Runes Pt 1 Chapter 9. Scion of Stone


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Runes Pt 1 Chapter 9. Scion of Stone

Post by drew »

Sorry I am over a week late getting this done; What had happened, is while I was reading over the other dissections, I was amazed by how well they were, I was in awe, and though I knew my turn was coming, I didn't think I would be able to measure up. Once I figured out what I wanted to write, I put my copy Runes back on my bookshelf, for safe keeping, but then last week, the Watch went down! By the time it came back up, I had missplaced my copy of Runes, and didn't have any clue as to how I was going to get it done. I knew it was my responsibility; so I ws going crazy looking the book. Luckily a friend of mine came over, and she helped me retrace my step, and low and behold; there was he book, tucked inbehind my copy of the Wounded Land.

So here we go:

The previous chapter Into The Mountains ends with Stave warning Linden that she is being tracked by Kresh. The word kresh to her sounds frightening, but she's not sure if it is familier or not; I thought that was a really neat idea that Donaldson used, as the reader is trying to remember if there were kresh in the Second Chronicles, Linden herself is too.

Regardless though, she realizes that there is no chance of out running the beasts as Stave and Liand want her to do; so she first decides to try to use the White Gold.
She Lifted Covenants rings out of her shirt an closed it in her fist. "You can't protect us. You said so. Maybe I can"
Stave forbid it though, warning her of Old Evils that still inhabit the mountains.
"Beter the threat of fangs and claws than some darker peril."
What darker peril could Stave have ben worried about?

Still, Linden would not run. This is one of the first times we ever see an haruchai not willing to fight; at least not willing to fight right aaway. Stave knew how dangerous the kresh were, and figured they might as well atempt to outrun them.

The THOOLAH members must have been very upset as Satve scooped Linden up in his arms, and she just let him carry her out of the danger.

*Could this be a foreshadowing of what is to come in the rest of the stories...Stave carrying Linden out of danger...?*

This next quote does shed some light onto what we are going to expect from Anele:
In his arms she mounted the slope as if she were moving backward through time. With every step, Stave's feet touched memories which only Anele could perceive, The Haruchai carried her up over broken pieces of sone, fragments of lamentation. No wonder Anele was mad.
As she was being carried, Linden began to wish for Covenants pressence, thinking that he would have known how to use his ring to deffend them.
Personally, I think her Schoolgirl crush has clouded her memory...Covenenant was no master of his ring; at least not for quite some time; she recalls this too, that when he alloyed himself in the Banefire, he had foresworn the use of any power, even as his own self protection.

Stave eventually slows down for Liands sake, and give's Linden a a slight tongue lashing,
The Linden Avery who is remembered among us would not have done so.
He was speaking of when she fled Mithil Stondown during the storm
Rather she would have bourne the White ring to the Stonedown's deffence
**Bullshivick**; Stave just forbid her from using the ring, now he's giving her grief for not uing it earlier. The Haruchai are still pissed at her for Ceer and Hergrom.
She counters with a little BS herself
The Haruchai I knew weren't that arrogant.
...Uh what Haruchai did you know...other than maybe Tull; I can't remember any who weren't the most arrogant SOB's around.

This is where the chapter picks up. The kresh come into view; LInden realizes that she had never seen them before, as one would not forget how terrifying they were.
Now LInden (and most readers) are confused; why would Foul bring her to the Land, heal her with hurtloam just to sick a pack of wolves on her?

She comes to the conclusion that the wolves were sent to prevent something from happening; although we still don't know what yet.

What follows is he reason why this is my favorite chapter: Lots of Fantasy writting have battles seen from multiple Points of View. Usually from a few different people at a few different locations. This however has the battle from one's person's POV; who is seing more than one POV herself.
As she lets Anele tell her the tale of his life.
Another aspect of this chapter isthe amount of Foreshadowing and Aft shadowing that goes on.

Apparantly, Stave did not want her to hear this tale either. Personally I couldn't help but contrast the fact that whomever had sent the kresh(most likely Foul); and Stave seemed to be in agreement at least on this one detail, and then I couldn't help but be reminded that Fould told Linden the Harchai serve him unknowingly.

As Anele told her that he was the son of Sunder and Hollian, Stave tried to convince her that Anele was still mad. Not a very good arguement, as how would Anele had even known who Sunder and Hollian were unless he had known them? Surly the Masters don't let the people of the Land know about the two people who cleaned up the Sunbane.

