Darkwood--Darkness Rising

Moderator: Seven Words

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Post by Seven Words »

Barak says, "A moment, please"..muttering an incantation, he then closely examines the portal, and one of the SliverStrands. "This still bears an echo of the magic in this token. I believe they went through it using the elf-markers."
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Post by Led Pighp »

"Yes? Then let us away. I assume the mithril mines aren't frozen cold, so we should be fine there."
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Post by Seven Words »

Skyseeker hesitates, "Should we not avail ourselves of some healing before we pass through? Use some of these new-found potions? In case his compatriots await us just beyond."

/ooc---XP for the bear (you don't HAVE to kill things for the XP) will put everyone over the top...welcome to level 5.
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Post by Led Pighp »

"Healing, yes. But if we heal with spells, the potions will still be here for later. If we heal with the potions now, and don't need the spells later today, we have neither today's spells nor the potions."

[ooc] - Don't we automatically heal as a result of gaining a level? [/ooc]
Geek the mage, first.
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Post by Seven Words »

Marrik nods.

"I had somewhat...understated my own wounds." he says with a sheepish grin He lays his hands upon his wounds, then murmurs a prayer to Missaryi.

"Laurel, I would suggest you cast your Cure spells once each upon Skyseeker, yourself, and Vynarkus."
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Post by Laurel »

The bard looks at the paladin and nods.

"As I said when I cast the lightest of healing upon you and Led when we first arose, I dislike using up my spells first thing in the morning. But Led has a point regarding not having either available should we use the potions and my spells are used for something else later..."

The bard moves to the Warlock, and lightly touches him as a golden light moves from her to Vynarkus. Then moving to the Elfin Scout, she does the same for Skyseeker. As she withdraws from the Elf, the glow sputters and dies out.

Looking down at her own wounds, Laurel's eyes roll back into her head and an internal struggle appears to be going on. Then suddenly, the bard bursts with a golden radiance, and her own wounds heal as well. Her eyes opening, she regards the rest of the party with a smile. "I had used the limit of my spells for light healing when I turned to Skyseeker. Yet I felt as if somehow there was yet something within me I could do to help myself. Apparently, I found the way..."

[ooc]Cast my remaining two 1st level spells, one CLW each on Vynarkus and Skyseeker. Call upon my Versatile Spellcaster feat to combine two Zero level spells for a 5th 1st level spell[/ooc]
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Post by Seven Words »

ooc--Vyn heal 13, Skyseeker heals 10, Laurel heals 9
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Post by Seven Words »

Marrik takes a moment to settle his helm squarely on his head, take a deep breath, and step before the portal. "Unless anyone has any further suggestions, I say we step through with these" as he picks up a SliverStrand.
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Post by Led Pighp »

"Yyyesssssssss." says Led. Just a bit too loud, and with an almost feral look in his eyes. "Let's do this." He moves over to the pile of tokens, and grabs one. He shakes his head, as if trying to clear his thoughts, and picks up a few more tokens. Looking around, he says "Just in case we need to get back there later, with extra people." He moves up behind Marrik, and slightly to the side; ready to attack something.

Then, he smacks himself in the forehead. "Wait... what about the horses? We have to bring them ALL in here, and put tokens on them all." He picks up yet more tokens and heads out to the mounts. One token is attached to the saddle of each one, and then he starts bringing the horses into the room.

It's a tight squeeze, with seven equine and six human(oid)s in the room, but eventually they're ready to go.

"Unless anyone else has preparations to make, I think we are ready for Laurel to speak the name of the seventh Magus Tyran Maximae."
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Post by Laurel »

The bard grabs a few tokens for herself, Barak, Vynarkus, and Skyseeker, distributing them equally among them, as well as giving a few additional ones to Marrik. She gives a slight smile of "good thinking" to Led as she brushes lightly against him when she hands the paladin his additional tokens.

Moving back towards the rear of the group, she nocks an arrow in preparation, while also grasping the lead reins of Garvin and Hardy. Then breaking into a song to give them all courage as they stepped in to the unknown, she works the name needed to activate the portal in to her lyrics.

"Gavrelinne Mul-Dashandu!!" she sings...
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Post by Seven Words »

Marrik steps through first, murmuring a prayer to Missaryi....

As everyone follows through, you behold.....

A huge chamber of a natural cavern, ice sheathing everything...

Bones....some very old, near to crumbling to dust..some more recent...a few, even, with tatters of flesh upon them...

To your right, people are there....a quartet of Frusvolk...three men and a woman, she bears a mace with the infinite loop symbol of the Unknowable upon it. The men bear an axe, a spear, and a greatsword, their armors chain and studded leather.

A tatter of cloth catches your eyes, behind a large ice formation's edge..it looks like a piece of Beauregard's cloak....it's blood spattered....

Wait.....something behind the ice is moving....something big...cant' see clearly through the ice....

A voice echoes "YOU DARE TRESPASS?" with a sibilant hissing snarl of an accent....and the speaker knocks down the ice wall....a vision of terror and myth is revealed...shiningly white scales, wings, a long serpentine neck, huge fangs....

