Vampire: Dark Ages - Scene 4: In the Halls of the Dead

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Post by Sabine »

[I don't want to talk to anybody.]
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Taduz Illyannovich
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Post by Taduz Illyannovich »

I approach Durga Syn

In Rom "Sister, you have fooled me once by your nature, and saved me once from that pompous caucasian noble. If you knew what Cur Claudio was, why did you let one of The People go, knowing what he would do?"

Back in local parlance for everyone's benefit
"If we're to have any chance of succeeding, we need to know what we can about Cur Claudio's little play troupe. I misremembered their names."

In Rom "That ass held a fire in my face, I was a bit distracted"

Local Parlance "His slave mentioned powers, what powers, you know as well as I, when we've been hunted by those people, knowledge is power. Well, maybe you don't know, regardless, we need to know what we're up against. Slave mentioned also powers in general, but, if this is as large of a problem as it has been made out to be, then what specific things should we look for. We've seen demons, magickal floating, and blurring speed to say the least. Or is Slave as bad at spying as he is at following orders."

"What about the others who were changed as we were? 3 nuns and some other ruffians were brought there also, but they disappeared during a dramatic entrance."

"And what does this pouch mean, it's filled with dirt. Is it a charm to help me against Gabran?"
Taduz Illyannovich
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Post by Goatkiller666 »

In Rom, Durga Syn answers, "As the pompous one says, it is important to be able to say truthfully that we have seen Claudio do the things we accuse him of. To say to the world that he is a danger to us all and we had to destroy him, we must lay eyes on the deed. And while I feared for you, dear soul, especially after the honest kindness you showed me in the Inn, to take you out of that would only have provoked Claudio's suspicion. More is my shame that even with the harm that was done you, we failed in our goal. It is for that reason that I spoke up on your behalf. I thought you a necessary sacrifice for the greater good, but in the end I have only allowed you to come to harm. It was only just that I do what I could to protect you, as little as that is."

"The dirt is for you. Your clan, the Tzimisce, are cursed with territoriality. Against the nature of your race, who wander endlessly, the Fiends (for such they call themselves) must always slumber on their native soil. For you, that soil is from where you last breathed, at Claudio's manse. I took a few moments to gather some small amount for you when you were captured. If you had not had it, your daytime rest would be hollow and fitful. And without a sire to tell you of these things, I feared you would go mad without the knowing of why. When all of this business is finished, I will show you how to settle into new territory. That bag of dirt will tide you over for now."

She switches to Hungarian to finish, "There was no sign of others but you, though it is possible that your fellow meals were lucky enough to escape. It is believed that one of the nuns was embraced by the Malkavian and another by the Nosferatu. These would indeed find little difficulty in escaping from a room full of mortals. Or from our Illustrious Lord Hardestadt. This one claims to be perceptive, but I would call him more shrewd. His mind discerns, but his eyes do not see."

"What we know of your sires:"
  • Claudio Giovanni - Cappadocian - known to practice necromancy
    Marchettus the Bold - Brujah - strong and fast, little else of note
    Matron Violetta - Nosferatu - like all of her kind, very stealthy
    Lady Theophania - Malkavian - Mad herself, and able to induce madness in others. Also stealthy.
    Sire Wenceslas - Toreador - Enjoys children. Commands the emotions of others.
    Lord Casmir - Tremere - Practices many dark forms of magic.
    Lady Jadviga Almanov - Ventrue - Commands the minds and emotions of others.
    Lord Leopold Valdemar - Lasombra - Master of shadows.
    Lord Mieczyslav - Tzimisce - Fleshcrafter, as all of his clan.
    Lord Bajaze Al-Nasir - Assamite - fearsome assassin. Very stealthy.
    Lady Amisa - Setite - Not only stealthy, but a cunning mistress of manipulating others.
    Gabrin - Ravnos - Master of illusions and traitor to the people.
    Lady Dimitra - Gangrel - Surprisingly stealthy for one of her clan, who tend to prefer brute force.
Mistress Fanchon continues speaking to Gedeminas, "The Salubri you ask about? It's even quite amazing that little Roderigo has even heard of them. Well, your education may begin now, young one. The Tremere were originally a cabal of mortal wizards. We had reached the peak of power that could be reached within a lifetime, but no matter our strength we still fell prey to the ages, and died. So, we decided to seize the power of immortality from some nearby vampires, and free ourselves from the mortal coil. But, we were not a clan, for we lacked one of sufficient generation. We discovered the whereabouts of Saulot, founder of the Salubri line, vile even by Cainite standards, and took his blood for ourselves. We have since hunted all of his brood to extinction. And, for all the good we have done the world, in ridding it of those demon worshipping monsters, we are now called Usurpers." She turns to the other Founders, "You're all welcome."
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Post by Gedeminas »

