Darkwood--Into the blackness....

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Post by Annalysei »

Anna harrumphs "You are absolutely no fun at all. And unfortunately, you're right."
-Cloak of Greater Displacement (50% miss chance)
-Gargoyle Boots
-Ring of Minor Spell Storing
- Gauntlet of Ogre Power
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Post by Sigrid »

Twirling... so pretty...

"I'm confused, you don't want to rest here with me for a little while? I have to pray, but then I'm all yours."

"'Trina can watch."

OhnoIdon'tbelieveIjustsaidthat! I blush again.

"The praying! She can watch the praying! I think she was asking about the Unknowable."
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Post by Sorchat »

I fly over to Kali. I land on her shoulder.

"The girl's new kitty can probably fight more, tonight."

"Sigrid can heal again, after she prays. After she calms down."

"And that staff can refresh us all. No more exhaustion. Won't help with spells, but Annalysei and Laurel can fight without spells, yes?"

Sigrid is still making moon-eyes with Anna. I fly over to her. "You. Take your new staff. Restore 'Trina. Then lesser restore the rest of us. Then pray."

I say to Anna. "And you: quit distracting her until she's done."

I fly to Led & 'Trina. "Girl. Stop playing. The Bad Man is still out there. If we take too long to get there, he'll get away. You can play with the kitty later."
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Kalindriel Ec'urb
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Post by Kalindriel Ec'urb »

Kalindriel smirks at the familiar being the one to try and get the party moving. It only widens as she thinks of bad puns involving motivation and fire.

Before Sorchat flits off her shoulder, she replies, "I'm ready, too. A rest won't do much for me. The others will have to decide if they're capable enough or not."
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Post by Sigrid »

I look down. I'm holding a staff.

"Sorchat, look! It's a greater staff of healing."

I remember 'Trina feels icky. I cast Restoration on her from the staff. [2 charges]

Then I remember Sorchat's words. I cast Lesser Restoration on everybody from the staff. [1 charge each, 9 total]

"Now I have to pray. I'm sorry for the delay, everybody."

"I don't think I'll identify anything yet. That takes forever."

Code: Select all

Cleric 0      |Cleric 1     |Cleric 2    |Cleric 3    |
 Create Water | Bless Water | Bull's Str | Disp Magic |
 Create Water | Bless Water | Bull's Str | Disp Magic |
 Create Water | Shield Faith| Bull's Str | Disp Magic |
 Create Water | Shield Faith| Bull's Str |            |
 Create Water | Shield Faith|            |            |         
Sorc 0 (6/6)  |Sorc 1 (2/7) |Sorc 2 (3/6)|Sorc 3 (3/4)|
 Acid Splash  | Burn Hands  | Scorch Ray | Fireball   |
 Arcane Mark  | Identify    | See Invis  |            |--------------
 Dance Light  | Mag Missile |            |------------|Staff  (39/50)
 Light        | Shield      |            |Wands       | L. Restore  1
 Mage Hand    |             |------------| Acid Arr 15| C Serious   1
 Prestidigit  |             |Spell Store | DetSecrD 15| C Critical  2
 Ray o Frost  |-------------|            | FindTrap 23| Restoration 2
--------------|Turn ( 7/11) |            | Knock    15| Rem Bli/Def 2
Empower (1/3) | Sacred Heal |            | SonBlast 26| Rem Disease 3
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Post by Laurel »

Sorchat wrote:"And that staff can refresh us all. No more exhaustion. Won't help with spells, but Annalysei and Laurel can fight without spells, yes?"
"I have only three more uses of bardic music left to me, before I rest for a full eight hours. My spells are extremely low.

"Yes, I can fight with my longbow, or possibly another weapon we may come across which may be useful. But I am most effective at helping all of you fight better, and to help heal. I fear this next battle may overpower what I am capable of doing for all of us."

