Runes Part 2, Chapter 6 - The Staff of Law


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Runes Part 2, Chapter 6 - The Staff of Law

Post by SoulBiter »

I know this is 4 days early but I had it finished and.. well I couldnt stop myself :twisted:

They are expelled from the 'fall' we find that they are as SRD describes it, 'sick with distress'. Some more than others. The only ones that dont appear affected are the Ranyhyn and Stave and Anele.

As they start to survey their surroundings Linden opens her health sense and senses.. a wrongness from the earth itself... and she recognizes it.
The suggestion of wrongness, of imposed and unnatural harm, seemed to arise from the earth under her.
And it was familiar
So now she has Stave press his fingers into the grass and dirt to see if he feels it and Liand gets his first taste of what the Sunbane was like. Liand has never felt it and this is just an old taste of what it as like but he reacts much as one of the Lords of Revelstone would have if they had felt it.
Then Liand gasped sharply and snatched back his hands. "Heaven and Earth!" he panted. "This is evil. A great wrong has been done here." Wrapping his arms around his stomach, he struggled to contain his nausea.
In 'Lord Fouls Bane' Covenent was traveling with Foamfollower and Mhoram to recover the Staff of law. ( a correlation?) When drool kept finding Covenant through his shoes and Mhoram finally has TC stand with him and held his hands so he could feel what TC felt when Drool touched him. Mhoram had much the same reaction.

Stave of course 'remembers' the Sunbane and they decide that its been between 200 and 300 years since Linden had healed the Land.

Now comes one of those moments where SRD shows his mastery of description.
Anele drew her gaze. He sat loosely on Hrama's back, head bowed and arms dangling, as if he had fallen asleep
This description reminds me of a sculpture called 'End of the Trail'. It depicts a Native American Indian and his mount, tired and dispirited.

But then there is the rest of the description which is a breathtaking scene
In that posture, the angle of the light across his shoulders caught at the raindrops which remained on his cloak, transforming them into a net of pearls: a web woven of reflections and prophecy.
Prophecy? Hmmm. According to Anele, he is the lands only hope.
And then the last part of the scene...
And behind him mountains piled into the heavens, holding up their granite heads in defiance or refusal.
I would love to have a painting of this. Anele on a Ranyhyns back much as the 'end of the Trail' sculpture... with a backdrop of these incredible mountains and his cloak transformed into a net of pearls by the raindrops and sun.

