How Drool aquired the Illearth Stone.

Book 4 of the Last Chronicles of Thomas Covenant

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Post by wayfriend »

In [i]The Wounded Land[/i] was wrote:"A vast gulf lies between creatures that are born and those that are made. Born creatures, such as we are, do not suffer torment at the simple fact of physical form. Perhaps you desire keener sight, greater might of arm, but the embodiment of eyes and limbs is not anguish to you. You are born by Law to be as you are. Only a madman loathes the nature of his birth.

"It is far otherwise with the Waynhim. They were made-as the ur-viles were made-by deliberate act in the breeding dens of the Demondim.

[...] "That is the Weird of all Demondim-spawn. Each Waynhim and ur-vile beholds itself and sees that it need not have been what it is. It is the fruit of choices it did not make. From this fact both Waynhim and ur-viles draw their divergent spirits. It has inspired in the ur-viles a quenchless loathing for their own forms and an overweening lust for perfection, for the power to create what they are not."
The ur-viles, I believe, don't loath their own form because of some aesthetic reason. They do so because they know that they were made by deliberate act. The simple fact of physical form torments them.
In the Gradual Interview, Stephen R Donaldson wrote:The ur-viles created Vain *because* his purpose directly opposed Lord Foul's. Somewhere between the first and second "Chronicles"--we must assume--they engaged in a radical reinterpretation of their Weird. Hence the Despiser's attempts to destroy them in "White Gold Wielder."

So the ur-viles had changed their Weird before the Second Chonicles. They didn't change their self-loathing, but they did decide to change what they would do about it. They emulated the Waynhim.
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Post by Vraith »

berk peter wrote:
1) Were Viles completely incorporeal - ie all mind and no body.

2) Were Demondim composed of Vile minds clothed in this 'dead body' exterior, or when creating the Demondim did the Viles create effectively a new being from scratch.

3) When the Demondim created the ur-viles and Waynhim did they [similarly] create new beings from scratch or did they modify themselves into these two new forms.

4) Was not Vain the ultimate expression of who the ur-viles believed themselves to be. The perfected form of their perfec 'idea' of themselves [as such had they not achieved their 'weird' way back in the 2nd Chrons]

5) [Sorry - I think it may be answered above but] Did LF create the Viles?
1] I believe they were entirely bodiless, about 99% sure...if they were physical, I think we'd have seen something of it in the Linden/FakeTC/Vile/Croyemiah scene. [[connect to 5, I don't recall even a hint that LF created the Viles...and I think I already also said I don't think LF COULD create them, given their original nature.

2] and 3]...Text seems to say that each of the new races is a new race, not a modification of the old, nor a new form to slip into. I don't recall any text that even hints at anything else. About 99% on this one, too.

4] Good question...I THINK Vain was a perfect expression of PART of their 'weird'...but not a comprehensive embodiment of everything it contained. [an important part, to be sure...the main structural beam [heh...the defining structure of structure] or "keystone" of it almost certainly]
This connects to some things Z and WF have said...
Vain is the first proof we see that they have overcome their self-loathing.
I specifically do NOT mean that they mightn't have still been displeased with their forms [the Waynhim, who in part showed them the way out, never got over that abhorence of body I don't think...though I agree with WF the abhorence wasn't primarily the aesthetics of the body.].

What they DID is realize the distinction that really MEANS something, and grow.
And that distinction is the inherent difference between loathing a feature/aspect of your self and loathing your SELF.
If your leg is broken, are YOU broken? is a part, the other is your IDENTITY.

