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Look! Up in the sky! *To be continued...* (This story continued in KW Comics #263)

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review what you are reading

Post by sgt.null »

DC Comics

Batman, Incorporated : Grant Morrison is doing an excellent job on the writing. but he's leaving it soon and I will likely drop it. I love hs obsession with the forgotten corners of the Batman mythos.

Dial H : a highlight every month. with some very intriguing characters that we won't get to see again. :( (Pelican Army!) have no idea where it goes when they wrap up the initial storyline though.

Justice League Dark : excellent writing, excellent art. overcame early pacing issues. they are doing a good job rotating characters in and out of the storyline. holds up well on rereads.

Animal Man : Love that we picked up the story midway. allows for the disorientation needed for the storyline. a surprise. reminds me of the Wrightson Swamp Thing at times.

Frankenstein, Agent of S.H.A.D.E : another book occupying a strange place in the DC pantheon. glad to see that it survived the first wave of cuts. the book works.

Demon Knights : I enjoy the characters, but have had problems with the pacing. always seems to be on the cusp of me dropping it.

Suicide Squad : Love this book! have enjoyed the characters and the surprises along the way. at the top of my reading pile evey month.

All-Star Western : another nice surprise. have enjoyed the main stories and the back-up stories. look forward to more of the old western characters being reinmagined.

Shade (limited series) : glad to see Robinson get his mojo back. the Vigilante issue is one of my all time faves now. this is the sort of thing Robinson needs to be writing.

Fables after 100 odd issues, still going strong. WIllingham has created something that needs to be mention when speaking of Gaiman's Sandman or Robinson's Starman.


Thunderbolts/Dark Avengers : everytime I think they have exhausted the series it seems to get better. I actually am liking this direction, and I thought I wouldn't.

Scarlet Spider : under-rated, a fun read. and it's set in Houston. and the Texas Rangers are gueststarring. and I'm sending them a letter. I hope I get published.

Venom : read the Savage Six run and enjoyed it very much. will be crossing of with the Scarlet Spider, so I will be getting that. never thought I would enjoy a venom series, but they proved me wrong.

Marvel Zombies Destroy : Howard the Duck, Dum Dum Dugan, obscure Golden Age heroes. it actually worked. a glorious, fun mess.
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FF - I'm not reading Fantastic Four, so I don't know how it ties in. but I am enjoying the characterization in this book. seeing how the bad guys think. (when did the Wizard convert to a faith based system?) the alternate Reed Richards proved fascinating.

Avengers Origin : based on the original Avengers. very well done mini-series. the art and writing had a nice retro-feel. and who thought we would see this particular grouping ever again?

Beyond : I have it graphic novel form. an enjoyable story. not earth shattering, but well told and entertaining. and the group interaction is done very well. and some nice surprises along the way.

Daredevil : # 232, 233. guest starring Captain America. nicely done team-up by Frank Miller. he gets these characters and introduces us to Nuke. a very well motivated villain. the ending is also very well done.


my introduction to 3D-Man. I love this issue. one of those below the radar books that present solid storytelling. plus 3D-Man!
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The Sandman - Preludes and Nocturnes : the first collection (out of ten.) First trip to Hell, Dr. Destiny, the Dreaming. and the Sound of Her Wings, our introduction to Death. an outstanding series.

the Fantastic Four - Unstable Molecules : an intriguing look at a real life Fantastic Four. taken place in the sixties, we see beat poets, frustrated housewifes, desperate people thrown in desperate situations. unlike any other FF story you will ever read.

Uncanny Avengers : picked it because of writer Rick Remender. promises us a team consisting of Captain America, Scarlet Witch, Thor, Havoc, Rogue and Wolverine. reads like a Grant Morrison issue. the first issue was enough to make me want to pick up the next one.

Dr. Manhattan : explores the theories and practicalities of time travel. I have been enjoying all the Before Watchmen I have been reading. there were plenty of stories to be told, Moore left a nice big, blank canvas.

