Darkwood--Into the blackness....

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Post by Vynarkus »

[ooc]Invisible, no one can tell what I'm doing until it happens. See PM.[/ooc]
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Post by Katrina »

Screaming again, Katrina loses her composure, attacking the arrow demon with everything she has.

[Full attack, Dodge v Arrow]
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Post by Laurel »

Staggering as the Vrock turns its attack upon her, Laurel continues to sing and takes a 5' step back to stand with the marid, glad to see it able to defend itself. Not knowing where Vynarkus has gone, she can only hope between Led, Kalindriel, Sigrid, and the Marid that the Vrock will be distracted enough from attempting to harm her again. Feeling some relief as Sigrid's healing takes affect, the bard chooses to wait to turn her healing upon herself and launches a full attack of her own upon the Vrock.

[ooc]Full Round Action: Take a 5' step north to stand next to the marid and then launch a Full Attack upon the Vrock with Fiend Bane Arrows +1 from my longbow +4 with Sonic Weapon enhancement upon it (if still active) and with penalty offset by bracers of archery, lesser[/ooc]
Last edited by Laurel on Fri May 13, 2011 9:56 pm, edited 3 times in total.
~Close your eyes girl
Look inside girl
Let the sound take you away...
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Kalindriel Ec'urb
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Post by Kalindriel Ec'urb »

Go on offense again since I have some more health.
  • 21 hp [30 after Healing Burst] (53 max)
    Dodge against Vrock
    Full Attack against Vrock
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Post by Seven Words »

Led charges the Vrock, machete flailing! As he approaches, it reaches out with a claw, but misses the agile scout. Led's own attack similarly fails to connect, but due to his awkwardness with the weapon rather than the elusiveness of his target.

Skyseeker darts forward, and hurls a hand axe! (8 points)

Vynarkus grabs on to the Vrock! His Eldritch Armor sends a torrent of energy into the demon! ( 22 points)

Kalindriel's first slash at the vrock misses, but the back-angle thrust sinks in, drawing a screech of pain! (4 points)

Annelysei's fury-fueled rain of blows batter the Arrow Demon! Forehand, circling forehand, up, twirl and back down, all four blows hammer her target! (10 phys/1 sonic, 6 phys/3 sonic, 7 phys/2 sonic, 8 phys/6 sonic)

The Arrow Demon turns its attention upon Annelysei now! 3 arrows sprout from her in rapid succession! ( 5, 8, and 9 points)

Katrina gouges maniacally at the vulnerable back of the Arrow Demon, her claws scoring twice! (12 and 14 points). Now it collapses, and detonates in a blast of frigid air!

Again the Dretch gouges at Annelysei, seeing her staggered by her massive wounds! And again, it is proven an exercise in futility!

With the benefit of Led and Kalindriel's flanking compromising it's defense, Laurel sends her last 2 Fiend Bane arrows into the Vrock! (4 points and 10 points) The feathered demon topples, kicking and spasming, collapses, the first jarring tones of its screech barely emitted before death silences it!

Marrik turns and power attack upon the Dretch! With a single blow, he dispatches this final foe!
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Post by Kalindriel Ec'urb »

Kali lets the shadows engulfing her fade. Though Sigrid's healing burst has already repaired some of the damage, she still sports the nasty raking attacks of the vrock.

"Ow." She winces while poking at one of the marks. "Sure would be nice if I had some bashful lass to tend my wounds..."

[The Healing Burst will actually bring her back to full, but she can't resist looking for sympathy and teasing someone. No need to waste healing on her.]
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Post by Laurel »

Continuing to sing the hymn, the bard smiles towards the marid before wandering among the party, checking on their injuries and casting four more Cure Light Wounds among them before casting the final one per this use of bardic music upon herself. With the Volk cleric's healing bursts as well as any aid Marrik can give to the party and himself, the bard then let's this rendition of the hymn fade away as the party's health returns to close to normal.

As she moves near Led, she jibes him a little. "Do you have plans on replenishing that skin soon? It does appear to be your personal bane to have need of it fairly often," as she gives him a wink followed by a relieved hug.

Moving back towards the marid, she makes a little bow. "Introductions were said in a rush, as I was hoping to help relieve the attack upon you when I saw your plight. Again, my name is Laurel, a humble minstrel from a southern ree in the Darelline Confederacy. It is said of ancient tales that 'Joy is in the ears that hear, not necessarily in the mouth that speaks.' What shall we call you, and how did you come to be within this evil keep?"

