Aesir: Rules & Comments

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Aesir: Rules & Comments

Post by Han-shan »

Let's hear comments and questions. Some things here are subject to change. Some are not. Some are, frankly, not finished, and I'm hoping for some input.

One turn is equal to one season of the year. Turn 1 will be Spring of Year One of the Gods.

The world's name is Narie. It is inhabited by humans. At this point, they live in huts. Not like Gilligan's Island, though. Nice and sturdy. Wood, some stone.

What metals are being used? Seriously, I'm asking. I don't know about stages of human development. Heh. Bronze? Copper?

Boats... As always, I want things to be slow. If there is much beyond canoes, I might get lost already. I'm thinking a canoe isn't likely to cross the gap between continents. Yes, it will happen, but it's not a common thing. There's nothing close to regular trade between continents.

I'm not messing with Treasury/Wealth issues. Let's assume everybody knows how to live in their part of the world. If you want to figure out ways to make money for trade, bribes, whatever, go right ahead. But you don't need it to live.

The Prophet you create with your Revelation is free. After that, it will require 3 DRPs (not necessarily in a single turn), or the permanent sacrifice of 1. You get to choose. You can have multiple Prophets. (Don't know if I'll need to limit how many. For now, I won't.) Yeah, it's expensive, but your Prophet is the only human you can talk to without power. If you want your people to get moving on some long-term action, something that doesn't require immediate movement, tell your Prophet, who will tell your followers. They'll listen to him/her. (As opposed to, say, if you want your General to launch an offensive. Maybe you'll give the General some DRPs to make it happen, and you can talk to him as you're giving him the DRPs.)

You start with a DR of 1. Get worshipers, and go up in DR.

A standard village has 1,000 inhabitants. I'm trying to think of it in terms of controlling villages, rather than number of followers. We'll see if it works out this way. So then,
-Controlling 2 villages gives a DR of 2.
-Controlling 10 villages gives a DR of 3.
-Controlling 20 villages gives a DR of 4.
-Controlling 50 villages gives a DR of 5.

If you want larger villages, yes, it will work. 10 villages with 2,000 inhabitants each will equal 20 villages, and you'll be DR 4. But it's not as easy as simply using power and/or Prophet to convert another village. And you'll have to tell me how you're going about it. Where does the population come from that increases the size of the village? Yes, there's natural growth, but not enough in the speed of the game to double a village's population. Are you going to use power to strengthen your followers so they're healthier than usual? Are you going to convert people living outside of villages, and have them move in? Are you going to try to get one village's residents to leave their homes and move to another village? And don't forget about the huts. New material and time to build need time and/or power.

Basically, what I'm saying is, you have to be specific about things.

There will be no donating DRPs to other deities. Only you can use your own DRPs, and only in your own domain.** How you use your domain is largely up to you. I'm sure I'll be holding some of you back at times. Of all the Pantheon player's I've known anything about, Syl's stuff has impressed me the most. Just way out there ideas, doing things I never would have thought of in a million years. I hope I don't frustrate you too much, Syl. :lol: But Aesir has to move slower than Pantheon. If it doesn't, I'll be lost immediately. Of course, I really really don't want it to be boring, so we'll have to find some sort of happy medium. I may be contacting many of you from time to time about your submission, either trying to understand it better, or tell you how far I'll allow it to work, and see if you want to do it in stages over a few turns, or do something different instead.

I think I'm going to have some overlap of domains. Animals and Seas are certainly parts of Nature. Dolphins are Animals, but Animals are a big part of the Sea. Better ship designs belong to Knowledge and Seas. I suspect many will be doing things that show up in someone else's turn results.

**I have a big exception to the idea of using your power only in your domain. I believe a deity can do many things for her/his worshipers simply because they are her/his worshipers. The God of Agriculture wants to get some serious clearing of land and plowing? He can put the power he gets from worship right back into the worshipers. They'll be stronger, able to work more, for the turn. All he's doing is energizing their bodies. This is not to be confused with the God of Strength making his followers permanently stronger. The God of Agriculture has to do it each time he wants them stronger. And deities can heal sick and injured followers. Just energy to the body, right? But only the God of Healing can give people a permanent Healing factor, or make one person able to Heal others.

