Which Tarot Card Represents You?

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Post by wayfriend »

I was close on Magician, Emperor, and Hierophant.

But ended up being TEMPERANCE.

After the purging experience of Death, it is necessary to rebuild and improve on that which has been left over. Now that old habits and beliefs are gone forever, new attitudes must be acquired to fill the gaps and make you whole again. This process of reconstruction and harmonization is shown by the card called Temperance. The verb "to temper" means to modify or strengthen by adding a new component to an existing substance or mixture, and this broad defintion can be applied to many areas of your life. But all applications of Temperance share the common theme of moderation and balance, culminating in the creation of a centered and well-rounded being.

In most Tarot decks the red-on-white symbology first shown in the Magician appears on the card in some form. The temperance of desire (red) with purity (white) is one of the most fundamental manifestations of this card, as is the reverse (purity with desire). The angel on the Rider-Waite deck, who wears a white robe and has red wings, is a perfect illustration of this. Purity of heart and mind gives you a solid base to fall back upon, but only through the desire for personal growth can you ever develop. The angel's white robes give him his basic form, but only through the control of his red wings comes his ability to fly.

The act of Temperance can also refer to the coming together of two distinct beings that must function as one. Obviously this refers to relationships, but also to friendships, partnerships, and all kinds of compromises and committees. This can also take place on an internal level, when you confront your deepest desires and your most irrational fears and, instead of getting rid of them, you incorporate them into yourself and grow stronger because of the temperance. If you throw away your Shadow it cannot help you, but by accepting it you bring it under your control. Perfect harmony with oneself is one of the two lessons of this card, and the one often seen in readings.

Temperance also represents an appreciation of moderation through experience of the extremes; to use an analogy, to live through the darkest night and the brightest day to appreciate both the twilight and the dawn. Only through seeing and acknowledging both sides - the positive and the negative - can you integrate both into your personality. Another facet of the Temperance card is that you must not strive to become totally positive, even though that might seem like a good goal. Life seeks balance and if you strive to be a totally positive being you will be fighting the current all the way. Better to embrace moderation and go with the flow.

The two situations in which Temperance will most often appear are in the context of your relationships with others and with yourself. In the former case, a need for balance is often implied. Conflict can only be resolved through compromise and cooperation, and two people who both acknowledge this cannot be in conflict for long, because they always balance things out before they become problematic. Likewise, they enjoy the good times but know that they cannot last forever, and are not disappointed on darker days. If a relationship seems out of balance in any way, Temperance must be taken as a sign to start fixing things before it gets too far out of balance and it is irrevocably destroyed.

Often, though, before you can achieve harmony in your relationships with the people around you, you must make peace with yourself. Inner imbalances can often manifest in the physical world if they are not attended to, whether or not the imbalance is a negative one. Having a lifestyle that is optimistic to the point of believing yourself to be invincible will lead to problems, maybe even more so than a lifestyle of pessimism and paranoia. Balance is best achieved through turning to the Inner Voice for guidance. Temperance is a card of health, and its appearance shows that your inner power is ready to heal you and make you stronger.
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Post by aliantha »

I got Temperance, too. I got a 6 on The Priestess and a 5 on The Star.

Lurch, the word that comes to mind about that Book of Thoth entry you posted is "inscrutable". :lol: My impression of the Hermit was that it's a card of introspection, but also spiritual guidance.

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Post by The Laughing Man »

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When questions about the nature of existence and the purpose of life start eating away at your mind, answers will not be found in the physical world. They can only be found inside of you. You have risen above your desires and emotions because they will no longer help you on your journey. Now you must become like the Hermit, who seeks the answers alone. Only the whispers of his Inner Voice, and the light of his lamp, will guide him now. Eventually even that lamp shall be cast away, because it is artificial and will not help the Hermit forever. His own inner light must learn to shine in the absence of the light of others.

For true wisdom to emerge, there can be no distractions. Any preoccupations of the world, no matter how small or inconsequential they may seem, will be heard as shouts that drown out the still voice within. It is not enough to rid yourself of inner turmoil, though that is a step in the right direction. The next step is to eliminate outer turmoil, through isolation and withdrawal from the world. This is the path of the Hermit, who slips into darkness in order to have the light revealed to him when he is ready. Like the Fool, he is once again alone, separated from all others. But this time it not only by choice, but by necessity.

Once he has learned the lessons and seen his true wisdom, the Hermit will often pick up his lamp and return to the real world, in order to help others see their own potential as well. But the Hermit is not a teacher; he will not lecture his students and tell them all about his experiences of solitude and isolation. They must experience it themselves, for wisdom earned simply by listening to another person is not really wisdom at all. True wisdom and true enlightenment always come from within. A teacher may tell the student how he found wisdom, but the student must go and find it for himself. Wisdom is not a gift presented to you on a platter. It is a gift you give yourself.

