northern Exposure and the Bible lumped together anywhere before!! That was fantastic!! :)
And I believe in you
altho you never asked me too
I will remember you
and what life put you thru.

~fly fly little wing, fly where only angels sing~

~this world was never meant for one as beautiful as you~

...for then I could fly away and be at rest. Sweet rest, Mom. We all love and miss you.

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Post by danlo »

Great job Mhoram!!! :D The part that really freaked me out was the breaking of the first gate and all the strange misshapened "castoffs" being sent in by the thousands and being taken out - literally forming huge piles of death. 8O
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Post by Lord Mhoram »

Yes, that was nasty. :|
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Post by Foamfollower1013 »

They sat on the slumped floor around the graveling pit with their staffs on the stone before them - Trevor and Loerya on Mhoram's left, Amatin on his right. In his trembling hands, the krill blazed in hot affirmation of white gold. Yet he barely saw the light; his eyes were heat-scorched, and he was blinded by tears of release that would not stop. Through the silent contact of the meld, he spread strength around him, and shared knowledge which had burdened him more than he had ever realized. He told his fellow Lords how he had been able to remove the krill from its stone rest, and why now it did not burn his vulnerable flesh.

He could feel Amatin shrink from what he said, feel Trevor shake with a pain that only in part came from his injury, feel Loerya appraise his communication as she might have appraised any new weapon. To each of them, he gave himself; he showed them his conviction, his understanding, his strength. And he held the proof in his hands, so that they could not doubt him. With such evidence shining amid the ravage of the Close, they followed the process which had led him to his secret knowledge and shared the dismay which had taught him to keep it secret.

Finally, Lord Amatin framed her question aloud. It was too large for silence; it required utterance, so that Revelstone itself could hear it. She swallowed awkwardly, then floated words in the untarnished acoustics of the chamber. "So it is we - we ourselves who have - for so many generations the Lords themselves have inured themselves to the power of Kevin's Lore."

"Yes, Lord," Mhoram whispered, knowing that everyone in the Close could hear him.

"The Oath of Peace has prevented -"

"Yes, Lord."

Her breathing shuddered for a moment. "Then we are lost."

Mhoram felt the lorn dilemma in her words and stood up within himself, pulling the authority of his High Lordship about his shoulders. "No."

"Without power, we are lost," she countered. "Without the Oath of Peace, we are not who we are, and we are lost."

"Thomas Covenant has returned," responded Loerya.

Brusquely, Amatin put this hope aside. "Nevertheless. Either he has no power, or his power violates the Peace with which we have striven to serve the Land. Thus also we are lost."

"No," the High Lord repeated. "Not lost. We - and ur-Lord Covenant - must find the wisdom to attain both Peace and power. We must retain our knowledge of who we are, or we will despair as Kevin Landwaster despaired, in Desecration. Yet we must also retain this knowledge of power, or we will have failed to do our utmost for the Land. Perhaps the future Lords will find that they must turn from Kevin's Lore - that they must find lore of their own, lore which is not so apt for destruction. We have no time for such a quest. Knowing the peril of this power, we must cling to ourselves all the more, so that we do not betray the Land."
Mhoram turned also, pulled himself painfully around to face his fellow Lords. But they were not looking at him. They were intent on a messenger who stood trembling before them. Fear-sweat slicked his face despite the cold, and the muscles of his throat locked, clenched him silent. Mutely, he reached into his tunic, brought out a cloth bundle. His hands shook as he unwrapped it.

After a febrile moment, he exposed the krill.

Its gem was as dull as death.

Mhoram thought he heard gasps, groans, cries, but he could not be sure. Dread roared in his ears, made other sounds indistinguishable. He snatched up the krill. Staring aghast at it, he fell to his knees, plunged as if his legs had been broken. With all the force of his need, he thrust his gaze into the gem, tried to find some gleam of life in it. But the metal was cold to his touch, and the edges of the blade were dull. Blind, lusterless winter filled the furthest depths of the jewel.

The hope of the wild magic was lost. Covenant was gone.

Now Mhoram understood why the Raver had laughed.
"Hail, Drinny, proud Ranyhyn! Oh, bravely done! Worthy son of a worthy mother. Tail of the Sky, Mane of the World, I am" - a clench of emotion caught his throat, and he could only whisper - "I am honored."
"You will teach us despair - if you fail."

Mhoram heard the pain in Quaan's voice, and he compelled himself to answer. He could not refuse Quaan's need; he was too weak, but he could not refuse. "No. Lord Foul teaches despair. It is an easier lesson than courage." Slowly, he turned around, met first Quaan's gaze, then the eyes of the Lords. "An easier lesson," he repeated. "Therefore the counsels of despair and hate can never triumph over Despite."

