Pantheon - The Third Age - Game Thread

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Post by Madadeva »

We have both seen the dangers of such things. *sighs* I will remind my followers that is was they who started the crusades ... and that you and I both remain committed to peace and friendship.


Further, death need not be the end for those that follow the God of Life!
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Post by Madadeva »

AllFather wrote:Amplarx's Prophet, Orlen, is resurrected by Devaguhya.
I serve Life. All can ask my help regardless of House or Court. Those whom are worthy will be aided. And I judge worth not by how I am aided in return, but by how Eiran is served by the aid I give.

In this case Amplarx asked my aid. While the AllFather informs me that some believe I found Maclaomainn unworthy, know that this is not the case. Rather, the Goddess of Justice did not choose my aid.

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an Carraig
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Post by an Carraig »

Deva, you know i love you well but let's not put a spin on this. The Goddess of Justice did not choose to pay the "price" for your aid.
I hold no animosity toward you, my friend, for wishing to profit from
your labors humans sometimes say (i do love their little sayings),
"Life is just like that sometimes!!" ;) :lol:
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Post by uKulwa »

Hahaha, she has you there Devaguhya.

Well played my Lady.
All Things Begin and End in Strife.
Msasi Haogopi Mwiba.

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Post by Madadeva »

*hearty laughter!*

I suspect she always will *bows with a flourish!*

Point to you my Lady Justice!
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Post by Amplarx »

Thank you very much for your assistance, Devaguhya! I hope I am able to repay the favour in the future.
Conduct yourself always with honour.
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Post by Madadeva »

Anytime worthy Amplarx! *bows*
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Post by Anaya »

uKulwa, I apologise for the actions of a small portion of my worshippers. They shall be dealt with swiftly and, perhaps, unmercifully.
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Post by Madadeva »

Void! *bows*

You have had your own fanatics that have destroyed many in your own cities. They are an affront to Life. As I have seen your tale unfold, I believe you would excise them yourself. Their deaths, while I mourn them, save many.

However, the indiscriminant killing and burning conducted by my followers will not be tolerated. You have my apologies for such loss. The fanatics will be dealt with - harshly.

If you ask it, those who have lost life - and who have not themselves committed attrocities - will be returned to Life.
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Post by The Void »

The following message has been found nailed to trees around Eiran, particularly in areas that contain cases of the cleansing of Void followers.

To the enlightened followers of science and the ways of existence.

We here, in South West Enstorm, have heard of your terrible plight, of the slaughter of your kith and kin. We have heard tales of misguided fools burning your houses and destroying your towns.

Whats worse, is we know that these attacks were planned. The unenlightened followers of false gods chose us as a target. But instead of attacking our high walls and mighty armies, they aimed for the enlightened far from sanctuary, the eagles soaring amongst the turkey's.

As such we wish to make you this offer.

We will send ships to ports around the world, for you all to board. Those of you who are enlightened and fear the attacks of deluded god worshipers shall be offered a new home here for you and your families.

Our cities are all well built, the greatest minds of science having designed their walls. The Order of Distant Stars has grand armies located in every city preparing to defend them. You and your people will be more than safe amongst our number.

For those of you who cannot bare the thought of living around god worshipers any longer, we offer you refuge in the new city of Enlightenment. In this city, built by the most skeptic of non believers, is a haven of our kind. The worship of any god is BANNED throughout its walls, with pain of death serving as the punishment for those who insist to try and spread lies within its walls. Here you will be more than safe.

So we offer you this refuge. Perhaps, if the rulers of the governments in your areas act and bring these murderers to justice than you can one day return, but alas, for now, rest easy knowing that a new home is here for you.

Also, to scholars around the world, the universities of The Stile opens its doors. You are all more than welcome to come here, to study and to bring more knowledge to this world.

Signed, Lord Scholar Marshal Nevistal
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Post by Rothmog »

ohohohoh, my dear sisters and brothers
I would like to offer free help to those that have problems with pestilences and diseases in their cities.

As i said before, i'm here to offer my services for free.
Free help and free hugs.

Please consider my offer carefully.
"... and I will bestow abundant gifts and blessings upon my little nieces and nephews who desire the embrace of their big Uncle Rothmog. ohohohoh"

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Post by Arcadia »

Message to Brid and Amplarx:

I have contacted you both in private and received no answer. Thus, I publicly ask you to end the crusades you have against my followers.

I appreciate your prompt reply and your swift attention to this matter.

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Post by uKulwa »

Anaya wrote:uKulwa, I apologise for the actions of a small portion of my worshippers. They shall be dealt with swiftly and, perhaps, unmercifully.

My thanks sister. I did not doubt but that they acted on their own. I leave it in your capable hands.

All Things Begin and End in Strife.
Msasi Haogopi Mwiba.

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The Eclipse
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Post by The Eclipse »

As dawn breaks across Eiran, the sun streaming across the world with its touch of light, the cities of the world come to life. However, today is a special day.

In the center of every city, in the middle of the busiest intersections or in front of grand temples and palaces, large sand stone cubes are found. Some 9ft square, and covered in scrawling carvings, there is a stone for every city. How they got there or who had made them was unknown.

After awhile, inquisitive peasants grew up the courage to inspect the stones. Warm to the touch, the stones surface is covered in scrawling text. Written on the stone, in over two score different languages and dialects, is the following message.

Mortals of Eiran

For eternity you have worshiped gods and idols. For many years these idols and gods were little to no consequence, but an increase in belief has seen the rise of beings calling themselves gods.