Turning to Led, the bard asks, "Led, awhile ago you gave me a vial of a potion. All you said at the time was that it was something to counter evil. I have not used it, and still have it. Will you tell me now what it is? And is it something which would be useful in this upcoming fight?"
~Close your eyes girl
Look inside girl
Let the sound take you away...
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Led Pighp
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Post by Led Pighp »

Sorchat wrote:"The girl's new kitty can probably fight more, tonight."
"I haven't killed anything with these new claws. I'm anxious to try."
Laurel wrote:"Yes, I can fight with my longbow, or possibly another weapon we may come across which may be useful. But I am most effective at helping all of you fight better, and to help heal. I fear this next battle may overpower what I am capable of doing for all of us."
"With Sigrid's magic staff here, you shouldn't need to do as much healing. And you can still fight."
Laurel wrote:Turning to Led, the bard asks, "Led, awhile ago you gave me a vial of a potion. All you said at the time was that it was something to counter evil. I have not used it, and still have it. Will you tell me now what it is? And is it something which would be useful in this upcoming fight?"
"It was a potion of Protection from Evil. It would stop evil creatures from touching you, or influencing your mind. But if you attack them, it breaks the spell. I have a few more, myself. They're not that useful for me, since I couldn't attack then. They'd probably be very helpful for our healers, though. You could cast other helpful spells on us, too."

I give two to Sigrid, one for her and one for Sorchat. I give my last one to Laurel. "In case you use the one you have, you can have a spare."
Geek the mage, first.
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Post by Katrina »

Now solid black eyes gleaming with mention of the Bad Man.

"Leddycat, who is Darethon? Is he another thing you don't know know like what Sigrid doesn't know? Does he makes all kitties? Does he know what Sigrid doesn't know and wants me to watch while she doesn't know?"

Climbing down from Led snuggling one last time.

"We hunty again or resting? Sorchat is right. I wanna Deal with the Bad Man now. Before he does more Bad."
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Post by Led Pighp »

[We have an hour until Sigrid is done praying. Might as well kill some time. We can take this to PM, if nobody else wants to hear it, and we want to fast forward to the next fight.]

"Oh dear. You don't know of the gods at all? You've never heard of Darethon or the Unknowable. The Good Man must really have protected you from all the scary things of the world."

Led looks around at the others. "Sigrid and Marrik are probably the best to talk about their own gods, so I'll leave that to them. And Sigrid is busy anyway. But I can talk about Darethon, and the other gods."

"Do you know what a god is, first of all?"
Geek the mage, first.
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Kalindriel Ec'urb
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Post by Kalindriel Ec'urb »

Kali quips, "A being with too much power and an attitude to match."
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Post by Katrina »

"Yes I know about gods. The Good Man said there are people who beg gods for magic, there are those who read forever to make magics, and those who are special that can do magic. Many of the beggars think their God will protect them, even if it's a Bad God and the beggar is being Dealt With by Good People."

"I was hunting a Bad Man who kept insisting he was Good. But the Good Man said he was Bad. He casted spells at me, invoking his God to do Bad things to me. It tingled. His last words were cursing his God, so he was a Bad Man."

"The Gods make people do things. Or people do things for the Gods. Good people, Bad people, you know how it is. They have lots of names, and lots of things they do. It wasn't important who the Gods were, the Good Man kept track Good and Bad, and I Dealt with the Bad People, even if they said they were with a Good God. It's all alot of words words words."

"Bad people lie. That's why they are Bad."
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Led Pighp
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Post by Led Pighp »

"Um... yeah. That's mostly right. Some of the gods are Good, and some are Bad. And some of the gods are just sort of in the middle, not really Bad and not really Good."

"Each god has his or her (or its) special area of control. Missaryi is the goddess of purity, renewal, and love. Serloth is the god of knowledge. So, if you think that purity and love are the most important things in the world, then you would dedicate yourself to Missaryi. That's what Marrik does."