They stopped mistaking the two...changed sides, created Vain, made manacles, aided our heroes instead of LF...all of that is what led to their presence at the end, fighting on the right side, chanting an answer to pain and rage to SHE, making the transformation possible. Their forms only became [and only COULD become] beautiful BECAUSE their weird/identity had already transcended the condition of their physical nature, and led them to be where they were.
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Post by Zarathustra »

SRD wrote:That is the Weird of all Demondim-spawn. Each Waynhim and ur-vile beholds itself and sees that it need not have been what it is. It is the fruit of choices it did not make. From this fact both Waynhim and ur-viles draw their divergent spirits. It has inspired in the ur-viles a quenchless loathing for their own forms and an overweening lust for perfection, for the power to create what they are not."
If the ur-viles didn't loathe their physical forms due to aesthetic reasons, then it would make little sense for this loathing to drive them into perfecting their physical forms. If it's merely the fact of being a "manufactured" entity that bothers them--regardless of how they look--then this same issue would also bother any entity they managed to manufacture (e.g. Vain), no matter how "perfect" his physical form. Therefore, it would be pointless.

If the ur-viles and Waynhim despised their physical forms merely because each "...beholds itself and sees that it need not have been what it is" in general, then it would make no sense for the ur-viles to lust for the power to "create what they are not," for similar reasoning as noted above: any entity they create would still "need not have been what it is." Not needing to be how you are is contrasted with born creatures, i.e. that their forms are natural, and in some sense necessary: "born by Law to be as you are." Law dictates born creatures' forms. But no matter how perfect Vain was, his form still wasn't dictated by Law, but instead by lore.

Therefore, Demondim spawn's abhorrence due to "it need not have been what it is" combined with lust to "create what they are not" means simply that they didn't like their particular forms ... forms nature never would have chosen. They didn't like the particular choices made by those who created them--not the fact that those who created them made choices at all. We know this because they assumed the power to make choices in this very same realm themselves, and believed they could choose better. That doesn't mean aspiring to create a born creature by Law, but aspiring to make a lore creature with a different particular form.

What else can that "different particular form" be other than a different aesthetic or appearance? Why were they redeemed at the end by taking upon noble and beautiful forms? Why did Donaldson specifically say that their faces took on more human shape, getting rid of those gaping nostrils?
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Post by wayfriend »

Vain wasn't perfection of the ur-vile form, Vain was perection of their Weird. Hamako said, "In him, it appears that the ur-viles have at last transcended their unscrupuling violence and achieved perfection. He is the Weird of the ur-viles incarnate." The ur-viles chose to meet their destiny by serving Law, through participating in the creation of a new Staff. Vain's perfection is that the ur-viles have encapsulated 'structure incarnate' in a physical form.

If anything, the ur-viles spared Vain their own existential angst, because they did not make him alive. After his arm transformed, Linden said, "If he was actually alive — if he wasn't just a thing the ur-viles made — he'd be in terrible pain." Vain's not actually a living thing. So he certainly is not any kind of improved ur-vile.

The ur-viles were back in their breeding pits, breeding more ur-viles and Waynhim. I think we can accept it as a given that the ur-viles didn't start breeding improved-form ur-viles. Either they didn't know how, or they didn't care to. Either way, this means that Vain is not about that.

I think the bottom line is that the ur-viles loathed that they were made at all.

Does changing their form at the end of TLD signify something? Well, ur-Mahrtiir says if them, "They are Demondim-spawn, given life by lore rather than by natural birth." That aspect of their nature hasn't changed.

Their noses have become more human, as have their limbs, yes. But they remain eyeless and sightless as well. They are ur-viles, but they are also the spirits of the women. Two beings in one body. The body's form now partakes somewhat of each. The new beings aren't just ur-viles, and their more-human aspects arise from the human spirits within them.

So they have made their forms more natural by letting them be transformed by natural beings. But in doing so, it's not their (the ur-viles') form any more, it's theirs and humans' combined.

They are now partially created by lore, and partially created by nature. (And this merging was itself accomplished by lore.) They are not 'perfect' beings in any way. And ur-viles are not now being born in a natural way. But these new beings do serve Law (as forestals, and as the new ur-vile Weird). And their forms are - by comparison - more natural than before.