Linden and her companians need to move but some are still feeling the effects of their trip through the 'fall'. So she reluctantly asks the Ur-viles for help and they give them 'Vitrim'. After consuming just a small amount each they are ready to go and look for the staff.
Just as they get ready to go Mahtiir approaches Linden
'Ringthane" he rasped, "we are shamed by our weakness. It ill becomes us." Sharply he promised, "We will not again be overcome"
Im not sure how he thinks they will be able to handle it better next time but the Ramen dont normally brag.
So they all take off hunting for the staff and Linden is keeping her eye on Anele. Since he is the only one who really knows where he left the staff I think she is hoping that he will lead them to it.
She noticed a shift in his emanations. His earlier passivity was gone. Instead he radiated urgency, and he rode forward with a look of frenzy in his milky eyes. But he had not suddenly become sane: that was obvious. Rather his madness had resolved into focus
But all of a sudden the urviles start growing restive and hesitant. They keep stopping and starting and this is slowing them all down. Then the urviles stop and start....talking...arguing, barking.... and the whole party stops.
Anele notices that they have stopped and becomes distressed.
Anele wailed, "No!" but Hrama ignored his protest, stamping to a standstill with the other Ranyhn.
Why? Why would the Ranyhyn not go where Anele wanted him to go. There has to be a reason.
Anele jumps off his Ranyhyn and takes off on foot..running towards a ravine.
She sends Mahtiir and the ramen after him while she tries to figure out whats going on with the Urviles. After a bit she realizes that she has no clue what they are arguing or talking about and they are for the most part ignoring her. So she decides to rush off after Anele as well.
She finally gets a chance to talk to Stave
"you were planning to leave. You wanted to warn the Masters. God knows you had plenty to tell them. But then you changed your mind." After the horserite, "I cant help wondering why"
Stave held her troubled stare "Chosen," he replied, "I have elected to accompany you. I will defend you with my life. But I will not account for my choices. I await the proper time and place. "When it is meet to do so, I will speak of what is in my heart."
In his heart.. now thats not something you hear a Haruchai say every day. This in some way is another example of the change that is coming over Stave. He is no longer the same 'Master' that went after Linden when she left Revelstone.
They continue after Anele and they find that he has run into a cave. and they also find that it was where Anele lived at one time.
He was not in the chamber, but Linden knew where he had gone. There was only one other egress, a small opening like a portal in the wall near the hearth. And from it came small sounds which she had heard too often and knew too well: the bereft inarticulate whimpering of the old man's desolation. The opening gave access to another cave, an unassuming place, hardly more than a niche or closet in the heart of the mountain. There Anele sprawled on the floor. Too broken to even weep, he slowly raised and then dropped his head over and over again, beating his forhead bloody against the stone.
This reminds me of Joan smacking herself over and over again. A broken woman. Just as Anele does the same.. a broken man.
But then we find there is even more cause for despair....
Linden felt no surprise at all to see that the Staff of Law was gone.
Gone.... have they made this trip to the past for nothing? I cant imagine what she is thinking at this point. She has no idea who moved it or where to. Her only hope was that she would find it in Aneles home before it got moved.
Last edited by SoulBiter on Thu Aug 13, 2009 2:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by dlbpharmd »

Thanks for filling in on this dissection, Soulbiter!
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Post by Usivius »

great posting SB... and the added image.. love it!
As with almost all this book, there are so many passages that wring my heart... this is one of them ---

Yes, the description of Anele, in fact, all that is Anele is painful and full of sorrow. And although I think every reader new it was going to happen, you feel terrible when the realization is that the Staff is not to be found where it was left.

The notion that the caesure does not affect Stave or Anele can only be attributed to their strong links to Earthpower. That the Ramen are so sure they will withstand a second trip is interesting...
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Post by Relayer »

Great dissection SB! And thanks, I love that pic too.

I remember thinking "they're not going to just find the Staff!!?? That's too easy!" They just appear at the right place in the South Plains, immediately head the right way and up the correct mountain pass, directly to the valley of the cave... without any apparent guidance from Anele ??? (he's clearly aware of where they are and what they're doing, but he doesn't seem to be guiding anyone until they're already up in the mts) ... Either the Ranyhyn can read minds, can converse w/ the ur-viles (assuming they can get the location from Anele), or ???

And isn't it Stave that points them in the general direction? I suppose you could assume that even though he doesn't "know" where Anele's cave is, they might have a general idea from tracking him (but he makes no such comment). Otherwise, how does he know to head where they do, as opposed to somewhere else in all those mountains? There must be other passes into the high country.

I loved the scene where, as soon as they get out of the fall, Stave starts saying "Chosen, we must go..." Can't you see these people are hurling!?! I was hoping Linden would just cuss him out for being such an insensitive jerk.

As I mentioned in another thread, the cave sure fits the description of the one where the Unfettered who met Triock lived in TPTP... (must check text later).

And just how do the Ramen (specifically Mahrtiir) have such certaintly that they'll fare better in the next caesure? Is it just Ramen pride, or something else?
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Post by dlbpharmd »

As I mentioned in another thread, the cave sure fits the description of the one where the Unfettered who met Triock lived in TPTP... (must check text later).
I checked Fonstad's Atlas of the Land, and the map in ROTE. It appears that the Unfettered One's cave is much further to the west, close to Garroting Deep and Doom's Retreat. Anele's cave is much closer to Mithil Stonedown. BUT - it's all a matter of scale.
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Re: Runes Part 2, Chapter 6 - The Staff of Law

Post by wayfriend »

SoulBiter wrote:I know this is 4 days early but I had it finished and.. well I couldnt stop myself :twisted:
I thought this next one came up really fast! Thanks for a good dissection, SoulBiter. And welcome to the TC Club! ("Two Chapters", of course).

