Vampire: Dark Ages (Vienna) - Chapter 3: The Slums

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Kaldrenzi Culls-The-Chaff
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Post by Kaldrenzi Culls-The-Chaff »

Quietly pocket the bag, and stay outside, appear satisfied that we did the right thing.

[OOC: Are there windows on the jail? The action continues based on the answer]
Kaldrenzi Culls-The-Chaff

Jenner: Hear me! The Thorn Valley Plan is the aspiration of idiots and dreamers! We...
[sees Justin]
Jenner: We were just talking about you.
Justin: That's refreshing, Jenner, usually you're screaming about us.
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Post by Goatkiller666 »

[Unlike most of the buildings in town, the jail is made mostly of stone. Inside, the cells are made of stone walls on the exterior of the building, but metal cages on the interior walls. There are very small windows, very high up in the cell walls. There are also larger windows from your side of the main room our to the street near you. They're shuttered, and are closed against the night's chill.]


[The large square (that I drew in) is a walled off compound for the City Watch. The cells are along the northern wall, which is all stone. There are small windows high up, just to let the stench out a bit. There's only cage bars between the cells and the long hall which in turn leads to the inner courtyard. The larger shuttered windows open from the hall to the courtyard. You had to first enter the courtyard through the western gate, then enter the hall from the southern doorway via the courtyard.]
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Post by Kaldrenzi Culls-The-Chaff »

Move around the the back (north) side where the cell windows are. The guard path between the jail and the wall.

[Night Vision, no gnosis spent since I possess Darkvision gift , thus can turn on Night Vision anytime for free.]

If no one is in sight, I shift to Rodens form.

[Turn on Darkvision for extra sensitive sensing. Rodens get -1 D to hearing/scent Perception rolls.]

Listen in on the jail conversations.

[Total Mechanics. Night Vision see well in anything but total darkness. Darkvision (Perc + Occult d7, successes = bonus dice to perc rolls for scene, max +3. At 5 can see sound,sense heat signatures, etc. ) Listening in would have 1-3 bouns dice to Perception from gift, and is at -1 D if any rolls need to be made to hear stuff.]
Kaldrenzi Culls-The-Chaff

Jenner: Hear me! The Thorn Valley Plan is the aspiration of idiots and dreamers! We...
[sees Justin]
Jenner: We were just talking about you.
Justin: That's refreshing, Jenner, usually you're screaming about us.
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Post by Goatkiller666 »

Rudolf, and now Otto, are in the cell on the far left, which is unlocked. The second cell holds the Sergeant, it is locked.

In the hallway, Lament is standing to the left, then Brother Jurgen, then Faelan. The jailer has taken the men who were carrying Otto back outside, and is talking to them there.

Kaldrenzi is now in Rodens form, and is by the window high up in Rudolf & Otto's cell, watching all those below.
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Post by Lucretia »

She greets Faelan and Lament.

Study the ailing men, but do not interrupt either Lament or Faelan. Their conditions seem unnatural. Can she learn anything?
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Post by Goatkiller666 »

In the distance, Kaldrenzi can hear a strange screaming noise, the likes of which it has never heard before. It's coming from somewhere most of the way across Vienna from here.

Lucretia senses nothing about these men from a ghostly perspective. [Lament would be known to Lucretia. Faelan is new to town, and is not known.]
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Post by Corrozus »

Lament watches Faelan closely, glancing over at Lucretia as she enters, nodding slightly in greeting.
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Post by Faelan »

*looks at Lament*
It seems he is possesed by a beast of rage. I have seen men that have been taken over by their inner beast. I have heard that some doctors have the ability to calm this beast. Do you have this ability?"
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Post by Corrozus »

Lament places a hand on Brother Jurgen's shoulder and gently moves him to the side, stepping slightly closer to Faelan. "The spirit would need to be removed before I would be able to be of any use. And even then, his brain has been damaged and I do not know how much of his mind and memories actually remain."
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Post by Goatkiller666 »

Brother Jurgen blanches... "It is an evil spirit? I... I don't know that I can perform an exorcism. But I can contact my superiors. The Bishop is here in Vienna. His faith is said to be unshakable. I'm sure that he can cleanse this man's soul. Then, perhaps you can heal his body?"

The jailer hears this and backs quickly away from the cell, crossing himself with almost panicked quickness.

Jurgen says to the man, "Quickly, send a boy to St. Stephen's. Ask for Father Traugott. Say that Brother Jurgen urgently requests his presence. He's the Bishop's adviser, he'll know how best to proceed."

[Lament and Lucretia both recognize Traugott as the Toreador.]
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Post by Kaldrenzi Culls-The-Chaff »

*Hearing the scream*

What in the..

That one is doing what? Is she one of them, one of the mages?

And now they are bringing in a bishop. Maybe his infestation will spread and destroy his mind too.

Watch the tall woman, and the two others who are with the disturbed one.

If I can, since it's seems quiet inside the jail, listen to what the guard is saying to the group outside that dragged the disturbed one here.
Kaldrenzi Culls-The-Chaff

Jenner: Hear me! The Thorn Valley Plan is the aspiration of idiots and dreamers! We...
[sees Justin]
Jenner: We were just talking about you.
Justin: That's refreshing, Jenner, usually you're screaming about us.
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Post by Faelan »

"This poor soul will need alot of help and guidance. If this Father Traugott is a true man of God he will be of great assistance."
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Post by Corrozus »

Lament nods absently at Brother Jurgen, her attention seeming to wander as she watches the men.
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Post by Goatkiller666 »

On the calm night, the jailer's voice carries over the building to Kaldrenzi's ears. "Boy, up wi' ye. Now, run on down to St. Stephens and ask for Father Traugott. Tell him that Brother Jurgen says it's urgent. That's Brother Jurgen right there, see? Ask the Father to come down here to talk to Brother Jurgen. And be polite, see? I'll not be hearing that you've gone and given orders to a respected priest like he's some guardsman late for his shift, d'ya hear?"