"I don't think he would say that he 'begs' for magic from her. He just agrees with her. And since she knows that Marrik will go do Good things in the world to make purity and love stronger, she gives him some of her power to help him do it."

"But there are Bad gods, too. Zyrx is the god of Pain and Murder. The more of those in the world, the stronger Zyrx gets. And there are Bad people out there who make deals with him. They really do beg for his power, so they can go do Bad things. And he gives it to them, because he knows they'll use it to make things worse for all of us."

"So, that part's pretty easy to understand. Good gods are good, and Good people work with Good gods. Bad gods are bad, and Bad people work for Bad gods. Easy peasy. No Good people would ever work for Bad gods, so that's also easy. But Bad people... they can lie. Sometimes, they will end up lieing to Good gods, and the Good gods will give them their power. The Good gods can be stupid, sometimes."

"So, I think those are the ones the Good Man had you deal with... bad people working for Good gods, or bad people working for Bad gods. But the Good Man knew who the good people were, and he never had you Deal with them. But they're out there, too."

"Now, Darethon is my god. I switched to Darethon just recently. Before that, I followed Serloth. He was the god of knowledge. He was a very calm and thoughtful god, and I followed him because I wanted to be a peaceful old man, and to be wise. But with all this Bad stuff going on, I see that there are neough wise old men in the world. Like the Good Man. He's much better at being a smart guy than I could be, so I'll let him do that. But right here, where I am, the world needed someone to Deal with all of the Bad men."

"Darethon is the god of War, Vengeance, and Fear. Some people say he's a Bad god, but he's not really. He's savage, but he's a nature god. Just like a wolf is savage when it's hunting for food... the wolf isn't Bad, it's just hungry, and being savage is how it can get food. Darethon likes people to be quick and decisive, savage when hunting. When someone has done something Bad to someone, Darethon wants that person to go hunt the Bad person down, to take vengeance on him. Darethon is the god of Dealing with Bad people."

"So, I'm not a priest like Sigrid is. She teaches people about the god of magic, and helps the people who like her god get together to say thank-you. And I'm not a Paladin like Marrik is. His goddess wants to protect the Good people from the Bad people. So he goes out and defends them as a paladin. He Deals with the Bad people when he can, but mostly he makes sure the Good people aren't hurt. But Darethon has blessed me as well. When I get stronger, he'll let me be a Nature's Champion, so I can take vengeance for more people, and do it against stronger and stronger Bad people."
Geek the mage, first.
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Post by Katrina »

Led Pighp wrote:"Um... yeah. That's mostly right. Some of the gods are Good, and some are Bad. And some of the gods are just sort of in the middle, not really Bad and not really Good."

"Each god has his or her (or its) special area of control. Missaryi is the goddess of purity, renewal, and love. Serloth is the god of knowledge. So, if you think that purity and love are the most important things in the world, then you would dedicate yourself to Missaryi. That's what Marrik does."

"I don't think he would say that he 'begs' for magic from her. He just agrees with her. And since she knows that Marrik will go do Good things in the world to make purity and love stronger, she gives him some of her power to help him do it."

"But there are Bad gods, too. Zyrx is the god of Pain and Murder. The more of those in the world, the stronger Zyrx gets. And there are Bad people out there who make deals with him. They really do beg for his power, so they can go do Bad things. And he gives it to them, because he knows they'll use it to make things worse for all of us."

"So, that part's pretty easy to understand. Good gods are good, and Good people work with Good gods. Bad gods are bad, and Bad people work for Bad gods. Easy peasy. No Good people would ever work for Bad gods, so that's also easy. But Bad people... they can lie. Sometimes, they will end up lieing to Good gods, and the Good gods will give them their power. The Good gods can be stupid, sometimes."

"So, I think those are the ones the Good Man had you deal with... bad people working for Good gods, or bad people working for Bad gods. But the Good Man knew who the good people were, and he never had you Deal with them. But they're out there, too."