And that's all very different from the Goddess of the Sea giving a follower the ability to power boats through the water. (Think of when we first met Foamfollower.) Not many domains can do something like that. Seas is a different kind of domain, and the things it can do may not be at all possible for other domains. It's not merely giving energy to the human body.

Yeah, appearing in the midst of your worshipers is a powerful move. Their faith for that turn will be pretty serious, and the next couple turns, though the intensity of it will diminish. That's why things you do work better when you're Manifested. (No, I do not have a clear idea of how they'll work better. :lol: We'll see what happens when it happens.)

But don't overdo it. If you're there too often or too long, you'll likely come to be perceived as just another Prophet-like person. If gods are right here with us, they're not much different, much above, us.

Edit: As time's gone on, I think the whole Manifesting thing has become less important. There might be something that must be done in person, so Manifesting is necessary. (The Maw of Obliteration was an artifact that allowed its holder to destroy huge areas of land.) But I don't think most stuff will have an advantage after all.

Of course, you can obviously speak to whoever is near you while Manifested. That's a good advantage in a lot of cases.

Again, to keep things at a pace that I hope is manageable for me, at least in the beginning... Let's say the Goddess of Earth has a few villages on continent A. If she raised a huge mountain near them, they'd be all kinds of impressed, yeah? "See the power of our Goddess!!!"

Now suppose she raised that mountain on continent B. Her followers on continent A can't see it. They won't even know it exists if she doesn't tell them. If she does tell them, they might say, "Sounds cool. Wish I could see it." But it wouldn't strengthen their faith. Meanwhile, she doesn't have followers on continent B. People there will surely be amazed. Awed, terrified, whatever. They'll surely wonder what power caused this to happen. But they never heard of this actual goddess.

For new players, and so old players understand my particular way of thinking... If some being came to you claiming to be the God of X, would you believe him? I think a demonstration would be in order. The Revelations posted so far (the first four), are doing this. Each deity approaches one person, and claims to be the deity of X. The person believes it because the deity acts in that domain. Excellent. You have Prophets.

Getting your Prophet is a freebie. No DRPs were required. From here on out, you're gonna have to use DRPs to make others believe you are who you say you are. And you need to make others believe you are the deity of X. You can't do much with the lone DRP that you get just for being in the game. You need more DRPs to do much - to have fun in the game - and you need more worshipers to get more DRPs. So how do you get more worshipers?

Well, you can't very well go to each individual. Takes way, way too long. You do have one powerful tool: your Prophet. Your Prophet's voice has power. When s/he speaks of you, people know it really is of you. It's not a crazy guy spouting about some imaginary being.

But this, alone, isn't enough. Not like you can sit and do nothing, and have your Prophet convert the world to your worship. You'll probably get a village or two that way, but it won't last. Everybody will wonder why they bother worshiping a deity who never does anything. If you can't demonstrate your power in your chosen domain, much less in ways that make their lives better in one way or another, those who were converted will lose faith, and the same will eventually happen with anybody else your Prophet converts. You need to help.

In Turn 1, you can use your lone DRP to give your Prophet's voice even more power. That will get you your first village. (Heck, in Turn 2, you can do the same, and get your second village, which means your second DRP.)

Another idea for Turn 1 is to use your lone DRP to act in your domain. The God of Speed might give his Prophet enhanced Speed, making the Prophet twice as fast as any other person in the world. Or give the people of the first village you're going after the ability to see a hummingbirds wings in motion. Or some other idea that you think will impress me. Combined with your Prophet's words about you, you'll get your first village.

Eventually, you'll have to go with the second option. You can't spend turn after turn after turn doing nothing but giving your Prophet's voice more power. You've talked the talk; now you have to walk the walk. Use your domain. Justify your worshipers' faith in you.