But his reply only increased Quaan's pain. While knuckles of distress clenched Quaan's open face, he moaned brokenly, "Ah, my Lord. Then why do you delay? Why do you fear?"

"Because I am mortal, weak. The way is only clear - not sure. In my time, I have been a seer and oracle. Now I - I desire a sign. I require to see."

He spoke simply, but almost at once his mortality, his weakness, became too much for him. Tears blurred his vision. The burden was not one that he could bear alone. He opened his arms and was swept into the embrace of the Lords.

The melding of their minds reached him, poured into him on the surge of their united concern. Folded within their arms and their thoughts, he felt their love soothe him, fill him like water after a long thirst, feed his hunger. Throughout the siege, he had given them his strength, and now they returned strength to him. With quiet diffidence, Lord Trevor restored his crippled sense of endurance in service - a fortitude which came, not from the server, but from the preciousness of the thing served. Lord Loerya shared with him her intense instinct for protection, her capacity for battle on behalf of children - loved ones who could not defend themselves. And Lord Amatin, though she was still frail herself, gave him the clear, uncluttered concentration of her study, her lore-wisdom - a rare gift which for his sake she proffered separate from her distrust of emotion.

In such melding, he began to recover himself. Blood seemed to return to his veins; his muscles uncramped; his bones remembered their rigor. He accepted the Lords deep into himself, and in response he shared with them all the perceptions which made his decision necessary. Then he rested on their love and let it assuage him.
As he grasped the utterness of his plight, he turned inward, retreated into himself as if he were fleeing. There he looked the end of all his hopes and all his Landservice in the face, and found that its scarred, terrible visage no longer appalled him. He was a fighter, a man born to fight for the Land. As long as something for which he could fight remained, he was impervious to terror. And something did remain; while he lived, at least one flame of love for the Land still burned. He could fight for that.

His crooked lips stretched into an extreme and perilous grin; hot, serene triumph shone in his eyes. "Come, then!" he shouted. "If your master is too much a coward to risk himself against me, then come for me yourselves! I do not wish to harm you, but if you dare me, I will give you death!"
But now Mhoram felt the fire which burned against his flesh under his robe. In a rush of exultation, he understood it, grasped its meaning intuitively. As the Stone reached its height over his head, he tore open his robe and grasped Loric's krill.

Its gem blazed like a hot white brazier in his hands. It was charged to overflowing with echoes of wild magic; he could feel its keenness as he gripped its hilt.

It was a weapon strong enough to bear any might.

His eyes met Satansfist's. He saw dismay and hesitation clashing against the Raver's rage, against samadhi Sheol's ancient malice and the supreme confidence of the Stone.

Before Satansfist could defend himself, High Lord Mhoram sprang up and drove the krill deep into his bosom.
Mhoram's robe draped his bloodied and begrimed form in tatters; it had been shredded by the explosion. His hands as they gripped the krill were burned so badly that only black rags of flesh still clung to his bones. From head to foot, his body had the look of pain and brokenness. But he was still alive, still breathing faintly, fragilely.

Once again - I can't say it enough - Lord Mhoram ROCKS. 8)

And so does this chapter. If I could, I would quote the whole thing. 8)

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Post by Fist and Faith »

Foamy, I'm always so excited when I see your name pop up in Dissecting! I always love your choices of quotes, and appreciate your effort of typing it all out!! You cute, lil' cynical idealist you!! ;)

I love what each of the Lords gives Mhoram in the meld:
Lord Trevor restored his crippled sense of endurance in service - a fortitude which came, not from the server, but from the preciousness of the thing served.
What an amazing concept!! In a way, it enhances the circular strength that Mhoram is able to use. (See my post above.) When the thing being served is of such preciousness/worthiness/beauty, you cannot help but gain strength from it.
Lord Loerya shared with him her intense instinct for protection, her capacity for battle on behalf of children - loved ones who could not defend themselves.
Since I became a father, this one became sooooooooooo much more meaningful!!
And Lord Amatin, though she was still frail herself, gave him the clear, uncluttered concentration of her study, her lore-wisdom - a rare gift which for his sake she proffered separate from her distrust of emotion.
Yup! Let us not forget Lord Amatin.
When Lord Amatin spoke again, she emphasized her words intently. "Amok, what are you?"

