Vampire: Dark Ages - Scene 4: In the Halls of the Dead

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Taduz Illyannovich
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Post by Taduz Illyannovich »

"Vampires. Kindred. Biblical myths."

Odd things have been afoot.

"So, your master, who fattens you on blood, wants us dead. He wants Cur Claudio dead more, along with all his toys. We broke laws that made it wrong to be converted against our will into...vampires."

One step. Two step.

"He wants us, to go rat out, find, and spy on Cad Claudio and his things. We're expendable in his eyes. He still wants us dead."

Three steps.

"What will he do to us when we succeed?"

One down, next series.

"Appears vampires can do...things. Tasting blood to know about us, forced obedience, and summoning demons."

Next step

"Do all, have that power?"

One more in this line.

"How does one go about getting them?"

This one maybe touchy

"Your master wants to lead a coalition."


"He wants Claudio put down."

VERY careful

"While I may not be nobility, I can appreciate removing one's rivals from the field. But, this goes back to a previous question, where would our place be in such a gathering?"

We do his dirty work, he'll probably have us killed afterwards to cover it up. Completely this time.

"One last thing."

I can't believe I'm saying this.

"Might I have my toe back?"
Taduz Illyannovich
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Seska Karantanija
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Post by Seska Karantanija »

With some blood in her, Seska seems to have calmed down significantly, although she remains a bit maniacal in speech and manner. She shows no shyness in removing her well-soiled dress and cleaning the prolific amount of blood and dirt caked on her flesh. The vigorous scrubbing would have likely stripped it off if not for her newly acquired state.

She listens to Roderigo's explanation intently since he is the first to treat them decently, much as he had before. Needing time to understand what was said, however, she has more pressing questions from regaining her senses. "What of Pierre? One of those... things... beat him savagely. Because he refused Claudio's order to stab me to show loyalty. I... don't remember much after that."

Without much pause, "What of Bojan and Vida? They were waiting for me at the inn." The worry shows in her tone, "We should have returned by now. They will be getting worried, and here another day is upon us." As the questions continue the pain on her face increases, "What of my children? My husband? How can I face them like this? Am I a danger to them? Will I try to devour the blood from my own kin like a maddened beast?"
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Post by Olaf_Magnusson »

The blond brute shakes his head..."I put no stock in their sheep god. I have seen no power from their man on a stick. I say, for having died in chains, dishonorably, the All-Father gave me a taste of the Cold Lands, and even put some piece of that frigid place within me. I do not live, yet am not dead. I have a second chance, to earn entry to the Shining Halls. Those who slew me, I say I shall yet slay them, and their shades shall cower as they hold open the doors to Valhalla for me at the last."
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Alína Nyárí
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Post by Alína Nyárí »

Seska Karantanija wrote:As the questions continue the pain on her face increases, "What of my children? My husband? How can I face them like this? Am I a danger to them? Will I try to devour the blood from my own kin like a maddened beast?"
Alína's innate nature spurs her to turn to her Lady. "We have a lot to learn regarding what has been done to us, milady. My home is very humble, not even worth you to come to so much as a meal, much less stay there. But until such answers are known, if you would wish to come to my home just beyond the borders of Tótkomlós, you would be welcome. My father and hand are all who are there on a consistent basis, other than the occasional visitor in need of healing.

"It is close to your home. Even if you wish not to stay until more is known, you will be always welcome to take shelter there if need comes upon you to temporarily flee your loved ones until whatever prompts such need passes."
ךאשונ תישתדל לעזור
Rishon, tishtadel l'azor,
ואז אל תזק
v'az, al tazek.

Above all else, hasten to help.
And then, do no harm.

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Seska Karantanija
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Post by Seska Karantanija »

"Thank you, good woman. Your hospitality is appreciated. I hope we can both return, safely, to our homes."
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Post by Gedeminas »

[ooc]I would have sent this in a PM, as the appropriate time to post it was a while ago, but...[/ooc]

While the various vampire were arguing, Gedeminas notices that one of the auras has little flashes of light going through it. Intriuiged, he cautiously attempts to examine it, ready to push through again if it appears no better guarded that Hardestadt's, but also ready to flee if the sparkles represent some sort of warning system. He notices that it appears to be in the general area as the person Hardestadt called 'Tremere'.

[ooc]Auspex 4, again, please[/ooc]


As Gedeminas hears Taduz's question about powers, he thinks Of course we can use powers. Otherwise, I would unable to see these auras.

He 'looks' towards Seska and Alina, about to attempt to comfort Seska, and then allows Alina to speak first. He then says, "I was about to offer the same thing. Although I do not live alone much of the time, I believe the wagon I use for my travels would also provide a fairly comfortable place to stay while we learn how to deal with our new forms.
"However, I do not wish to offend your hospitality, my dear healer. My invitation is open to all of us who were betrayed by Claudio, and I hope yours is as well."
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Post by Goatkiller666 »

[REWIND to the interrogation scene: Mistress Fanchon (the sparkly aura) was paying close attention to what was said in the room. She paid special attention to the divinations that Durga Syn performed, hoping to gleen the manner of their workings.]