Email your moves to
You should have gotten a test email from me when you registered. Let me know if you did not.

The form of your submission must contain a quick, bullet-like summary. Your submissions can be only a bullet-like summary. For example, if the God of Agriculture has 3 DRPs to use, he might say:
-With 1 DRP, I ensure the best possible harvest for the fields of corn just east of the village of Hunkerdoo.
-With 1 DRP, I teach my people about using blah blah for fertilizer, which is superior to the desert sand that their superstitions told them to use.
-With 1 DRP, I give my Prophet the power to strengthen crops.

I tell my Prophet to have people start clearing the land at the foot of the mountains east of Hunkerdoo, because I want to begin using it for crops next year. (Have your Prophet check on the progress of this project each turn.)

And there you are. That's all I need.

Of course, you can go all out, like Pam will, and write thousands of words of story and dialog to say all that. It might even be helpful, because it might give me clearer insight into what you have in mind. Really, it's up to you. Even though it's lots of fun to make fun of Pam, her enthusiasm is second to none! :D But make sure that, if you do write a nifty submittal like that, you put the bullet-like summary also.


Not much. For the most part, it's a blank world that you will make magical. Are there any mages? So far, only the ones that some of you made when you gave your Prophets some supernatural power. Assume no magical creatures are around to be found. Assume no magical places or artifacts. By all means, ask me about something you want to try, and we'll see how you can best create it. And maybe you'll suggest something I agree should be there, and figure out a way to make it happen in a way that's fair to all.

Don't miss 'em. :D OK, it's like this... If you don't submit by deadline, you risk your moves. I'll process at any point after deadline. Let's say I start with God A. Maybe you're attacking God A. If you don't submit by deadline, and I've begun processing A before you do submit, your attack doesn't happen, and the DRP is wasted.

OTOH, if you and A are supposed to be working together on something that turn, I'll yell at you in a very loud voice, berating you for all to see. It won't be pretty. I'll have a Wall of Shame for Known Late Submitters with your name posted on it. I'll let each player slide once under these circumstances. After that, A, and everybody else, will know that they're risking their turn by teaming up with a KLS.

(Wow, I'm pretty stern, eh? :D)
Last edited by Han-shan on Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:00 am, edited 7 times in total.
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Post by Orlando »

How many domains can we have?
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Post by Han-shan »

Just one.
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Re: Rules & Comments

Post by Cobalt »

Odin wrote:What metals are being used? Seriously, I'm asking. I don't know about stages of human development. Heh. Bronze? Copper?
With the pace you're suggesting, Bronze is probably best. It's advanced enough to let us all keep variety on what we're doing, but it'd take effort on our part to advance any major set of technology (like boating, etc...)
Odin wrote: **I have a big exception to the idea of using your power only in your domain. I believe a deity can do many things for her/his worshipers simply because they are her/his worshipers.
Does this...erm...Domain Power require DRP to use? Or can I just describe (in detail) how I'm going to affect my worshipers?

cant wait for it to start. :D
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Re: Rules & Comments

Post by Han-shan »

I just edited the first post of this thread. New stuff is in green.

Uruk wrote:With the pace you're suggesting, Bronze is probably best. It's advanced enough to let us all keep variety on what we're doing, but it'd take effort on our part to advance any major set of technology (like boating, etc...)
Does anybody have a problem with this? Before Uruk's post, someone pmed me that copper was probably likely with the huts I'm trying to describe. If copper is more accurate, but is too limiting, I don't have a problem with bronze.

Uruk wrote:
Odin wrote:**I have a big exception to the idea of using your power only in your domain. I believe a deity can do many things for her/his worshipers simply because they are her/his worshipers.
Does this...erm...Domain Power require DRP to use? Or can I just describe (in detail) how I'm going to affect my worshipers?
DRP required. Those who know Shadowthrone might remember that he could heal. In one myth, my own son... er, Thor slaughtered his goats, gave the meat to a family who was very poor so they could eat well that night, and resurrected the goats in the morning. Considering these precedents, I don't think it's much of a stretch for a deity to be able to use the power that comes from the worship of his/her followers to strengthen those followers' bodies. If you want to try something, ask me. (But before anybody asks, no, I won't allow everybody to resurrect followers. :lol: Talk to Nergal about that kind of thing.)

