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Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2005 4:15 am
by lucimay
am anxiously awaiting Elder Scrolls IV and Gothic III
(and playing Vampire the Masquerade:Bloodlines while I wait)

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2005 4:56 am
by Old Darth
Shadow of the Colossuses for the PS2 - by the same team that created Ico.

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 9:41 pm
by Cagliostro
Old Darth wrote:Shadow of the Colossuses for the PS2 - by the same team that created Ico.
I'm right there with you. Horribly dissapointed yesterday to find that they had pushed this back until October 18th. Oh well. At least it might work well.

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2005 5:34 am
by Prom_STar
Awaiting Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion with bated breath

Praying for Baldur's Gate III (although I am not sure how they can pull that off. Baldur's Gate II expansion CD case reads "the final chapter." And it did kind of end the story....)

Also looking forward to another Mechwarrior game (and hoping another actually comes out)

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2005 9:00 pm
by Queeaqueg
When the PS3 comes out in Britain, I want:
Metal Gear Solid 4
Resident Evil 5
Final Fantasy 12

Can't wait.

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2006 1:47 pm
by Loredoctor
Just preordered Elder Scrolls Oblivion.

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2006 2:05 pm
by Worm of Despite
Got 69$ in store credit at my local EB. Will use it for collector's edition of Elder Scrolls IV.

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2006 9:51 pm
by Queeaqueg
Breath of Fire 3 for PSP.

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 5:52 am
by Loredoctor
Ignored Star Wars: Empire at War until this morning when one of my brothers told me it wasn't an RTS but an empire-building game (pardon the pun).

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2006 10:16 pm
by Loric
Diablo III

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2006 11:47 pm
by Loredoctor
Oblivion. :)

Posted: Sat Aug 19, 2006 10:39 am
by vasinian
Hmm.. Lord of the rings online - been waiting for this one for what seems like ages - Beta about to start - perhaps I shall get lucky....

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 9:13 am
by Loredoctor
Dawn of War: Dark Crusade,

Posted: Sun Sep 17, 2006 1:35 am
by Loredoctor
Gothic 3 - this looks and sounds much better than Oblivion.

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 5:19 am
by Worm of Despite
Just watched a seven minute movie for Bioshock, the spiritual successor to System Shock 2. I love so many things about it: the RPG/inventory elements, the dynamic, non-scripted environment, various combat options (such as manipulating your enemies to fight themselves instead). There's going to be extensive modification of not only weapons but your character's attributes. And oh--it's all in an underwater, retro-1930s setting.

This game could be the first evolutionary step for shooters since Deus Ex. It also promises to be pretty freaking scary, as again, it's made by the System Shock folks.

Hopefully I won't have to upgrade, as it doesn't look anymore taxing than Doom 3 or Half-Life 2.

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 1:33 pm
by Creator
Loric wrote:Diablo III
Is this planned?!! 8O

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 2:32 pm
by Worm of Despite
Creator wrote:
Loric wrote:Diablo III
Is this planned?!! 8O
At this point nothing's certain (except that Diablo makes a TON of money and Blizzard would be fools not to make another one).

Rumors were circulating that the Blizzard website put out a "now hiring" ad for people experienced in RTS development. Again, nothing in stone, but I'd expect a StarCraft 2 before a new Diablo. Either game being announced would make me extremely giddy.

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 5:04 am
by Loredoctor
I'm picking up Dawn of War: Dark Crusade after work this afternoon. :)

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 10:12 am
by Warmark
After watching videos etc, i am really looking forward to the Nintendo Wii now.

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 1:23 pm
by Nav
Lord Foul wrote:Rumors were circulating that the Blizzard website put out a "now hiring" ad for people experienced in RTS development. Again, nothing in stone, but I'd expect a StarCraft 2 before a new Diablo. Either game being announced would make me extremely giddy.
A lot of speculation comes from the reactions of Blizzard employees when they've been quizzed. Anyone asking about World of Starcraft gets a very definite "we aren't going to be doing that" but when they ask about Starcraft 2 the usual response is more like "there are currently no plans for Starcraft 2" and they are far more coy when Diablo 3 crops up, saying things like "no comment" and "I'm not able to discuss that".

I'm expecting Diablo 3 to be the next major Blizzard release, rumour is that it will again have no subscription fee and will serve to compete directly with Guild Wars. If I had shares in NCsoft, I'd be selling them I think!