These beings are a kin to mortals in that they are want to form bonds and alliances as defenses. This has lead to the rise of two courts of power, the sunrise and sunset courts. Both are said to be polar in beliefs and outlook. In theory perhaps, but actions speak louder than words.

In direct response to these gangs a powerful alliance has been formed of mutual aid and use. This alliance, this Eclipse of the rising and setting sun which over shadows the courts, is to its core strong and full of might. Where the courts are bound to one another for strength and ills, The Eclipse is full of mighty individuals. When the courts are divided and torn, The Eclipse is strong and unified. Where the courts are full of deluded or blood lusting false gods, The Eclipse is clear of mind and intent.

Mortals should not fear The Eclipse. It does not bring about pain and death unnecessarily like other hypocritical so called gods are want to do. It does not bring about unnecessary destruction for the sake of its strength. It is a firm and unified bond of utter power and determination to see that those under and within are strong and well.

Take this as a warning however.

For if anyone, mortal or otherwise, was to intentionally bring about the harm or death of someone under the care of The Eclipse, then they shall be smote down with great fury and vengeance. For every one worshiper of The Eclipse that is slain by a follower of a deluded false god, ten shall be taken in return. For every city stolen from The Eclipse, another shall be raised unto the ground. The Eclipse looks after its own. Aggression shall not be tolerated.

Under the great Eclipse are many such beings. Some wish to remain in the shadows and unknown, but four are willing to share themselves with you.

The All Seeing Eztlicoatl, One and Only Lord of the Ever Burning Sun. The Great Blood Serpent.

The Mighty Tawhiri-Matea, Mana Filled Ruler of Powerful Weather and Thunderous Storms.

The Hollow Void. The Nothingness of Eternity and the Oblivion of Space.

The Twisted Nor Yekith. Malice filled Master of Mutation and all its Creation.

Do not fear the calm brought on by The Eclipse. Fear not the strong and unified but the demon within.
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Post by Eugen Razvan »

Already some of you have felt the hand of mutation affect your people and animals. That is but a taste of things to come. But I am not rash to force my vision of paradise upon the world; I would rather sway those wise enough here to allow me to reshape existence. However, those of you who wish to cause me harm, I will hesitate not to flood your lands with mutation.

Any of the so-called gods of the other courts, and those unaligned, who harm any follower or god of the Eclipse court will likewise experience my wrath. I will shape the flesh of your followers and shrivel their brains, and mutate everything of yours as I see fit. I will have no mercy. Malice has no taste for mercy or pity.
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Post by Eztlicoatl »

[The Sun blazes with fury, and the Gods of Eiran hear an otherworldly voice - soft and hissing, seemingly strained by a great weight of pain]

I have never addressed the clutch of devils and pretenders known as the Pantheon as a whole before. Many have heard my voice, or read my signs. Now, all shall hear. I, Eztlicoatl, the One God, God of the Sun, Lord of the Sacred Flame, impart this message -

Those who would befriend the Eclipse, would be my friend. Those who attempt to do it harm will be my eternal foe. Any who strike at a member of the Eclipse alliance shall know the cruelty of the Sun. Your lands shall be utterly reduced to ash, and your people shall perish - blind, starving, and slaked with thirst.

I desire to be left alone, to tend to my chosen. Those who respect my wishes will have nothing to fear from me. Even those who do not form part of the Eclipse alliance know my friendship, and my warmth.
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Post by Arcadia »

To the Eclipse members:

So far, two of you - including your 'stones' have mentioned that any action against you or your hidden members will result in great vengence from the rest of the group. Yet, if we are unaware of all the members of your alliance, how can we know who to avoid?
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Post by Bel »

How curious, the selection of those who represent your mighty alliance. Perhaps your fellows in the shadows are wise to remain there.

The Eclipse claims that the Courts are filled with deluded gods, yet look upon their own number: the Void denies the very existence of its vaunted allies; the Serpent tells himself that he alone is truly a god.
The Eclipse says that the Courts are bloodthirsty, while the Serpent swims in the blood of sacrifice, and the Storm craves to roil and blow toward havok.
The Eclipse says that they are mighty, yet the Lord of Storms flounders, unable to even impress his own followers, who cannot make up their minds as to whether they wish to worship him.
The Eclipse claims that it is united, determined, and strong, yet some of its members fear to reveal their names.

If this is what this grand alliance wish to show of themselves, then they show themselves as fools.
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Post by Zephyr »

The self-contradiction, illogic, and hypocrisy of this alliance is staggering. It already kills innocents indiscriminately and unapolagetically, but now demands none ever bother any of their followers. The Sun, most powerful of all, and, to my knowledge, entirely unmolested by anyone, is, nonetheless, in a "fury" as it threatens horrors on all who do not continue to leave him alone. Nor Yekith admits to having already mutated followers of some of us, promises this will continue, but seems to think we should be consoled by his saying he would "rather" we embraced what he is going to do anyway. And his actions and attempted actions in the Second Age, and while away from Eiran, are legendary. Come now, Eclipse Alliance, why not just speak plainly and honestly, as your actions to date have done for you? What do you believe you accomplish this way?
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Post by uKulwa »

You take much upon yourselves at little urging or for less reason I suspect. Actions speak louder than words, and by your actions shall I judge my response. But I shall brook no interference in the lands I regard my own.

All Things Begin and End in Strife.
Msasi Haogopi Mwiba.

The Hunter Does Not Fear Thorns
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