Without hesitation, Amok replied, "I am the Seventh Ward of High Lord Kevin's Lore."
She certainly was the smartypants of the Lords.
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Post by Kinslaughterer »

Best chapter ever...
What a dramatic combination of events, actions and reactions all carefully placed into just a few pages.
Who wouldn't fight beside Mhoram? Take me, my Lord I've still got one good hand!
Good thing Amatin was so smart too. I can't remember how did that 7th Ward stuff work out anyway? :)
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Post by Foamfollower1013 »

Fist and Faith wrote:Foamy, I'm always so excited when I see your name pop up in Dissecting! I always love your choices of quotes, and appreciate your effort of typing it all out!! You cute, lil' cynical idealist you!! ;)
Yay! That just gave me a warm fuzzy. |G

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Post by Fist and Faith »

Oh!! Know what else is awesome?????
In spite of the High Lord's weight, Quaan ran and vaulted onto Drinny's back. Shouting to the Warward, "Retreat! Return to the Keep! The Gray Slayer has not lost his hold!" he clapped Drinny with his heels and took the Ranyhyn at a full gallop toward the open gates of Revelstone.
Extraordinary!!!!!!!!! Quaan doesn't doubt for a second that Drinny will allow him to mount! Drinny knows that Quaan is a hero, that he's trying to save Mhoram, and that he (Drinny) should not merely dash off to the Keep to save Mhoram the instant Quaan gets him on, because Mhoram would most certainly want Quaan to risk his (Mhoram's) life to save as many of the people as he could. What a glorious moment for Quaan! What a noble moment for Drinny!

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Post by Landwaster »

This has got to be among the best chapters of the whole biseries! Well done folks.
Do you think I like being this dangerous?
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a belated Colossus

Post by Lord Mhoram »

...an obsidian column upraised on a plinth of native rock, and gnarled at its top into a clench of speechless defiance. Beyond it he could see nothing; it stood against a background of clouds as if it were erect on the rim of the world. At first, it appeared to him a thing of might, an icon of Earthpower upthrust or set down there to mark a boundary against evil. But as his vision cleared, the stone seemed to grow shallow and lumberous, blank; while he blinked at it, as inert as any old rock.
There you have it. The Colossus itself. As Covenant said "a boundary against evil"; an
Elohim placed there against the Ravers.

There is murder muder and degredation in your every breath. Ah! You stink of it.
To some extent...this is true. Whether I, a past Covenant junkee, like it or not. Covenant really screwed up Triock's life.

Wait--Triock meant it both figuratively...and literally. Covenant reeks of leprosy. A "violation" in the Land. Think...Covenant has always considered being leprosy-less in the Land a plus. :wink: He was always healthy here. Not so anymore. :(

Uh oh. Not only does he smell, but the white gold's been removed from his finger. "Hell and blood! Don't touch me, you-Raver!" :D Ah, Covenant...But it's not a Raver. Just one of his victims.

"...all Peace has been laid waste," Triock says. A pair of Ravers in Ramen bodies are present. Bannor and SHFF are also there. But they're not moving.

She was robed in radiant green velure and she bore herself proudly, like a queen.
Not only is Elena helpful to Foul...but he, imo, mocks Covenant like this. She holds the Staff of Law and the white gold. Her mission? To destroy the Colossus. Covenant, however, doesn't know this. He thinks it's Elena-reborn. She tells him differently. "...she reminded him of the specter of Kevin Landwaster-a spirit dredged out of its uneasy grave by commands of irrefusable cruelty."

Triock explains to Covenant what I already have. That the Colossus is still a threat to the Despiser because of its effects on the Ravers. She has stood there the entire war, but the Colossus resists her. It is powerful still. She is Foul's hands, so he doesn't suffer Drool's fate.

A-ha! An interesting comment on the Ravers, a favorite of all Watchmen.
In the hands of turiya or moksha, that power [wild magic] would breed rebellion. With wild magic, any Raver would throw down the master of he could...
Meanwhile, Elena approaches the Colossus, singing a song of destruction that hurts Covenant's ears. Covenant tries to convince Triock to move against Elena, and the Ramen resist the Ravers. SHFF and Bannor are also try to resist Elena.

Wait, Elena says, samadhi has been defeated! Triock jumps on Elena while she's distracted and the Ravers are losing control. Triock gets the band to Covenant, but with a flick of her hand and the Staff within it, she reimprisons SHFF and Bannor and the Ramen are put back in their place with Ravers back in the driver's seat.

Yes!! Covenant calls upon the Forestal, a.k.a Hile Troy, and the Colossus sends bolts of lightning at the Ravers.

It's just Elena and Covenant now. In rage, Elena tries to simply beat Covenant to death. She has hiim on the ground and he mutters one of his many famous phrases--"You don't even exist." At this, I have something to say. The fact that he has such despair every time someone dies at his hands, it indicates to me, anyway, that deep down, he knows they do exist.