Battle for the Cowl - the Network : I really enjoy Califiore's art, really suits the superhero medium. loved this issue, featuring Man-Bat running into the Outsiders and various other Batman related heroes. works as a stand alone. Nicieza does great work in short time. wish he had been given Gotham's secondary heroes as a monthly.

Flashpoint - I enjoy Elseworlds/What If stories. this had it high points. (and low points.) I keep finding them at Half Price. the Secret Seven was my favorite.

Team America - early 80's Marvel comic, based on a toy line. not a great book, but i read it as a kid. collecting along with Rom.

the Twelve : a great Marvel book. bringing back a dozen forgotten golden age heroes. had been dropped, but then finished. a well told story well worth picking up.
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Bullseye : Perfect Game (2 issues) - this was a surprise. a well told story that was not just a rehashing of previous tales. not your typical super hero story at all. I highly recommend.

Guarding the Globe - set in the Invincible universe, featuring characters created by Robert Kirkman (the Walking Dead writer.) enjoyable book, although not written by Kirkman this go 'round. while I am enjoying it, not sure I can add another book at the moment.

Doom Patrol (Rachel Pollack) - I have found a few scattered issues. she followed Grant Morrison on the series. and maybe I need to read them in order, but she seems to be doing weird for weird's sake. very strange and hard to follow out of context. but intriguing enough that I want to keep buying them.

Guardians of the Galaxy (the modern version.) - I really enjoyed this revamp that started during the Annihilation: Conquest stories. I love cosmic heroes and this brought Marvel's back to forefront. in fact I enjoyed this so much I will be dedicating a thread to them.

the Helmet of Fate (five books) - Detective Chimp; Ibis the Invincible; Sargon the Sorcerer; Zauriel; and Black Alice. a really enjoyable series. the Sargon is a great issue as a stand alone. I always have loved Dr. Fate and would love to get the back-up issues from the Flash series back in the '80s. these issues are worth searching out. a good, fun story. Detective Chimp is always a hoot.

Doctor Doom and the Masters of Evil (the collection) an all-ages story that surprised me. a great story seperate from the mainstream Marvel universe. but you get Doctor Doom, the Sinister Six, the Masters of Evil, the Circus of Crime, Magneto! you want a clean, un-overly complicated story? this is for you.
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Post by Fist and Faith »

sgt.null wrote:I always have loved Dr. Fate and would love to get the back-up issues from the Flash series back in the '80s. these issues are worth searching out. a good, fun story.
Thanks for reminding me of my age. :lol: I bought these as they came out. That started my love of all things Fate. Hell, I even like Dr. StrangeFate.
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Post by dANdeLION »

My only contact with Dr. Fate was via the late 80's Justice League reboot; I really like that charcter, too.
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Dr. Fate four-issue mini-series from 1987



always loved the costume.

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Post by Fist and Faith »

Yeah, I love the helmet. I have the mini, also. Giffen was always great. Dematteis never really did anything for me. Always good writing, but they were all "feel good" stories.
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Squadron Supreme - the 85/86 miniseries. one of the first comics to show the possible real outcome if superheroes actually existed. well written with many nice turns and surprises. and usually pretty easy to find. i constantly run across issues in the reduced bin. also the series has been collected in graphic novel form.

the Loners - the Secret Lives of Superheroes. starring Darkhawk, Turbo, Ricochet, Green Goblin and Lightspeed. CB Cebluski wrote this and I'll be looking for more stuff from him. well told tale of heroes trying to live normal lives. really well handled characterization. enjoyed the story very much.
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Post by Krazy Kat »

The Young All-Stars

#21 At*m and Evil 1 of 5
#22 At*m and Evil 2 of 5
#24 At*m and Evil 4 of 5

I'd been looking for some comics to read that were of a lower standard of art expertise than I'd normally look for.
Judging by the cover art I found exactly what I needed.