A dragon.
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Post by Seven Words »

Initiatives, and save vs Dragonfear

21 Skyseeker, success
20 Barak, fail
18 Led Success
16 Sven (Greatsword) fail (Green X)
15 Vynarkus, fail
15 Laurel Success
14 Marrowrime (the dragon)
14 Marrik success
12 Olaf (Spear) fail (purple X)
10 Sigrid fail
9 Jurgi (Axe and shield) success (light blue X)

failed saves means you are "shaken"--minus 2 on attack, save, skill, and ability checks
Last edited by Seven Words on Thu Dec 31, 2009 7:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Seven Words »

Skyseeker mutters an prayer for Valkhan's grace, before dashing off to the northwest, angling for a flanking attack next round.

Barak, despite the primal terror, moves northwest towards cover, and readies his new spell, Scorching Ray for as soon as the dragon comes within range.

Vynarkus also feels the insidious fear, but still manages to function. He is heading northwest to cover, and blasting.

The three Frusvolk warrior all run towards the terrifying beast, seeking to close to melee as quickly as possible.

---ooc--dragons action will post once I see actions of those lower in initiative.

edit about map--the gray speckly areas are rough terrain (ice chunks, etc), the gray and dark blue specklies are solid rock/ice formations.
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Post by Led Pighp »

Led shifts, and sprints due north before jigging due east to the dragon and swiping it on the way past, as he runs by behind it.

First turn shifted
Move 6 squares north
Move 4 squares northeast
Charge Claw / Claw
Geek the mage, first.
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Post by Sigrid »

The young cleric lets out a scream of fright, on seeing the dragon. She casts Resist Energy (cold) on herself, then moves northwest 4 squares, staying close to the other Frusvolk.
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Post by Laurel »

In the hopes of countering the fear effect upon her comrades affected, the Bard continues to sing encouraging words while moving towards the partial cover of the larger ice formation to the northeast of the party.

[ooc]move northeast a total of 50' to the square immediately adjacent to the west of the southernmost tip of the formation[/ooc]
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Post by Seven Words »

Skyseeker runs to get to its flank, chanting out prayers as fast as she can under her breath covering the entire pantheon of good.

Barak manages to cast Scorching Ray. The twin searing bolts pierce it's Spell Resistance burn the cold-drake deeply! (24 points and 30 points) It howls in agony!

Led charges the creatures, claws flashing in the shifting light reflecting off and through the ice. It's long neck gives it a reach advantage, as he crosses next to it, it seizes the opportunity to bit him! (14 points) One claw skitters harmlessly across the nigh-impenetrable scales, the other set of talons dig in a seam, finding softer flesh! (18 points)

Vynarkus moves to cover, then sends his Eldritch Blast coruscating across the cavern, and slamming through the drake's defenses! ( 8 points

As the Frusvolk close, Marrowrime gives it's name, saying it will keep some alive, to savor the slow death you will experience from hypothermia, as it will devour your delicately chilled limbs before your still living eyes.

Marrowrime bounds forward, clearing the solid ice formation, then unexpectedly whipping his head around and with a guttural hissing, blasts the Frusvolk with his Cone of Cold breath!

Olaf is unable to dodge! ( 22 points)
Sven is unable to dodge! ( 22 points)
Jurgi manages to dodge the worst of the blast ( 11 points)
Sigrid is unable to dodge! Her spell shields her from some of the effect (12 points)

Song echoing throughout the ice cave, Laurel makes her way nearer to the Frusvolk, now sparkling with uncountable ice crystals upon them from the dragon's breath.
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Post by Led Pighp »

Led yells with rage, that one of his attacks was useless. The dragon ignores him and moves off to the south. Led takes a swipe at the beast when it moves.

[ooc]Since actions are declared in reverse initiative order, I asked the DM what the dragon was going to do, because my action will depend on that.[/ooc]

His rage grows greater when he realizes that he was so ineffectual that the beast is now ignoring him. "I'll show you, beast. Led Pighp is NOT TO BE IGNORED!" The formerly calm scribe charges the back of the retreating monster.

Second turn shifted
Hold action until after the dragon's turn
AoO against dragon as it moves away
Charge straight at it
Claw / Claw / Charge
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Post by Sigrid »

I cast "Cure Moderate Wounds" on Sven. Then I follow the other Frusvolk towards the dragon, wherever it goes. I try to stay off to the side from them, so that I might avoid being hit by another breath weapon attack aimed at them.
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Post by Laurel »

The bard's eyes open wide as Marrowrime moves closer to her small pile of rubble. Continuing to sing, the bard takes a five foot step to the east and kneels as best she can behind the rubble in front of her. Reaching behind her, she changes her arrow from a regular one to nock one of the standard magical ones, a soft glow passing over the arrows in her quiver as she does so.

[ooc]continue to sing Inspire Courage
five foot step to the east and kneel behind rubble (free/move)
dropping an arrow (free)
nocking a magic arrow (free)
cast Sonic Weapon upon all arrows (standard)

*let me know if that is too much for a single move. I think it is all allowed*[/ooc]
~Close your eyes girl
Look inside girl
Let the sound take you away...
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