Although the expression is changed by the lack of eyes, Gedeminas still managed to look confused. "You 'took his blood for yourselves'? What exactly does that mean?"

Confused by the apparent contradiction between what Fanchon said about how they helped the world, and the apparent evil of Casmir, Gedeminas reaches out to attempt to get some more information as she is about halfway through her original response, and maintains the connection until the conversation ends. Aupex 4
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Post by Goatkiller666 »

Fanchon looks quickly at Gedeminas. "I would suggest that you not do that again in polite company. Else, it may cease to be polite."

Hardestadt puts a calming hand on Fanchon's shoulder. "Yes, I suppose we should teach you children about the Amaranth. Diablarie. If you drink all of the blood from a mortal, that mortal will die, and his soul will be released to whatever fate he has earned in this world. But, if you drain the last bit of blood from a fellow Kindred, you will end up consuming his soul. This is the highest sin among Cainites, and is punishable by instant death."

He looks around at all of those present, "The stains of another's soul are clearly seen against your aura, and anyone with enough sight can easily tell your guilt. All Kindred will hunt you on sight for this crime, so I urge you not to even consider it."

"Nonetheless, the leader of the Tremere found the ancient founder of the Salubri clan, himself long dormant in torpor, and drank every last drop of his blood. By taking all of his blood, and his very soul, Tremere elevated himself in status to a clan founder, and the Tremere became a clan in their own right. Having said that, just because Tremere broke our greatest law, does not mean that you can."
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Post by Goatkiller666 »

All of the Founders depart, and Roderigo leads the newly embraced through the castle and back to the two carriages that were used to bring them here to Hardestadt's castle. He helps everyone into the vehicle, and begins the return trip.

[Time passes]

In one carriage are Alina, Sabine, Seska, and Taduz.
In the second carriage are Gedeminas, Johann, and Olaf.

You all arrive in Zombar shortly before sundown of the next day, so everyone will awake and be at the Red Lamb Inn. Seska's hair is again full length, though it is now (if that were possible) more luxurious than before she cut it. There are no split ends or other problems with any of the hair.

The party enters the dining hall again, the place seeming little changed since they last were here.

Sigismund and his son are present, of course. At the sight of you all, he cries out "Oh, thank God for your safe return. We had thought you all murdered or kidnapped by Saracens." He turns to his son, "Hurry, go and fetch mistress Vida." The boy scampers off through the rear door, and only a few minutes later, Vida can be heard running down the hallway and bursting into the dining room.

"My Lady? You are safe? What has happened?" She stands there almost dumb with relief, before throwing herself on Seska and hugging her tightly, all sense of propriety gone. Seska can feel her quietly sobbing, but Vida refuses to release her grip for several minutes.
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Alína Nyárí
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Post by Alína Nyárí »

As she takes Roderigo's hand to climb in to the carriage for the trip back to Zombar, Alína is suddenly and unexpectedly awash with sensations flowing from the ghoul. The first thing she notices is his vitality; how alive and vigorous he is! Then underneath that she becomes aware of the throbbing injury of where the wooden bowl thrown by Hardestadt had struck him in the temple. A mortal less enhanced would be abed, nursing the pain in both shoulder and head. Yet here was the ghoul embarking on what was most likely a hopeless quest with neophyte vampires! Settling back in her seat, the Jewess rubs at her forehead as she contemplates what she was shown. It was similar to her ability to see a patient's life force in the past, yet also very different...

