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Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 1:43 pm
by Vargon
Vargon is on the ground i can't change much :P:lol:

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 1:44 pm
by Brother Charn
Charn attempts to draw Vargon out of the battle and into the nearby building (whose doorway concealed him initially). If activating his feat of Strength will help him, he will attempt to place Caamora out of harm at the same time.
If he can manage to avoid the tiger long enough, he will use his Heal skill to stabilize first Caam, then Vargon.

edit ^ that to say v

Charn uses Heal skill to stabilize first Caam, then Vargon, to keep them both from dying.

edit ^ , reverting original plan v (now understanding that we are likely still in peril

Charn attempts to draw Vargon out of the battle and into the nearby building (whose doorway concealed him initially). If activating his feat of Strength will help him, he will attempt to place Caamora out of harm at the same time.
If he can manage to avoid the tiger long enough, he will use his Heal skill to stabilize first Caam, then Vargon.

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 1:46 pm
by Irian
"Sheriff!" Irian cried from the rooftop, with her crossbow trained on him. "Be ye well?"

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 1:50 pm
by Nathan
The sheriff doesn't answer because he's dead. His legs are laying a few feet away from his Torso

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 1:55 pm
by Brother Charn
Action edits above.

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 2:01 pm
by Nathan
Brother Charn stablises both Caamora. While everyone else is dilly-dallying, the new Tiger starts to change shape.

He tranforms before your eyes into a large human well over 12ft tall. This fellow is wearing a full set of plate armour and holding a huge two-handed axe. His long, straight grey hair and black eyes give him a strange appearance.

He starts talking:

"Help your other friend, cleric. We wouldn't want him to die now, would we?"

Charn stabilises Vargon as well.

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 2:04 pm
by Xavier
Xavier sighed at the capriciousness of the gods, and kept his arrow carefully aimed at the huge new stranger from his vantage point on the roof.

"Who are you stranger?" he called, "And what do you intend?"

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 2:06 pm
by Nathan
"I don't have to answer any of your questions. I have saved your pathetic lives. They belong to me now. But prostrate yourselves before me and I may let you keep them!"

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 2:10 pm
by Xavier
"You may be very large my friend, but so is your eye, and my arrow is very sharp, and made of alchemical silver." The rogue put all his strength into keeping his bow drawn and steady.

Now it is true that you have saved us, and believe me, we are not ungrateful. But prostrating ourselves is taking it a little far.

Now I asked a civil question...repay me with a civil answer, or we will be forced to see if you can back your words with deeds."

He looked hurridly round, hoping like hell that Charn had gotten Vargon safely into the building, and feeling a relief that might well be temporary on seeing that he had.

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 2:13 pm
by Brother Charn
Charn dips his head. "Though I be grateful the creature who nearly slew us all be himself slain, I prostrate myself to none save Pelor, stranger. Be it coincidence that our slain foe resembles you in animal form?"

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 2:15 pm
by Irian
Irian kept her crossbow trained on the stranger. The idea of prostrating herself did not appeal to her either. Let this stranger explain what he will of himself.

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 2:19 pm
by Nathan
Charn, Vargon and Caamora are inside the building now, and have closed the door.

"So be it, rogue. You are brave, but foolish. You will all regret your decisions."

The huge man runs and makes a great leap, ending up on top of the same building as Xavier, and standing right next to him. He comes down with a mighty crash and the ground trembles beneath Xavier's feet. Cracks develop in the rooftop, but the large man doesn't fall through.

He whispers something in Xavier's ear.

[we're back in battle time ladies and gentleman. Plans please!]

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 2:22 pm
by Nathan
Xavier whispers something back to the large man, and then he is punched in the face and falls unconscious.


Here's the current state of play: Vargon, Caamora and Xavier are all unconscious but not dying. Irian is on the roof, about 30ft from the large man. Charn is almost directly below her in the building.

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 2:31 pm
by Brother Charn
Charn will cast CMW on Caam, then Vargon, to get them in the positive HP range.
Then go outside to see what death and drek awaits.

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 4:07 pm
by Irian
Fear slowly seeped into Irian as she watched Xavier crumble to the ground. She hoped this creature was unaware of her presence on the next roof over, and that the good brother chose to remain in the building below her out of sight.

She was alone, and feared using her most powerful spells would only draw unwanted attention upon herself...


Vargon told me to flee before he fell. But I can't just leave him, nor the others!!

Casting her mind about frantically, she makes a decision...

[Having drawn the rope up after her when she first scaled the northern building, and in the hopes this creature is unaware of Irian on the adjacent roof, she uses Hide, Move Silently, and Use Rope to get down from the roof and flees towards the apothecary's, hoping someone survived the sheriff's transformation who may come to the party's aid.]

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 6:17 pm
by Nathan
Charn casts Cure Minor Wounds on Caamora, and heals her for 1 damage. She is now conscious but disabled.

Irian attempts to sneak away but is immediately spotted by the large man, who jumps across to the roof of her building and spunches her. She takes 15 nonlethal damage and falls unconscious.

Charn casts cure minor wounds on Vargon. He is now conscious but disabled.

The man jumps down from the roof and then casts a spell on Charn. Charn feels himself paralysed and cannot move!

The man then punches Caamora and Vargon to knock them unconscious again.

Charn is the only one who sees what happens next, and he is paralysed and unable to act.

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 6:26 pm
by Brother Charn
Paralysed, seeing his friends unconscious, Charns eyes fail their attempt at widening in shock at what he witnesses, unable to react but to quail in his heart.
When he himself loses consciousness, he does so with one thought crystallized in his mind - Solaris sempre!