"Now, Darethon is my god. I switched to Darethon just recently. Before that, I followed Serloth. He was the god of knowledge. He was a very calm and thoughtful god, and I followed him because I wanted to be a peaceful old man, and to be wise. But with all this Bad stuff going on, I see that there are neough wise old men in the world. Like the Good Man. He's much better at being a smart guy than I could be, so I'll let him do that. But right here, where I am, the world needed someone to Deal with all of the Bad men."

"Darethon is the god of War, Vengeance, and Fear. Some people say he's a Bad god, but he's not really. He's savage, but he's a nature god. Just like a wolf is savage when it's hunting for food... the wolf isn't Bad, it's just hungry, and being savage is how it can get food. Darethon likes people to be quick and decisive, savage when hunting. When someone has done something Bad to someone, Darethon wants that person to go hunt the Bad person down, to take vengeance on him. Darethon is the god of Dealing with Bad people."

"So, I'm not a priest like Sigrid is. She teaches people about the god of magic, and helps the people who like her god get together to say thank-you. And I'm not a Paladin like Marrik is. His goddess wants to protect the Good people from the Bad people. So he goes out and defends them as a paladin. He Deals with the Bad people when he can, but mostly he makes sure the Good people aren't hurt. But Darethon has blessed me as well. When I get stronger, he'll let me be a Nature's Champion, so I can take vengeance for more people, and do it against stronger and stronger Bad people."
But is he the God of kitties?
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Post by Laurel »

Katrina wrote:"I was hunting a Bad Man who kept insisting he was Good. But the Good Man said he was Bad."
Laurel's brows rise a little at this. She waits until Led finishes speaking, then inserts a question of her own.

"'trina, what can you tell us about the Good Man? Is he a leader of your people? An intermediary for one of the G-ds? How did he come to be the Good Man, and gain recognition with you as such?"

Looking over at Sigrid saying her prayers, the bard continues, "We do have some time before we move on, even if we do not choose to rest for now. It is our first opportunity for you to tell us more about yourself and the Good Man, if you would be so kind. The Good Man sounds fascinating. I am surprised to have never heard of him before. Are you willing to share a tale or two regarding him while we await Sigrid?"
~Close your eyes girl
Look inside girl
Let the sound take you away...
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Post by Katrina »

Laurel wrote: Laurel's brows rise a little at this. She waits until Led finishes speaking, then inserts a question of her own.

"'trina, what can you tell us about the Good Man? Is he a leader of your people? An intermediary for one of the G-ds? How did he come to be the Good Man, and gain recognition with you as such?"

Looking over at Sigrid saying her prayers, the bard continues, "We do have some time before we move on, even if we do not choose to rest for now. It is our first opportunity for you to tell us more about yourself and the Good Man, if you would be so kind. The Good Man sounds fascinating. I am surprised to have never heard of him before. Are you willing to share a tale or two regarding him while we await Sigrid?"
"He's the Good Man. The Good man taked care of me, and I Dealt with Bad men. He taught me ready, writing, and everything. I had food, drinky, and toys. I had a stuffed kitty but now I have a real kitty."

Snuggles into Led, and holds on waiting with wide eyed anticipation for her question to be answered.
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Post by Annalysei »

Sigrid wrote:Twirling... so pretty...

"I'm confused, you don't want to rest here with me for a little while? I have to pray, but then I'm all yours."

Anna smiles wickedly and says very quietly, almost in a whisper so as not to disturb Sigrid's prayers "oh, now you shouldn't say things like that, my lovely, because I most definitely will take you up on it."

Anna sits and listens to the theological discussion going on, and wonders who exactly the Good Man of Trina's is.

