New game ideas

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Lefdmae Deemalr Effaeldm
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Post by Lefdmae Deemalr Effaeldm »

Actually, some of this (about HoG 2) could be implemented in the current HoG. My intention with my new game is to use quite active NPCs, partially player-controlled and influenced allies to create more possibilities for activity. HoG has some, but they practically neither help nor do harm.

Also unexpected events - could benefit HoG as well I think, there are some, but more could be better.

And some way to increase interaction between the players, in the case of HoG I'm not sure, distances and the setting decrease the wish to reach out to cooperate, maybe some event could be introduced to make that more possible.
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Post by I'm Murrin »

I was thinking along very different lines for the second round. Same concept, different approach.

As for the current game, there's more to come that I'm not going to talk about. Things that have always been in the plan, not new stuff related to this idea.
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Post by Lefdmae Deemalr Effaeldm »

And what keeps you from starting to implement that different approach now, if you consider it better?

Glad to hear about more to come, curious about possible surprises :)
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Post by I'm Murrin »

The fact that it's a different map, different worldbuilding, different style of play? It is, in fact, an entirely new game?
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Post by Lefdmae Deemalr Effaeldm »

Interesting, I think all this could be implemented in-game, for example, by introducing some territory-warping power, don't you want to try?

However, if this is actually a diferent game, then why wait for this one to end? Or is it just a bit too much to run at once?
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Fist and Faith
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Post by Fist and Faith »

We have a hell of a time keeping one game going at a time. Not enough sign up; some drop out... Fact is, we need just one game going, so all can play the same game, and our interested players aren't divided. It has to be a game that all help set up, so everybody is very happy about one aspect or another. And it has to be without a GM, so one interested player doesn't have to sit it out for the sake of the rest.
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Post by Lefdmae Deemalr Effaeldm »

Do you mean one game of the same type? Different settings and rules can be more interesting for different people, up to not joining a specific game due to that. And certainly you know that one person can play quite a few :) Actually, I think more games and more variety could wake up GT a bit.

An "all help set up" game can be interesting, of course. As for the setting - that will be fantasy+sci-fi then, right? And without a GM means processing each other's turns, if I'm not mistaken. That will probably need quite a set of rules, is there a sample of something similar to orient on? And I don't know about the others, but I'm more than fine with the idea of being a GM, I'm going to be all the NPC's :D More than enough role-playing.
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Post by Fist and Faith »

As far as setup goes, there are many possibilities. We've already had several. Pantheon, Inferno, and Prophets are extremely different. And if we did a Pantheonesque game, the world needs to be built. What sentient species would there be, and would each have specific powers? Would there be domains? Could we give away power? Lots of variables.

Re playing more than one game, many people only play one at a time.

GMing might be fun, especially as you intend. But if one game was designed that encompassed all players' ideas to some degree, getting the biggest number of players since P2 & P3 (we had more than 15 playing), would you want to GM? I'd want to be right in it! :lol:
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Post by Lefdmae Deemalr Effaeldm »

Well, if this game I try to start gets 15+ people, I think I'll still be happy not getting in as a player, this is a world and set of characters I know and love, I like creating something like this. Though I admit I might change my mind when it gets to processing :lol: Maybe something like with the Plains Of Ra ;) It's different when it's something you care for - for the sake of it, rather than just to play.

So, if you want a game like the one you described, what is needed to start? What kind of input can all the people provide? And who leads after all, if without GMing, or is it still nobody?
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Post by Fist and Faith »

I can't imagine how such a game would work. I just know we need to find a way to make things work better. Why are all the games small and short-lived? There had to be something we can do.
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Post by Lefdmae Deemalr Effaeldm »

"I don't know how, but something has to happen" sounds encouraging :lol:

Perhaps for now all the people present could throws some suggestions in? About the setting and the rules.

To start with, probably the rules have to be such that who processes (if anyone) is of not much influence, so I think much has to rely on random generators and large amounts of predefined parts, to have a constructor of sorts instead of the usual "build from scrtch on spot". It's preferable to gather many possible events after the setting is chosen, likely from all the participants.

As for the setting, I'd like to propose the fantasy+sci-fi I mentioned above, so that elements of whichever different players prefer can be present. Well, and I generally like that, it appears strangely life-like to me, and the Lovecraftian game is certainly going to feature some of this, though also much due to the books it's sourced from.

Also this is a more questionable suggestion, perhaps the players could use more than one character each, so that more happens and more options are present.
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Post by I'm Murrin »

I think I've just decided to drop the entire god-game concept and make this completely different from HoG. I need new victory conditions, though.

