Pantheon - The Third Age - Game Thread

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Location: And closing of the eyes - true vision, The Light within became...Within the Light

Post by O-gon-cho »

Nor Yekith wrote:
O-gon-cho wrote: Perhaps they were there at the bidding of Nor Yekith, then?
I still await a reason for his attack.
And if his power washed over all of Dawnstar, why it was only my followers which were affected, leaving yours alone.
My dear lady,
I am dreadfully sorry for any inconvenience. You have at your pleasure my sincerest apologies for my rash actions. Had I been aware that your people . . . your mighty centaurs, were on Dawnstar, I would withheld my mutagens. Alas, I am cursed by regret. If you were to take my words, humbly and honestly as they merely are, then let me speak: I had thought that I was attacking another god (whose identity I dare not mention, for I do not wish to endure another battlefront).

My lady, I will cease hostilities forthwith. Circumstances also force me to retrieve the headless slaves and send those of yours that were generated in my lands. If you desire. My earnest apologies will follow, you have no doubt.


The mutation of my people on Dawnstar was a mistake? An error on your part?

Change them back! Now!!!
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Post by Zephyr »


I am, of course, somewhat biased against the one who gave my father various problems, demanded my father allow himself to be killed, attempted to have me killed in the Second Age, threatened me, and attacked me, so my words must be taken with a grain of salt. But I would bet anything that Nor Yekith would not be apologizing (And hearing those words in that tone of voice coming from his mouths is as hideous and terrifying a thing as I've ever heard! 8O) if not for the unexpected attack by my ally, and the sight of the Leviathan on his lands. Seriously, are we to believe he didn't know whose city Dawnstar was?? Such things are common knowledge. Are we to believe he is sorry??? I may be wrong, but I believe it has been said that Malice is never sorry. That I believe! :lol:

Come, add your power to mine and Dagon's, and let us be done with this... creature. The fear that you would do so is the only reason he apologized in the first place.
Last edited by Zephyr on Tue Apr 28, 2009 7:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Brid »

- But...

- You mur..

- (scream)
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Post by Arcadia »

Many waters cannot quench love, neither can floods drown it. There is no fear in love; for perfect love cast out fear.
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Post by Cryak »

to destroy.
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Post by Zephyr »

Brid wrote:- But...

- You mur..

- (scream)
Brid... The variety and glory of Life is as great in the Forests as anywhere else. If all were allowed to live in Peace, Zephyr would be happier than anyone. It was the dream of my father and his father, and I wish it had been the reality of the Third Age. But such is not allowed. Well, if my desire for Peace is not to be; if my offer is not accepted; if they will attack me as strongly as they already have... Well, when the choice is to kill or be killed, I intend to be standing in the end. It is now two gods against two gods. An even fight.

Or Peace. The choice is theirs.
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Post by O-gon-cho »

Zephyr wrote:Come, add your power to mine and Dagon's, and let us be done with this... creature. The fear that you would do so is the only reason he apologized in the first place.
You have much of your father in you, in spite of the differences...

I not only take your words with a grain of salt, but those of Mutation and Malice as well. I agree the knowledge of which city belongs to whom is common, and easily accessible. Nor Yekith existed on Eiran long before I hatched. For him to make such a mistake is...improbable at best.

...and yet.

The season of cease fire between uKulwa and myself has ended. And there are other considerations that have my attention. As long as Malice makes full restitution, and returns things to the way they were (although my experience in getting him to do that, after the Yekithi border incident in the previous Age, leads me to be skeptical such will happen) prior to his attack, there is no ill will between us.

I await his response to my request; and will continue to wait through the season, in case he chooses to act in a manner different than what he says publicly.
Zephyr wrote:It is now two gods against two gods. An even fight.
My attitude may yet change with the coming of Winter. Give me this season to see what occurs...
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Post by Madadeva »

Runga-Rawa wrote:to destroy.
And to BE destroyed! :twisted:
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Post by Zephyr »

O-gon-cho wrote:Zephyr.
You have much of your father in you,
I don't see it. *shrug*
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Post by Eugen Razvan »

O-gon-cho wrote:"Inconvenience???"

The mutation of my people on Dawnstar was a mistake? An error on your part?

Change them back! Now!!!
Admittedly, I have improved your centaurs. The forced removal of brain cases, most often heads, results in slaves completely servile to a god's wishes. Most religions are beset with strife - witness the inumerable crusades that flourish despite our wishes. Had more gods followed my example, we would have perfect populations. After all, are we not the final word on theological views? One could say that a god is the head, and the cultists and citizens merely the arm (the means to enact the god's will). In that way, there is no use for people to think. I improved your centaurs, dear O-gon-cho.

It is what I do; I strive to improve the world.
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Post by O-gon-cho »

Nor Yekith wrote:It is what I do; I strive to improve the world.
The lack of Freedom and Will in any creature is anathema to me, Malice. I know not if it is mere numbers of worshippers that empower us, or if their choice to do so makes fewer worshippers more powerful. But I believe the second to be true, and will embrace a devoted follower by their own choice with open arms, while I feel I must stand in judgment of these headless creatures and determine their love for me.