[ooc]heal checks please
cast four enhanced CLW while singing the hymn and enhanced by Song of the Heart upon party members who need it most, then cast the last one per this current use of bardic music upon Laurel.[/ooc]
~Close your eyes girl
Look inside girl
Let the sound take you away...
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Post by Seven Words »

Taking note of the careful way in which Laurel asked for a name to cal him, not asking for his actual name, the Marid smiles, nods, and says, "Call me Akhrim, I am the Duke of Sha'Darum. I appreciate your assistance in freeing myself from this vile affront. Through controlling me, they sought a foothold into my home plane, Water. To be enslaved to such a shameful purpose would have been most...embarassing. I honor your courage and service. I would reward you. As a great noble, my powers are beyond those of my lesser kin. I will allow each of you either one item from my vaults within my palace of Dama'Khai, or I will grant you a wish. I have been engaged here fighting this corruption for some four centuries, give me a few moments to gather myself."
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Post by Katrina »

Katrina walks towards Akhim.

Motions that she wants to whisper in his ear.

[Check PM]
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Post by Seven Words »

Skyseeker addresses Akhrim, "Noble One, my weapon of preference is a Throwing Axe, might your treasury contain such a weapon that can be thrown farther and returns when thrown?"

Marrik approaches, and bows, "Your Grace, my axe is less efficacious than I might wish against sumoned foes. My wish is that it's enchantments might be increased, to be a righteous weapon."
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Post by Seven Words »

Akhrim lays one hand upon Katrina, incants an arcane phrase...she is briefly illuminated in orange light, which quickly fades as her wish is granted.
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Post by Laurel »

The bard stands back and watches the others approach Akhrim. She has never been offered such largesse before, and wanted time to really consider what she would request. Perhaps the requests of others would help give her some ideas...
~Close your eyes girl
Look inside girl
Let the sound take you away...
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Kalindriel Ec'urb
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Post by Kalindriel Ec'urb »

Kalindriel approaches the genie and curtsies with a flourish. "Greetings noble one, I am Kalindriel Ec'urb, a scholar of the planes and unwitting adventurer. Your boon is most gracious."

"I would wish for my mixed parentage to no longer limit my current or potential abilities."
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Post by Katrina »

Dancing in circles with unbridled glee, I stop. Try to curtsry to the Good Genie. Walk to Sigrid, my shoulders rolling with each step.

"Sigrid, I feel Icky. Can you fix? Or do you have to not know first?"
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Post by Vynarkus »

Vynarkus approaches Ahkrim. "Sir, before I make my wish, I would like to explain something.
"For years I have watched those who cast spells, and compared their abilities to my invocations. Both sides have advantages and drawbacks, and I do not wish to trade my invocations for spells. However, I have also noticed that there are many abilities that require one to know spells, and not invocations, in order to use.
"I have envied those who use metamagic, and I have been irritated that it will always be impossible for me to learn and use the secrets of archmages or any others who use techniques based specifically on spells, rather than simply magical power. I want to be able to use those techniques with my invocations.
"I wish my invocations could be used in conjunction with any power or technique that is based on spells. Not just metamagic, but any other techniques I may learn as well."
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Post by Seven Words »

"Very well. Your magic is now unbound" he says to Vynarkus, as a swirling mass of red and black energy descends upon him, sinking into him.

"Your bloodlines shall unadulterated" as purple and black flames engulf and absorb into Kalindriel.
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Post by Kalindriel Ec'urb »

As the flames recede, Kalindriel's appearance has slightly altered! Her features are more angular, more elven, and her height has been reduced to match, although her complexion remains lighter than her full-blooded elven brethren.
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Post by Annalysei »

[PM to DM about my wish, plz. I just noticed something]

To Kali, Anna murmurs quietly "Back off, you. She's mine, mine, mine." She tempers her words with a devilish smile so that Kali knows she's teasing.
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Post by Seven Words »

The Marid lays his hands upon Marrik's axe, a blue-white light passes into the weapon. "It is done", before turning to Skyseeker. "I shall return to my home and fetch a weapon with which you desire upon it...and also it has some other attributes..once I have heard from all"
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Post by Led Pighp »

"My Lord Ahkrim, I thank you for this boon, though I feel that perhaps I have not earned it. My part in this last battle... well..." he hefts the machete, that only tasted blood once, "... the most I could hope was to trick the enemies into attacking me instead of others, by seeming to be a threat. But I was no threat to anyone. It was only dumb luck that let me land that blow, I know."

"I was never trained in fighting with weapons; I can fight with my claws like any cub, but that is all. And when I have no claws, I am useless. That was fine while I followed Serloth, and his path of knowledge. However, these times call for action. I have received Darethan's blessings, and I can feel his might within me. But without claws, I am impotent. And that, I cannot stand."

"My wish, if I am to be given one, is to nevermore know the impotence of a human form. To correct my inability to deserve this reward. Months ago, we managed to avoid the attentions of our enemy's most fearsome hunter. Please, make me a wemic like him, that I may hunt our enemies."
Geek the mage, first.
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