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Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 2:57 pm
by High Lord Tolkien
I like this line because it's dark humor, to me anyway.
I'm sure it's not written this way at all but I always read it as Mhoram politely telling Troy that he's a dumbass.

"Creator preserve us!" Mhoram replied. The yowling wind whipped his voice from his lips, and Troy barely heard him. "It is a vortex of trepidation."
Troy tried to thrust his words past the wind to Mhoram's ears. "What will it do?"
Shouting squarely into Troy's face, Mhoram answered, "It will make us afraid!"

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 10:35 pm
by CovenantJr
Heh, another example of how differently people read things. I've never read that passage the way you do.

I've always read it as a testimony to the potency of emotion rather than physical assault. To me, Troy is looking, in non-magic-world style, for some huge damaging effect - it'll make us explode, or burn our skin off, or something. But all it does is instill fear - and that alone is enough to so seriously alarm a Lord. The prospect of uncontrollable fear is worse than the prospect of harm.

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 7:13 pm
by Blackhawk
yep... for me it was definately Pitchwifes mention of Vain acting as if he were about to ravish the maidenhood of their midmast :)

Re: > Favorite Funny Scene

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2009 3:31 am
by jacob Raver, sinTempter
soft one wrote:
SleeplessOne wrote:I find amusement in this bit :

"Amok, knowledge is the way and door of power. The Earthpower answers those who know its name. How great is the power of the Seventh Ward?"
"It is the pinnacle of Kevin's Lore," said Amok slyly, as if he were making a subtle joke.
That IS subtle. I just now got it as well. Jeez... I feel stupid. Just bang it into my head a few times and I'll get it eventually.
Amok plugging
slightly is...funny? Amusing maybe, but not really funny, IMO.

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2009 12:38 am
by Darkdenubis
Linden, "You know, I am a rather brilliant surgeon, I can fix that hump if you want."

Pitchwife, "What hump??"

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2009 3:47 am
by Rigel
Darkdenubis wrote:Linden, "You know, I am a rather brilliant surgeon, I can fix that hump if you want."

Pitchwife, "What hump??"

I don't remember that part. It sounds like Pitchwife, though :)

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2009 10:40 pm
by soft one
Rigel wrote:
Darkdenubis wrote:Linden, "You know, I am a rather brilliant surgeon, I can fix that hump if you want."

Pitchwife, "What hump??"

I don't remember that part. It sounds like Pitchwife, though :)
That's Dr. Frankenstien and Igor, from Young Frankenstein... well, Dr. 'Fraunkinsteen' and 'Eye-gor'. ;)

Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 7:45 pm
by littledaniele
Darkdenubis wrote:Linden, "You know, I am a rather brilliant surgeon, I can fix that hump if you want."

Pitchwife, "What hump??"
:biggrin: ROTFL :lol:

Re: Favorite Funny Scene

Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 7:47 pm
by littledaniele
SleeplessOne wrote:Pitchwife commenting on Vain wanting to 'ravage' the dromond's foremast is pretty funny ...
everytime I re-read the Chronicles, I laugh outloud when I get to this part!
:biggrin: :biggrin:

Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 8:08 pm
by Worm of Despite
wayfriend wrote:
In [u]Lord Foul's Bane[/u] was wrote:With his teeth gritted to stop his trembling, he asked, "Who are you?"

As if sensing its mistake, the voice became smoother. "I have had many names," it said. "To the Lords of Revelstone, I am Lord Foul the Despiser; to the Giants of Seareach, Satansheart and Soulcrusher. The Ramen name me Fangthane. In the dreams of the Bloodguard, I am Corruption. But the people of the Land call me the Gray Slayer."

Distinctly, Covenant said, "Forget it."

"Fool!" ground the voice, and its force flattened Covenant on the rock.
That's a good one, but my favorite is when the Lords ask TC why he threw that banner off the balcony, and he said, "It offended me". In the context of the Lords, it must have sounded like something a servant of Foul would say, but in reality TC was just having his usual inner turmoil.

Or the time Mhoram tells TC what it's like being a seer/oracle, and TC replies, "It must be fun."

Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 9:05 pm
by Goldenboy
When Lena offers the hurtloam "I need soap not more dirt!" or words to that effect.

When they encounter The Search in the Sarangrave and Honninscrave comments on the welcome (or their friendship being a weighty matter?) while rubbing his jaw.

Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 11:24 pm
by Blackhawk
this was the funniest part of the chronicles for me.. i had to re read it a couple times while laughing.

when Pitchwife said, Had this Demondim-spawn not been gifted to the ur-Lord by a Giant, I would fear he means to ravish the maidenhood of our foremast. At that, laughter spouted from the nearby crewmembers. I second this moment in TCTC history as one of the funniest moments.