But if you will not change them back, then I have one last suggestion: send those in M'elast loyal to me to Dawnstar and sway the loyalty of those in Dawnstar from you to me as well. This way you gain no benefit from your unexpected and unwanted "improvement," and I will have recompense for your intrusion on the wrong island.

Show the Pantheon you can correct an error in "friendly fire," without seeking benefit from it yourself. In this way might I be appeased.
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Post by Madadeva »

If their perfection is unseemly to you, I will drain their Life and send their souls to your embrace!

I would have done this as a surprise gift to you. But given my oath, I would not want you to misunderstand.

I simply offer a service!
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Post by O-gon-cho »

Devaguhya wrote:If their perfection is unseemly to you, I will drain their Life and send their souls to your embrace!
Do those who have lost all Will still retain a soul?
The L-rd of Souls is no more; I am no longer able to inquire such of my former Court mate.

While what was done to them goes totally against my teachings, they may yet still love and may be of service, albeit not of their choice...
Devaguhya wrote:I would have done this as a surprise gift to you. But given my oath, I would not want you to misunderstand.

I simply offer a service!

I honor you for holding to your oath, despite my failure in succeeding at what it was given for in exchange.

Perhaps if you would contact me privately...
...but I yet await Nor Yekith's answer to the suggestion of giving all these thralls created or "converted" this past season to me in recompense.
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Post by Madadeva »

Two strangers enter New Deva towards the end of the season. One a man, the other a dwarrow, both of them soldiers by their looks and equipment. The man is tall and imposing, with eyes that have seen many battles: he wears an ornate armor and helm in the archaic style, all of it silver except for the gauntlets of the armor, which are the color of emerald. To his side hangs an ornate sheath containing what appears to be a broadsword. The dwarrow is powerfully built, and his beard is the color of fire; his armor is burnished, and its craftsmanship is higher than that of any dwarrow today. A mighty hammer hangs on his belt, and his right eye is made of molten fire. Their power is undeniable ... The Paragons perceive their arrival as soon as they step into New Deva, and squadrons of them fly to halt them, possibly capture them. But these are no mere warriors: the Valiant One and the Mighty One, two of the Lords of Eiran have come to Port Hope. In their eyes there is no desire for confrontation, merely determination and pity; yet their gaze is so powerful that even the Paragons hesitate in assaulting them. The Valiant One raises a gauntleted hand and speaks.

"Your god has gone mad, and his soul has darkened. You gorge yourself on what is not yours to devour, and he has made of life itself a mockery of what it is meant to be. His gaze does not fall upon the evil of the world, for he himself fails to recognize his own descent. But we are the Lords of Eiran, and we shall protect this world, aye, even from the madness of a god if such is needed!
Watch and ware *sneer* Lords. Next time, I may be manifest and you will not find your access so simple!! :evil:
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Post by Bel »

Cease your blathering, fool. Learn to know truth when you hear it.
Si vis pacem, para bellum
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Post by Anaya »

Be nice to poor Devaguhya Bel. The decent of ones soul into darkness can be quite tiring, which might explain his bad temper.

When you reach a crossroad
Fate is the path you choose to walk
And Fate is the path down which you are thrust
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Post by Madadeva »

:lol: And you Goddess of Fate, the fates of this world have not been kind to you! Would you like Life's PROTECTION? I can show you a new Fate larger than this one world!
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Post by Anaya »

Protection from what? A motley collection of mortals with anger management issues? Thank you for the offer Lord of Life, but I think I will be able to cope just fine on my own. :)
When you reach a crossroad
Fate is the path you choose to walk
And Fate is the path down which you are thrust
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Post by Zephyr »

I am a Bhakti, and so, I must try again. As I've said, I am not bound by Love in the same ways my father and grandfather were, as my actions of late prove. However, I am bound in some ways. Ways that I believe are good. I desire harmony. I want those who choose to follow me to be able to live in Love and joy. I will attempt to make peace whenever I can.

And so...

The Void,

I hope my words are not falling on deaf ears. Truly, I mean that literally. Are you yet familiar enough with your current state of being to hear my words? I know that you communicate in some manner, since you have been part of an alliance, and participated in more than one coordinated attack. However, I do not know what manner of communication it is that you and your allies use, so I will attempt this again, hoping you can now hear me.

To put it simply: You destroyed two of my cities, and I destroyed two of your cities. Let it be ended. Can we now take care of our own followers and lands, and leave each other alone?
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Post by Brid »

Brid... The variety and glory of Life is as great in the Forests as anywhere else. If all were allowed to live in Peace, Zephyr would be happier than anyone. It was the dream of my father and his father, and I wish it had been the reality of the Third Age. But such is not allowed. Well, if my desire for Peace is not to be; if my offer is not accepted; if they will attack me as strongly as they already have... Well, when the choice is to kill or be killed, I intend to be standing in the end. It is now two gods against two gods. An even fight.

Or Peace. The choice is theirs.
-You! How can you talk such drivel! It is not two gods against two gods, it is two gods against the followers of two gods! "But what about my followers?" I hear you whine. They have your protection! Who protects your victims?

-Brid offers....

-NO! 'Brid' threatens! I will provide the place. You two and whoever else wants to get involved, manifest and fight yourselves! LEAVE. THE. %$+*&%^. INNOCENTS. ALONE!
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