Watch how Donaldson uses a mico/marco cosms effect to what is going on, and to what Linden hears...
-Just before he contimues his tale, the kresh are almost on top of them; Linden attempts to rouse the White Magic, but cannot, luckily,
a concussion like the shattering of tremendous bones shhok the rift, and a blackness more fathomless than ebony and midnight blossomed between the cliffs.
**It seems that someone, or something else wants Linden to hear the tale.
-Anele confesses that he was born in Mithil Stonedown, but travelled throughout the entire land with his parents, and was completely ashtonished by the work that they did cleaning up the effects of the Sunbane. As he says how much they had learned from the Haruchi and the Giants...
-The kresh are right on top of them again-interupting the Tale .

-Then Men and Women appear among the stones and begin fighting off the kresh.
-Anele tells that he was born of flesh and Earthpower.
-Linden thinks that these people are too small and too few to help.
-Anele say that he felt he was unworthy to bear the Staff of Law from his parents.

-The newcomers actaully do fight off the kresh, and do it well.
-Anele realized that he required a different path.

Before he could confess what that path was; the UrViles show up. And we find out that the newcomers to the battle were the one and only Ramen.

Stave tried to forse Linden to use the White Gold to stike down the Loremaster, as Linden tries to confess that she cannot, a Manetrall shows up and tells them
The Ringtane's power is not needed sleeples one. The UrViles will not harm you."
Now we are stuck in a confusing bombardment of images; Haruchai and Ramen arguing, one Stonedowner deffending the Chosen from kresh, UrViles being trusted by the Ramen
Yet Anele seems not to notice, or care about anything else happening, and forces Linden to hear the remainder of his autobiography.

Then through a disgusting accounting of the bloodshedding of the kresh, Anele, softly, half-singing, continues.
I don't know about anyone else; but at that point I started thinking about the first time we ever met the UrViles...IN Andelain when they attackt the Wraiths; quite similarly, thatnight, Covenant could not use the ring to save the wraiths, but was enabled to escape by the good fortune of the first Unfetterd One that we meet.

Well right at that point, Anele tells how he himself decided to become unfettered. Not overly surprising, since everyMan in his lineage other than his father were themselves Unfettered Ones, awaiting the UrLords return.
There I became Unfettered. The Haruchai had spoken of such men and women, From them I had learned the words, though, I did not know the song.
At this point, suffereing major losses, the remainder of the kresh retreat the battle.
Quoting Anele again,
I imagained that if I coulod but tune my ears and Earthpower ti an adequate acuity, I might lean from the gutrock itself how the Land might be rid of its most ancient and implacable evil.
It was at that point we see the UrViles go after and slay the retreating kresh. A servant of Foul, destroying another servant of Foul.

Well now the battle is over, but Anele's tale is not.

He tells how as an Unfettered, he only tryed to learn everything he could about Earthpower and Lore. But he never tried to actually use it....remeber earlier, when Linden thought about Covenant in the Banefire? Once he fond his purpose, he no longer need to use any power.

Stave now tries once again to pursuade Linden to ignore his tale; he tried to onvince her to return to Mithil stonedown.
Depart is you will Bloodguard. We will permit the old man to speak. Long have we wished to hear his tale.
That was spoken by the Manethrall...and in those three short sentance we learn a great deal about the Ramen in these times.
We learn that they can't stand the Haruchi...calling them Bloodguard...? They haven't been Bloodguard in nearly an eon! We learn that they knwo Anele, as they must live somewhere nearby, and we learn that they respect him. Could they be any different than the Haruchai?

What comes next is our first First Hand Account of ceasure. He talks about how he sensed a wrongness, that he wanted to explore.
And right then the UrViles begin to return. Then Anele tells how evil this force felt; basically saying that Evil had returned, but it was a new evil.

Stave tried to interupt again, kissing the Raman's butts...
Your pressence among these mountains is a great boon to the Land, unexpected among the perils of these times. If you will consent to accompany u, or to return to your ancient homes upon the PLains of Ra, all the Haruchai will refjoice in your presence.
He then tries to sway the conversation back to taking everyone to Mithil Stonedown.
This did finally break Anele's concentration; he begins to lpead to Linden to kep him safe; the Manethrall answered Stave with hatred in her voice.
We remember that you have ridden Ranyhyn to their deaths. In those years, we withheld our enmity only beacuse the Bloodguard had swore fealty to the Lords. But we remember also that you turned from fealty to the service of Fangthane the Render.
**OUch!! that was Harsh!! Only three Bloodguard actually turned to Foul's service..unless that was even more Foreshadowing.