I loved that part

Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 11:37 pm
by DrPaul
Another bit involving Amok is drily amusing. This is when he says "I wait. And I answer." in response to Lord Callindrill's question, after which "Callindrill nodded as if this proved an unfortunate point."

Favorite Funny Scene

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 3:51 am
by SleeplessOne
Another bit involving Amok is drily amusing. This is when he says "I wait. And I answer." in response to Lord Callindrill's question, after which "Callindrill nodded as if this proved an unfortunate point."
hehe yeah I have a firm picture of Callindrill's glum face at Amok's response to his probing in that scene ...

a super-grumpy TC telling Foamfollower he 'wouldn't condescend' to lying to FF is pretty funny too; as TC himself muses a couple of paragraphs later, he'd be ridiculous if he wasn't so .. ridiculous ...

Favorite Funny Scene

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 4:00 am
by SleeplessOne
additionally, Hyrim (son of Hoole) is generally a pretty humorous guy too, his whole shtick when he first introduces himself to TC makes me smile every time I read it - it also makes his grim fate more poignant as the mission to Seareach goes downhill; this funny, sensitive guy forced to confront the bleak realities of Foul's grip on the Land ..

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 5:26 am
by Thorhammerhand
I just enjoy the occasional humour but can't separate a favourite

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 8:48 am
by Palm Lake Mustachio
Everytime Foamfollower has a laughing fit it brings a little smirk to my face.

I actually laughed out loud at the following part of Kinslaughterer's song

Break rock!
break stone:
crush heart:
grind soul:
rend flesh:
crack whole!
Eat dead
for bread!

although it's probably not intended as funny, just thought it was a bit random during a dramatic part, reminded me of a scene from Nightbreed . . . :lol:


Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 3:34 pm
by jackgiantkiller
I recall whe famfolower and covernent on boat
'alas with one word you will have me in tears'

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 5:07 pm
by Rocksister
As long as we're talking about ANY of the books, then moving onto the Second Chronicles, I must say that Pitchwife takes the cake. The ravaging of the mast by Findail remark, the one about any baby of the First's being born ready for battle, and others. Then there were some attempts at humor that fell flat because of the seriousness of the current circumstances; those were actually sad more than funny. The First had her moments, too, riposting with her husband. I remember her fussing at him for joking around while he was repairing the mast, that he would fall off if he didn't shut up. They are my favorite characters, and are much of the reason I love the Second Chronicles, Linden or no.

Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2010 5:01 am
by SGuilfoyle1966
Pitchwife, for sure.
I cannot repost it in whole, but the whole Song that Baghoon the Unbearable sang after being tamed by Thelma Twofist.
Sounds like she was a right ugly woman.

There's an Irish song like that. The Six foot Seven woman. So, in early honor of St. Patrick's Day --
Come let me introduce you to the woman who's me Wife
Of all me great possessions, she's the biggest in me life
There's not a chance I'd lose her, she's too easy to be found
She's six foot seven inches and she weighs three hundred pounds

Sure, when I started courtin' her, her figure was a twelve
I put me arms around her, but me arms they were too short
To take her to the pictures, sure I didn't have the dough
To pay for all the seats she'd fill down in the bottom row

Oh, she's six foot seven inches, Boys, let's sing it once again
She's got the kind of figure that was mostly meant for men
You may talk of Texas giants, who are brawny, big and tall
But this six foot seven woman, she'd make midgets of them all

To fit her with the costume, makes the tailors take great pains
They have to take her measurements with lengths of Irish chains
(land surveying chain in the version I heard)

It takes a room of cloth to make a top of any taste
And half an acre more to cover all below her waste

Oh, she's six foot seven inches, Boys, let's sing it once again
She's got the kind of figure that was mostly meant for men
You may talk of Texas giants, who are brawny, big and tall
But this six foot seven woman, she'd make midgets of them all

The mornin' we got married, I can still remember well
We went to have our breakfast in the Park House Hotel
To fit her through the doorway, sure I knew it was too small
She ate so much, to get her out we had to knock the wall

She says our house is much too small, she can't expand her chest
She's rather like a cuckoo in a little sparrow's nest
If every women grew that size, I'm going to tell you, Boys
You might knock all the houses down and build them twice the size

Oh, she's six foot seven inches, Boys, let's sing 'er once again
She's got the kind of figure that was mostly meant for men
You can talk of Texas giants, who are brawny, big and tall
But this six foot seven woman, she'd make midgets of them all