[OOC: As far as spell depletion, I'm pretty sure I'm out of my level 3s. I have plenty of level 0s, but as you know, those kind of suck. And if I can't quicken them, they're not much use to me. I am a bad D&Der because I need to go back and count how many level 1s and 2s I have left. BAD D&Der, BAD.]
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Post by Seven Words »

"I believe resting and regaining our strength, in the mystic sense, is necessary. I mislike the thought of being unable to smite when we are quite probably approaching the chief lieutenant of the Protector." says Marrik.
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Post by Laurel »

The bard nods slowly at Marrik's words, and gazes at Katrina in contemplation. "I, too, would prefer to get recharged mystically before continuing on. But Sorchat raised a valid point earlier. Is there a chance of 'trina's "Bad Man" getting away if we take the time to eat and sleep? So far I have not seen any exits or entrances to this keep. Although I admit there may be secret passages I am unaware of all over the place."
Annalysei wrote:[OOC: As far as spell depletion, I'm pretty sure I'm out of my level 3s. I have plenty of level 0s, but as you know, those kind of suck. And if I can't quicken them, they're not much use to me. I am a bad D&Der because I need to go back and count how many level 1s and 2s I have left. BAD D&Der, BAD.]
[ooc]I do the same, and even with the Versatile Spellcaster feat, I'm out of 3rd level spells for certain. I think by calling upon lower spells I have one 2nd level spell left, but that would leave me without any 1st level spells and only one Zero level spell, if I am accounting for these right.

And again, I only have three more uses of bardic music left. With so little music available to me, and so few spells, my ability to aid Sigrid with healing is almost nill, especially is I use Inspire Courage or a different use of bardic music than the Healing Hymn.

If we can rest and not risk losing track of those we are after, I am all for resting.[/ooc]
~Close your eyes girl
Look inside girl
Let the sound take you away...
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Post by Vynarkus »

Vynarkus looks around, and sighs. "Look, if we're going to stay here long enough for prayers to take place, we may as well stay here long enough for everyone to rest and recover. The only reason we weren't doing so already was because we wanted to bluff the people in charge here into thinking that their protections were utterly useless and didn't even use up our abilities. If we take an hour for Sigrid to pray, we'll be giving up that bluff, and may as well go back to full strength. On the other hand, we could skip her praying and carry on as needed. I'm not sure that's really worth it, though.
"There are two things I want to do, regardless of what we decide. We don't really have time to Identify anything, but we can look at what the fiends left behind [ooc]Not sure if they did leave anything, if not, scratch that last[/ooc] Secondly, thanks to my wish, I think one of my earlier experiments that failed will now work. Sigrid, could I see your Ring of Spell Storing for a moment? I think I can use it to boost everyone in the same ways I've boosted myself."

[ooc]Walk Unseen, See the Unseen, Celestial Flight, Dark One's Own Luck, Lucky Misses, Beguiling Influence, and Magic User are all third level or less, which means a Lesser Ring of Spell Storing could store them. Once I cast them (probably one at a time) into the ring, someone else could put it on, use the stored spells, and get the invisibility, darksight, flight, protection, and so forth. To put all of these on everyone else nearby, given that each one would likely take 2 rounds per person with passing around the ring and the two casts neccessary, would take between 12 and 13 mintues. Since we've already been here for 5, that shouldn't be a problem.[/ooc]
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Led Pighp
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Post by Led Pighp »

More and more interruptions. Hrmph.

"If we're resting and renewing our spells, so are our enemies. Taking an hour to refresh Sigrid's spells isn't enough time for them to refresh, but if we take all night, our enemies get all night to prepare against us. But, whatever. Rest, if you want. Experiment if you feel like it."

"'Trina, it depends on the kitty. I'm sure some of them choose Darethon. Kitties like to hunt, and like to play with their prey. But some kitties probably choose Tar-Anedrel, the goddess of nature. Maybe some sneaky kitties choose Barxonas, the god of night."

"But right now, this kitty chooses... YOU!" With that, Led raises a forepaw into the air dramatically and knocks 'Trina to the ground, playfully if not gently.
Geek the mage, first.
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