Inside, Brother Jurgen says to Faelan, "Father Traugott is… more of an administrator. His faith is strong, but he chooses to serve God by arranging for the faithful to do good works in His name. But he'll know who can help perform an exorcism."

Several long minutes pass, while the boy runs through the darkness towards the Church of St. Stephens, the largest and grandest house of worship in all of Austria. Presumably, Father Traugott is found, and earnestly begged his pardon for the late intrusion. We might assume the boy has delivered his message, and the good Father is considering a response. Several more long minutes pass, and Timmy returns, panting from his run.

He enters the jail hall, and approaches the jailer. "I tole him your message. I was real polite, just like you said. He tole me to hai on back here, and tell you he'll be here right away. But he's an old man, so it might take him a little while to make the walk and such."

The jailer smacks Timmy in the head, "I'll have none of that talk from you about the good Father, boy. You'll keep a civil tongue in your head, or I'll box the other ear too."

"Ooowww! I meant no disrespect. 'Twas the Father what said 'Old man.' not me. I was just tellin' you his message."

"Bah! Go on, now. Get back to your stable and to sleep."

Several more long minutes pass, and finally Father Traugott arrives, along with two younger priests, both carrying torches to light his way. As he enters the hall, his eyes scan all present. He shows no sign of recognizing anybody except Jurgen, who approaches the Father and kneels at his feet saying "Thank you for coming, on such a dark night, Father."

"Oh, not to worry. I try not to complain too much about the specifics of the opportunities He grants me to act on His behalf. So, what is so urgent at this time of night, and who are these worthies with you."

Jurgen gestures towards Lament, "This is a Doctor from here in town, she gives healing to the poor who frequent my church. And I beg your pardon, for I do not know these others." He then points to the two men in the far cage, "These two men are from the City's guard. They, along with several others, have suddenly taken sick in a strange way. The effect seems to wear off after a time, so the others have returned to their homes. But, while under the sway of the malady, they all seem to be moon mad. It is disturbing, but seems to be of no great danger to them, if they are kept safe while it runs its course. But the matter on which we would appreciate your advice is this man." Now he points at the Sergeant, still trying vainly to reach them through the bars.

"He was involved in the action at the East Gate yestereve, and he was… afflicted. At first, we thought it the same mood madness as these others, but his behavior is different. While the others seem to simply have lost their senses, and seeing things which aren't there, this one sees the world, but… well… both the good Doctor and I feel that he may be actually possessed by an evil spirit. I'm no expert, of course, but what little I know of the signs seem to be correct. But I would appreciate a more learned opinion than mine own."

"He was cursed thus by the wolfen, in defense of our city? Then we must do all we can for him; this man is a hero. There are no Exorcists in town, but I believe there's one at St. Alfred's out in the hills. If you think this man can survive the night, we can see about getting a message to him. I would expect him sometime late tomorrow."
Last edited by Goatkiller666 on Sun Apr 24, 2011 11:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Corrozus »

Lament nods slowly, listening to Father Traugott and carefully considering her reply. "He will physically survive the night...but please make sure they realize it is urgent, the longer the spirit is there, the more damage is done. I am already unsure how much I will be able to mend as is, but will do my best regardless."
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Post by Faelan »

"Good Father, my resources are at your disposal but I do have another appointment to make. If you need me you can leave a message with my household."
"Kind Lament I will come around later tonight to check on you and this brave soul."

Faelan takes his leave and heads over to speak with the Prince
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Post by Kaldrenzi Culls-The-Chaff »

The guards know of the garou. Say he is cursed, the tall one just watches. The one who just left, he was at the gates. Don't trust where he's going. He knows things.

I'll follow him after I hear what that Otto says.
Kaldrenzi Culls-The-Chaff

Jenner: Hear me! The Thorn Valley Plan is the aspiration of idiots and dreamers! We...
[sees Justin]
Jenner: We were just talking about you.
Justin: That's refreshing, Jenner, usually you're screaming about us.
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Post by Goatkiller666 »

Otto says nothing. Nothing coherent, anyway. Sometimes there are noises with a pleased implication to them; sometimes there are noises with a startled implication to them. Nothing like words, though.

Faelan departs (continued in this thread).

Listening to Lament, Traugott frowns. "Well... I hesitate to say this... but I hear rumors of..." he seems almost repulsed by the words, "well, alchemists. Foul sorcerers, some would say. But they are recently come to town, and they are closer than our Doktor. I cannot vouch for their ways, but mayhap they could use their magicks to pull this spirit away. If the matter is urgent, I could send my man right away."

Otto is still looking at the Sergeant, but he mutters "...yesssss... the Tremere..." very quietly. Traugott's eyes dart towards him, but otherwise he betrays nothing in his face or tone. Otto grows less and less content, more and more agitated... "Blood magic!" he repeats, as he backs towards the far corner of his cell. He crouches down low, with his arms around his knees.

[If Kaldrenzi leaves now, he can just catch up to Faelan before he's too far ahead. Rodens form isn't quick, compared to a humanoid.]
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Post by Corrozus »

"I...I would rather not disturb them. We will deal with the Sargent's condition when your exorcist arrives." Lament curtsey's slightly and backs away a bit.
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Post by Goatkiller666 »

Traugott nods. "As you wish. Then, I will return here tomorrow evening, with the Doktor, so that we may help our city's fallen hero."

He and his lackeys depart.

[Anybody else got anything else they want to do here?]

[Kaldrenzi, if you want to follow Faelan, pick up over in the Estates thread. Otherwise, you're still here.]
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