Once entering the inn's dining room, Alína smiles at the sight of Sigismundson. No sign of further bruising upon his body is apparent, and the one on his face is long gone, if it even bloomed at all after the application of the poultice she had given him. Her heart lifting at the thought of soon seeing Zoja again, she sits near the hearth where Durga Syn was last seen at the inn and quietly observes the interaction between Lady and hand maiden. Her thoughts drift towards moonlit trees, and she wonders when she can once again go among them, offering her version of calls to the denizens which reside within. Especially to one in particular for whom her heart yearned to see...
ךאשונ תישתדל לעזור
Rishon, tishtadel l'azor,
ואז אל תזק
v'az, al tazek.

Above all else, hasten to help.
And then, do no harm.

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Seska Karantanija
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Post by Seska Karantanija »

[GM decision that Seska, Alina, Sabine, and Taduz were in one coach.]

Seska awakens in the coach. She does not move at first, taking a moment to gather her thoughts in the darkness of the cabin. The trip was fairly uneventful. Much of it she spent on the bench with Roderigo, refreshing her long-unused Italian and enjoying the night air. The rest fretting over Sabine falling off while bouncing around, or making conversation with Alina and Taduz.

She notes the carriage is not moving so reaches for the handle. Something seems wrong, though she is unable to place it at first. Opening the door allows a small amount of light to spill into the coach, enough to see Alina is alert. She smiles and offers a, "Morning, good woman," to her companion.

Stepping out Seksa trips over her hair, fully regrown and nearly long as she is tall since it is unbraided. She looks up from where she fell, completely puzzled. "Wha..!? But I...! It was..."

Roderigo, having parked the coaches outside town to wait for everyone to wake, rushes to help her stand, "M'lady, are you alright?" Seeing she is okay, only confused, he continues, "After every day's rest you are renewed to the state you were in at the time of your Embrace. Your hair and nails will regrow if trimmed. Wounds also return, such as Sabine's."

She looks at her right palm, and notes the minor cut across it has also returned, then focuses intently upon Roderigo's words. "What did you say? When did..." Her eyes go wide and she gasps having realized that her ordeal may have been frightening but not physically as brutal as some.

Once her demeanor calms, Seska puts her hair into a simple braid while waiting on everyone else to wake so they can continue to the inn.


She was a bit apprehensive about entering the inn they stayed at a few nights prior. Had Vida and Bojan already returned to Tótkomlós, reporting her demise? Could she face them if they were still here?

"Vida! You are still here! Thank the gods!" The hug made her not care about those worries. All she could do was return the embrace tightly while consoling her handmaiden.

After several minutes she gains enough composure to ask, "Where is Bojan? The three of us need to talk."
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Post by Gedeminas »

Gedeminas displays astonishing coordination for someone who lacks eyes, and immediately heads out to find his wagon and Danukas. He allows Danukas to say whatever he wishes to, and then, safe from eavesdropping within the wagon, he cautiously begins to explain his new situation, starting with an explanation of the dinner party, and preparing to allow Danukas to interrupt as needed to help reasurre him that Gedeminas is still the same person.
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Taduz Illyannovich
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Post by Taduz Illyannovich »

Taduz was first asleep, and last awake again.

Upon exiting the carriage, I approach Sigismund "Be careful what you wish for goodman, none of us were murdered by the leperous Saracen, or whatever it is they say is up there."

I whisper into Sabine's ear: "Little puppy, remember what that nasty old man said about keeping ourselves secret, mayhap your pretty little tail should be hidden, isn't that a game, hide the tail?"

"Have any of the other guests returned after feasting at the castle?"
Taduz Illyannovich
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Johann Von Braniff
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Post by Johann Von Braniff »

I enter the Inn and look around, making my way to a small table in the shadows, where I watch and wait.

"It will be easier to leave this time..."
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Post by Goatkiller666 »

Gedeminas wrote:Gedeminas... immediately heads out to find his wagon and Danukas.
The wagon and draft horses are present, but Danukas is gone, as is his personal mount.

