Vampire: Dark Ages - Act II - Scene 1: The Crossroads

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Post by Goatkiller666 »

Roderigo raises a hand and tugs on Marianna's sleeve to get her attention.
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Post by Sabine »

I smile at Taduz. "There, do you see? He is already proving useful."
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Post by Marianna »

I'm still distracted by the blood coursing through my veins as I feel a pull on my sleevesleeve. I look at Rodrigo "So what now? where do we go from here?" I feel lost. And sad but I don't know why.
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Post by Goatkiller666 »

"Where, miss?" Roderigo looks uncomfortable being on the spot.

"Well, miss. And this applies to their ladyships, and to you as well sir. There's the matter of your sires. Lord Claudio never let me know all the details of Cainite politics, but from what I've overheard in the last few days, a few things are pretty clear."

"Hardestadt and his alliance are still strong. He may have fallen, but another will take his place. I know that his childe Jurgen directly controls much of the Holy Roman Empire. They are still moving to invade Romania and Hungary. Your sires' conspiracy still fights against them, even without Claudio to lead it."

He looks around, almost afraid to continue. "I know not where the healer or the viking are. She, I think, would be of little use in this kind of conflict, but the warrior will be sorely missed when it comes to conflict. But where do you wish to fit in? But more... even if you do not wish to be part of it, can you avoid it?"

He turns to Seska, "Would you give up your lands and your mortal family? For they will eventually fall to the Ventrue, in a generation or two at most. Or move to the Saracen lands with your sire, and bring them with you? You do not follow the Christian god, but you do not follow the heathen Allah either. I do not think you would find welcome there."
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Post by Seska Karantanija »

Seska bristles at the insinuation, "I would not abandon these lands nor my people unless there was no other choice. I would most certainly not leave my family behind."

She sighs. "We are farmers though, not warriors. How can we possibly stand up to forces intent on taking these lands? Some of the nearby cities are fortified. They may stand, but they won't march out needlessly to help distant villages."
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Post by Sabine »

"They will if you convince them to. They're only humans. Your kind excel and manipulating them."
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Post by Seska Karantanija »

"Maybe given time we can prepare some defenses. We know it will be coming, eventually."
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Post by Taduz Illyannovich »

She's on the cusp, but this is more important, our li, existence could be at stake.

"Another fop, how hardy is this Jurgen, compared to easily Hardestadt was felled? His group is short a few people also."

Farmers, some of those can be the most vicious fighters if you threaten their...

"M'lady, if you were able to press some of your farmhands into service of defending this land, I maybe able to assist them in their, shall we say, development."

But not using Voragg or his ilk.

"Our, unique abilities, can bind them to you, insuring loyalty, combined with minor, adjustments, if you will. Nothing like that incident before. Nothing from Across involved. But, if my idea pans out, they will be stronger and more resilient than almost anything outside of ourselves, or the new Fop's cohorts can field."

Now, how much raw mass can you add to a person before they collapse, or better yet, still remain viable to move and fight...
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Post by Goatkiller666 »

Roderigo's face pales. He whispers into Marianna's ear, though Taduz also can hear his words clearly.

"Mistress, be warned of his kind. He is of the Tzimisce Clan, the fleshcrafters. They are the absolute masters of their domains, and they are infamous for shaping their soldiers into monsters to help in battle. That is part of why Hardestadt has had such difficulty with the invasion... for all the armored knights he sends there, they're fighting giant clawed beasts who move in the trees like squirrels, or angry fanged horses who race across the plains."

"Of course, that's all for the good, as we're Hardestadt's enemies. But when I found out that those monsters were simply the villagers transformed... I could not imagine a worse fate than becoming such a thing just for some lord's battle lust."
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Post by Sabine »

I snicker. I have Auspex on. I can hear him too.

"I will make soldiers too. But mine will be hounds. They will be happy with their fates, and they will love me like all hounds love their masters."

"Great hounds, as large as bears, who can chew threw armor like cracking the shell of an egg. Then we will hunt the knights like deer, and feast on their blood."
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Post by Taduz Illyannovich »

Turning to Rodrigo "Yes, then I guess it's in your best interest that you are no longer under my protection. Also, it's good that I am not doing this for," trying to use his inflection and tone when he whispered, "'some lord's battle lust', isnt it?"

Fanged beasts moving squirrel like and oh yes, animals too. I had almost overlooked them. I maybe quite the busy one figuring out how to do this. Just hope I learn fast enough.

Bowing to Sabine smiling, "My good Lady, I could work with you on your forces also if you wish."

Puppygirl's growing up so fast.
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Post by Goatkiller666 »

"I meant no insult, masters. It is Hardestadt's battle lust I mean. But no matter the source, I've felt the touch of that power in such a small way. I would never choose to feel it again for any reason."
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Post by Seska Karantanija »

Seska has no interest in turning her people into monsters, and is not happy at needing to consider turning her home into a fortress, but for the sake of diplomacy she tries not to dismiss it outright. "Your offer is kind. Perhaps in time after evaluating our options. For now there are more mundane precautions we can take. Though it seems frivolous in these, I am more interested in seeing if this fountain will work."

"We also need to prepare for visitors in less than a week's time."
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Post by Taduz Illyannovich »

"I was thinking mercenaries actually if it came down to it, M'lady."

But that is for later.
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Post by Sabine »

I'm curious.

"What about the fountain, Lady Seska? How would that help?"
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Post by Seska Karantanija »

"You have seen how my blood has increased the capabilities of Bojan and Pierre. If my idea works, it would provide a method for more guards to partake. Then each would be worth more than their number would suggest, and if strategically deployed, maybe many more."

She smirks, "All from a harmless looking fountain."

"That spouts blood."
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Post by Sabine »

"If only you had a fountain filled with vitae, that would be a wonderful tool against your enemies, Lady Seska."

There might be just a tiny amount of sarcasm in my voice.

When did I start being rude to Seskalady?

When she said something so useless.


Hush, child.

Why are you talking with my body? Why am I just listening?

I told you to hush, child. It's better this way. You can't be trusted with this.

But I'm Sabine. Why don't I get to be myself? You can't be me.

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Post by Seska Karantanija »

Seska narrows her eyes at Sabine, "As opposed to mindlessly jumping at every shadow you see and trying to latch onto every kindred you meet?"

"It may work, it may not. If what I have planned does, then it provides opportunities. Ones will allow my village to protect itself without requiring outside assistance. It will not come quickly, and that is why it needs to be started now."
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Post by Sabine »


I'm a Sabine shaped girl, again. I stop looking like a mean old Sabine Lady.

"Seskalady, I'm sorry I was mean." I'm crying.

"I didn't mean it."

Damn you, child. Stop this foolishness at once.

"The mean Sabinelady made me do it!" I know Seskalady hates me forever now.

I turn to Taduz and bury my face in his hip and cry some more.
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Post by Seska Karantanija »

She is becoming more erratic. Or trying to play on my emotions.

Seska squares her jaw in frustration. She looks as Taduz with a bit of sympathy, but makes no move to console the child.

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