Still enjoyed these comics immensely.
I assume these comics are targeted for a younger audience, as the stories had educational content: The Battle of Midway with dates and map, Roosevelt and Fala his dog, uranium scientists at that time...etc

There was also some quaint comic techniques which I loved. Like when one of our Super Heroes tails some supects driving off in a car in Washington DC, and four small frames display the hubcap, the wheel of an aeroplane, then the plane seen over New York.

And the added bonus of The Daily Planet's front page reports on the Invation of Earth by the Thangaranians. SUPEREB!
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Post by I'm Murrin »

Last few months I've been making my way through Neil Gaiman's Sandman. I just finished volume 8, "Worlds' End", and I am struck again by just how skillful a storyteller Gaiman is. He layers in these little references, hints, of things that eventually emerge as their own storyline.

Worlds' End is a great example of this - the book is a series of short stories, set within a framing narrative of travellers from many worlds stuck in the Worlds' End Tavern sharing stories as they wait out a "reality storm" (and these stories themselves contain other stories). But that framing narrative itself is a vehicle for an excellent scene of foreshadowing, and the stories told by the travellers themselves provide glimpses into a mystery that was revealed at the end of the previous volume.

(I will note that I am well aware of where these hints are heading. I'm not sure exactly where I picked up the knowledge, but I came into this series pre-spoiled.)

It's also remarkable for another trick that Gaiman pulls on the reader. Toward the end of the volume, after several of the travellers have told their tales, another, Charlene Mooney, speaks up.

"I'll tell you something else I noticed: There aren't any women in these stories. Did anyone else notice that?"

Charlene herself doesn't attempt to rectify the situation - she "has no stories"; indeed, in the end she herself is a character in another man's story, one who may never have existed.

Well played, Mr Gaiman. Well played.
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...And in The Kindly Ones, Gaiman draws together all the threads of the previous 8 volumes, bringing to bear elements of all the things that have happened throughout the series. There's more to come in volume 10, The Wake, but this is really the conclusion of Dream's story.

I'm not actually 100% sure of what was going on for parts of this. Dream's claim that he didn't intend the outcome seems sincere, but at the same time, well, there are unexplained elements that suggest he had a strong hand in it. I think the whole series might warrant a re-read to pick up on some of why the ending went how it did.

I'm not entirely sure what the purpose of Rose Walker's storyline in this volume was, and whether I missed something subtle in her experiences that changed her.

It's the longest of the volumes, and almost unique in having a single consistent art style throughout. The art is very different from any before, but really grew on me as the story went on. I enjoyed it a lot.
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The Wake was a nice epilogue to the series. Loved the art on the main chapters, too.


I've been reading Locke and Key, by Joe Hill and Gabriel Rodriguez. Today I read volumes 2 and 3. It is an excellent series - it's drawing me in like nothing since the Malazan series, I think. Very inventive - keys that do weird magical things, like turn you into a ghost, or take you anywhere you think of, or open up your head. The characters have loads of depth and substance. There's a clear overall plot behind everything, but you're only let in on bits and pieces of it.

This series is a must read. Five volumes are finished already; the sixth and final volume, Omega, is currently being published, with one chapter out so far.
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Post by Fist and Faith »

Gaiman is seriously brilliant on Sandman. Every bit as good as any hype we might hear. It's been many years, but I remember.
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Post by sgt.null »

the Marvels Project


set in Marvel's Golden Age. our lead character is the Angel and we get his background story. also highlighted are better know characters Captain America, Namor the Sub-Mariner and the Human Torch.

a great mystery story, crime thriller and spy novel all set against a familiar backdrop. also highlighted is a forgotten hero John Steele.

with enough cameos to satisfy us comic geeks, but an engaging storyline for anyone looking for a good read. i highly recommend this graphic novel.
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Post by sgt.null »

Fables : start of a new storyline, good jumping on point. if you haven't started reading this excellent series, start with the graphic novels.
Willingham has done an amazing job setting up this universe.