Roderigo says to Taduz, "My master... would have you killed out of hand, but he is just as happy if you are under his thumb. I doubt not that if you perform well against Claudio and your sires, my master will reward you well, with no further hint of a later murder. Of course, if you were to turn against Hardestadt or his coalition, you would be hunted as enemies."

Watching Seska stripping and cleansing herself, he pauses for a moment, eyes fixated. When she looks at him, because of his silence, he startles and looks elsewhere quickly.

"You broke no laws, in the end. It was thought you might have, but the falsehood of that has been established. consider yourselves to be fledgling members of my master's coalition already. And as such, you have been given orders on the coalition's behalf. Orders you would do well not to disobey. So long as you are loyal and dutiful members, your safety and positions are assured. This is not much different to life in the mortal world."

Facing Taduz directly, Roderigo's eyes frequently slip to the side but then snap back to his audience before he can lose his place.

"All vampires have blessings, gifts, abilities. They are many and varied, and no two have the same set of powers. Those of the same clan tend to follow similar patterns. But those of any clan may learn the powers of another, with enough application and effort. They are like any ability of man, one must learn to perform them. Many will come naturally to you, like dominating another's mind or bespelling his heart. Others, like Durga Syn's blood magic must be taught by a skilled master. Some of the clans have powers practiced only by its members, and to gain those abilities, one must have that clan's blood.

Roderigo takes a toe, wrapped in a white cloth, from his pocket and hands it back to Taduz.

At Seska's question, he startles again, this time turning towards her to speak. Again he pauses, captivated until she looks up at him waiting for an answer. "Um." he gulps. "Pierre was found in the dining hall with all of you. He was badly beaten, near death, we assumed in all the fighting. He had on Claudio's uniform, so that was reasonable. We left him there to die. He had been in Claudio's employ too briefly to know anything useful, and it is doubtful that he would live long enough to speak anyway. My heart gladdens for his soul that, though he wore Claudio's colors, he had not sold his soul to that one's corruption. I will mourne his death, but such a death is worthy of a place in Heaven, and this fills me with joy for his sake, if not for mine own."

"Your people, and Sir Leopold's are still at the Red Lamb Inn. Or, they were when last I saw them. Normally, Claudio would send Lothar to them a day or two after his... party and say that they'd been killed by bandits or somesuch. But his departure certainly would have stopped that plan. Word would certainly have gotten to them by now that someone attacked Claudio's manse and that the Lord himself has gone. I can only assume they must know that much, but do not know what they have done in response."

"And as for your children and husband the Count," here he realizes he is staring at both a married woman but a noble above his station, and turns his head to the side again, "those are... not... there are many options. And it is not my place to advise in this regard. Many have hidden from their mortal families. Others return to them and masquerade as the living, with varying levels of success. Still others return and declare their new condition, ruling their extended families for centuries of descendants. You may make ghouls of them, if you wish."

"You are no more a danger to them than you are to any other mortal. Guard your hunger well, keep it well fed, and you will not risk their lives unduly. But know this... all Kindred possess what is called The Beast within them. It is a dark monster. It will show itself in extreme hunger, but also in extreme rage or extreme terror." He turns to Alina, "When Hardestadt held the flame to your face, that was the beast bidding you flee. If ever you are truly angry, the beast might rise up and control you for a moment. It will kill heartlessly, in a fury of blood, any who are around you. So guard against your rage, else you destroy that which you love most."

He turns then to Olaf, "You especially, are of the Brujah clan. They are especially given to rages, and are also given to enhanced strength and speed, with which to enact those rages. Guard your ire closely, viking. But do not dismiss the power of Christ. Legends speak of a cross's ability to protect from your kind. Holy water will burn you, perhaps even kill you if you touch enough of it. A truly holy church, or even just a particularly pious person can stop your passage and be proof against all of your powers."
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Post by Alína Nyárí »

"I fear no cross, church, nor holy water," the Jewess quietly mumbles to herself. "The power of such is merely in the belief of it. Have the belief this "Chr-st" was as false a messiah as all others, and those relics mean nothing."
ךאשונ תישתדל לעזור
Rishon, tishtadel l'azor,
ואז אל תזק
v'az, al tazek.

Above all else, hasten to help.
And then, do no harm.

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Seska Karantanija
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Post by Seska Karantanija »

Seska lowers her head upon learning of Pierre's fate. For a moment she thinks of returning to the castle, but realizes he was beaten too savagely and it has been too long. She whispers a prayer.

"Can word be sent to the Inn? Maybe they have not left yet. Bojan would want substantive word of my fate, if possible, before returning to the Count. They need to be told I li... survived the attack." She pauses for a few moments. "I am unsure what to do about my family, however if Bojan and Vida can be contacted before returning then I will have more time to consider." She bites her lower lip and mutters mostly to herself, "Yes, more time would be good."

