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Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2005 4:32 pm
by dANdeLION
YEAH!! 4 more weeks till season 2, and one week till the season 1 dvd is out!


Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 1:45 am
by lurch
..I certainly made a mistake. I bought the DVD and ...have become totally captivated..Remember..I watched just two re-runs. Now that I have seen all the episodes....i feel like I have had my guts ripped out of me and thrown back in my face. I mean this show just punches you the gut, grabs some intestine and doesn't let go!

I mean..if i was an alien flying around in my coupe de flying saucer..and a episode came beaming across my receiver..sure. i'd feign a dead battery and put my arms around my honey and settle back and watch every episode..then I d' say,,geeezuz! them earthlings are one nasty screwed up peoples. TALK ABOUT DESPAIR and you can't have one without the other,,so..and HOPE. I find it fascinating that the same themes of Stephen R Donaldson expressed in his works,,are so central to this show called " Lost". Ill take it one more step... I find it more than just coincedence,,that the extremism of Hope,,as expressed by a major character in Lost,,John Locke..seems to themetically parallel that of Linden in Runes. Such themes are not of any ones "possession" but it does remind me of VF's or VS's comment in a thread about " schools " of thought being popular and hard to get published or recognized if not a "member"....fascinating.

Okay, now that i got that out of the way....I wonder how many miles have been ran thru jungle by the total cast,,as well as by each actor..lots and lots of runnage....Interesting arcs by the main characters,,the all have shown to be nearing opposite from where they started. Absolutely some great photography,,can't really loose shooting Hawaii. Some great acting.............................which brings me to......................................

Evangeline Lilly...I have fell in Luv with her. It doesn't matter which,,Katie or Evangeline..both have that wonderfully expressive protrusion below her beautiful eyes,whic drive me nuts when ,,finally,,finally ,,the one instance per episode when she looks straight ahead and rules over all dominion by doing so,,oh those eyes.,,what points from above that lustious mouth and just so slitely bucked fitting with the freckles that surround the gift of God and all Gods in eternity..yes, do I dare to mention even as a whisper in the jungle..her just her not just that fantastic bone and cartiledge brought to the point of perfection,,but those two that every nose can't do without,,her nostriles..oh god what i'd give to be so inspired to be able to tell a joke, quip some wit, that in gasping response would send the breakfastes milk shooting out those flairing ports of expression. ! There are novices of the nose..Walt,,Charlie maybe Claire, and Sayid and Sun, and Jack who simply gets away with displaying his unashamedly in profile at every opportunity,,but Evangeline,,she is the Master of the Flair. She is the Master of Leading Nose school of acting and she is endowed with the Most Perfect. I have become Lost in Katies nose!...MEL

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 6:07 pm
by Old Darth
The DVD boxset is awesome. Great to watch this on my HT system!

Re: The DVD

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 6:59 pm
by wayfriend
lurch wrote:I find it fascinating that the same themes of Stephen R Donaldson expressed in his works,,are so central to this show called " Lost". Ill take it one more step... I find it more than just coincedence,,that the extremism of Hope,,as expressed by a major character in Lost,,John Locke..seems to themetically parallel that of Linden in Runes.
Let's see, Locke finds himself in a world he considers to be a fantasy, in which he thinks he is being tested somehow, he is miraculously healed, and finds the inner hero within himself. Yea, there's just a smidge of Covenant here.

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 7:05 pm
by sindatur
One big difference though. Locke has accepted his role in this world from the get-go. Took TC several trips before he accepted his role.

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 8:33 pm
by sgt.null
and one point Locke had a convert, Boone. be interesting to see if he can drum up any more followers? Walt is a maybe, but his dad won't allow.

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 8:43 pm
by sindatur
Plus Walt's been kidnapped. The show is only about 40+/- days a season, so at the age of Malcom David Kelly, they can't keep the actor for very long, without having some kind of crazy time explanation for his real life aging. So, I have a feeling Walt is unlikely to get rescued and rejoin the Losties, they'll just refer back to his being kidnapped by "the Others"


Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2005 4:39 am
by lurch
...The show has at its core,,the struggle with despair and hope . I see locke as different from Convenant ,,but similar to Linden in this way..Locke has a presupposed pov,,or a Belief of the reality of the Island. When what his Beliefs are, don't match the Known reality,,he is a danger to himself and the rest of the Lostaways. His Belief that everything is for a reason,,was shown for its " error" best when he pleaded with Jack to let go so he could be "tested" in the hole of the security system. Locke loosing it when thwarted by the hatch..was another example of him breaking down,,not able to handle it..when his Believed in Reality did not match the Known reality. Locke lied about Boones means of death because it would indicate that he Failed a Test..or more essentially..that his Beliefs caused a death. His Extremism of Hope., Faith, has led him to be blind to Reality. He presupposes what reality is to be,,then edits and construes reality to match his Beliefs. I mean he is so far gone..he knocks out Sayid for attempting to triangulate , thus find a way off the island,,he actually keeps the secret that Walt burnt up the 1st boat,,and perpetuates more lies about the others burning the boat..
...The battle with despair is breaking my heart tho. its obvious to me that my Desire has a Death Wish. Afterall is she not in the classic Donaldson trap? She is in a no win situation. She leaves the island and gets rescued ,,immediately put behind bars. Yet, who wants to stay on the Island? She has no where to run to,,except the ultimate run-away.Its a variant of Lockes situation..she has a presupposed Belief of reality and she makes decisions based on that Belief. .Jack was wise to not let her carry the dynomite. He saw all the signs in her death wish. And she verified her running without putting down her back pack. And now..apparently ,,she is the first to go down the could go on for ever..Its really quite a good show. All sorts of references to literarey and topical items..The show makes one feel and think and thereby find oneself in all the chaos...MEL

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2005 5:20 am
by danlo
I totally disagree w/everything lurch just said :wink:

be that way..

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2005 3:00 pm
by lurch
...OhYeeeaaa!..well,,uumm..eerr...geeeee...hey,we've been having really excellent weather out here in the southwest huh?..See how Lost does tonite at the Emmys....MEL

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 2:30 pm
by sindatur
Watched the DVD set over the weekend. My partner doesn't watch really "deeply" like some of us. So, first I played "Numbers" to drive home the importance of the Numbers, and then we watched the first 3 disks on Saturday, and the second 3 disks yesterday.

I noticed Shannon mentioned her ankles were swelling up while being on the island. Wonder if we'll find out that she's pregnant with Boone's child in Season 2? She definitely is confused on exactly what she feels about losing him.

Can't wait, Wednesday we go inside the hatch. First 3 episodes will be only about 6 hours story time.

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 6:50 pm
by sgt.null
Sin: I await another group of survivors to show up. including Rose's husband and the girl Jack met at the bar.

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 7:08 pm
by sindatur
Yea, there was a rumor that Samuel L. Jackson would be playing Bernard, and they even went so far to make a "trailer" using a scene from Pulp Fiction to reinforce the rumor.
(Rumor has since been denied)

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 7:26 pm
by sgt.null
someone has been hired to play on the show, but he seems too young for Rose's husband. there is a third person I saw pictured. another woman I believe.

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 7:53 pm
by sindatur
Dennis, if you're talking about the Nigerian guy who was also on OZ with the guy who plays Michael, his character has a name and, no, he's not Bernard. He is a mystery.

Several new actors:
Michelle Rodriguez
The Nigerian Guy (Got an A and W in his name, perhaps a d as well)
Cindy Watros (A soap Actress)
A character named Helen (may just be a flashback character for Locke's flashback?)

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 3:31 pm
by Zarathustra
Any thoughts on this season's first episode?
That was a great fake-out opening with the guy in the hatch. We were supposed to think this was another flashback. Then the explosion happens.

What is the connection between Jack and the guy in the hatch? He seemed to have a sense of what was to come ("See you in the next world.")

And how about the fact that a "miracle" happens to Jack's patient/wife which restores her ability to walk? Yet, Jack's nemesis on the island is Locke, who went through a similar miracle. Jack has definitely got some issues with accepting fate and miracles, while Locke accepts them too readily.
Lurch, I disagree with you. It's not her nose, but her shoulders! My god, that woman has got some fantastic arms.

[Edited for those who haven't seen this season's first episode. Damn my American arrogance! ]

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 4:24 pm
by wayfriend
(Should we use spoilers for the non-US Watchers who may not get to see it for a while?)

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 4:38 pm
by duchess of malfi
or perhaps even split this into threads for season one and season two, both marked in the title as containing spoilers? :)

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 4:40 pm
by Cagliostro
I'm normally don't even notice butts, but I have noticed hers.

I like how it began exactly like the first episode of the first season - with the opening of an eye. Powerful beginning, powerful ending.
Only, it was a little disappointing to not get to see what happened with the boat. But mainly it is just irritating to have to wait a week to watch this show again. My addiction is complete.

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 4:59 pm
by dANdeLION
It's her everything. Arms, lips, nose, eyes, butt, freckles; everything. Like Lurch says, she's a gift from God, to us, His faithful flock of heterosexual males.
(due to your horrible, no, evil molestations of grammar, I usually never read your posts, Lurch. But I had to read the Evangeline part, as I'm a male, and I have eyes8O ).

As for the meaning behind the hatch inhabitants, I'm leanig towards the possibility that they are putting the LOST survivors through an initiation process. Whether othey're angels, devils, spies, or a super-secret French installation, with the military/scientific agenda of finding the country a freaking backbone; I don't know. Time will tell, though.