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Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2004 4:39 pm
by A Gunslinger
Roland of Gilead wrote:Usaqi wrote:

"Though I thought he would be the guy at the top of the tower just typing on a typewriter till the end of time, creating the universe or some such."

If King had written it that way, I hope he would have had the decency to have Roland draw his revolver and riddle the damned writer full of holes. :x
I never gave the theory that HE was the Crimson King any weight. King much more imaginative than that.

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2004 4:52 pm
by Roland of Gilead
When I was about fifteen years old (thirty-five years ago), I wrote a story from the first-person soldier character's point of view, thinking he had just achieved victory in a battle, only to see it snatched away for no reason. The reason, of course, turned out to be a kid playing with his toys and putting them away for the night.

My point is, I thought from my naive teenage perspective that this was a truly brilliant concept. Well now, from a more mature standpoint and experience in reading hundreds of books, I think it's the biggest cliche in all of literature. So if King turned in a resolution to his lifework that turns out to be that he was just writing and cranking out the whole DT universe from his little "ivory tower" of artistic creation . . . well, I loathe that idea, and I would like to see Roland blow that conceited overblown author with delusions of grandeur right out the window of his freakin' Tower.

Which is why I'm still not altogether on board for this character of himself turning up in the story . . . but I'm trying to accept it. :roll:

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2004 5:12 pm
by Usagi
Oh I know it's a cliche. I've read enough short stories like that, hell I've even written a few lol. Honestly I don't think we will hear any more on the subject of that character. I just meant that it was the first thought when he started merging book worlds, so I've always had a feeling he'd put himself in.

What I have been thinking about is Jake and Callahan. Callahan has never used a gun and Jake has only practiced with the plates. What do you think mada Jake go from being suicidal to thinking they actually have a chance.
Is it that he knows Susannah is still alive and it isn't just Mia, or does he think he can use what she dropped?

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2004 7:08 pm
by A Gunslinger
Usagi wrote:Oh I know it's a cliche. I've read enough short stories like that, hell I've even written a few lol. Honestly I don't think we will hear any more on the subject of that character. I just meant that it was the first thought when he started merging book worlds, so I've always had a feeling he'd put himself in.

What I have been thinking about is Jake and Callahan. Callahan has never used a gun and Jake has only practiced with the plates. What do you think mada Jake go from being suicidal to thinking they actually have a chance.
Is it that he knows Susannah is still alive and it isn't just Mia, or does he think he can use what she dropped?
Callahan is a dead man. OY is likely toast, but Jake, my friend Usagi is a Gunslinger through and through. His growth in the last 2 books is something to behold.... He may even let OY save him (shades of Roland dropping Jake himself in the mineshaft of the Mts. in DT1) knowing it means death for his friend. Anyway, Jake has become one hard cookie. He is going to rescue Susannah (in the short term at least).

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2004 9:26 pm
by Roland of Gilead
I agree that Jake has become a gunslinger in the truest sense of the word. However, I think Oy might be his Achilles heel. Leaving him behind in the doorway cave is one thing . . . letting him die so Jake can move on is another kettle of fish entirely.

Jake will use the plates very effectively, because he's mastered Roland's aiming mantra about the hand and the heart and the mind.

Callahan - I can't figure that dude out. He must do something very critical in the quest . . . or why bring him into the story at all? Unless it was just to get the reader wrapped around the idea of King himself being a real person in this fantasy world?

If I was forced to cast my vote for who dies right now . . . I'd say either Eddie or Susannah by the mid-point of Dark Tower VII. And Roland at the end, in some very heroic self-sacrifice. Jake, representing the future, will live for sure.

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2004 2:38 am
by A Gunslinger
Roland of Gilead wrote:I agree that Jake has become a gunslinger in the truest sense of the word. However, I think Oy might be his Achilles heel. Leaving him behind in the doorway cave is one thing . . . letting him die so Jake can move on is another kettle of fish entirely.

Jake will use the plates very effectively, because he's mastered Roland's aiming mantra about the hand and the heart and the mind.

Callahan - I can't figure that dude out. He must do something very critical in the quest . . . or why bring him into the story at all? Unless it was just to get the reader wrapped around the idea of King himself being a real person in this fantasy world?

If I was forced to cast my vote for who dies right now . . . I'd say either Eddie or Susannah by the mid-point of Dark Tower VII. And Roland at the end, in some very heroic self-sacrifice. Jake, representing the future, will live for sure.
Roland: Will Jake (the symbolic son) kill Mordred the biological son of Roland? AND...recall that the Kid from insomnia (Pat?) will SAVE the life of two men, one of whic hmust reach the tower....this in the year 2015.

ANY IDEAS on how this will happen?!!

I think Susie is dead, btw.

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2004 8:14 pm
by Roland of Gilead
Gunslinger, I'd forgotten those details regarding Pat. That implies that King will introduce yet another timeline into his story. Man, I don't see how he's going to wrap this shebang up in 700 pages.

Jake knocking off Mordred is an interesting idea.

Susannah does look in deep doodoo, I agree. :cry:

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2004 8:43 pm
by A Gunslinger
Roland of Gilead wrote:Gunslinger, I'd forgotten those details regarding Pat. That implies that King will introduce yet another timeline into his story. Man, I don't see how he's going to wrap this shebang up in 700 pages.

Jake knocking off Mordred is an interesting idea.

Susannah does look in deep doodoo, I agree. :cry:
What year are Jake and Callahan in in NY?

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2004 9:24 pm
by Roland of Gilead
1999? Right? The same year as Susannah/Mia.

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2004 1:25 pm
by A Gunslinger
That's what i thought.... the thing is either Patrick Danville nees to find a door, OR a door needs to find him OR Jake/Mordred/OY or Roland/Eddie need to find him.


Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2004 7:53 pm
by Usagi
Roland of Gilead wrote:Gunslinger, I'd forgotten those details regarding Pat. That implies that King will introduce yet another timeline into his story. Man, I don't see how he's going to wrap this shebang up in 700 pages.

Jake knocking off Mordred is an interesting idea.

Susannah does look in deep doodoo, I agree. :cry:
Perhaps the year is 2015 in the world Roland is trying to reach the tower in.

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2004 7:56 pm
by A Gunslinger
Could be Usagi. Danville or those he saves still have to find a door though. Is there a chance that Danville might be the Twinner of Mordred (Black House)?