Animal Man : still going strong. in the middle of the Rot storyline. while enjoying the story, I have no idea where it will go after.

Frankenstein : the last issue. Frank himself is moving over to JLDark. it was an excellent series and I will miss it.

All Star Western : I won't spoil the surprise ending of the Jonah Hex portion of this issue, but I am looking forward to it. Gray and Palmiotti keep it entertaining. the Tomahawk back up was a good read, looking forward to whomever is next up.

Justice League Dark : exciting storyline, set in the future. loving the rotating cast. looking forward to even more characters making their way through the upcoming issues.

Batman Incorporated : Morrison is still in top form. the art is outstanding. will miss the title when Grant is done.

Suicide Squad : hate the art, seems too rough. I hope they find a better artist or it could take down the series.

Dial H : my favorite book right now. have to reread a few times, and even then i could use annotations.

Hawkeye : everyone whould be reading this. excellent writing, excellent art. and excellent use of color. and the covers are the best out there right now.

Scarlet Spider : set in Houston. and the writer has done his research. (Gunspoint indeed!) the first time I have ever collected a Spider Man book.

Dark Avengers : ending soon, and that is a shame. great cast right now. everytime I think they have run the concept down they find a new way.

Thunderbolts: three issues in and they haven't lost me. wasn't sure I would like this at all. I hate Deadpool and have little love for Red Hulk. but they are making it work so far. really have grown to like this incarnation of Venom.

Uncanny Avengers : great start out of the gate. love the Art (Cassaday) and was already a fan of Remender (writer) I like the mixed cast, combining Avengers and X-Men. we've been promised Sunfire soon. I hope they let Remender free with his direction. has worked it's way into a must read.

Avengers Assemble : Annual #1. I don't read the series, but this issue spotlights the ressurected Vision. I thought it was well written and brought back Sunturion. I don't know if the team in this issue is the normal one, but the mix worked. (Iron Man, Quicksilver, Ms Marvel, Vision, Giant Man) I will say that I hate the new look for Ms. Marvel.

Minutemen : the best (imho) of the Watchman prequels. the last issue was chock full of surprises. get it in singles or pick it up in trade, but you will enjoy the story. very well done. makes me wish the had done a Captain Metropolis and Hooded Justice series.

Dollar Bill : wow. a stand alone issue that made a compelling story out of a throwaway joke of a character. I was very impressed.

Moloch : two issue mini. also very well done. this is why i cautioned people to actually read the issues before condemning them. everything I have read of the prequels has been done very well.
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Human Bomb : Gray and Palmiotti have this, Phantom Lady & Dollman and the Ray now. most of their Freedom Fighters reimagined. I enjoyed their Freedom Fighters series so I may be a bit prejudiced, but I enjoyed the Phantom Lady mini. haven't found the Ray yet. hoping they do Black Condor next.

the Whistling Skull : set in the Liberty Files universe, it has a lot to live up to. only have read the first issue so I really don't know if it qualifies yet.

Lord Havok and the Extremists : was lucky to find all six issues at half price books (at $1 apiece!) I love alternate earth stories and this one is compentently done. I'm glad i got it cheap, it isn't outstanding, but a solid read.

the Network : a one-shot form the Battle of the Cowl event. a Man-Bat story that crosses over with a lot of darker parts of the previous DC universe. (who all are part of the Batman family) with excellent Calafiore art. I've reread this almost ten times. I really like the story. would have been great to have seen this as a fulltime series.

Team America : from 1982. you had to be there I guess. one of the few Marvel titles my corner store got as a kid. I actually enjoyed it back then. and now - well I enjoyed it a lot back then. it's not terrible, but definately a B book all the way around. Luke McDonnell would go on to the Suicide Squad (the amazing Ostrander version.) I would like to see someone in Marvel bring thses guys back for at least a mini.

Phantom Stranger: one shot Vertigo from 1993. great Guy Davis art, always liked his stuff. (BPRD, check it out) Kwitney wrote a very good story. we see the Stranger unlike we ever saw him before or since. if you like horror comics this is a good issue to pick up .

