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Posted: Mon May 29, 2006 11:45 pm
by variol son
Question Xar - do we need to expend a divine rank point to send people to Solus' Games in L'im Verthackas?

Posted: Tue May 30, 2006 1:49 am
by Solus
i'll chime in unless Xar has to correct something. You don't have to, but it will help, just as it would probably help if you sent someone more known and important to you than a random worshipper. It's a bit of a gamble, of course. But at worst, you risk nothing and stand to gain something.

Posted: Tue May 30, 2006 1:59 am
by Elfgirl
Xar wrote:
Murrin wrote:My fellow players might want to take this as a lesson: Be very specific when sending your commands to Xar. I did not want the slaughter of innocents. In fact, when I'm told that on average most 'cities' in this game only contain a few hundred followers, and I'm told that a god has built two fortresses in the mountains - not cities - well, can someone tell me why I was wrong to assume they would be home to mostly military?
Fortresses don't necessarily mean that only the military is garrisoned there: they do need to survive somehow, and to be self-sufficient they still need manpower - in the form of civilians. Black Citadel and the other fortress were smaller than cities, more fortified, but still with civilians inside.

As for the command - I know that was not what you intended. But even the most devout soldiers have a tendency to go above and beyond the call of duty in the rage of war - just read up about the Crusades and see what zealous Christian knights did to the "infidels", even to women and children. There is precedent even in the real world for this sort of behaviour. Soldiers are, as an euphemism, a rough lot: during the pillaging or taking of a city, rapes, looting, slaughter, and so on are to be expected, no matter however zealous in their faith they are. Legend holds that when the Crusade took Jerusalem, the Crusaders entered the city in which blood reached their ankles... just to give an idea.

Remember: your people have their own minds (or lack thereof): they will obey your commands, especially if you power them with drps, but they might decide to go beyond them if they think they have permission to do so, if they get excited enough, or if at the very least they are not clearly forbidden from doing so.
Not only that, but Nephy doesn't have 'mind control' listed as one of his 'powers'. And I assume that the people in our 'world' have freedom of choice/expression/whathaveyou... and thereby, any 'converts' I gained by expending DRPs to proselytize are part of the game, and poo to whoever if I offer the people a 'better choice'.

I have never been into war (SUCH a waste of terrain, manpower and funds which could be put to better use), but if pushed, I will side with whoever it takes to b!tch-slap a greedy bugger upside the head.

You waste my peeps and my lands, I'll waste yours. And I am too a frikking Gaia, as I have ALSO kept going on about. I was from day one if you look at my first post! I was there before any God suddenly became involved in Natural dominions of air and sea. Why else did I combine Nature with Magic?

Think about it... ;)

Posted: Tue May 30, 2006 7:27 am
by Xar
Solus wrote:i'll chime in unless Xar has to correct something. You don't have to, but it will help, just as it would probably help if you sent someone more known and important to you than a random worshipper. It's a bit of a gamble, of course. But at worst, you risk nothing and stand to gain something.
That's correct. You don't have to spend a DRP, but it will help if you spend one or more (incidentally, this means that if it is legal to spend DRPs in the tournament, then no one can complain if the adversary wins because his deity spent more DRPs on him). By the same token, if you have an important worshiper, he or she will likely do better than the random worshiper picked from your city for this honor. It is also true, however, that for all you know, there might be deities waiting to blast L'im Verthackas to the ground as soon as all the greatest champions have gathered there. As Solus said, it's a gamble.

Posted: Tue May 30, 2006 11:11 am
by Solus
There are also several different competitions... archery, swordsmanship, running, swimming, conjuring, a contest of physical beauty, and a game of intellect (the Council decided against jousting at the last minute). It would take a lot of DRP to cover that many categories, I'd think, though one or two could give you an edge where you need it. But then, it's possible that even that wouldn't be enough.

Posted: Wed May 31, 2006 1:40 am
by Elfgirl
Oh well, maybe I shouldn't enter the Beauty stakes...not fair for the rest of ya! :twisted: ;)

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2006 3:10 am
by Bhakti
You couldn't win the Miss Nude Verthackas title anyway.

Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2006 11:08 am
by Solus
I'm sure an honorary title can be arranged...

Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2006 9:47 am
by Xar
Still waiting for a few player moves, and today's holiday so I'm out for a day trip... I'll update this evening or tomorrow morning at most. Sorry to everyone for the delay!

All of you who didn't already, remember to let me know if you're sending people to the L'im Verthackas games!

Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2006 12:31 am
by Elfgirl
Perfect! We had Foundation day holiday as well!! Whew! I'll have my moves done (shimmy shimmy figure eight shimmy shimmy) by today! :twisted:

Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2006 1:38 am
by Fist and Faith
Elfgirl wrote:shimmy shimmy figure eight shimmy shimmy
Damn you're sexy!!

Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2006 4:22 pm
by Kinslaughterer
Well its that time of year again...The God of War's earthly persona has received his permits earlier than normal (truly a miracle). Given that I'll be leaving for some serious field work for nearly the most of the next 2 months and a couple of weeks in August as well. I'll be excavating and data recording at several sites in NW New Mexico and SW Colorado, which if anyone has been there can attest to it being a beautiful but lonely and assuredly internet poor region. It looks like I'm going to have to retire my deitiship for the time being. It was quite a bit of fun.
P.S. don't be good unless its in your portfolio!

Kin(s) aka Toringian, God of War

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 2:58 am
by Elfgirl
Ah, we will miss our brother Toringian! Enjoy your 'field trips' Kin!! You'll get a nice tan and a lot of fresh air, which is good for computer nerds every now and again! ;)

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 4:37 am
by Avatar
And then get yourself back to the Watch. :d


Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 8:19 am
by Marv
And Kins, remember, X NEVER, EVER, MARKS THE SPOT!

:D come back soon mate.

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 10:02 am
by Fist and Faith
Ah, sorry to hear you'll be leaving, Kins. But we'll forgive you if you unearth a hitherto unknown civilization, or new species of dinosaur, or something like that. Good luck!! :D

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 10:49 am
by The Laughing Man
Kinslaughterer wrote:Well its that time of year again...The God of War's earthly persona has received his permits earlier than normal (truly a miracle). Given that I'll be leaving for some serious field work for nearly the most of the next 2 months and a couple of weeks in August as well. I'll be excavating and data recording at several sites in NW New Mexico and SW Colorado, which if anyone has been there can attest to it being a beautiful but lonely and assuredly internet poor region. It looks like I'm going to have to retire my deitiship for the time being. It was quite a bit of fun.
P.S. don't be good unless its in your portfolio!

Kin(s) aka Toringian, God of War
will you be posting any pix of the digs? whats the targets? are you going to do any anthropological work with the locals?

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 10:56 am
by I'm Murrin
I know you're busy, Xar, so I'll understand if you don't have time, but is there a chance we might see an updated map soon? It's been a while.

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 11:35 am
by Xar
Murrin wrote:I know you're busy, Xar, so I'll understand if you don't have time, but is there a chance we might see an updated map soon? It's been a while.
There might be, if i manage to win my eternal battle against the infernal ISE (Internal Server Error)... it seems it loves to destroy my posts when I try to place the link to the map. But I'll make sure there'll be a new one by next turn at worst...

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 12:10 pm
by [Syl]
Another plug for Mozilla, but every time I hit the 'back' button after an ISE, my text is still there.