Hue and Frosty collabing [Last Chronicles art]

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Hue and Frosty collabing [Last Chronicles art]

Post by Frostheart Grueburn »

We’ve decided to illustrate the scene from Fatal Revenant where Longwrath attempts to behead our much debated anti-heroine (THOOLAH, squirm not with orgastic pleasure just yet), and Swordmainnir plus some eldritch grotesque blasphemous abominations explode out of the shadows of Salva Gildenbourne. Poses quite a few challenges as our media differ from one another in a significant manner (Hue: 3D, me: Painter, PSP).

So far mainly character designs. Here’s some progress on Giants and a bucketful of notes.

First Longwrath draft by Hue.


After swapping book quotes, this cutie emerged from the rendering engine:


Overpaints with the scar and a skin tone test. We’re still tweaking him.


We shared some talk about the uniqueness of Giants and both agreed they ought not to resemble regular humans scaled to twice the height. Besides, with a humdrum human bone structure, they would collapse beneath their own weight, and that would not be pertinent when clashing against an army of Cavewights with fireworks up their arses. Neanderthals surfaced more than once during the chats, so...archaic humans present.


These models have been set against a burly human of the “same height”.


Also some deliberations on whether the Giantish skin should manifest a stonelike texture...after all, a line about Longwrath stated that his visage seemed “as if carved from brown marble”, and alabaster was associated with Foamfollower. Hence the dark tone (Hue used some kind of stone texture) in this male physique render, but this is not an actual character, and we’re looking into some lighter options.


For some reason Grueburn began emerging at the same time as Lostson. ;)
#1 from Hue


My overpaints


Body shape studies + overpaints + assorted scribbles


She ended up with less hips in Hue’s newest sculpt.


Here’s a bloody fantastic skin render from last night. The eye color alteration remains a matter of amusement to me. :lol: Unless some enthusiastic new artist bursting with singular ideas discovers this fandom, she will likely remain a burly redhead for good. The curls possess a more practical edge, unlike the unshorn mane bushy enough to provide shelter for a murder of ravens in a gale.


Now throw your dice into the game!
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Post by Frostheart Grueburn »

Has interest really waned here so much that nobody participates in these threads?
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Post by wayfriend »

(Just saw this thread now.)

First of all, I think it's excellent that a collaboration is going on. It's very exciting. I hope you two find a way to see this through. Life can intervene.

I liked the 3D render of Longwrath with scars. He seems to have a more Mediterranean cast than a Frostheart Giant, but that's fine with me, as that's how I've always imagined them myself.

I agree, they ought not look like humans scaled up. Proportions should be different. They have 8x more weight per foot of height than humans do!

I agree about those hips. Birthin Giants is no task for a Barbie. In fact, I would think less waist as well. These gals are a perfect 76, 64, 76! But seriously, anyone (women too) built for strength and not for modeling underwear is not going to have a thin waist.

The "bloody fantastic skin render" is pretty awesome. I love how a new person pops out, ready for you to meet them. Give that lass a crooked mischievous grin and I'd be scared to cross her, I must say.
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Post by shadowbinding shoe »

I'm glad you're still creating new depictions of this world and I hope this collaboration works out. Those are two very different styles. I always prefered traditional art though nowadays digital art is developed enough to give a good fascimile of it.

So, the Longwraths... of the three the first is definitely my favourite. If you were trying for non-human features, this one's got it. The problem with them is that I don't sense the wrath :) There's sadness in the first one and the others are blah.

Black Longwrath is totally hillarious. I'm sure his face reminds me of a prominent American, either a politician or a comedian but can't remember who that was at the moment. Maybe changing the texture would be enough but for now he's doughy. lol.

Good work on Grue. The hips in the next to last made her looked male-ish but other than that I like it. I wanted to ask, what is it she has around her neck? It looks like some kind of leather and wooden beads ornament but every time I saw them I was thinking of a walkman earphones. Maybe you can change the wooden endings a little to prevent confusion?

It's an interesting question how the giants' physique would be compared to ours. I'm not too enthusiastic about casting them in the Neandartal shape. It comes with negative connotations ("they're primitive simpletons that have no chance against us humans") that I wouldn't want the giants to have. And I don't think of them as muscle-beasts either. That's the Cave-Weights in my mind. I figure their connection to stone and sea is expressed in their physique in some way. Stone=Strength, Sea=Flexibility and Indomitability. In other words one pound of giant muscle would be much stronger than one pound of human muscle. It might make them too alien but maybe instead of one giant muscle have countless string of little muscles. I might even try to render it, though I'm not that good in bodies.

I'll be eager to see more of your work.
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Post by Frostheart Grueburn »

Hey guys, thanks for the feedback. No schedule exists, and breakneck speeds of any ilk serve no purpose; we mainly try to have fun and share inspiration. The combining of two different techniques poses quite a few challenges as everything must be designed from scratch, save for Linden. Expressions, props, etc will change; remember that these represent base sculpts. ;)

Has “Frostheart Giant” become a concept now? :lol: Tons of long hair and Nordic countenances?