Young Justice - One Million : while enjoyed the entire One Million series, this isn't a favorite. I like the Superboy character, and Robin the Toy Wonder. but the Impulse character has never been a favorite in any form. the story is a bit to goofy for my liking.

the Losers : one-shot from 2010. when I collected comics as a kid in the 70's I read the DC War comics (and theri western as well.) so I was looking forward to this. it was well done. having said that, for me the definitive Losers story is found in New Frontier.

Legion of Super-Heroes : issue number 28, the Five Years After run. one (if not the) of my favorite single issue of a comic ever. the origin of Sunboy. amazingly well done story. the art by Giffen/Pearson... actually this deserves it's own seperate review. it is that damned good.
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Legion of Super-Heroes #28.

from the Five Years after storyline (in of itself my favorite LSH storyline hands down.) this issue focuses on Sunboy.

Keith Giffen and Jason Pearson do an incredible job with the art, using the nine panel grid except for well timed splash panel towards the end. even has hints of Ditko, especially panel 3 on page 5.

the story shows us a Dirk Morgna who is shallow and callous. someone who became a superhero by accident and wasn't all that good at it. and it shows how he failed as leader of the team. pages 11 & 12 with all the members quitting is an amazing sequence. the whorehouse visit later is also really well done.

the story stands on it's own or can be read in the whole. but it is amazingly well done and will reward on you on multiple reads. ... /37-35546/

I grew up reading the LSH, starting when it was Superboy & the LSH. I love these characters and that the Five Years Later run had it all. we lost plenty of members to death, but it had purpose. starting with Rond Vidar finally showing up as a Green Lantern!

we got a Legion of Substitute Heroes that wasn't a joke, the destruction of Earth, the return of Darkseid. the return of Tyroc, the sad fate of the Tornado Twins. wish they would collect the entire run with annotations.
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Last night I read Batwoman: Elegy. I liked it a lot - they've done some very good things with this character. The conflict and enemy (Alice) weren't up to much, but the character and background is excellent. Kate Kane is an ex-soldier who left the army because she refused to deny that she was gay. She took up the role of crimefighting as Batwoman aided not by a servant like Batman's Alfred, but by her father, an army Colonel who trained her, put together her base of operations, designed her costume, and keeps track of her every time she's out in the field.

It's very refreshing seeing a setup like this - the healthy and happy father/daughter relationship, the female lead who is strong, smart, and sexy without being objectified.

And the artwork is brilliant, with some very creative layouts. Fight scenes often aren't played out in full but summed up in a single page with multiple small panels around a central image.

I've already picked up the next collected volume.
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Post by sgt.null »

Quasar : a nice B level series with just enough guest stars to keep me interested. in the four issues I just picked up... 6) Red Ghost, Living Laser, Venom. 38} Infinity War cross over. Warlock, Drax, X-menHulk, Thanos. 39) Infinity War - Thanos and Deathurge. 44) Quagmire, from the Suadron Supreme mini.

Doom Patrol - the John Byrne version. better than I had thought. just enough intrigue and mystery to keep me interested. plus a cameo by Metamorpho, who I always thought should be a member.

Captain Marvel (70's) : excellent finds. #50 guest stars the Avengers fighting the Super Adaptoid. #51 has Marvel fighting Mercurio the 4D Man.

Rom : A4, guest starring the Imperial Guard. I wish Marvel still had rights to the Rom name. would love to see an update of him. I enjoyed this issue. the Imperial Guard needs to be used more.

Marvel Two-In-One #75, guest starring the Avengers fighting Annihilus, Blastarr and the SUper-Adaptoid. picking up from Captain Marvel #50.; a favorite from my childhood and it has held up very well. highly recommended.

Venom : I love Remender's writing. he uses some characters he brought back in Punisher. Remender has me buying Punisher and Venom. never thought that would happen.
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