Personally, I don't find a lot of things in this chapter that are worth commenting on. It's one of the more straightforward chapters, no surprises or revelations or dives into Land lore. There is just the ending, where they don't find the Staff - heh, they called the chapter "The Staff of Law" -- who was fooled the first time that they read this?
SoulBiter wrote:Liand has never felt it and this is just an old taste of what it as like but he reacts much as one of the Lords of Revelstone would have if they had felt it.
Nice catch, connecting this with LFB.
SoulBiter wrote:Stave of course 'remembers' the Sunbane and they decide that its been between 200 and 300 years since Linden had healed the Land.
This is one of the most preposterous moments in Runes. The fact that Stave can use the faint eminations of a dead and gone Sunbane to pinpoint their place in time to within 100 years. Doesn't anyone else think that that is preposterous?
SoulBiter wrote:This description reminds me of a sculpture called 'End of the Trail'.
SoulBiter wrote:Im not sure how he thinks they will be able to handle it better next time but the Ramen dont normally brag.
I don't think Mahrtiir has a clue how he will do better next time. But he's been chosen by a Ranyhyn, the honor of his existance and a big red star in the history of his people, and within the hour he's on all fours "feeding the lawn" (as the Ramen say). He's embarrassed and chagrined. So he gets up and says, "I won't let that happen again," in order to recover his pride. It's defiance.
SoulBiter wrote:This in some way is another example of the change that is coming over Stave. He is no longer the same 'Master' that went after Linden when she left Revelstone.
Assuredly. I can't wait to see what happens to Stave in FR.

But I can't believe you left out this juicy morsel, perhaps the second biggest bmbshell dropped in this chapter!!!
In [u]The Runes of the Earth[/u] was wrote:"One matter, however," Stave added after a moment, "I will explain, for I deem that you are unaware of it.

"We partook of the horserite together, you and I, but we did not share the same vision. That which the Ranyhyn revealed to you, they did not impart to me. Nor did they grant to you that which they wished me to see and understand."

Linden stared at him. She had assumed that they had participated in the same memories, the same prophecies; that he had seen the same dangers. And she had felt that he had finally become her friend, in spite or because of those dangers.

But she was wrong. The Ranyhyn had given him other insights, other knowledge. He had accompanied her for reasons which he kept from her.

As if he knew what disturbed her, he continued, "They made plain to me that I must not be parted from you. Therefore I will remain your companion until I have discovered or devised an opportunity to consult the will of my people."

Because she was afraid, she wanted to say something sarcastic; but she refrained. She recognized that he had given her as much reassurance as he could. For the present, at least, she could rely on him.

With that she had to be content.
So... the horserite was different for Stave. We can imagine. The Ranyhyn showed Linden Elena, because that was how they passed on the message they need to give. So that Linden will not do the wrong thing. But Stave was shown something else, he was given a different message.

The Ranyhyn need something from Stave.

And we don't know what it is yet. All we know is that it requires him to stick with Linden.

- - - - - - - - -
dlbpharmd wrote:
As I mentioned in another thread, the cave sure fits the description of the one where the Unfettered who met Triock lived in TPTP... (must check text later).
I checked Fonstad's Atlas of the Land, and the map in ROTE. It appears that the Unfettered One's cave is much further to the west, close to Garroting Deep and Doom's Retreat. Anele's cave is much closer to Mithil Stonedown. BUT - it's all a matter of scale.
I think we had this discussion in the Runes forum at one point, and the conclusion was that it was not the same cave.

But the similarities reinforce the connection between Anele and that Unfettered Rock Reader which have already been made. Which brings up my next point ...