Longwrath: I’ll leave it up to Hue if he wishes to alter the face. The lad’s a mite of a compromise(?) at the moment. For one thing, according to the prose itself he would have been quite young, a trainee Swordmain, perhaps some centuries younger than Grueburn who already had tutored one squad of rookies. Now that she has been partially modeled after someone in their mid-thirties *cough*, the argument proceeded that he ought to look less aged, perhaps early twenties in human years.
He bore a stiff, cropped beard, and the angles of his visage were depicted as if “carved from marble”. I read this as sharper, blockier features, suggested it to Hue along with the fact that he emerged from Staff of Law -healed stock and had inherited genes from the hottie Gossamer (Handsome?), so I suppose this was how Hue decrypted it. :lol:
It comes with negative connotations ("they're primitive simpletons that have no chance against us humans") that I wouldn't want the giants to have.
How would that be negative? O_o “Primitive simpletons" is...quite an outdated notion. Europeans, for one, share a few percent of Neanderthal ancestry (Finns even retain the occiputal buns. Not to mention being insanely proud of some pre-glacial settlement findings in Kristiinankaupunki.), and we have inherited our cold resistance and belike the shades of blonde/reddish hair from them. They produced the first cave paintings. SRD mentions the protruding browridges and massive jaws more than once; one cannot avoid those. As far as I remember (Way, halp! Quotes!), Cavewights possessed long sticklike limbs and Giants were expressly hulking, with hefty muscles, broad shoulders, and barrel chests (Honninscrave’s was “as deep as the trunk of an oak”). The wire reffs above were created upon any details discoverable in the books.
Even if their muscle mass proved heavier, they’d require a different kind of skeletal structure. Consider an ant scaled to the size of an elephant. It would collapse as such.

Here’s one of the newest interpretations of Neanderthals from pre-glaciated Finland. Cannot associate them with anything negative, really...

I think I will lift the matter of hippier ladies onto the table again, though. ;)
The Neanderthal physique emerges here again. They manifested little waist in account of their flaring ribcages (another aspect of evolved cold resistance) and broad pelvises; I read somewhere that the Inuits resemble them the most by body structure. I’m beholding the Giantish females as more rubenesque, however; Covenant must have harbored some reasons to ogle the First. ;)

Grueburn wears a torque. Again, base model props. She furthermore flaunts an elaborate coiffure complete with ribbons visible in the profile shot. :lol: Probably should post one; after her recent nosejob (it did not become more delicate :P) we joked about Boudicca.

Hue’s sculpting Stave at the moment and I’m looking into Rime, so stay tuned.

Shoe, don't hesitate to post your rendering of Giantish physique here as well.
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Post by Brinn »

This is great, great stuff! Love looking at the art, particularly from two very talented artists. Thanks.
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Post by michaelm »

This is really cool - I hadn't noticed the thread before or I would have already been following progress.
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Post by Frostheart Grueburn »

Thanks folks. :D
michaelm wrote:I would have already been following progress.
And I presume you have not yet commenced reading the LC's? ;) When you have progressed to the relevant chapters, let us know how you imagine the Giants after all these visual spoilers.
Oh well, I hogged chunks of WGW's ending hundreds of pages beforehand to affirm that my favorite Giantish lovebirdies would survive. :P
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Post by michaelm »

Frostheart Grueburn wrote:
michaelm wrote:I would have already been following progress.
And I presume you have not yet commenced reading the LC's? ;) When you have progressed to the relevant chapters, let us know how you imagine the Giants after all these visual spoilers.
Not yet, I got sidetracked into Burroughs and Kafka novels that are already sitting on the shelf, but if I read them soon I'll come back here and let you know.
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Post by Frostheart Grueburn »

Rime Coldspray progress.

I began manipulating one of Hue's older models of Gossamer for this purpose. When I glimpsed at the overpaints again (these serve only as concepts/starting points) the next morn, I considered reshaping the great-great-grandmother visage to a somewhat younger and commanding mold, but Hue got there first. :D
(So this is the first one which won't be used any longer.)


Hue's comely Ironhand. I've suggested a trifle more lines and texture to the skin.

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Post by Frostheart Grueburn »

Grueburn's fanciful coiffure. ;)
As far as I gather, the render engine makes hair quite inflexible as a default. Would work with Giants, however. Effy suggested the texture/stiffness of hers might resemble copper wire.

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Post by Frostheart Grueburn »

Hue recently upped me excellent full-body renders of the namesake, so getting around to pinning down the armor. Oodles and vatfuls of notes. These suggestions have similarities to the old designs (actual result depends on the customizability of Hue's existing armor models and whatnot, so the final version remains a vortex of question marks), and furthermore, in a bout of overflowing nerdiness, I asked some of my fellow re-enactors about lamellar armor construction. Based on the advice, it seems we may for instance end up with those Roman army armor type shoulder guards after all.

