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Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2003 12:14 am
by Dragon Chaser
Hello. I'm a friend of Turiya Foul's. I haven't read the Chronicles, but I am reading Mordant's Need. I found both books at the Book Cellar (a bookshop in Redneckville). My name's Kathleen and I like Narnia a lot. Turiya says I'll get along real well with Lord Mhoram. If only I knew who that was. :)

Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2003 12:25 am
by Hearts Haven
Wow... Kathleen's online at the same time as me. Very strange.

I'm Turiya's mom. Now you know where she got her weirdness from. lol :)

Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2003 12:30 am
by Dragon Chaser
What're you doing here?

Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2003 12:38 am
by birdandbear
Welcome to the watch you two!

It's really cool to see people bringing friends and family here. I've always enjoyed the relationships between Hearthcoal and Seasauce husband/wife) and MsMaryMalone and Foamy (another mother/daughter pair). Maybe just because, like Geraden, I like families. Now if only I could get my husband and dad to join.

Be very welcome and true Hearts Haven and Dragon Chaser! :D :D 8)

Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2003 12:44 am
by Dragon Chaser
Thank you very much! :)

Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2003 12:48 am
by Reisheiruhime
Welcome mom and Kathleen. :)

Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2003 3:49 am
by duchess of malfi
Welcome to all of new members! Welcome and true!
I love the name Swimming with Chickens!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2003 2:24 pm
by Ryzel
Enter freely and of your own will...

Posted: Sat Apr 05, 2003 1:22 am
by Damelon
A hearty welcome to everyone :lol:

Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2003 4:04 pm
by Treble
Hello. Hope to see you all around the place from time to time.

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2003 7:19 pm
by Skyweir
hey trebble and all!!

what a great nic 'Hearts Haven'!!

welcome phoebe so ur a welsh tasmanian?? cool!!

I've always claimed to be a spiritual tasmanian myself .. one day I'll make my way there .... its just a matter of time ..

... and maybe :2c: .. but the paper stuff would be more helpful :wink: :wink:

if anyone's got any spare .. send em on :wink: :wink:

if only WGD were an acceptable currency in my world .. what I could do *sighs* <grin> :D

welcome all .. be welcome and true :wink: :wink:

Welcome Visitors & New Members!!

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2003 11:14 pm
by Infelice
:wave: Hello. I`ve been a TC fan since 1983 and have read the 1st and 2nd Chronicles a couple of times. Its been a few years now since my last reading - having spent a large amount of that time devoted to studying Tolkien`s works of which I am also a huge fan.
The urge to revisit The Land as been developing over the last few weeks and now that I have found this site, I am sure I`ll enjoy rereading them even more this time around as I`ll be able to discuss my readings with other who will actually know what I`m talking about.
This is a great site and I look forward to joining some of the discussions about various topics relating to the chronicles. :D

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2003 2:31 am
by Dragon Chaser
Welcome all! :wink:

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2003 10:52 am
by Vain
Infelice is a REALLY cool nick :)

Check out the "Dissecting the Land" section. That's where the group reads take place and where I need to haul my ass over to as well :)

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2003 11:50 am
by danlo
|R :wave: Hi Every1, be welcome! I think said "Hi" 2 Heart's Haven and phoebe, on other threads...but I haven't been here in a while so don't mean 2 b a rude mod :groovy: Yeah BABY!!! :roll: Swimming with Chickens! That's the silliest name I ever heard! :haha:

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2003 1:19 pm
by I'm Murrin
Hi, I just found this place today, been looking at some third chronicles stuff, and decided to join and post a bit. Been a fan of the chronicles for a few years now, and I just started my third read-through, which has sparked my interest in the series again.

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2003 7:49 pm
by Lord Mhoram
Turiya says I'll get along real well with Lord Mhoram. If only I knew who that was. icon_smile.gif

You bet! ;) :lol:

How long has this been going on

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2003 6:43 pm
by Birinair
I just discovered Kevins Watch! I am re-reading the 1st Chronicles for about the 3rd time, and I have always had no-one to discuss the concepts with. Any Brits out there, because it always seemed to me that Covenant was too obviously British. Like me he is a pessimist, but his other British traits are wallowing in his own misery. "Don't touch me" couldn't be more British.

Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2003 10:09 pm
by dukkha
Hi all. I started reading the First Chronicles back when they were just "The Chronicles." My mother got me them from the library, and despite being pretty young they quickly became my favorite books. I'm pretty excited to have found this forum - I've never meant a single SRD fan in real life. I'm currently in my umpteenth reading of both chronicles.


Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2003 7:05 am
by Skyweir
Welcome all .. Be welcome and true!!

this board is growing at an unprecedented rate!! It must be the collective energy inspired by Donaldson's revelation of a 3rd chons in progress!!

On some level we all sense .. its out there and its not that far away :mrgreen:

Its great to have you all on board!!

and rofl birinair : "Don't touch me" couldn't be more British" :lol: :P