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Favorite Funny Scene

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 6:37 am
by SecondGeneration
Given the overall tone of the books, this is kinda out of place, but there are a couple of times while reading the first chronicles where I laughed out loud. And besides, laughter keep despair away!

My personal favorite is at the end of IEW when Elena & co. have to jump into a ravine and TC won't do it. I get this mental picture of him standing at the edge like a little kid throwing a fit.

TC: I won't do it and you can't make me!

Bannor: Like I haven't heard that one before. *chucks TC*

But of course Bloodguard aren't sarcastic. Out loud.

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 9:44 pm
by hpty603
Pretty much anything Pitchwife said was humorous in some way or another but when he was talking to TC about his storytelling, I found his reactions really funny

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2009 7:10 pm
by Demondime-a-dozen-spawn
There's very little, if any, humor, in the Chronicles, IMO. And what humor there is, is generally an attempt by a character (usually Pitchwife) to relieve the burden of pain after one or another setback/catastrophe, and in general fails - not only within the story, but with the reader.

I can't think of any other author I'm a serious fan of who inflicts such unrelentingly depressing fare.

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2009 7:11 pm
by Demondime-a-dozen-spawn
Demondim-spawn wrote:There's very little, if any, humor, in the Chronicles, IMO. And what humor there is, is generally an attempt by a character (usually Pitchwife) to relieve the burden of pain after one or another setback/catastrophe, and in general fails - not only within the story, but with the reader.

I can't think of any other author I'm a serious fan of who inflicts such unrelentingly depressing fare on his readers.

Well, one passage in FR...

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 7:16 am
by Mighara Sovmadhi
When Linden talks about how confusing Covenant and the Theomach and I think someone else together are.
I vaguely recollect other occasions.

Favorite Funny Scene

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 2:42 am
by SleeplessOne
Pitchwife commenting on Vain wanting to 'ravage' the dromond's foremast is pretty funny ...

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 4:00 am
by Rigel
"Dammit, does everyone on this boat know what we do when we're alone?"

Or something like that :)

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 2:06 pm
by Relayer
Also from FR:
A good part of the scene where TC is drunk

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 11:38 am
by Rocksister
Well, you were specifically talking about the First Chrons, I think, but I seriously can't think of much that's funny in the First ones. Covenant was a bitter man and had not learned to appreciate much in the First Chronicles, and I personally didn't find his vertigo too humorous since I suffer from a severe bout of it myself, and each passage I read about his problem with it made me dizzy. I guess the swim in Glimmermere with Elena, the first swim, made me smile a little. And Foamfollower's joke during their trip, about the Giants drinking the diamondraught and ending a conflict (or something like that), was a little humorous to me. Borillar's comments were funny at times, too, talking about his hard-won flesh and stuff. He's adorable.

> Favorite Funny Scene

Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2009 2:29 am
by SleeplessOne
I find amusement in this bit :

"Amok, knowledge is the way and door of power. The Earthpower answers those who know its name. How great is the power of the Seventh Ward?"
"It is the pinnacle of Kevin's Lore," said Amok slyly, as if he were making a subtle joke.

Re: > Favorite Funny Scene

Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2009 4:12 am
by hpty603
SleeplessOne wrote:I find amusement in this bit :

"Amok, knowledge is the way and door of power. The Earthpower answers those who know its name. How great is the power of the Seventh Ward?"
"It is the pinnacle of Kevin's Lore," said Amok slyly, as if he were making a subtle joke.
You know, I spent at least 5 minutes on my last read through of IEW trying to figure out what that meant and I just now got it...

Re: > Favorite Funny Scene

Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2009 5:37 am
by Rigel
hpty603 wrote:
SleeplessOne wrote:I find amusement in this bit :

"Amok, knowledge is the way and door of power. The Earthpower answers those who know its name. How great is the power of the Seventh Ward?"
"It is the pinnacle of Kevin's Lore," said Amok slyly, as if he were making a subtle joke.
You know, I spent at least 5 minutes on my last read through of IEW trying to figure out what that meant and I just now got it...
Wait, is there really a joke in there?

Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2009 7:10 am
by Savor Dam
The subtle joke has to do with the location of the power of the Seventh Ward.