Vida pulls apart from Seska, slightly. Her hands are still clutching the Countess' shoulders with a death grip, but she is far enough away to make eye contact. "Oh M'Lady, we knew not where any of you were. You are the first to return from Lord Claudio's manse. Bojan and the others, the two crusaders and the man from the wagon, went up to the castle to ask about you, and found the place ruined. What was flamable had been burnt, and only corpses about the place. They brought back poor Pierre..." before Seska can ask, "He's alive. Barely, but I've been tending him here at the Inn. But there was no sign of any of you, nor of Claudio or the attackers. Bojan said that there were no dead or wounded from whomever attacked, just men in Claudio's colors."

She dives back for another hug, "What happened to you all? How are you still alive?" She babbles more questions, before catching herself. "Listen to me, throwing questions at you like I'm the lady and you the servant. Come, sit, eat... you're freezing, let me stoke up the fire a bit." She calls to Sigismond, "Bring some warm food and mead for my Lady, would you good man?"

Sigismond steps from the kitchen, already having thought of food and mead, with a large tray in his hands holding several bowls and mugs. "If you're wondering about your man, and them others, they've gone back up to the castle to see if they could find aught else. 'E said 'e'd not return to your husband the Count without something to tell him of your fate. They should be returning in the next hour or so. And I wager they'll all be right overjoyed to see you. Though... them two crusaders will be interested to know where their own master's gotten to."
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Post by Goatkiller666 »

Castle Giovanni, shortly before sundown

Wolfgang and his brother Gunter move through the dungeon of Giovanni's castle. "Gunter, what are we doing here again? We've been all through this section. There's nothing left to find."

"Hush Wolfgang. I saw tracks leading into here. I think they weren't there yesterday."

"What, you think there's someone down here?"

"I don't know... that's why we're looking."

They descend the final circle of stairs, and see before them a strange sight. There's an empty coffin, lying open in a shallow grave, with a pile of dirt next to it. Gunter kneels down in the dirt, holding up the lantern he was carrying. Though it was still barely daylight outside, they were far enough below ground that none of the sun's light could attend them. "See? Those tracks are new. Probably from last night." Gunter moves slowly through the room. "And there's no return prints, so whoever made these should still be down here. Unless there's a secret tunnel or somesuch."

The two move through the room and to the hallway leading off it. Without speaking, they both draw their swords and space out slightly, in case of impending trouble. They pass several rooms off the hallway, but the tracks seem to head for the rearmost room. As they approach the door, Wolfgang signals to Gunter to pause a moment. Leaning in, nearly touching his ear, he whispers to his brother "There's no light... whoever's in there has been in pitch blackness this whole time. And not made a sound since we've been within earshot."

Gunter nods, but otherwise makes no sound. They continue down the hallway, and then gently push the final door open. Lying on the floor is the Brother Dante, whom they remember from the Inn. "Brother? Are you well?" calls Wolfgang. He sheathes his sword and knees down by the fallen monk. First he holds his hand in front of the man's mouth. "There's no breath I can feel." Next he shakes Dante's shoulder gently, and then not so gently. Finally, he presses his ear against Dante's chest. "No heartbeat at all. He's gone."

Gunter sighs, and puts away his own weapon. "He wasn't here yesterday, that's for sure. I wonder where he was between the attack and then? And what killed him? Is he injured?"

"He has some cuts on his arms, but not a lot of blood. It looks like he's been bled out. Like a deer hanging from a tree."

"Well, let's take the good brother up out of this dungeon and give him a proper burial. Bojan and Danukas will want to know, as well."

The two bend down to pick up the body and start to carry it out of the room. By the time they reach the surface, the sun has finished it's descent, and they call out to the other two men, who are also searching the abandoned keep for clues to what happened. They carry the body to the courtyard, where the other graves had been dug, and place it to the side.

Bojan is already ahorse, and Danukes is checking the straps on his own mount when the two brothers arrive with their sad cargo. "Another one to bury. And I'd not like to leave him there for the animals, so we'd best be digging quickly."
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Post by Sabine »

I pout a little bit. "But I like my tail."

"But I won't let anybody see it."