The Staff touches the white gold, triggering it to be destroyed by the immense power of wild magic. Bad move, Thomas. :oops: Elena has to go back to the grave. "Covenant," Elena says, "Beloved! Strike a blow for me!"

Covenant goes to Triock and he says these last words, "You are not to blame. She was-flawed from birth."

SHFF and Bannor awake again to find Elena gone, the Colossus still there, a pair of dead Ramen, and the Unbeliever.
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Post by Furls Fire »

Wow LM!! 8O 8O :faint:

That was Awesome!!!
"It is now Elena's purpose to destroy this stone."

Behind Covenant, both Ravers growled with pleasure at the thought.

"This has not been possible until now. Since this war began, Elena has stood here with the Staff of Law in support of the master's armies. With the Staff's power, she has held this winter upon the Land, thus freeing the master for other war work. This place was chosen for her so that she would be ready if the Colossus awoke--and so that she could destroy it if it did not awaken. But it has reisisted her." The hardness in his voice sounded almost like rage at Elena. "There is Earthpower in it yet."

"But with Staff and the wild magic, she will be capable. She will throw the rubble of the Colossus from its cliff. And when you have seen that no ancient bastion, however Earthpowerful and incorruptable, can stand against a servant of the master--then Elena Foul-wife will slay you where you kneel in your despair. She will slay us all." With a jerk of his head, he included Bannor and Foamfollower.

In horrific unison, the Ravers laughed.

Covenant writhed under the pressure which held him. "How?"

His question could have meant many things, but Triock understood him. "Because the Law of Death has been broken!" He rasped. Fury flamed in his voice; he could no longer contain it. He watched Elena as she moved gracefully toward the Colossus, preparing herself to challenge it, and he voice blared after her as if he were striving in spite of her coercion to find some way to restrain her. Clearly, he knew how he was being compelled, what was being done to him, and the knowledge filled him with torment. "Broken!" he repeated, almost shouting. "When she employed the Power of Command to bring Kevin Landwaster back from his grave, she broke the Law which separates life from death. She made it possible for the master to call her back in her turn--and with her the Staff of Law. Therefore she is his servant. And in her hands, the Staff serves him--though he would not use it himself, lest he share the fate of Drool Rockworm. Thus, all Law is warped to his will!"

"Behold her, Thomas Covenant! She is unchanged. Within her still lives the spirit of the daughter of Lena. Even as she readies herself for this destruction, she remembers what she was and hates what she is." His chest heaved as if he were strangling on bitterness. "That is the master's way. She is resurrected so that she may participate in the ruin of the Land--the Land she loves!"
Elena Foul-wife!! Heartbreaking! :(
Covenant hugged Triock's head with both arms and began to weep.

After a time, the stonedownor sensed in some way. Through the death thickening in his gullet, he struggled to speak. "Covenant."

His voice was barely audible, but Covenant fought back his tears to respond, "I hear you."

"You are not to blame. She was--flawed from birth."

That was as far as his mercy could go. After one final wisp, the smoke faded away. Covenant held him, and knew he had no pulse or breath of life left.
Such sorrow. :(
And I believe in you
altho you never asked me too
I will remember you
and what life put you thru.

~fly fly little wing, fly where only angels sing~

~this world was never meant for one as beautiful as you~

...for then I could fly away and be at rest. Sweet rest, Mom. We all love and miss you.

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Post by Kinslaughterer »

The only way to really hurt a man is give him back something broken...
"We do not follow maps to buried treasure, and remember:X never, ever, marks the spot."
- Professor Henry Jones Jr.

"Hither came Conan, the Cimmerian, black-haired, sullen-eyed, sword in hand, a thief, a reaver, a slayer, with gigantic melancholies and gigantic mirth, to tread the jeweled thrones of the Earth under his sandalled feet."

support your local archaeologist!
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Post by duchess of malfi »

Elena Foul-wife
~shudders in horror~
Love as thou wilt.

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Post by danlo »

Incredible work on short notice, due to a misunderstanding. Thanks very much Mhoram! Alas TC is never let off the hook-considering that Elena was the result of the rape... :? "Not to blame" hmmmmm :?
fall far and well Pilots!
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Post by Ryzel »

Furls Fire wrote:This was so awesome, I remember cheering...YES! I was in class at the time, a senior in high school, and the teacher took my book away because I was reading it during his lecture. :)
Those teachers have no respect for professional, hardworking authors. :)
"Und wenn sie mich suchen, ich halte mich in der Nähe des Wahnsinns auf." Bernd das Brot
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