(sorry, Rigel, if yours was a rhetorical question. 'Tis late and I may be irony-impaired.)

Re: > Favorite Funny Scene

Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2009 6:32 pm
by soft one
SleeplessOne wrote:I find amusement in this bit :

"Amok, knowledge is the way and door of power. The Earthpower answers those who know its name. How great is the power of the Seventh Ward?"
"It is the pinnacle of Kevin's Lore," said Amok slyly, as if he were making a subtle joke.
That IS subtle. I just now got it as well. Jeez... I feel stupid. Just bang it into my head a few times and I'll get it eventually.

Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2009 6:50 pm
by Rigel

(Side note: every time I quote Homer, I get a double whammy craving for donuts. Doh - Donut. Homer - Donut. Hmm, donuts...)

Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2009 9:02 pm
by Ur Dead
Pitchwife the fallen...

Favorite Funny Scene

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 12:08 pm
by SleeplessOne
love this bit too, where Covenant braves the Warder of Ridjeck Thome (whistling nonchalantly as he approaches no less) :
When he surveyed it from head to foot, he met its powerful gaze again, and said with all the insolence he could muster; "Don't tell Foul I'm here. I want to suprise him."

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 2:36 am
by CovenantJr
Savor Dam wrote:The subtle joke has to do with the location of the power of the Seventh Ward.
Good grief. I always read that passage as just Amok being a knowing and crafty little bugger. In all these years, I've never even noticed that joke.
SleeplessOne wrote:love this bit too, where Covenant braves the Warder of Ridjeck Thome (whistling nonchalantly as he approaches no less) :
When he surveyed it from head to foot, he met its powerful gaze again, and said with all the insolence he could muster; "Don't tell Foul I'm here. I want to suprise him."
:lol: :lol: I'd forgotten all about that. One of many reason Covenant's better than-- no, forget I mentioned it. ;) :biggrin:

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 1:12 pm
by wayfriend
In [u]Lord Foul's Bane[/u] was wrote:With his teeth gritted to stop his trembling, he asked, "Who are you?"

As if sensing its mistake, the voice became smoother. "I have had many names," it said. "To the Lords of Revelstone, I am Lord Foul the Despiser; to the Giants of Seareach, Satansheart and Soulcrusher. The Ramen name me Fangthane. In the dreams of the Bloodguard, I am Corruption. But the people of the Land call me the Gray Slayer."

Distinctly, Covenant said, "Forget it."

"Fool!" ground the voice, and its force flattened Covenant on the rock.

Re: Favorite Funny Scene

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 2:54 pm
by High Lord Tolkien
SecondGeneration wrote:Given the overall tone of the books, this is kinda out of place, but there are a couple of times while reading the first chronicles where I laughed out loud. And besides, laughter keep despair away!

My personal favorite is at the end of IEW when Elena & co. have to jump into a ravine and TC won't do it. I get this mental picture of him standing at the edge like a little kid throwing a fit.

TC: I won't do it and you can't make me!

Bannor: Like I haven't heard that one before. *chucks TC*

But of course Bloodguard aren't sarcastic. Out loud.
Here's the actually quote.
It's my pick for one of the funniest lines in the Chronicles too:

"Come!" said Amok cheerfully. "Follow!" His voice sounded over the distant, subterreanean gush of the river. With an insouciant stride, he moved away into the mountain. At once, the gloom swallowed him completely.
Morin glanced at the High Lord. When she nodded,
he leaped into the cleft, landed where Amok had been standing a moment before. He took one step to the side, and waited.
"Don't. be ridiculous," Covenant muttered as if he were talking to the dank, chill breeze which blew out of the crevice. "I'm no Bloodguard. I'm just ordinary flesh and blood. I get dizzy when I stand on a chair. Sometimes I get dizzy when I just stand."
The High Lord was not listening to him. She murmured a few old words to the Staff, and watched intently as it burst into flame. Then she stepped out into the darkness. Morin caught her as her feet touched the ledge. She moved past him, and positioned herself so that the light of the Staff illuminated the jump for Covenant.
The Unbeliever found Bannor looking at him speculatively.
"Go on ahead," said Covenant. "Give me time to get up my courage. I'll catch up with you in a year or two."