The Giants face the trouble of "low blows" from smaller enemies, so I've paid attention to below-the-navel protection. The ladies would not get past a horde of cavewights by prancing around in chain mail g-strings.

Now where's everyone again?

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Post by aliantha »

Looks like you guys are putting more thought into this than SRD ever did. :D Low blows to the ladyparts, indeed!

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Post by wayfriend »

I am Ironhand.


... sorry. Carry on.
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Post by Cord Hurn »

Thank you for posting these pictures, Frostheart! It's really neat to see what you and hue are coming up with by joining forces!

Personally, I prefer the Giantesses with larger, more rounded hips. But that may just be me.
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Post by Frostheart Grueburn »

LOL @ Ironlady Grueburn. Now there’s a challenge to the Cavewights!
aliantha wrote:Looks like you guys are putting more thought into this than SRD ever did. :D Low blows to the ladyparts, indeed!
Well, if you were a warrior Giantess, you would not desire your slit to become slitted by a sword of the wrong ilk, now would you? :P
Implementing previous matters of feedback here as well, such as sarge’s comments on the First’s caligae.
Cord Hurn wrote: Personally, I prefer the Giantesses with larger, more rounded hips. But that may just be me.
I have not ceased drawing them with substantial swaying loins, but I suppose Hue may have had different preferences here? ;)
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Post by Cord Hurn »

Frostheart Grueburn wrote:
Cord Hurn wrote:
Personally, I prefer the Giantesses with larger, more rounded hips. But that may just be me.

I have not ceased drawing them with substantial swaying loins, but I suppose Hue may have had different preferences here? Wink
There's the realization that shoulder harnesses could hold scabbards quite well. but something in me feels that sword-carrying Giantesses would also be served by having well-rounded hips to further hold up the sword-belts or the armor skirting, or something. Then again, I like well-rounded female hips, so maybe this is just my hormones talking. :oops: :P ;)
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Post by sgt.null »

no idea what a caligae was til I looked it up.

did people in the swordfish days of yore carry swords on hip or back more often than not?

and Cord - baby birthing hips?
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Post by Frostheart Grueburn »

Progress! Feel free to leave further feedback.

An improved Rime Coldspray; I like her quizzical aura in this. :) Ready for Giantish banter.


The armor's a challenge. Some of my manual studies:



Hue combined this preliminary model from two separate sets (yes she'll have clothing and chain mail leggings underneath ;)). We're looking into how to incorporate the cataphract feel ("fused lamellar") and granite texture. (ETA: In less technobabble: how to make it look like granite scale mail. The one below's an outline upon which to build. Can be simplified as well. ;))


Cord Hurn wrote: There's the realization that shoulder harnesses could hold scabbards quite well. but something in me feels that sword-carrying Giantesses would also be served by having well-rounded hips to further hold up the sword-belts or the armor skirting, or something. Then again, I like well-rounded female hips, so maybe this is just my hormones talking. :oops: :P ;)
I have addressed the hippiness issue in some redlines. And not to worry, I like to admire soft, rounded hips as well, and if my hormones were not hopping around akin to kangaroos in caffeine high, the Dissections forum would be considerably cleaner. :twisted::twisted:
sarge wrote:did people in the swordfish days of yore carry swords on hip or back more often than not?
Hip. Claymores and whatnot arrived in the middle ages, Bronze Age blades for instance correspond to broadswords and suited to short-distance combat.
Last edited by Frostheart Grueburn on Tue Feb 03, 2015 9:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by wayfriend »

Good stuff is emerging.

It's clear from the book that their armor is made from stone. I am not sure from your last renders which way you're thinking, but hue's looks like steel to me.

I just don't think that stone armor is going to be that intricate. It's basically granite plates held by leather straps, no? We can assume a granite that is similar to that used in shipbuilding ("the slight but necessary flexibility of bone"), and so we're not going to be wearing rocks tied with a thong, I grant you.

Of Longwrath: He wore a cataphract of granite slabs which had been fused together by some Giantish lore. Pitchwiving?

Of Coldspray: Rerebraces of hardened leather protected her upper arms. Okay, maybe not all granite? Maybe only the cataphracts and the glaives are stone?

But there's no iron/steel/bronze armor here. Leather and stone.

And, yes, if we assume that they can use pitch they can create granite armor in almost any shape, but (a) you still have to get it off, and (b) you have to consider that Linden's first thought was granite slabs, so it should look like granite slabs, else why would she think it?

Honninscrave wore a "sark" (shirt) of "interlocking granite discs", but also leather leggings. This is, I think, another clue about what might be possible. But I don't know how discs can interlock.

Interlocking Discs
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