So I see here ur-viles serving life and Law, even unto sharing their bodies and changing their form. But I don't see a quest for perfection in this. Theorhetically, their "overweening lust for perfection" went by the by when they changed their Weird. What I would say is that they found a use for their physical forms which ameliorated their loathing of them.
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Post by Vraith »

Zarathustra wrote:
SRD wrote:That is the Weird of all Demondim-spawn. Each Waynhim and ur-vile beholds itself and sees that it need not have been what it is. It is the fruit of choices it did not make. From this fact both Waynhim and ur-viles draw their divergent spirits. It has inspired in the ur-viles a quenchless loathing for their own forms and an overweening lust for perfection, for the power to create what they are not."
If the ur-viles didn't loathe their physical forms due to aesthetic reasons, then it would make little sense for this loathing to drive them into perfecting their physical forms. If it's merely the fact of being a "manufactured" entity that bothers them--regardless of how they look--then this same issue would also bother any entity they managed to manufacture (e.g. Vain), no matter how "perfect" his physical form. Therefore, it would be pointless.
But...that's the point...they were wrong in their weird/interpretation of it.
They didn't...COULDN't I suspect...create Vain until after they had altered their weird.
It's not that appearance is no part of it. They're obsessed with [and loath] their forms...but the PROBLEM, the CAUSE, is in the obsession not the body.
They fixed the obsession. Because of that, millenia later, they were in the right place, on the right is important to note, I think, that their transformation yielded something more "human-LIKE" in some ways...but not human. Not human skin colors, their own colors. No eyes. Not human noses, just something less like an open hole in the face. Not human proportions, but limbs more proportional to the rest of their frames and strengths.
They fixed their metaphysics FIRST, and that enabled the physical ways literal/textual and ways symbolic.
[spoiler]Sig-man, Libtard, Stupid piece of shit. change your text color to brown. Mr. Reliable, bullshit-slinging liarFucker-user.[/spoiler]
the difference between evidence and sources: whether they come from the horse's mouth or a horse's ass.
"Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation."
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Post by Vraith »

Vraith wrote:
Zarathustra wrote:
SRD wrote:That is the Weird of all Demondim-spawn. Each Waynhim and ur-vile beholds itself and sees that it need not have been what it is. It is the fruit of choices it did not make. From this fact both Waynhim and ur-viles draw their divergent spirits. It has inspired in the ur-viles a quenchless loathing for their own forms and an overweening lust for perfection, for the power to create what they are not."
If the ur-viles didn't loathe their physical forms due to aesthetic reasons, then it would make little sense for this loathing to drive them into perfecting their physical forms. If it's merely the fact of being a "manufactured" entity that bothers them--regardless of how they look--then this same issue would also bother any entity they managed to manufacture (e.g. Vain), no matter how "perfect" his physical form. Therefore, it would be pointless.
But...that's the point...they were wrong in their weird/interpretation of it.
They didn't...COULDN't I suspect...create Vain until after they had altered their weird.
It's not that appearance is no part of it. They're obsessed with [and loath] their forms...but the PROBLEM, the CAUSE, is in the obsession not the body.
They fixed the obsession. Because of that, millenia later, they were in the right place, on the right is important to note, I think, that their transformation yielded something more "human-LIKE" in some ways...but not human. Not human skin colors, their own colors. No eyes. Not human noses, just something less like an open hole in the face. Not human proportions, but limbs more proportional to the rest of their frames and strengths.
They fixed their metaphysics FIRST, and that enabled the physical ways literal/textual and ways symbolic.
EDITED: crap, I see WF used some of the same details while I was typing this. Oh, least he didn't jump my conclusion and a couple other points.
EDIT2: crap, hit quote not edit, double posted! crap.
[spoiler]Sig-man, Libtard, Stupid piece of shit. change your text color to brown. Mr. Reliable, bullshit-slinging liarFucker-user.[/spoiler]
the difference between evidence and sources: whether they come from the horse's mouth or a horse's ass.
"Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation."
the hyperbole is a beauty...for we are then allowed to say a little more than the truth...and language is more efficient when it goes beyond reality than when it stops short of it.
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Post by peter »

Thanks V. For some reason I was always thinking in terms of a 'directed evolutionary process' leading from Viles to the extant demondim-spawn at the time of TC's arrival. As Z. said, Loric seem's to have commited a toal genocide on the Viles, explaining why we don't see them around anymore - but can anyone tell me what happened to the Demondim. Are we given reason for their not still being around alongside their created progeny?
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Post by wayfriend »