The lessons of life cannot be rushed, or forced, or made to happen before it is time for them to happen. This statement, in fact, is one of those lessons that everyone must learn. But simply reading it on a page, or hearing others tell you about it, will not give you the experience of the lesson. Only by doing - or not doing - can we ever hope to understand. Knowledge only becomes wisdom when we earn it, through the sacrifice of our familiar surroundings and all the people we hold dear. If you think about it logically, everything you leave behind when you follow the Hermit's call will remain when you return. The only thing that will have changed is you.

The appearance of the Hermit is a call to learn more about yourself and the nature of your existence, and everyone experiences this call at some point in their lives. Take this as a sign that your worldly problems and affairs can safely be put on hold; there is greater, inner work to be done now. Often this will refer to a problem you must solve or a part of your nature you must deal with before a situation can progress. Only in rare circumstances will this refer to a spiritual transformation, but when it does, know that it will be a powerful change requiring much effort and commitment. A more long-term withdrawal may be needed.

The Hermit can also show you that a mentor is entering your life. This is a person who will not teach you overtly, but who will show you how to find the answers you are seeking within yourself. Perhaps you will be the mentor who is indicated by the Hermit, in which case you must be careful not to preach to your student, but guide him. Your wisdom will not be your student's, and you must accept that before any teaching can be done. If you are ever in doubt, know that all the wisdom you will need is already inside you, waiting to emerge. This light will not come unless sought out, but when it does, you will see that you had the answers all along.
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Post by wayfriend »

aliantha wrote:I got Temperance, too.
Kinda boring, yeah? But at least we're not hermits! :) Talk about no life; They just play with their yod. :twisted:
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Post by Infelice »

High Priestess here
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Post by lurch »

Lurch, the word that comes to mind about that Book of Thoth entry you posted is "inscrutable". :lol: My impression of the Hermit was that it's a card of introspection, but also spiritual guidance.[/quote]

The link I offered Menolly has the whole Book Of Thoth,,broken up into sections. Click on the Online E books. To Take some of the inscrutable out of it,,read the whole book. Its an enjoyable read even if you have no real interest in the Tarot.
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Post by aliantha »

Infelice, you woman of mystery, you! :)

Lurch, I'll have to look around for the Book of Thoth. One can actually buy a Thoth Tarot deck. (We're reading a book about the Tarot for my Pagan book club right now. I didn't realize until we started this book how many different Tarot decks are out there. Some use the traditional Rider-Waite symbolism for their illustrations, and some are *very* different.)
wayfriend wrote:
aliantha wrote:I got Temperance, too.
Kinda boring, yeah? But at least we're not hermits! :) Talk about no life; They just play with their yod. :twisted:

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Post by Cameraman Jenn »

3 0Fool, 1 1Magician, 3 2Priestess, 2 3Empress, 2 4Emperor, -1 5Hierophant, -1 6Lovers, 0 7Chariot, 2 8Strength, -1 9Hermit, 2 10WheelOfFortune, 1 11Justice, 0 12HangedMan, 5 13Death, 2 14Temperance, -1 15Devil, -1 16Tower, 0 17Star, 5 18Moon, 0 19Sun, -1 20Judgement and 2 21World!
Now if I could just find a way to wear live bees as jewelry all the time.....

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Post by Menolly »

Interesting, as your equally the Moon, according to your scores, Jenn. I wonder how it chooses one over the other...
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Post by wayfriend »

Cameraman Jenn wrote:Death!
Okay. You're officially having a bad day. :wink:
Menolly wrote:Interesting, as your equally the Moon, according to your scores, Jenn. I wonder how it chooses one over the other...
She's 5 out of 13 Death, 5 out of 18 Moon. So Death.

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Post by aliantha »

No no, the 13 and the 18 are the respective cards' numbers in the deck.

Anyhow, Death isn't that bad of a card. Honest! It just means things are changing. Now, the Tower -- *that's* bad.

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Post by Menolly »

aliantha wrote:No no, the 13 and the 18 are the respective cards' numbers in the deck.

That's what I suspected, looking at the card depictions that have been posted. Any idea how the software would have chosen which 5 was primary for Jenn, ali?
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Post by Cameraman Jenn »

It probably factored in my Scorpio status although it SHOULD have gone with Moon since I am practically mooning everyone with each of my posts.... :P
Now if I could just find a way to wear live bees as jewelry all the time.....

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Post by wayfriend »

... or it took the first card that it came across that was a 5.

... or it took into account the vicious attack-type nature of her pit bull Moose.
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Post by Cameraman Jenn »

He is very dangerous. Just look at that gaping deadly maw....

By cameramanjenn
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Post by Menolly »

and once again...
...he is so cute...

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Post by Cameraman Jenn »

CUTE???? Look upon the gaping jaws of unpleasant death! He's practically scarier than the Lurker of the Sarangrave. See the inchoate rage welling in his eyes? Look at him again and be dismayed!
Now if I could just find a way to wear live bees as jewelry all the time.....

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Post by wayfriend »

... look at the BONES!!!
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Post by aliantha »

See that leopard skin he's wrapped up in? Nuff said. ;)

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Post by sgt.null »

same as syl.
the Hierophant
Lenin, Marx
Marx, Lennon
Good Dog...
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