Looking up again, trying to focus, "When I awaken tomorrow, is there a private area I could be taken? Preferably with an earthen floor and a full view of Phoebe. A knife and small bowl, too, please?"
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Johann Von Braniff
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Post by Johann Von Braniff »

I listen from the shadows and grin at all the talk of loved ones. Making low hissing noises in amusement. My "loved ones" are for naught now, my "loved ones" will die painfully if I have my way. I am now more powerful that he ever was. I have no more fear of him.

"Tell me...when can I leave this place?" I ask the one who is speaking, emerging slowly from the shadowed corner I had been observing from.
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Post by Goatkiller666 »

Alína Nyárí wrote:"...and those relics mean nothing."
"Nothing, eh? Well, I guess you're already damned, then. But don't say I didn't warn you when people start throwing water at you."

To Seska, he says, "I believe Zombar is on the way to... wherever you're going from here. So you should be able to stop at the Inn. And there is a private courtyard here in the castle where you can see the sky."

To Johann, he says, "You'll leave here tomorrow after sundown. My Lord Hardestadt wishes to speak to you briefly before you depart, but he's very eager to have you about your task against your sires. Though, I warn you... if you intend to depart from the task, know that this coalition's arm is long indeed. You would be hunted across all of Christendom if you disobey my master in this."
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Alína Nyárí
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Post by Alína Nyárí »

Roderigo wrote:"Nothing, eh? Well, I guess you're already damned, then. But don't say I didn't warn you when people start throwing water at you."
"Water is water.
And like all water, in times can be a blessing."
ךאשונ תישתדל לעזור
Rishon, tishtadel l'azor,
ואז אל תזק
v'az, al tazek.

Above all else, hasten to help.
And then, do no harm.

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Post by Goatkiller666 »

Roderigo just chuckles at Alina's comment.
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Seska Karantanija
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Post by Seska Karantanija »

Seska nods. "The knife and bowl will not be a problem?" She sounds tired, or distracted.

Not even waiting for an answer she turns and walks over to Sabine. "I'm sorry I have not been attentive. This has been too much for me. How are you doing, Sabine?"
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Post by Olaf_Magnusson »

"The gods only work through mortals. Should the wills of the sheep be strong, then their sigils have some power. A warrior's will should be surpass most of those groveling dogs." he says derisively. "Their god hung for but a day, and died...Odin hung for nine and lived"
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Post by Sabine »

I smile. I look radiently happy. "I got to be a doggy!" I start barking like a dog again. [animalism 1]
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Taduz Illyannovich
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Post by Taduz Illyannovich »

Taduz begins trying to reattach his toe, somehow. Pushing it into place, trying to make the skin stretch with his fingers to get it back on, and kneading the seam...

"What powers belong to which, what did you call them, clans? Apparently our Norseman's...Brujah? have strength and speed, I was addressed as "fiend", and fleshcrafter, what of the rest of us, and what other powers may I have?"

Legends we tell say that only virginal blood will suffice.

"You claim animal blood isn't nourishing, but may work, are there any other restrictions?"

Steady, you're a vampire now, whatever that truly entails. Get all the information you can. You will survive this.

Taduz begins looking around to the others, gauging their reactions to all that has happened.

His damned master's reach only goes as far as the scarecrow's domain, this maybe the time to pay a visit to that monastary, and flee to my peoples ancient homeland, from before we were forced to roam.
Taduz Illyannovich
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Johann Von Braniff
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Post by Johann Von Braniff »

"There has already been too much talk." I hiss. "I grow weary of it."

There is so much hunger, thirst. I lick my lips, thinking of the taste of my father's blood. Bitter it will be, almost like poison. But I will drink down greedily and leave him drained, dead, a hollow corpse to rot in hell.

I stare about. "Talk no more. I need to be away from here."
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Post by Seska Karantanija »

Seska lets out a short laugh, though still tinged with a bit of sadness. She clasps both sides of Sabine's hair and places a gentle kiss on her forehead. "A pretty puppy you were, too!", she fibs, not remembering much of the fight. There was a dog there, however she remembers little of it having frenzied as soon as blood was let. Thankful for Sabine's cheerful disposition though, she continues, "Don't lose your indomitably happy spirit, child."

Staring at the cots she can feel the weariness of dawn approaching. "Better than manacles or a freshly dug grave I suppose... My accommodations are improving!"
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Post by Gedeminas »

Goatkiller666 wrote:"Your people, and Sir Leopold's are still at the Red Lamb Inn. Or, they were when last I saw them. Normally, Claudio would send Lothar to them a day or two after his... party and say that they'd been killed by bandits or somesuch. But his departure certainly would have stopped that plan. Word would certainly have gotten to them by now that someone attacked Claudio's manse and that the Lord himself has gone. I can only assume they must know that much, but do not know what they have done in response."
Gedeminas looks at Rodrigo. "What of my wagon? It was at Claudio's mansion... It would have looked like a gypsy wagon, only painted simply white."

After listening to Alina and Olaf's comments, he turns, and says, "So far as I am aware, you are partially correct, sir. The power of such items likely does come from the faith of those who believe in them. However, even if your spirit is stronger than that of any individual you meet, there are millions who believe in them. I don't think it is possible to simply ignore the combined spiritual power of so many, even if most of them are useless on their own."

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