The Demondim died in the Ritual of Desecration.
In [i]Fatal Revenant[/i] was wrote:"Throughout the years of Loric Vilesilencer and High Lord Kevin, the Demondim pursued evil in the Land, until at last they participated in the treachery which broke Kevin Landwaster's resolve and led him to the Ritual of Desecration. That the Demondim themselves would also perish in the Ritual, they could not foresee, for they did not comprehend the disdain of their master. Therefore they were unmade."
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Post by Zarathustra »

I think Vain was perfection of both their Weird and their form. In fact, the reason he was the perfection of the former was because he was the perfection of the latter. That's how they achieved it. By making Vain "structure incarnate," they served served the goal of supporting Law. And structure incarnate is something that is inherently more "beautiful" than corruption, chaos, deformity. The reason ur-viles lusted for perfection, and to create what they were not, was because they were not perfect.

At the very least, Vain's physical appearance was symbolic of this conceptual perfection, even if it wasn't literally the point. But in a book that mixes literal and symbolic, I'm not sure how significant that difference is. After all, the whole point of the "abhorring its physical form/incarnation" is probably because we're dealing with a story of a leper who has been taught to despise himself, and is cut off from his humanity, because of a disease. That's why Waynhim and ur-viles are in this story in the first place. It's all about abhorring your physical incarnation, because of corruption, mortality, deformity, etc. The aesthetic appearance of lepers can't be separated from what's happening to them on a cellular level, because of its affect on everyone else who perceives the leper, and how this leads them to treat Covenant. The visible symptoms themselves could be thought of as "symbolic" of sin or judgment or mortality, or just the underlying disease. But they're not mere appearance. They're part of the suffering, part of the truth of how life can become unlivable.

The issue of beauty or aesthetics isn't merely skin deep or superficial. Beauty is a measure of health, of being natural, of everything that resists decay and corruption. Order.

Which leads us back to Vain.

wayfriend wrote:
If anything, the ur-viles spared Vain their own existential angst, because they did not make him alive. After his arm transformed, Linden said, "If he was actually alive — if he wasn't just a thing the ur-viles made — he'd be in terrible pain." Vain's not actually a living thing. So he certainly is not any kind of improved ur-vile.
If the chief issue for ur-viles is that they are made, perhaps their self-loathing is connected to doubting whether or not they count as living beings, too. Perhaps we can think of it like A.I. Is it really alive? Is it really conscious? Perhaps all the Demondim spawn share in this kind of uncertainty (as manufactured beings--like Data), which contributes to their self-loathing. Maybe a created being who can't feel the pain of being a created being IS the ur-viles' idea of a "perfect ur-vile." Maybe that's another thing that made him perfect. Or maybe it illustrates the futility of ur-viles' longing for perfection: perfect isn't alive. It's not something achievable in living matter, in the physical world. It wasn't until he was "flawed" or injured by the One Tree that he was able to participate in a "living" Staff of Law.

At the very least, we have to acknowledge that Vain was made to look like a being, a creature, and not a tool or a Staff. The ambiguity is certainly implied.
Vraith wrote: It's not that appearance is no part of it. They're obsessed with [and loath] their forms...but the PROBLEM, the CAUSE, is in the obsession not the body.
Again, I'd remind everyone that this is a book about a leper. The cause/problem is most certainly the body, or inescapable truths which it manifests. And one's reaction to one's body (or these truths) can go in either positive or negative directions. The point is that leprosy isn't a subjective impression. It's a fact. We're not talking about "society's ideal of beauty," which can change from culture to culture. We're talking about objective, outward signs of underlying facts ... facts that contradict, undermine, or make us question life's value. Whether that's mortality, suffering, or a sense of "unnatural," it's part of the same overall problematic. Even the existence of life itself is tied to it, the criteria for what counts as "person," because we use these outwards signs to dehumanize each other, to rob us of our humanity.

