Pantheon - The Third Age - Game Thread

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Location: And closing of the eyes - true vision, The Light within became...Within the Light

Post by O-gon-cho »

Zephyr wrote:*walks out of the Forest, slowly, carefully, holding head in obvious pain*

O-gon-cho, could you please send me a little bit of Healing? My head is pounding!!

Wow! I don't know if any of you have ever eaten the fruit from the Kara Tree this time of year. After it falls, it ferments as it's laying on the ground, and makes a pretty powerful alcohol! Many animals can be seen wobbling around the Forest this time of year. :lol:

Point is, when I leaned what happened to Calais, I went on something of a binge. Honestly, I don't remember much of anything from the past few weeks. I hope I didn't do anything stupid. Did anybody see me running around naked or anything?? Did I say anything crazy?? It's embarrassing, but I just can't hold my liquor! :lol:
With a gentle smile, I send a soft tendril of the Healing Light which perpetually shines on Vor-ta-vor to caress your temples, Zephyr. May it sooth away your hangover...
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Post by Bel »

How... petty. Just as I thought you had seen sense.

Remember my words, Zephyr. To retaliate is abomination.

You damn yourself utterly. Fear the Peace I shall bring to you, God of Forests - should you survive long enough to receive it.
Si vis pacem, para bellum
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Post by Madadeva »

Hmmmm ... Sister Vashitva, should we let Peace attack and weaken Zephyr before we dine? :twisted: That is assuming Bel survives Uncle's attacks! :lol:
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Post by Arcadia »

Yes, indeed. To be cursed with peace might madden Zaephyr even further. Then we can dine on his still-living soul and play music to his screams of agony.

Hey! The lizard can be dessert!
Many waters cannot quench love, neither can floods drown it. There is no fear in love; for perfect love cast out fear.
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Post by Zephyr »

I notice, Bel, that you have no compunction against retaliating and waging War. But have no fear, if I am successful, Nyitha will soon be at Peace. Absolute Peace, forever. Of course, you will say I did something inappropriate, even as you decimate Uncle's followers. Please, allow us Peace from your voice.
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Post by Bel »

Madadeva, Vashitva, be assured that you are much higher on my list of priorities than Zephyr. I speak now simply to make my judgement known.

I do not wage War, Zephyr. No follower of mine exchanges blows with another. They strike as wheat through chaff, to cut down those who would break Peace, and I allow no contest. No force of mine inflicts violence. I simply bring stillness, or turn the violence inherit in my enemies upon themselves.

To destroy the violent is but one way to bring Peace upon the world.
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Post by Zephyr »

It is but one way. But why is it a lesser way than whatever way you are currently employing? And if I am able to do as thorough a job with it as you are with your method (and, I assure you, I will), why am I to be on your hit-list?
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Post by Bel »

You seem confused. I spoke of my own methods alone. You accused me of waging war, and I explained why the methods I employ further the cause of Peace.

As for your methods? Those who create violence cannot be held to the standards to which the Peaceful are held. Your targets are irrelevant, only your actions matter.
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Post by Zephyr »

Apologies. No, I am not following your thoughts very well. Let us start again.

After a brief war - and who is to blame for that war is in dispute - Nor Yekith and I made Peace. At which point he tricked my sister, trusting and over-confident thing that she was, and Mutated her into an abomination of what she once was. For this crime - and I cannot imagine a worse, more violent crime - I am destroying him by wiping out those whose worship gives him his power. They embrace and worship his ideals, so they are evil. They are about to find sudden, total, permanent Peace.

I fail to understand how this makes me your target.
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Post by Madadeva »

Interesting Zephyr ... you cite Nor Yekith for his transgression (as you view it) against you ... and then you say you will eliminate his followers? That is NOT the hallmark of a God who claims to be on the side of "good" (as mortals view that concept.) That approach is deliciously EVIL. Attack the weak to weaken the powerful!! Perhaps you do not need mutation to come to enjoy darker things ... your slide into "evil" (again, as mortals perceive it) seems to be progressing nicely without such extreme measures!! :lol:
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Post by Zephyr »

There IS no way to attack a deity other than through his followers. Which is fine, since their decision to embrace his philosophies is what gives him the power to act on those philosophies. Did they rebel when he raped my sister? No, they did not. They think it was a grand thing to do. I see no reason to let them continue to empower him, so that he can commit MORE such acts.