Uruk wrote:cant wait for it to start. :D
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Post by Cobalt »

Copper or Bronze, I don't think it matters overly much. It's the implied limitation on our powers as deities that's important, and that's something you and we are making up as we go. :lol:

Are we going to need a dogma? Optional?

Also, could you move the map to the game thread?


I like the overlap of domains. If we can't give our DRP to other players, I assume we can still use it for them, correct? For instance I could remove a kraken plaguing the god of Strength, and he could in return bless a follower of mine to be mighty and strong? As long as we each used the DRP ourselves.
Last edited by Cobalt on Mon Mar 02, 2009 1:07 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Menolly »

Uruk wrote:Also, could you move the map to the game thread?
Or to it's own thread would be nice as well...
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Post by Han-shan »

I'll give the map a thread soon enough. Or maybe put it at the beginning of the Game thread. I want to work on it a little more first.
Uruk wrote:If we can't give our DRP to other players, I assume we can still use it for them, correct? For instance I could remove a kraken plaguing the god of Strength, and he could in return bless a follower of mine to be mighty and strong? As long as we each used the DRP ourselves.
Like the song says, that's what it's all about. You'll all have to come up with pretty good reasons to get someone else to use their power for you. Especially since I don't anticipate anybody having as many as we're used to in Pantheon. (At least not P2 and P3. P1 ended with Nephirthos as the most powerful, with a whopping 5 DRPs!) And if somebody helps you attack another deity, everybody will know.
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Post by Han-shan »

I put the map at the beginning of the Game thread. Maybe I'll also have a Map thread, with the current map on top, and the older ones under it.
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Post by Menolly »

Odin wrote:I put the map at the beginning of the Game thread. Maybe I'll also have a Map thread, with the current map on top, and the older ones under it.
Holy cow!
There are a lot more villages than the last time I looked.
I want the same one I had requested earlier though, if possible please...

...and I am still getting a chuckle at the idea of the world being called Narie...

But then the western continent being called Ayana...
In the Revelations thread, Odin wrote:And this thread will not have any posts other than Revelations. So if anyone joins the game somewhere down the line, nobody will ever have to go searching through the Game thread to find it.

Now that idea I really like.
Well done!
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Post by Lliannon Aine »

How do you pick a village? I already know what I want to name it :)
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Post by Menolly »

PM Odin with your choice.
Try to describe which dot you want. was a lot easier when there were fewer dots, IMO anyway.
But, it should be doable.
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Post by Lliannon Aine »

Thanks!! This is way cool! :)
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Post by Menolly »

Welcome, Lliannon Aine.
Trust me, you don't know a thousandth of it...
...yet. ;)

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Post by Orlando »

I'd forgotten that you are home today, Somefather. Great av!

I can't get the map to come up on my work computer so I will have to see it when I get home.

Welcome, Lliannon Aine. You are going to have a blast!
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Post by Han-shan »

Diana wrote:I'd forgotten that you are home today, Somefather. Great av!
Thanks! I've been working out. :biggrin:
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Post by Han-shan »

Woo Hoo! THe first Revelation of a game run by moi! :D

(No steel drums, though. hehe)
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Post by Han-shan »

Very cool, Furls! :D (Still can't believe you're playing! :D)

And the ladies take a quick lead! :lol:
I climb the road to Cold Mountain,
The road to Cold Mountain that never ends.
- Han-shan

We dance round in a ring and suppose,
But the Secret sits in the middle and knows.
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Lliannon Aine
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Post by Lliannon Aine »

Who is this "Furls" person?

"Somefather" indeed...
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Post by Lord Fulragen »

Very impressive Revelations to date , I better get my act together and transform into my character.
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