The phenomenon of life is a delicate dance between chaos and order. This means many things, but in this instance, its a balance between the imperfections that let you know its real and the corruption that undermines its value. I believe the ur-viles (and Covenant) found their middle ground by the end.
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Post by Mighara Sovmadhi »

wayfriend wrote:The Demondim died in the Ritual of Desecration.
In [i]Fatal Revenant[/i] was wrote:"Throughout the years of Loric Vilesilencer and High Lord Kevin, the Demondim pursued evil in the Land, until at last they participated in the treachery which broke Kevin Landwaster's resolve and led him to the Ritual of Desecration. That the Demondim themselves would also perish in the Ritual, they could not foresee, for they did not comprehend the disdain of their master. Therefore they were unmade."
I guess I'll toot my horn or w/e for once: I knew it! I knew that's what went down.

As for Loric genociding the Viles, IDK... They seem like they might've ended up so consumed with self-contempt that if some guy came along and started showing them to be weaker than they may have aspired to be, maybe they killed themselves. There's no evidence for this speculation except that I find Loric, or for that matter any Lord, committing genocide to be a questionable proposition, yet the fact remains that the Viles seem to have entirely disappeared from the world down the road. (But do we know even that, really? Could there be lone Viles roaming the Earth?)

EDIT: Here's an even more fantastical, even silly, suggestion. What if the fundamental betrayal that gave rise to SWMNBN was of the One Forest itself? Do we know how long ago that one Appointed was sealed to the Landsdrop region to effect the Interdict? Wasn't that Appointed a woman? What if she ended up Her somehow? We're also told that the Viles might be the undead form of the One Forest's broken spirit. (How that could be before the Law of Death broke, IDK.) What if this is all part of why the Viles dwell near Her and their futuremost "children" merge with Her in the end? I.e. what if Loric beat the Viles back into the Lost Deep and then She consumed them?
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Post by wayfriend »

Each Waynhim and ur-vile beholds itself and sees that it need not have been what it is. It is the fruit of choices it did not make.
When I read these words, I don't see it as discussing a lack of choice on the part of the ur-viles and Waynhim. I see it as discussing that someone else got to choose.

If it's not enough to simply accept that they don't like that they are beings made from lore, then the deeper explanation would be here in Donaldson's words. They are who they are, and they are how they are, to meet someone else's requirements, to match someone else's vision, to express someone else's desires. They are, literally, the whim of other mortal beings.

They were not endowed by the Creator with any natural role in the world. They are interlopers who were set loose in the world to serve someone else's private intentions.

Here are other words.
In the Gradual Interview, Stephen R Donaldson wrote:They *all* loathe their own forms, for the simple and sufficient reason that (drumroll, please) they were created out of self-loathing.

The "someone else" above is the Demondim.
Moksha Jehannum took possession of their loremaster, and turiya with him, luring the Vile-spawn to self-revulsion. Though the loremaster was later slain by the krill of Loric Vilesilencer, the harm was done. The Demondim also learned the loathing of trees, and so came to loathe themselves. Thus they met the doom of their makers, and the labors which created the ur-viles and the Waynhim began.
The ur-viles and Waynhim were created by beings who in their turn loathed nature and loathed themselves. These are the ones whose choices the ur-viles and Waynhim are the fruition of.
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Post by Mighara Sovmadhi »

So if their forms were meant as expressions of love or self-respect on the part of the Demondim, those forms would not be found loathsome to the Demondim-spawn, just as the Vilespawn would've divested themselves of self-contempt had they not been formed to meet the self-contempt of the Viles. As for the exact argument that swayed the Viles in their own right to self-Despite...
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Post by peter »

Two points [relevant or otherwise - probably the latter ;)], I don't see why being created [as in AI or by any other means], must necessarily come hand in hand with 'existential angst'. All beings are 'created', whether by random chance or desighn; whyfore the need to breast beat about it one way or the other? [One might just as easily make the observation about a 'planned' baby as an unplanned' one.]