Edit: ...I just worked it out. An entirely different game that's also a loose sequel. Mwahaha.
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Post by I'm Murrin »

I've thrown out ideas before on alternate ways of handling turns and deadlines, here's a new one I'd like to hear responses to.

Rather than having a deadline for all players, and processing the turn as a whole, what about making the game more traditionally turn-based, where each player has their own turn, does their thing, and then the game moves to the next player?

You could give an individual deadline for them to respond, then move on to the next player either once they play their turn or once the deadline passes.

What do you think? Could that end up too slow? Too hard on players asking them to respond quick? (I'd try to simplify the possible actions if I did it.)
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Post by Lefdmae Deemalr Effaeldm »

Right, your ideas are good and might actually work, particularly with a few things dealt with. This is actually likely to end up slow or hard to keep up with, but the idea you've given earlier can blend together well with this. That one really could be hard on the GM, if it's the next player who processes, this is quite different. For the pace not be too slow, the turn time given should be really, really small, with the power gathering mentioned in the old idea to compensate for the "deadlines" often missed. If a player skips, the next one processes the previous turn still, of course.
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Post by I'm Murrin »

Conflict of interest. You need a GM.
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Post by Lefdmae Deemalr Effaeldm »

Actually, the main problem discussed is exactly playing without a GM, and I think your ideas could go well with this. A GM will have quite a hard time updating what people do with such a system. And the conflict of interests doesn't mean not playing fair, and a strict set of rules can make it practically irrelevant, if followed.
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Post by I'm Murrin »

I'm now planning to eventually run both of my game ideas.

The first is HoG2, which'll not quite be HoG. Same kind of play style, except I'm thinking of not making it a god game - having you run a human faction rather than play as a god. Not sure about it, though.

The other's turning all the way into a board game, which is unsurprising given I've been going to a board gaming group lately and getting into that stuff. Each player will be a character based on a traditional fantasy role, and will move around a board doing... something. I'm not sure yet. Possibly it will involve collecting items.

Still very nebulous at this stage, nothing written down.

Edit: I can't resist sharing some of my first ideas for player character classes for the second game. Edit2: And I keep thinking of more to share, so keep watching.

Special ability (active): Arrow to the Knee - You injure injure another player in the same or an adjacent area, preventing them from Moving on their next turn.

Special ability (active): Bar Bar - You use your skill with words to confuse and befuddle another player in the same area, reducing their chance of successful actions on the next turn.

Special ability (active): Sleight of Hand - While in the same area as another player, you can exchange one item in your inventory with one random item from theirs. "How did that get in there?"
Special ability (active): Teleport - You instantly travel to any unoccupied point on the board. When Teleporting, you can take no other actions that turn.

Special ability (active): Yoink - When a player in the same area completes a search or defeats an enemy, you attempt to steal any loot they find. Can be used during any player's turn, but only once per round.
Special ability (passive): Loot - You automatically Search any area you enter without using an action.
Special ability (active): Sneak - While Sneaking, you move unseen by enemies. You cannot Search or Loot while Sneaking.

Special ability (passive): Blessed - You ignore the negative effects of other players' actions. (Does not affect loot or inventory actions.)

(I suspect that the Thief is currently overpowered. As I said, I hadn't written any of this down before.)
Last edited by I'm Murrin on Wed Oct 09, 2013 10:47 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by I'm Murrin »

I'll note that for the board game I'm planning on having two winners: The winner of the game itself, and a player-voted "Best character/Best roleplayer". Because I want something brilliant and fun like Lore's Zombie Apocalypse.

My mind is really racing on this idea right now. I was trying to think of how victory would work and suddenly realised how some of the abilities up above could be used for interesting strategic play in light of the victory condition... just need to work out if it'll be appropriate or frustrating.
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Post by I'm Murrin »

I now have a general idea for how to do the board layout. Not sure what I'll do to actually design a playable board to put up with the game.

How many of you would be interested in playing this kind of game? It'd be short, simple, fast games with 4-6 players, most likely done in 10-15 rounds.
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Lefdmae Deemalr Effaeldm
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Post by Lefdmae Deemalr Effaeldm »

I'm not sure, I don't play such games - but I think GT could really-really use some more activity, and you did agree to join mine for this reason (though if I've correctly identified who already "registered", I haven't even seen a character from you yet, and not even an in-progress comment, like from Fist) - so I guess I'll try it.
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