What follows is a dramatic argument between Stave, fighting on behalf of all the Masters, and this Manethrall fighting on behaf of the Ramen, the Ramen of old. In the Meantime, it is decided that Stave will wait three days before deciding if he will take Anele into custody.
Thank God-
=Linden's thoughts.

Thank God? Thanks whose God? The God in the Real World? -Linden I don't think is an overly religious, or spiritual person. Then who? the Creator? He doesn't really do much, he certainly woulnd not have had a hand in this little fight, would he?

Anyways, NAele continues the climax of his story: He beheld this great evil, and wanted to explore it; knowing that he was a being of Earthpower, he figured he would be safe.
He did however feel that the staff of Law would not fare so well, so he left it behind. He also states, that if he brought the Staff, he might be expected to use it--I don't know about anyone else, but that sure reminded me of Covenants bargains in the First Chonicles. He explains the wrongness as a ceasure, or a Fall.
They are a spinning of vile power, an illimitable bane, and when I had beheld it I was appaled...I was stricken immobile. My littleness unmade me.
Anele stayed within the Land, but he knew that everything was different. The people of Mithil Stonedown knew not who he was.

And; he lost the Staff of Law. It was not where he left it, and he could not locate it.
Poor Anele is suffering from a severe case of deppression; and rightly so.
I am marked for damnation, and yet I cannot so much as die. If Sunder my father had known what the outcome of his love would be, he would have buried Hollian my mother beside the Soulsease, and the Land would have been spared the ill which I have wrought.
-A fairly awkward statement to respond to, the only thing Linden could have said was that she beleived him.
Now I knew the truth. You said it yourself. You're the Land's last hope
--more foreshadowing...? I wonder if poor old Anele is up to the task.
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Post by dlbpharmd »

Great dissection, Drew!
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Re: Runes Pt 1 Chapter 9. Scion of Stone

Post by Relayer »

drew wrote:...while I was reading over the other dissections, I was amazed by how well they were, I was in awe, and though I knew my turn was coming, I didn't think I would be able to measure up.
How completely appropriate, considering that one of the major plot points regarding Anele's personality is his "astonishment" -- his belief that he couldn't measure up to what Sunder and Hollian could do.

Drew, you rock! :-)

I love this chapter. More thoughts later when I have some time.
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Post by SoulBiter »

The Haruchai are in such denial.

They accept that Covenant and Hollian can move from one 'world' to another and that time moves differently for them.

But they cant accept that Anele is the son of Sunder and Hollian and has been moved from his time to the future.

Isnt it a bit inconsistant that they seem to have this race memory of events and people and yet they dont recognize Anele and in fact consider anything he says to be raving of the mad? Surely they remembered that Anele was a being of Earthpower and here is this guy claiming to be Anele who is also a being of Earthpower. The land may be blind but I think the Haruchai have maimed themselves in more that a physical way.
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Post by drew »

Are they in denail, or are they lying?

Stave, I think, knows who Anele is, but by admitting that he is a being of Earthpower, even to himself, he's opening up world of possibilities, that the Masters are trying to quash.
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Post by Relayer »

A good point. It seems clear that the Masters have heard Anele's stories. They must've realized there's no way he could have known what he does unless it was true. They've obliterated all the history of the Land; how else could someone know this? Likely they've seen him be possessed by (whoever)... perhaps they think that his knowledge of Sunder, Hollian, etc is also via one of his possessors?

But also remember: in their way of speech and thought, they only say they know something if their knowledge is sure. They often say things like "more of this is not certain" but do not offer any ideas about what something might be. So they aren't really lying... (I don't think they do lie)... for example, "Do not pay heed to the old man. He is mad." is in fact a true statement; Anele is mad. But this is a misdirection. His madness doesn't invalidate his story. They definitely are not telling everything they "might" know... ie they know that Sunder and Hollian's son was named Anele. Often that have knowledge that might only be 80% sure, but that knowledge would have proved very helpful. Yet they withhold.

They DO seem to be in denial about other things though... like Liand says, they appear unwilling to grieve. And their need for absolute certainty and now their new apparent need for absolute control is leading to big problems. I'm absolutely certain of it :)
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Post by danlo »

Wow! I will definately devote time to reading this one in detail. Looks very good at first glance! Good job Drew! 8)
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Post by wayfriend »

Hi. Sorry I'm late.

Were you really sweating this dissection, Drew? I think you did an admirable job of capturing the essense and finding the interesting bits.