Second - Z. is of course correct that physical beauty is a measure of health, of fitness to breed etc - but the adage of it's only being 'skin deep' also has weight. It offers no measure of moral health, of spiritual beauty, of 'worth as an individual' - aspects of value that come 'screaming to the fore' with incredible rapidity once the physical drives have been satisfied by coupling. Not that the demondim-spawn were 'big into coupling' but we are able to see [as with the Jeherrin - one of my favorite peoples in the whole series I think], despite their ill-favoured appearence, their absolute and unquestionable Worth.
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Post by Zarathustra »

peter wrote:I don't see why being created [as in AI or by any other means], must necessarily come hand in hand with 'existential angst'. All beings are 'created', whether by random chance or desighn; whyfore the need to breast beat about it one way or the other?
That's a good point. I think the distinction between being created by lore and being a born creature is just a symbolic way to point out a particular aspect of being human, namely, our feeling of alienation. We are all creatures who are here due to the choices of people that came before us. We didn't choose to be born. Our parents made the choice to mate. Therefore, they made the choice to combine their genes, their characteristics, and to produce our particular form. So while this wasn't a process dependent upon lore (unless you went to a fertility clinic ;) ), we're still very much like the Demondim spawn. Or, they're still like us in certain respects. Thus, they can stand as symbols for our feeling of "I didn't choose this."

And I think that's particularly relevant to Covenant, who didn't choose to get leprosy. While his disease isn't the result of lore (e.g. genetic engineering gone wrong), it probably feels just as alien to him.

Existential angst is something that all beings with free will feel, to greater or lesser extents. The burden of choice, the necessity to choose what path your life will take--combined with all those aspects you didn't choose (including this necessity)--can produce a feeling of alienation from yourself. Making the "wrong" choice can be costly. Hell, even the right choice is costly. Every choice eliminates a host of alternate possibilities, roads not taken. The weight of responsibility, combined with the fact that we didn't ask for this burden, can be daunting.
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Post by peter »

A case of "Did I request thee Maker, from this clay to mould me Man; did I solicit thee, from darkness to promote me?" :x
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Post by wayfriend »

Certainly if you are naturally born, it would seem that you were meant to be part of Creation, and that the world was made for you ... or at least, that would be how it would seem to the lore-made, who might feel like the world wasn't meant for them, nor they it. So that's alienation - a feeling that you don't 'belong' -- in this case, belong in nature.

Which goes far to explain their original divergent Weirds. The ur-viles express their alienation by trying to destroy what they do not belong to; the Waynhim by trying to find a way to fit in despite being alien.
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Post by peter »

I'm still unclear as to whether in all cases it was the'form' of their form [:s] that these guys were unhappy with - or the fact that they had form at all?
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Post by Zarathustra »

wayfriend wrote:Certainly if you are naturally born, it would seem that you were meant to be part of Creation, and that the world was made for you ... or at least, that would be how it would seem to the lore-made, who might feel like the world wasn't meant for them, nor they it. So that's alienation - a feeling that you don't 'belong' -- in this case, belong in nature.
That would be especially true in a Land where "the way things should be" is an objective fact: Law. Our world doesn't have a counterpart to this. Anything that is possible is also natural, because possibility is determined by the laws of physics. But our preferences generally align with that which is conducive to our survival in our environment, so that there seems to be a natural fit between things we like (for instance, delicious fruit) and our health, while there's also a correlation between things we don't like (for instance, getting eaten by lions) and our deaths. Natural selection has weeded out those who had preferences that didn't align with their survival in their environments, therefore we generally seem to fit.

However, our environment is changing rapidly in ways that undermine these selective factors. Our own lore (technology) throws us into environments that are artificial, for which a slow process like mutation hasn't yet had time to create varieties of people who are better suited to it. So we started out as "Lawful" creatures and we're quickly turning ourselves into either Waynhim or ur-viles.

It's interesting that in the end they became like forestals. Returning to nature was part of their redemption.
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Post by DrPaul »

Another consideration, of course, is that the ur-Viles and Waynhim weren't the result of unprompted decisions by their makers, and their makers' makers, to begin a creation program. It was the influence of the Ravers that led the Viles and Demondim to do that. Part of the learning/growth curve for the Demondim-spawn would have been recognising that they could transcend this original taint.
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