I wander over to Vida and Seska. I tug on Vida's dress until she notices me and picks me up.
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Post by Goatkiller666 »

Vida pulls back from Seska at the insistent tugging. "Oh, there you are, little one. I'm so glad you're alright too." She picks the girl up and holds her on her hip while continuing to talk to Seska. Then she takes a couple steps towards the fire. "You're even colder than my Lady. Is it that cold outside?"
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Post by Sabine »

I cuddle into Vida's neck. The warmth of the fire is nice on my back.
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Seska Karantanija
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Post by Seska Karantanija »

Seska shakes her head a little at Vida's concern, "Do not worry about impropriety. After the past few days I am quite glad you can ask." She pulls to the far side of Vida after she picks up Sabine and steps towards the fire, keeping the handmaiden as cover, and using the approaching Innkeep as further excuse to not go near.

Taking the glass of mead and thanking Sigismond, she starts for the stairs. "Can you bring the meal with us? I need to see Pierre. We thought him dead, and he suffered such wounds on my behalf, defying that monster Giovanni." They climb the stairs, Seska letting Vida show her the way. At the door she pauses while petting Sabine's hair, "Vida, could I have a few moments alone with him. Please?" She thinks for a moment, aware of Vida's impending protest, "A bath would be welcome. We could talk about what happened while I soak." Vida heads back down while bouncing Sabine on her hip. Seska waits for the Innkeep to place the food on the table and close the door.

Bruises coat the man's upper body from Marchettus' assault, his face and head suffering some of the worst. His breathing is shallow and strained. His coloration, where not tainted by horrible bruising, is showing signs of jaundice. His wounds have been dressed as best they could manage, however the efforts seem insignificant given the damage.

Seska stands over Pierre to take in the sight of his broken form. Although she was entranced by mead and magicks by then, she is still able to recall the scene which sobered her. "Damn your eyes, Giovanni! I shall have your heart for this." Taking the dinner knife from the tray, she cuts the lower portion of her left palm and holds it to Pierre's mouth. Using her other hand to prop his jaw open, Goddess it's broken, and hold his swollen tongue out of the way she concentrates on making blood flow from the cut. You had best spoken truth, Roderigo. She whispers to him. "Drink, Pierre. Think about getting better. Take as much as you need..."
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Post by Goatkiller666 »

"Of course, mistress." She turns to head for the kitchen, "Come little one. Shall we pour the Countess a warm bath? Would you like one as well?" she says, as they depart, Vida closing the door behind her.

At first Seska's blood just pours into Pierre's mouth, and he starts to cough before his body swallows the sweet tasting blood automatically. But soon, he is drinking heavily, and his arms reach forward to hold Seska's arm steady.

[He takes nine (9) blood before he's done.]

When he finally comes to, licking the last few crimson drops from his lips, his eyes flutter around the room and settle on Seska. He follows her arm down to his hands, and notices the open cut in her flesh. In a moment of horror, he flings himself away from her, stronger than he had been before his injuries. "God have mercy on my soul, what has happened?" he shouts.

Vida hears the man's cry through the door, having returned from asking Sigismond to heat the water. She puts Sabine down in the hallway, in case there's danger, and then pushes open the door. Seeing Pierre mobile and miraculously uninjured, she gasps.
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Post by Sabine »

I look into the room. I wave at Pierre and smile, from behind Vida's leg.
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Seska Karantanija
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Post by Seska Karantanija »

Astounded the healing worked, Seska steps away and leans on the table while staring at the floorboards. "Do you remember Giovanni ordering you to stab me to prove your loyalty? When you refused, that brute of a man, Marchettus, struck you. Tossed you about as if you were a child's doll. Left you there to rot while they... they..." she trails off, unable to finish.

"They were Monsters, Pierre. They..." How do I explain this? "We were not supposed to survive the night. None of us were. Chance intervened." She pauses for a long moment. "We did not survive it unscathed."

"Little of the past nights make sense. You were close to death, Pierre. Close to death because you defended me." She raises her head to look in his eyes. "The only good to come since that evening is having been shown how to protect and care for those deserving it. Perhaps at too high a price, but that is my burden to bear."

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