In some ways, this is a very straightforward chapter. Because it is a revelation chapter. Anele lays it all out, clearing up a lot of mysteries, and not introducing too many more.
Drew wrote:
a concussion like the shattering of tremendous bones shhok the rift, and a blackness more fathomless than ebony and midnight blossomed between the cliffs.
**It seems that someone, or something else wants Linden to hear the tale.
Really? I think the ur-viles are trying to defend Linden. Do they even know that Anele is speaking to her?
Apparantly, Stave did not want her to hear this tale either.
Does anyone else here suspect that Stave knows what this tale is, that he knows exactly who Anele is? That he tells Anele is mad and should be ignored (discrediting Anele without outright lying) because he doesn't want Linden to know what he knows?

Ah, I see replies above that show I am not alone.
Drew wrote:Watch how Donaldson uses a mico/marco cosms effect to what is going on, and to what Linden hears...
I confess - I did not pick up on this.

This section pisses me off.

It just seems irresponsibly unrealistic that Linden could be so uncaring about the kresh attack.

Maybe there was nothing that she could do. But she would give it her ****ing attention!

But this is the essence of my "There's no sex in your violence" thread. And so I won't belabor it more.

What I do want to point out is what she plans with the Ring.

She remarks as she's fleeing the kresh, she did not know how to summon wild magic. It arose according to laws or logic she had not yet learned to understand. Without percipience to guide her -

Despite her being unable to master the ring at every step, When the kresh attacked, she would trust herself to repulse them with white fire. WTF?!?! Then If Covenant's ring did not answer immediately to her hand, she and her companions would be lost..

What kind of plan is that?

Of course, when that times comes, she reached into herself for argence -- and could not find it..

This is no shock. But I have to wonder, why did she assume it would, after everything that happened so far?

Once again, she is trying to weild the white fire with logic, not passion. "The correct time to use the ring is ... not yet ... not yet ... now." It just doesn't work that way. If only someone would yell, Lord Foul has your son, I bet it would have worked.
Drew wrote:-Anele confesses that he was born in Mithil Stonedown
This is very interesting. For in WGW, after Hollian is resurrected, Sunder says, "It has become our wish to discover that future here. And to bear our son in Andelain." And Hollian said, "We are sustained, and in some manner defined, by the sovereign Earthpower of the Andelainian Hills. Should we depart this region, we would not long endure among the living."

We can only conclude that the new Staff of Law gave them the Earthpower that they need in order to leave Andelain.

Further: consider that Anele was also resurrected, and alive, outside of Andelain, without the Staff. Somehow, he was charged up with so much Earthpower, power that he carries within himself, that this becomes possible. Is this the nature of the power that Linden sees within him?

Or did Hollian's restriction get lifted somehow?

Anele says, "I was born of flesh and earthpower". Could it be that Anele is not quite the same as Hollian because he was unborn at the time, with the result being that he is charged with Earthpower?

Does Caer Caveral have his hand in this?

And WHAT THE HECK HAPPENED TO ANDELAIN???? Who would choose to have a child in Andelain, then change their mind and go to Mithil Stonedown? Did something chase them out? Force them out? The only image of Andelain that we have in Runes shows it to be in the process of anhilation.
Drew wrote:What comes next is our first First Hand Account of ceasure.
Yes, and I particularly liked how he described it. As if the whole Land had somehow changed around him, rather than that something happened to him. Exactly how it might feel to a time-traveller.

- - - - - - - - - -

:?: Why is this chapter called Scion of Stone? A scion is a child or heir. Child of Stone? Heir of Stone? Is Anele, indeed, a Stonestal? Infused with the will (and power) of the Earth for its defense?

I think Caer Caveral did what the old Forestal of Garroting Deep did, except one better. He ensured that the torch would be passed to the next generation of caretakers. But, instead of someone to care for the Forests, Anele would be set up to take care of the entirity of the Land, the Earth.

This is why he did not fit comfortably in the Lord-like role Sunder and Hollian handed him. He was destined for something different. Something that required he commune with the Earth for a while to prepare for it, like Troy had to be a stump for a while.

Except it all went wrong ...
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Post by drew »

Wayfriend wrote:Despite her being unable to master the ring at every step, When the kresh attacked, she would trust herself to repulse them with white fire. WTF?!?! Then If Covenant's ring did not answer immediately to her hand, she and her companions would be lost..