The only other option is to fight in our Manifested forms. An option that he has already rejected.
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Post by Madadeva »

Ahhhh ... the excuses of those who are in denial about their decline! :lol: You had demonstrated your ability to defend your lands and you had a declared truce. You did not need to go on the attack! :lol: Delightful!!

Do not fool yourself into thinking you have the moral high ground. Nor Yekith kept the peace with you. He attacked only ONE ... another god! Your truce did not require him to withhold his hand from Calais! And when he acted, did you use your power to attack HIM. Did you use your power to mute his ability to mutate? Did you use your power to blunt his malice? NO!!! You attacked his followers!!! Perhaps you learned from our attack on Tawhiri-matea!!

I welcome you to the ranks of the evil deities! For such actions surely qualify you for admission!!
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Post by Bel »

I do not condemn you for one single action, Zephyr.

In this instance, however, you knew the peaceful option, and you deliberately rejected it in favour of retaliation. I have said before that I care not for your target or your provocation. All I see is your action.

There is no more to say on this matter. You are not unique in deserving elimination, and I will not accord you more importance than any other of the many who must be removed to bring Peace to this world.
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Post by Zephyr »

I am aware that you do not understand the concepts I'm trying to discuss. Raping and killing is something that you, too, delight in. Your wholesale attack on my Forest - followers and Trees - under the sly pretense of trying to prevent my followers from attacking yours, is proof of this. Your inability to see that an attack of such magnitude on a beloved sister is something that must be answered, as well as made impossible to repeat, is no surprise.

As for your specific points...
There is no way to attack him. I offered him the duel that would have made it possible, and would have saved those who empower him with their worship. But he declined, choosing to violate Calais instead. (And it is a disgusting state of affairs that nobody else sees what he did as a problem!) Trying to make it difficult for him to Mutate things outside of my true domain, the Forests, with my minor strength of Nature would require more power than any of us will ever have. (You, doubtless, will now tell me you would gladly have lent me your power, had I but asked. Please don't bother saying it.) It would have angered him, and you would have condemned me for trying to prevent one from using their chosen domain.
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Post by Zephyr »

Bel! If there was a Peaceful option other than letting his crime go unanswered, I am not aware of it! Please, tell me! Not ONE of you is REMOTELY bothered by what he did! Not ONE WORD has been spoken against him! I am alone in my outrage! Alone in my desire to see him pay for his crime! Don't speak to me about options! Just go on wiping out Rothmog's followers!
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Post by Bel »

Please. Nor Yekith's actions are long past the need for outspoken condemnation - he knows how he is seen. Just because you need to be informed of your failures does not mean the failures of others are unnoticed.
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Post by Zephyr »

Yet none have so much as a single word of sympathy for me, in public or private. Certainly, none offer me any sort of aid to try to return Calais, or prevent him from doing such things again. No, you fight with Rothmog, uKulwa and O-gon-cho fight, and he commits horrifying crimes that none can bother responding to.
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Post by Bel »

One thing at a time, Zephyr. I cleanse the heart of my own lands, and Rothmog - and then uKulwa - strike at me. I focus on what is necessary, for the time being.

Your own response has sufficed to keep him occupied, has it not?
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Post by Madadeva »

Let your HATRED out Zephyr! It makes you stronger! I hear it in your words. And I see the ANGER in your planned deeds. It delights me that you are giving in to it! :twisted: In this, if in no other way, Nor Yekith brings low the scion of Love!! :lol:
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Post by Zephyr »

Bel wrote:Your own response has sufficed to keep him occupied, has it not?
At the cost of becoming a target for elimination via your Peace. *shakes head* I do nothing, and he is free to continue as he has. I oppose him, and you will eliminate me. A very interesting system.
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