- - - - - - - - - - - -

I found the connection between Anele's front lawn and Andelain interesting.
In [u]The Runes of the Earth[/u] was wrote:... he had chosen a lovely spot for his escape from astonishment. The bluff grandeur of the surrounding peaks contrasted dramatically with the profuse fertility of the basin. And it had plenty of water. Several streams tumbled down from the heights, catching the sunlight in a cascade of sparkles, and gathered to form a lively creek which babbled and ran toward the south and east. Anele could have grown food here easily. And in the heavy winters, he could have warmed himself with wood fires and Earthpower.

To Linden's eyes, the whole basin seemed to show the benignant influence of the Staff of Law. Even unused, the Staff's very existence sustained and promoted the natural Law, the essential structures and vitality, of the Land. She herself had formed it for that purpose. In Andelain, she had finally learned to love the Land, and with all her heart she had yearned to preserve and defend its beauty.

The vista ahead of her had the look of a place which had been adored.
Apparently, Anele and the Staff of Law radiated health and Law around where he dwelled. (And, no, I don't think the Staff alone explains it.) There is another parallel here that must be made.

But while I can I heed the call
Of green and tree; and for their worth,
I hold the glaive of Law against the Earth.

Once again, there is a consonance between Anele and Caer Caveral. Like CC, Anele seems to create a bastion of Law and health and natural beauty around where he dwells. I point this out in order to reinforce the idea that Caer Caveral did something to Anele before he was born, something which would ensure that there would be a new defender of the Earth once Caer Caveral was gone.
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Post by Relayer »

wayfriend wrote:I think we had this discussion in the Runes forum at one point, and the conclusion was that it was not the same cave.
A conclusion that I still don't agree with :-)

One thing that is different -- Anele's cave is described as having wooden tables and things; the Unfettered had rock pedestals for his bed, tables, etc.
dlbpharmd wrote:It appears that the Unfettered One's cave is much further to the west, close to Garroting Deep and Doom's Retreat.
Agreed. But I wouldn't put too much faith in the maps, especially the one in Runes (Atlas is probably pretty accurate). Remember that Stave tells Linden, (paraphrasing) "let's head towards Doom's Retreat and there we can climb into the mountains." Sounds like the same area to me. Guess I'm gonna have to go this theory alone :)
Wayfriend wrote:within the hour he's on all fours "feeding the lawn"
Wayfriend wrote:So he gets up and says, "I won't let that happen again," in order to recover his pride. It's defiance.
That's a good point.
And IIRC, they don't really do much better when they return to the present...
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Post by SoulBiter »

Wayfriend wrote:And welcome to the TC Club! ("Two Chapters", of course).
Wayfriend wrote: they called the chapter "The Staff of Law" -- who was fooled the first time that they read this?
I was busted. When I first volunteered I was thinking.. SWEET! Thinking it was the one where they actually find the staff.
Wayfriend wrote:But I can't believe you left out this juicy morsel, perhaps the second biggest bmbshell dropped in this chapter!!!
Well I had to leave something for you to find, didnt I? :biggrin:
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Post by Krazy Kat »

I know the above are very old posts, but blowing away some cobwebs can't do any harm. I enjoyed reading through all the comments, especially Soulbiter's referance to the sculpture, "End Of The Trail".

But I must agree with Relayer, that the cave is too similair to the Unfettered One's cave in TPTP. When you consider what Triock saw when he was rescued by the old hermit: he felt as if he were entering a part of Andelain, and also the broken rocks strewn around the entrance to the cave - these descriptions are consistant with what Linden sees.

Wasn't the Unfettered One studying the 'runes' of the Earth?

One other point of interest. In the TPTP, after the battle for the defense of Mithil Stonedown, Triock and his companions leave the village to seek out the Unfettered One. Doesn't this have a ring of familiarity with the departure of Linden, Liand, Anele, and Stave from Mithil Stonedown?

As Wayfriend has pointed out in other threads - nobody is wrong in their assesments! We all see things in a differant light. This is true.
We all may take differant routes, but we are all trying to get to the same place.
And Linden! She just needs a little nudge here and there, just enough to help her find that elusive door, and the white gold magic!
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