What kind of plan is that?
I'd say it was almost identical to TC's plan to Destroy Foul's Crech in TPTP...he didn't really know what he wanted to do; he just figured that he knew how to access the White Gold. Really without the Illearth stone he wouldn't have been able to.
LInden herself just figured that when the time came, it would work for her. Unfortunatly/fortunatly it didn't.
Wayfriend wrote:And WHAT THE HECK HAPPENED TO ANDELAIN???? Who would choose to have a child in Andelain, then change their mind and go to Mithil Stonedown? Did something chase them out? Force them out? The only image of Andelain that we have in Runes shows it to be in the process of anhilation
My thoughts: Hollian was a fairly slight person wasn't she? I think that when the time was getting close, she wanted a little help. Sunder was just too damned intense to help...he would have been one of those men who'd be running around like a madman trying to boil some water. The Forrestal of Andelain was now gone, so all that ws left was a bunch of Ghosts. the time, yes, she could proebebly only live in Andelain...that is until about a week later when Linden cleaned up the Sunbane..and Restored Law to the Land.
wayfriend wrote:Except it all went wrong ...
perhaps not.
Perhaps Anele just came too early, and he is needed hen Fould is at his possibly strongest power yet; now when the Skurj are free, and HE is breaking the durance.
Sure, the ceasure's are a deffinate wrongess...but since they are there, Anele almost HAD to go through.

Let me remind you of the last line of the chapter:
Linden Avery wrote:You're the Land's last hope.
SRD doesn't put lines in by accident...I think he ment it like Anele is the Land's LAST hope.
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Post by Aleksandr »

Who would choose to have a child in Andelain, then change their mind and go to Mithil Stonedown?
The restriction probably had to do with the Sunbane warping the Earthpower. After Linden restored uncorrupted Earthpower to the Land Sunder and Hollian were free to go where they would.
Who would choose to have a child in Andelain, then change their mind and go to Mithil Stonedown?
Sunder and Hollian had an enormous amount of urgent work to do after the Sunbane was eliminated. The people of the Land were in desperate straits and with the Staff they alone were in a position to help. They most certainly did not have the leisure to loll about Andelain for a long vacation.
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Post by Relayer »

Wayfriend wrote:Does anyone else here suspect that Stave knows what this tale is, that he knows exactly who Anele is? That he tells Anele is mad and should be ignored (discrediting Anele without outright lying) because he doesn't want Linden to know what he knows?
I also suspect the Masters know exactly who Jeremiah is (they probably know a lot more about him than Linden does). Though the Voice says "two strangers are approaching" I seriously think that's another misdirection.
Wayfriend wrote:It just seems irresponsibly unrealistic that Linden could be so uncaring about the kresh attack.

Maybe there was nothing that she could do. But she would give it her ****ing attention!
Indeed, she notices the kresh in intimately chilling detail... the slavering of their fangs, the intensity of their puissant need to gnaw on the very thews of their prey...

Yet she can calmly dismiss them and listen to Anele. I wouldn't have been able to do that <shudder> She clearly believes that the wild magic will arise "on it's own" as it did during her translation and during the fall of Kevins Watch. But we never find out if it would have, thanks to the Ramen and ur-viles.
Even more, I want to know, what is the CURRENT state of Andelain, and what do the Masters tell the people of the Land about it? Did it fall to the Sunbane? If Sunder and Hollian saved it, has it been destroyed by Kevin's Dirt? Is it still there, but not noticed as more magical, due to the Dirt? (similar to how Liand doesn't seem to notice anything special about aliantha?) Do the Masters have to make up some story about it, or keep people away from it? (in some sense, this would be like what the people of TWL were told). Or... ???
Wayfriend wrote:
Drew wrote:What comes next is our first First Hand Account of ceasure.
Yes, and I particularly liked how he described it. As if the whole Land had somehow changed around him, rather than that something happened to him. Exactly how it might feel to a time-traveller.
Especially since that person did not know he had just time-travelled.

:?: Why is this chapter called Scion of Stone? A scion is a child or heir. Child of Stone? Heir of Stone? Is Anele, indeed, a Stonestal? Infused with the will (and power) of the Earth for its defense?

I think Caer Caveral did what the old Forestal of Garroting Deep did, except one better. He ensured that the torch would be passed to the next generation of caretakers. But, instead of someone to care for the Forests, Anele would be set up to take care of the entirity of the Land, the Earth.
Excellent theory! I thought about it at the level of being the inheritor/reader of the lore and knowledge of the Stone, but not to this level... I think you're on to something. "He is the last hope of the Land." -- didn't Caer-Caveral say something similar regarding his place as the last Forestal?

Maybe this is the thing that finally caused him to choose madness. If he did not feel equal to the task of continuing the work of Sunder and Hollian, how much more inadequate would he feel about becoming the Stonestal of the Earth??!!??
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