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Kevin's Watch

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 2:00 am
by Krazy Kat
Isn't Jeremiah's red car what the white gold ring is to Covenant!

Because I've been thinking about the possibility that Kevin was from the 'real world'. When he went to the Land he took with him a wristwatch. (Somehow, I don't see it being a Rolex. Maybe it was a Timex...or even a Mickey Mouse watch).
And if so, I think Kevin hid it somewhere in the Land, like his Wards.
Lord Foul has to find this 'wristwatch', and smash it to bits, so he can break free of the Arch of...ah, enough!

Just a few thoughts on Jeremiah, Covenant, and (tick tock tick tock) Kevin.

:oops: I'm the last to know amn't I!

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 9:10 pm
by Savor Dam
...Kevin's Watch. :P

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 3:41 am
by StevieG
Savor Dam wrote:...Kevin's Watch. :P

Posted: Wed May 26, 2010 4:56 am
by sammadhi
you fellas get silly quick. ultimately, white gold is the keystone. no relation to the metal car theory. Jeremiah felt safe with it. its been said by roger, and confirmed by the mahdoubt, that jeremiahs powers are great. one could look at the car like either a rabbits foot or a security blanket. one thing for certain is that after jeremiah lost the car, roger fought without him.

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2010 1:38 pm
by thewormoftheworld'send
sammadhi wrote:you fellas get silly quick. ultimately, white gold is the keystone. no relation to the metal car theory. Jeremiah felt safe with it. its been said by roger, and confirmed by the mahdoubt, that jeremiahs powers are great. one could look at the car like either a rabbits foot or a security blanket. one thing for certain is that after jeremiah lost the car, roger fought without him.
We take for granted that, during the events at the end of FR, Linden required three objects of power to work her will: the Staff, white gold, and the Krill of Loric. But there was a fourth object. It is not any object of magic or power of any such kind, its potency is emotional. That object is Jeremiah's crushed racecar.